Inferno: Legend of The Fire Horse

by UltimateInferno

Prologue: In Total Darkness

Darkness. Something so simple yet so complex. It's a space with lack of light yet, it's something that's not even explanatory.
What hides in this darkness?

100 AC (After Creation)
"What's going on?" a hushed tone asks.
"Calm brother," A similar voice answers, "We are he to talk of a threat... and that threat is one of our own"
"What!?" another voice exclaimed in a hushed voice.
"I new he was vulnerable," says a rocky voice
"What are we going to do?"
"Quiet. We're here to discuss important --and dangerous-- matters. A lot of the ponies --I fear-- are becoming reckless, they're straying from the good. Becoming racist. When the ponies are more humble, maybe something can happen to help. But enough of that, back to business. Our brother, the eldest of us five, has grown wicked. We can easily turn any creations to ash in one flick of our hand. But a fellow sage, it can't be done."
"The most we could do is split him up."
"But even then it'll be in five pieces, it'll only be stable if we all have a piece inside us."
"Since he's the eldest he'll knock us out when he comes inside us."
"We'll slumber for years, decades, centuries, millen-"
"We get it Hydro, It will take a long time for us to return but we'll still won't be powerful enough to defeat him. "
"We'll need to find a host a soul that will be powerful enough to defeat him."
"Indeed Jord. Iearus you've been awfully quiet. What's swirling in your head?"
"What? Oh, nothing."
"'Kay, all who vote to split and imprison our eldest say 'Aye'"
"Then it's decided. See you my brother in a couple millennia."