Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Crossover of consciences : KillJoy and Breaking Dawn

Crossover with 'Three of Me Vs School Society' by Killjoy.

[My conscience Kill writes in the brackets and bolded]
< My conscience Joy writes in these and Italics>
{ I respond in these}


[ My conscience Break writes in these bracket and bolded]
< My consciences Dawn writes in these and italics >
{ I respond in these }

Chapter 53: Crossover of consciences : KillJoy and Breaking Dawn

Graze's POV

It was now morning and I had packed all my bags with clothes, supplies and some school books to study while in PonyVille. I looked at Ditzy who was a bit saddened to see me go, I hugged her and kissed her on the lips," Don't worry Ditzy, I will be fine and safe.... It's only two days."

" I'm going to miss you Graze, it will be awfully quiet in here without you," Ditzy replied.

" I will think of you everyday and hour but I really have to go, the sun is about to rise and the others will be curious if they see me leave," I said.

" Can I at least walk you out?" Ditzy offered.

" I won't rather anypony else."

I opened the door and allowed Ditzy to go first but to my surprise, there were a whole lot of ponies at my front door: Shot, Breeze, Ice, Vine, Light, Dark, Charge, Cross and Legit.

[ Well fuck, so much for stealth]
< Psht, I know right, not even at five in the morning >

" Graze! Why didn't you tell us anything!" Vine exclaimed.

" Yeah buddy, at least a good bye before you go," Dark said.

" Who told you all?" I asked.

Legit walked up and said," Me, I thought your friends should have known if you were leaving forever, by the way, you shouldn't read letters outloud."

I facehoofed," WELL! If you are going to eavesdrop, do it correctly, I'm only going to be gone for two days."

" Oh.....right," Legit said sheepishly.

" Well why are you going?" Ice asked.

" Yeah, what does the princess need from you?" Breeze asked curiously.

" Wow fillies and gentlecolts, I'm sure the princess has to deal with a very important matter only Graze can do, so calm down," Light said.

" And I do! Somepony named Girokon, a pony I went against in a hoofball match with Breeze, you remember him right?"

Breeze nodded," Yeah, him and five other ponies, can't remember their names though.... HA! We knocked out a teacher with a giant paper ball."

" WAIT! THAT WAS THE TWO OF YOU?! SHIT! I REMEMBER SOME PONY TACKLING AN ALICORN!! Don't tell me that was you Graze," Shot said amazed.

I chuckled at the memory," Yeah it was ahahaha, that guy was freaking Light's size .....Also, apparently some magical mishap caused him to have two consciences just like me but he is a bit inexperienced.... She wants me to teach him."

" Ahhh yes, the student becomes a teacher, please tell me more when you come back Graze, I hate to admit it but... I am going to miss you as well," Charge said.

" Where are you going anyways?" Shot asked.


" Ha, Graze, I know you have the tendency to get injured and cause mass confusion wherever you go but take care, I won't be there to fix any broken bones, just be safe," Cross said looking out for the best of me.

Vine was extremely quiet and had an emotionless expression," Vine? Are you okay?"

"....It's fine... I'm just going to miss you that's all..." She admitted with a bit of choke in her voice," Come back safe Graze, I've seen what you can do and what Kill can do... I'm just looking out for you that is all."

I looked at Ditzy who then encouraged me to do what I did best with a motion of her hooves.

I walked up to Vine and looked at her," I promise I will be safe and in perfect health when I come back.... I know you a bit more than anypony here, you can show some emotion in front of us.... it's only natural."

I then hugged the only mare of our group telling her it was going to be okay," Feeling better?"

She nodded and smiled," Well, looks like its time for me to go," I said not wanting to waste anymore time.

I looked at Ditzy one last time for what may be the next two days.

< Awww screw it bro, she is your mare>
[ Yeah, just plant one big ol smooch on her ]

I grabbed Ditzy pulling her into one kiss in front of everypony there.

There were a few giggles and Aww's.

I then released my kiss from Ditzy, placed the scroll on the floor and opened it.

" See ya soon guys! Peace for now!"

Everypony waved their silent goodbyes.

I looked at the scroll and stomped on it, usually, it would be a green flame which would teleport the scrolls but for me, I used some black flames.

[ What? Gotta leave with a bang you know?]

Everypony stood there silent as I was now gone except for Legit," ...... OH FUCK!"

" What's wrong?" Ice asked.

" I should have asked for a souvenir."

I was teleported in the centre of PonyVille by a fountain where ponies would gather and relax.

I scanned my environment at the peaceful scenery as it was still morning no pony to be seen except for a few gathering their supplies to sell.

Some ponies looked different and others were strangely familiar, especially a certain Stetson hat wearing pony.

[ Isn't that AppleJack?]
< Nah, can't be! She is in school remember?>

I trotted over to her stand," Yo AppleJack!"

The mare responded to her name and looked at me," Why ah've never seen you here before, how do ya know muh name?"

" Don't you remember me, it's me Graze, you know, Razor Graze!"

" Who now? You don't even look like you're from here, you're wearing those fancy pantsy clothes.... Wait Ah get it! You must be one of Girokon's friends."

{ How does she not know me? And why is she here?}
[ Beats the fuck out of me]

I looked at her quizically," Uhmmmm Yeah, where can I find him?"

" Ah, he lives way in Canterlot!"


" Uhm, thanks AJ, see ya around I guess," I said awkwardly preparing for flight.

< Wow, the awkward tension was sooooooo tight, you could fuck it>

I flew from PonyVille to Canterlot in only few minutes, scoping the city from above when something caught my eye, two leveled houses and a strange looking Pegasus standing next to it.

Curiosity had gotten the better of me as I flew down to check what happened.

Lance's POV

I kicked a pick of rubble and sighed, "My fucking house is fucking destroyed!"

[Hey man, could be worst.]
{How could this be worst!}
[Well, you could have got your fucking head ripped off!]
[Love ya Dawn... No homo.]
<I hate you.>

I looked over to the second house, my moms, which had a large hole in the side. When she and the Captain got back, they are going to kill me!

"YO, Girokon, that you?" Said a voice that I barely remember.

I turned around to see a very familiar pony, "Hey Graze. I see you found me."

He landed a few feet away from me and began to closely examine me.

[Oh fuck! He's looking straight at me!]

Graze then smiled, "Cool, you do have two consciences, like me. What's their names?"

I tilted my head over to Break, "This here is Break." I then tilted my head to Dawn, "And he is Dawn." I looked at his shoulders and my mouth hung open, "Wait! I can see yours!"

He laughed, "Of course you can, if you can see yours and hear them, then you can see and hear mine."

"Their names?" I asked, still looking at the two mini-Graze's.

He pointed to the one on his right shoulder, "This badass is Kill." He pointed to the other one, "He's Joy."

<Pleasure to meet you> Said Joy.
[Sweet! Yo Break, whats up?] Said Kill.

Break looked dumbfounded for a second before smirking.

[Its been good.] Said Break.
<Its nice to meet you Joy> Said Dawn.

Graze laughed, "I see our consciences are getting along."

I nodded, "Sure looks that way."

[Lance, walk over to Graze, I want to tell Kill something.] Said Break.

I walked over to Graze. When I neared him, Break ran across the air, I didn't know they could do that, and ran up to Kill. He whispered something in his ear and they both snickered.

Break ran back to my shoulder and smirked.

{What did you tell him?}

Break nodded to Kill and they both laughed.

Suddenly, my right hoof came up, followed by Grazes left hoof.

Graze sighed, "Oh shit."

I cocked my head, "What?"

Both of our hooves came up and slapped each others faces.

I stumbled back holding my face, "FUCK! BREAK, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!"

Break was on his back laughing.

[That was great!] Said Break.
{You bastard!}
<Break, that wasn't nice!> Said Dawn.
[No, but it was funny!] Said Break.

I stood up straight and walked back over to Graze, "Sorry about that."

He chuckled while rubbing his cheek, "Its fine, Kill's made me do worst."

I looked at Break, "You better behave!"

[...Maybe...] Said Break with a smirk.

I looked back at Graze, "So, the Princess said you could teach me how to use them, or something."

He nodded, "Yep, I can teach ya easily.'

I looked around at the night, "Can it wait till morning? Its kinda late and I'm sore."

[Pussy!] Said Break.
[I agree with you bro.] Said kill.

Graze rolled his eye at Break, "Sure, I could use a rest too I guess."

I then smiled, "What to meet my wife?"

He looked kinda shocked, "You have a wife?!"

[Oh yeah! She's smoking hot!] Said Break as he crossed his hooves.

Break then made a few pelvic thrust.

[You should have been there when they fucked!] Break said laughing.
<I find that highly immature.> Joy said shaking his head.
<I agree with Joy. Break, don't tell them about Lance's personal life.> Dawn said glaring at Break.

I rubbed the back of my head, "Yeah, you'll like her."

He waved his hoof, "Lead the way. Where do you live?"

I pointed to the rubble, "I did live there."

He looked at it and smiled awkwardly, "Ouch, that sucks. Where is your wife then?"

I pointed down the street, "We're staying at my friends Dali's house."

He shrugged, "Okay, take me there."

[This should be fun!] Break said smirking.

Graze looked at him, "How will this be fun?"

Break smirked. [You'll see.]

Graze's POV

Girokon and I walked down the street reminiscing on the day of the hoofball match," Ahaha hey Giro, remember when we had a food fight in the cafeteria?"

" Yeah, sucks to be those poor bastards to clean it up," Lance inputted.

" Hey, what happened to your other friends?" I stomped my hoof on the floor as I tried to remember," Uhmm... that green one, looked kinda high..... buck, what was his name again?"

[ Come on Graze spell it out] Kill said.
[ Yeah, small baby steps] Break said laughing.

< I think he is talking about Greg> Dawn said to Joy.
< HEY! GRAZE! THE PONY'S NAME IS GREG!> Joy shouted a bit too loud in my ear.
{ Yeah, thanks Joy....}

" Yeah, so what happened to Greg and the others?"

"Well, actually Greg and David is in the hospital, Pinkie Pie is looking after them."


"SURPRISE!" Screamed a very happy voice.

Greg groaned loudly before opening his eyes. He blinked a few times and looked around. He was in some kind of hospital room, with David and Peter in two other beds. He looked to the side of his bed and saw the pink wonder, Pinkie Pie.

He rubbed his head, "What happened?"

She smiled happily at him, "Oh nothing, just Lance and the Prince fought that big meanie and sent him away for ever! You was hurt so they brought you here to rest and to feel better! When I heard that you was hurt, I knew you would want a party when you woke up, so here I am!"

Greg was barely able to keep up with her words, but he knew what she said. He smiled at her, "Thanks Pinkie, but like, where's my weed?"

She cocked her head, "Weed? Oh, there's weeds everywhere silly!"

He chuckled, she just made him laugh, "Never mind." He looked around his bed. Balloons and streamers where placed all around it, but just his bed. "Cool, a party."

David rolled over and groaned, "Do I get a party? I was hurt too."

Pinkie Pie looked at him, "Are you Greg?"

David raised an eyebrow, "No..."

Her head snapped back to Greg, "Then no."

David hung his head, "Awww..."

Greg smirked, "Sucks for you Davy."

Pinkie Pie continued to smile and look at him happily.

Greg smiled, "I get all the bitches."


" Wow sucks to be them," I said.


< Actually, it was because of Greg that we are in this situation> Dawn pointed out.
< And aren't you happy that it did happen?> Joy asked.

" Actually.... because of Greg, I really am happy without Break and Dawn, I don't think we would have survived," Girokon said.

" Survived what?" I asked curiously.

Girokon then sighed and began his story, telling me every detail of the fight.

" Wow, that must have been epic.... I guess that's why Celestia wanted me to help you! Honestly and I am sorry to say without Break and Dawn, you won't have survived."


Both of Girokon's consciences were silent now realising how thin the line of life and death was drawn.

" But for now, let me tell you my story.... there was this alicorn named ShadowBlade -- [ Read Chapters Epic fight, Darkness Falls to Four Vs One for the entire story] "

" WOW! A TRIPLE SONIC RAINBOOM!" Girokon was amazed at my long story.

[ Didn't we just witness a double?] Break said.
< Yeah... Just how powerful is Graze? He took down an alicorn the size of Iron Clad> Dawn said shocked.

[ Yeah, alicorns are tough as fuck! And, well truth be told, we did lose control for a bit] Kill admitted.
< Four of my friends had to take Graze down, poor guy just didn't want to stop fighting that alicorn>

" NecroFlare Boom," I corrected him," And yeah but as our consciences said I did lose control, but something happened....something very special made me gain control over it."

" And what was that?" Girokon asked.

" I saw my mom..." I said," She gave me direction when I was lost... I never knew what my cutie mark meant until a few days ago."

[ That's kinda sad... ]
< Yeah it is but be grateful... We still got our mom right?>

Now it was Kill and Joy who were both silent in there time or mourn over Graze's.... no, their mother.

Girokon stopped in front of the house and opened the door," Welcome to Dali's house."

A light brown mare appeared inside the household and greeted Girokon with a friendly hug and then noticed me," Oh hello... And you are?"

I looked at her," Hey there, my name is Razor Graze."

I then let out my hoof to offer a sign of friendship," And you are?"

As I had let out my hoof she bounced back in fear away from me," STOP! Don't touch!" She shouted in a weird incomplete sentence.

I looked at her quizically," All I wanted was a bro-hoof."

My hoof was still out awkwardly as Girokon quickly put my hoof to the floor," GRAZE! STOP! YOU'RE SCARING HER!'

" WHAT DID I DO?" I said out loud.

" Just...don't touch her, it's against her culture, that only ponies who are very close to her can touch yet alone talk to her," Girokon said.

" Thanks Girokon," Dali said only paying attention to him.

[ So what, am I going to be ignored?] Kill said.
< Calm down Kill, just be a bit more understanding> Joy said to Kill.

< Yeah, we are kinda sorry we didn't mention Dali's culture before, no touchy, no talky> Dawn remarked.
[ Yeah.... I can place my life on the line and bet it too, too know that she is a virgin.] Break announced.

[ Fuck bitches acquire money?] Kill said to Break.
[ Acquire respect!] Break added.
[ FUCK YEAH!] Both of them bro-hoofed.

" So is this your wife?" I asked.

" LANCE! I'M HOME!!" A familiar voice said and entered the room.... A pregnant Twilight.


[ Sweet Mother of Celestia]
< THE FUCK IS THIS!?> Joy shouted wanting to know very much as well as Kill and I what the fuck was going on.

My jaw dropped to the floor as I saw the mare that I knew to be, NOT PLANTED WITH A SEED.

" Graze?..... GRAZE!" Girokon shouted at me.

[ Trying hitting him ] Break said.
{ No, are you mad!}
[ Ugh stop being a pussy and let me handle this ]


I collected two slaps on each side of my face and looked directly at Girokon.

Now collecting my train of thought, I grabbed him with both hooves and carried him outside closing the door in front of the two mares.

I pushed Girokon against the wall of the house and shouted," WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! WHY IS TWILIGHT PREGNANT?! AND WHY DID SHE CALL YOU LANCE!!"

< GRAZE CALM DOWN!> Joy begged.

Girokon struggled from my grasp.


[Breaking Dawn, won't help you against KillJoy] Kill stated turning a leaf of friend to foe.

" CELESTIA HELP ME! IF I DON'T GET ANY ANSWERS....." I raised my hoof now covered in a black flame.

" CALM DOWN! I will tell you everything, can you just please let me go? You are scaring Twilight and Dali, " He asked which I then obeyed and dropped him.

I looked at him bemused," I'm waiting."

Lance's POV

I looked up at him and stood.

Holy fuck! This guy has a temper. What's going on!

<Lance, I think you should explain the dimension thing to him.>

Graze glared at me, "He called you Lance! Why did he and Twilight call you Lance?! And why is Twilight pregnant?!"

[Unless Breaking Dawn Lance!]
{No! I'm going to tell him!}

I gulped, "Well, to start this off. I'm not a real pony, neither are my friends. We came from a different world, which ended. We..."

Graze held up a hoof, "Hold the fuck up! What do you mean, different world?"

I rubbed my hooves together, "Our world ended, and we was given a choice. We chose to come here. Our world was very different from this one."

He put his hoof down, "Go on."

I sighed, "I'll try to explain this the best I can. You see, your not from this dimension, you was brought here. We went to your dimension last time. Think about this, Frederic is married to Princess Luna here, but where you're from, he's not."

[That's a load of crap!] Kill stated as he glared at me.

I shook my head, "No! It isn't! Think about this then, how could I get Twilight pregnant that fast? I've been married to her for two months and she's been pregnant for about seven!"

He rubbed his chin, "Hmmmm, I don't know if your telling the truth, or lying."

I gulped again, "I don't know how to explain this."

<Lance, tell him more about you.>

I nodded, "Well, I'm from a different world, as stated before, and there my name was Lance Greenfield. After I came here, I met the others and we kinda stayed close together. After a while, me and Twilight got married. And well, some crazy shit has happened."

Graze seemed to consider what I was telling him, "So, your real name is Lance Greenfield, and your not of this world, correct?"

"That is correct."

He then sighed, "I believe you, why else would the Princess send me here."

I exhaled, lucky me.

[Awww yeah! Bro's] Break said extending his hoof to Kill.
Kill looked at his hoof and smiled, [Bro's.] They then slammed their hooves together.

I looked at the door, "Do you feel up to going back inside, and tell them it was a mistake?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

We walked back into the house, where Twilight ran up to me and looked me over, "Are you okay Lance?"

I chuckled, "I'm alright Twi."

She looked at Graze and glared, "What was that about?"

He smiled awkwardly, "Oh, I just needed advice, sorry about that."

She shrugged and looked back to me, "I just got back from the hospital, our friends are doing fine."

I smiled happily, "Thank God."

[Thank God? What's that suppose to mean? Its suppose to be thank Celestia!] Kill said a little annoyed.
[Wow man, chill. Its hard to explain.] Break said trying to keep the peace, for once.

Dali looked past us and at the door, "Oh yay! My package is finally here!" She looked at me, "Ummm, Lance, could you get that?"

I chuckled and turned to the door to see a certain mail pony and green pony, "Hey Derpy, hey Cody." I grabbed the package and looked at Cody, "I see you and Derpy are dating."

He chuckled and put a wing over her, "Yep! She's amazing! I'm so glad I ran into her that night."

I smiled and looked at Graze, "Uhhh, Graze? You okay?"

Graze's POV

I was enraged at the sight but my expression was blank,".....You dare call her Derpy... Do you know how much she was ridiculed in my school for that?" I looked at Cody," You dare love a mare and disrespect her with such a name?"

[ Note: In my fic, never was she called Derpy, I planned on sticking with Ditzy since it wasn't confirmed yet thus this outcome]

He looked at me quizzically," Wait what?"

The whole house was quiet, you could have heard the tension.... Yeah it was pretty much that quiet.

[ DUDE DO SOMETHING!] Break shouted.
< HE IS GOING TO MURDER CODY!> Dawn shouted.

" Answer me," I said calmly.

Cody stood up bravely with his answer," I LOVE HER AND HER NAME IS DERPY!"

I snorted a hot breath of air like a bull," Wrong fucking answer."

{ Kill, take over.... No one messes with my mare not even in this dimension }
[ Break, this is something your going to have to learn... To fully take control Lance's body]

What was a white blur to the eyes of Dila and Twilight was actually me tackling Cody.

He guarded his face with his hooves as I repeatedly assaulted him hoof after hoof," WHAT! ARE YOU NOT GOING TO FIGHT BACK?! IF SHE IS YOUR MARE STAND UP FOR HER!"

I stopped my assault on his guarded face and with an enflamed black hoof, I punched straight in his gut.

Cody's mouth open wide as the breath was beaten out of him.


I then picked him up and headbutted him.

< Hey! That's my line!> Exclaimed Joy and Dawn.


It tore me apart from the inside that the mare I had loved was not cheering me on, I was even more enraged.

" NO I WON'T GO BACK TO MY MURDEROUS WAYS!" Cody shouted still conscious. Damn that pony knew how to take a hit.

I stopped my assault on him," Did you just say... Murderous ways?"

He gulped, the once badass Cody who had murdered countless Royal Guard ponies was now scared.

He was about to answer my question when I interrupted him choking him with one hoof. He struggled grasping for air as I flew with him gaining altitude.


He didn't answer.

" YOU CAN'T EVEN SPEAK WITHIN YOUR LAST SECONDS OF LIFE! FUCKING PATHETIC!" I shouted," You ever experienced a Sonic Rainboom?"

He nodded," Good... Because mine is nothing like that, I intend to fucking end you. It's time some pony paid for their sins."

His eyes opened at the sentence and began to flail.

I descended the skies with his body in my grasp as the cone began to form around us and thicken. We weren't even three quarters of the way down and the cone had already formed due to my intense speeds.

" OH SHIT! IS HE ACTUALLY GOING TO DO IT?" Lance asked himself.

"Somepony help Cody!" Ditzy shouted.


Ditzy began to cry as she saw cone thicken scared for her colt.


Lance's full transformation had taken place as he flew towards Cody and I. I wasn't even in full transformation when this happened but I was yet so frustrated.

Lance had finally caught up to us with amazing speeds, tackled me and sent both of us to the ground. He had held onto my body as we landed restricting me," GRAZE REMEMBER! THIS IS NOT YOUR DIMENSION! THINGS ARE DIFFERENT HERE! YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!"

I looked at him, how angered he was," THAT PONY MURDERED?! AND YOU WANT ME TO STOP!"


[ Why isn't he fighting back? ] Break asked.
< He is not angry, he is sad and confused, look at him carefully>

" Okay fine! What about Ditzy!" I shouted with tears as I was now released from my restriction.

Lance looked at me a bit saddened of what I was feeling, his transformation had faded," I'm sorry Graze... This is not your dimension.... She isn't the Ditzy you know... No pony here is the pony you know!"


" Graze..... I'm sorry but you have to let it go.... I know it isn't fair but trust me Cody is a good pony now and he would never hurt her."

I didn't want to make any eye contact for now as I had just experienced a heartbreaking moment... I had lost my marefriend," You sure he won't hurt her?"

" Definite.... I know we've had a stressful day but why don't we get something to eat huh?''

I only looked up at him and nodded silently giving the best smile I could have.

I then followed Lance as we began our trot to a near diner.

As we walked, the grey and blonde mare known as 'Derpy' supported her colt Cody whilelooking at me and asked herself," How does he know so much about me?"

Lance's POV

As we sat around eating in a awkward silence, I rubbed my chest. I can't keep doing this shit.

Graze wasn't looking at Derpy, or Ditzy as he called her, or Cody. He kept his head down and ate silently.

[That was hardcore man!] Break said as he and kill sat on the edge of the table.
[I know. You two need more practice on how to control Lance.] Kill said with a smirk.
[You haven't seen what we can do yet. Wait till you see Raging Breaking Dawn!]

I chuckled at the sight of our consciences talking and finished off my food, "Well, its been a long ass day. I think it would be best if we all just went home."

Cody nodded and shakily stood, "I agree with Lance. Come on Der..." He looked at Graze nervously, "Come on honey." He said taking her hoof and walking out of the restaurant.

I stood next, "You coming Graze? You can stay with us if you'd like."

He sighed and stood, "Sure, why not."

<Thank you Lance for letting us stay at your house.> Said Joy.

I chuckled and dropped a few bits on the table. "And we go!"

[Imitating Photofinish for the win!] Break said with a chuckle.

We left the restaurant and headed for Dali's.

Upon reaching it, he sighed.

I looked at him, "What is it?"

He shrugged, "Nothing, just today's events is all."

I smiled, "You'll get over them. Lets go in, we have some things to do before we can sleep."

Two hours later

"And you'll be sleeping here." I said pointed to a couch in the living room.

Graze sighed and smiled, "Thanks."

I waved him off, "No problem."

He looked at me, "Where are you sleeping?"

I smirked, "Why don't you come see for yourself."

I turned and walked down the hall to Dali's room. I walked in and jumped on the bed.

Graze walked in and chuckled, "So what? You get a bed, big whoop."

I smiled and put my hooves behind my head, "Wait a second."

After a few minutes of waiting, Twilight and Dali walked in, just now getting ready for bed.

Twilight climbed in bed and took her usual spot on my right side, her hoof over my chest. Dali got next to me and snuggled up to my side.

I looked straight at Graze and smirked, "You jelly bro?"

[YEAH! We get all the bitches!] Break said proudly.
{Don't call them bitches Break.}
[Sorry Lance...] Said Break.
[Pussy whipped!] Kill yelled out laughing.
[Fuck you!]

Graze looked at me and shook his head, "What ever floats your boat." He then turned and left the room.

{Now, will you two shut up and let me sleep?}
[Yes, we'll shut the fuck up.]
<You got it Lance!>

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Graze's POV

I pulled out a book on the couch and began to read the texts slowly. My mind was not concetrating as it should be due to the events of today.

I closed my book and placed it beside me," .....Ditzy... I'm coming home soon.... I just need to help Lance..."

[ Don't worry about Ditzy, I am sure she is doing fine with our friends.]
< Yeah bro and also.... she isn't our Ditzy>
[ I think we just need to sleep Graze, we had a long and stressful day]
< Yeah Kill is right.... Try and sleep bro, maybe we can dream our our Ditzy>
{ I hope you guys are right, knowing me I won't sleep at all}