A Time Lord's Quandary

by TheManNamedMister


A/N: The prologue of this story will be subpar to some. However, I would like to think that Chapter 1 is a significant improvement.

On June 21st, on the 1000th year after her banishment, Nightmare Moon was freed from her lunar prison.

Twilight Sparkle, along with the help of her friends, pursued the Elements of Harmony to the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters where they were last located. Upon discovering the Elements and reactivating them, Nightmare Moon was banished by the new Element bearers known as Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

Considering who they were up against, everything went smoothly as far they knew. A newly reformed Luna returned to Canterlot with Celestia, Twilight and her friends returned to Ponyville, and the day and night cycles, as well as everypony's lives, went back to normal across Equestria.

Except for the lives of the Element bearers. Things got pretty crazy from time to time for them.

What they didn't know was that for the briefest moment, a small hole was ripped in the fabric of many universes due to the power surge of the reactivation of the most powerful items in all of Equestria.

Unfortunately, it remained long enough and was just big enough for a small ship to accidentally go through.

Three weeks later after the banishment...

Spike was busy in the library unpacking and organizing encyclopedias while Twilight was busy studying and odd book containing some manner of obscure knowledge. Today, she decided to read How a Parasprite Can Eat Four-Thousand Times Its Own Weight. She felt it imperative to learn more about these creatures after the parasprites invaded Ponyville about a week before.

Spike took a glance over at Twilight. She was like a sister to Spike, so he didn't much mind all the work he was usually given, even if it did irritate him a bit that she was reading right in front of him. She didn't even offer to help. He sighed and went back to alphabetizing the obscene amount of encyclopedias in their specific section at the back of the library.

A quick series of knocks at the door and her name being called broke Twilight's concentration.

"Twilight! Open up!," yelled what sounded like Rainbow Dash.

Twilight hurried to the door and opened it up. "Rainbow Dash, what's wrong? Why are you yelling?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"What the hay is that?" she replied while pointing a hoof at the sky.

Twilight looked up and what she saw absolutely baffled her. She and a group of other confused onlookers were looking at what appeared to be a boulder about two-hundred feet above them flying through the air while on fire. Twilight opened her mouth to answer Rainbow's question, but closed it again. She couldn't quite explain how a flaming boulder could fly through the air on its own. Or why it was there in the first place. She'd like to meet the pony who could explain something so...random.

"That thing interrupted my afternoon nap! The pony who's doing that better watch out, 'cause they're in for a world of hurt." Rainbow threatened.

Twilight knew how the pegasus could get when frustrated, so she tried to calm her. "Now Rainbow, I'm sure there is a good explanation for this," said Twilight, simultaneously trying to soothe Rainbow's anger and regain some sort of rationality for what she witnessing occur in the sky. The boulder kept going around in a circle, leaving a trail of smoke behind it. Twilight wasn't positive, but it looked like whoever was maneuvering it was trying to gain some sort of control on the large flying rock.

Suddenly, the boulder changed course and made a beeline toward the library.

For a few seconds, all Twilight and Rainbow Dash could do was stare.

It got close enough where Twilight was broken out of her reverie, and in a surge of panic, she teleported herself and Rainbow Dash about seventy-five feet away from the library. The unicorn was a bit winded at that; teleporting more than one person at a time proved to still be a bit difficult.

The boulder crashed into an upper floor of the library, where Twilight's bedroom was located. Surprisingly, the only damage the ponies could see that was caused was making a hole in the wall. No fire, no explosion, just...a hole. And a rather large one at that.

Rainbow Dash was disappointed; she was hoping for an explosion.

For a moment, Twilight was relieved and let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

But then, Rainbow started to speak.

"Wait a minute," she said, inquisitively, "where's Spike?"

And then Twilight began to hyperventilate. "Oh no! I completely forgot about Spike!" she said, mentally kicking herself for forgetting her childhood friend. She turned to the pegasus, "C'mon, we have to see if he's okay!"

Both ponies ran to the library as fast as they could. They opened the door, and were flabbergasted to find that it was mostly intact. Aside from some debris on the floor from the hole the boulder made, nothing got destroyed in the crash.

Twilight looked to her bedroom and saw the boulder where her bed should be. But that wasn't important right now, Spike was.

She saw his purple leg poking out of a pile of books.

He wasn't moving.

She frantically removed him from the pile of books and laid him on the floor. "Spike? Spike, are you all right?" Twilight asked, her voice quivering. If whoever did this killed Spike, she wasn't going to stop Rainbow from going to town on the responsible pony's face.

Spike began to move

"Uhhh," he groaned. He began to stretch his arms, since he was just woken up from his snooze. The dragon didn't realize who was standing over him since he was still a bit drowsy from waking up. When he did, however, he sprung up to his feet and in a frantic voice said "Oh! Hey Twilight! I definitely wasn't sleeping! No siree! Not me!" He began to pick up books at random and put them on the bookshelf in no particular order like he wasn't asleep at all.

Twilight instantly felt relief and hugged Spike. "Oh, Spike, don't ever do that to me again. You had me so worried."

"Do what?" he said, as he got up off of the floor.

"Act like you just got killed by a giant flaming boulder," Rainbow nonchalantly said as she made her way to the two.

Spike stared at her for a minute as though she grew a second head.

"Why would a flaming boulder kill me?" Spike finally replied, after careful consideration of Rainbow's mental state.

"Did you not see or even hear the huge freaking rock that just crashed into the library right over your head?" she retorted, a bit angry at the realization someone got their nap instead of her.

"No. And since when can rocks crash into things?"

"They can't," said Twilight, "and that's what worries me. C'mon, let's investigate."

Before they began to climb up the stairs, a noise stopped them dead in their tracks. What sounded like a door opening, something falling, and then the same door closing, came from upstairs. They looked at each other briefly and then rushed up the steps.

When they got the bedroom, a strange creature in odd clothing was lying in the center. From what Twilight could tell, he appeared to be unconscious.

For a while, they just stared. An intruder, much less someone like that, wasn't an exactly a common occurrence.

Rainbow recovered the quickest.

"Is that an alien?" she asked in a worried voice to anyone who would answer.

"I don't know," Twilight answered, concerned that whatever it was that was in the center of the room was dangerous. "Rainbow, got get Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity. I'll deal with him," she gestured to the creature on the floor, "while you get the others."

Rainbow gave a quick salute, and rushed out of the house with a determined expression on her face.

Although the thought of an alien right in front of his eyes excited him greatly, Spike took a second to look around at the rest of the library and saw how much debris there was on the floor. He knew he was going to have to clean that up when this alien business was dealt with. The dragon sighed.

"I just can't catch a break these days..." Spike muttered under his breath.