//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Blizzards of the Morning Eclipse // by MindilsaBreeze //------------------------------// It’s almost as if life really couldn’t get any worse. Possible slightly better, considering how our circumstances are so bad, but the chances of that ever happening in a hundred years is practically zero. At least I know I can live longer than a hundred years, so that could increases my chances, even for a little bit... It may make some sense, since my not-so-dandy life is-was, now that’s all over- filled with responsibilities to take care of my little sister and then to act as the new mother of the cottage after my mother passed away. Oh, and there’s also that crazed old unicorn stallion with the most extreme hygiene problem I've ever seen, and that’s saying something, since our village is not so hot with our cleanliness around here. He wields a starry cloak and a starry hat that’s bent with weight or a large bell at the tip, adorned with even more bells that literally jingle with his every single move. It’s impossible to miss him- a clang, a jang, then shouts of these prophecies about the end of The Era of Dark Winters, overthrowing the kingdom, the two messengers with the silver manes, and so on and so forth. Apparently, I’m in them. We all thought it was impossible- who would think a humble insignificant mare like me could save the world? Well, Mr. Swirly over there thinks so, but basically everypony ignores him and calls him a crazed lunatic. I do too- occasionally. But... I actually think I believe him. So does my sister, which may sound crazy (being that annoying little bastard she is) but it all makes sense once you know. We have a secret. It’s something we’ve never dared to tell anypony, and it’s probably the reason why we’re the center of all of Star Swirl’s prophecies and attention. I’m an Alicorn. So is my sister, Luna. How did we get into this predicament, you may ask? Well, if you want the answer, then we may have to go back a bit...