Linkin Pony- Recharge

by Kaciekk

Part 47

The next day, the ponies decided they would go to the camp. CharmingRhythm said that they would do better if they kept up the work. They told ThunderCharm they would be there a bit before noon.
HeartFelt came over to the computer desk. A lime aura placed down some paper.
"I hope that those kids are doing okay."
"They are probably fine." BlazingFlair spoke. "I know they really like us...." He then paused. "You should be one of their teachers."
HeartFelt turned over. "What?....No, I couldn't be."
Blazing shrugged. "You do like to write. And you seem to like children. I think you'd make a great teacher."
HeartFelt blushed. "I don't know..." She looked at her paper. "Really, all I'm doing now is taking notes... the more information we have, the better off we'll be."
EchoBeat stepped out into the mainroom. He looked towards the door. "I think we should get going. Feather and Spinning are already there you know. We don't want to keep them waiting."
Just then, HyperBlitz flew into the room. He tapped his hooves down and gazed around. "Lets go!"
CharmingRhythm came behind him and shook his head from Hyper's silliness.

The ponies walked out to the camp. A few ponies met them halfway and followed them. HyperBlitz saw many ponies in the center of the camp, they seemed to be doing well. Some were talking with SpinningNote. A yellow Unicorn looked over to them. She was the one who was teaching the little ponies before. Apparently, her name was SunSwirl. She came to greet them.
"Hello, it's good to see you all." SunSwirl's blue eyes were as bright as the sky from the past. "I hope you had a good trip... SpinningNote said you had a bit of problems."
"Yeah... some..." Rhythm sighed.
"Like what?" SunSwirl asked.
"Well..." Rhythm gazed around.
"I almost died." BlazingFlair said bluntly. "Or did I actually die? So I died and came back..."
"Hey!" CharmingRhythm snapped. "Don't... you might scare some of the children."
SpinningNote stared at him. "Yeah, I thought that was HyperBlitz's job."
"WHAT!" The pegasus yelled.
"Exactly... you;re so loud.... and-" Spinning was cut off.
"We don't need any nonsense." A dark stallion spoke. It was Blackout, a pony that they haven't spoke to in a long time. He gave them hard looks.
Hyper glanced over to one of the building. Many ponies seemed to carry out boxes. He then decided to go check for himself. His gait slowed as he looked inside. A white filly sat on the ground, just staring. A little light was tilted above her, and a water jug to her right. She must have been growing plants. It was the same filly HyperBlitz had scared a while ago.
HeartFelt stepped in too, and watched the filly. "Are you trying to grow things?" She asked.
The filly glared up, with deep blue eyes. "Uh... yes..." She whispered, then looked to the ground. "I'm trying to grow flowers, some of it is edible..."
HeartFelt smiled. "That's good you are trying to help. What's your name?"
"That's a beautiful name."
The filly's eyes moved over to HyperBlitz, and HeartFelt moved over to speak with other ponies. Hyper stood stiff, trying to think what to say.
"I'm sorry about scaring you... I didn't mean too, but sometimes I just panic." Hyper said.
"It's okay." LilyMist replied. "I'm sorry about my Mother. Mama overreacts to things, and is a bit too protective of me."
Hyper came in closer. "You need to respect your mother, she only wants the best for you." Lily nodded, the Hyper sat down by her. "So you are growing plants?"
"Yeah... but I can get anything." She sighed.
"Sometimes you just need a little push." He looked to the light ad water. "Do you have energy?"
"A little." LilyMist held up her hoof, and a small shoe had a orb on it.
"Just use a little bit, and place it on that bud." Hyper directed.
The filly looked at the bud sceptically, the put her hoof over it. The aura of energy was put around it. From the water, light and energy, the little plant seemed to move. Suddenly, the flower bloomed,and white petals formed. LilyMist looked to Hyper with a huge smile
"It worked!" She squeaked.
"You seem to have another surprise!" Hyper bowed.
LilyMist looked over to her flank, and the image of a pink and white flower appeared. "My Cutie Mark! Thank you!" She then hugged HyperBltiz.
He felt odd, and looked around with embarrassment. "Like I said, you just need a little push."
Just then a red mare walked in, and glared at HyperBlitz. He pushed away from LilyMist.
"Mama! Mama! I got my Cutie Mark!"
The mare gasped, and actually gave a smile. "That's lovely sweetie!" But then looked back at Hyper and scolded.
LiliyMist looked up at him. "And I got help from Mr....?"
"HyperBlitz." He tilted his head.
"You? You help my daughter get her Cutie Mark?" The mare spoke in disbelief.
"Well... uh."
"He told me that I just need a little push, and I used some energy on the plant! My talent is growing plants! Like you Mama!" She said with enthusiasm.
The red mare let out a breath. "Hmm... Maybe you can go help some other ponies grow plants." She took her filly with her hoof, and dragged her away, leave HyperBlitz alone. What did this mare have against Hyper?