//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Meteor Shower Music // by Son of No One //------------------------------// Men, women and children were pushing, shoving and screaming at the top of their lungs, just your generic town panic attack. As people were freaking out I saw the new girl run out of the building, along with Rainbow Dash at her heals. "Come on Meteor Strike, we have to follow them before Rainbow goes all Rainbow on Twilight", said Rarity, waving for the other to come over, "Come on guys lets go find Twilight!". So thats her name I thought, as Rarity grabbed my hand and started running after Rainbow Dash. We saw Rainbow Dash almost instantly because of the rainbow trail she left behind. "It looks like they are headed towards the library, come on!", I said. As we neared the library we started to hear the loud voice of Rainbow, yelling at Twilight. We burst into the library to hear Rainbow yell, "And how did you know about Nightmare Moon huh, are you a spy?!", as Twilight was backing up, slightly frightened, from Rainbow's advances. "Hey, lay of her Rainbow!", I said as I pulled her away from Twilight, "She didn't have anything to do with her, but she knows what's going on, don't you?", I told Twilight. There was a long pause before she answered, "I read all about the rise of Nightmare Moon, on how the starts would release her from her prison on the moon. According to my books the only things that can stop her are these mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony, but I don't know what they are or how to find them. I don't even know what they do-". "The Elements of Harmony, A Reference Guide", said Pinkie, looking at the book case. "What!? How did you find that?", Twilight said, pushing Pinkie out of the way, "It was under 'E'!", said Pinkie, walking over to us. "Oh...", said Twilight, With a pinkish aura surrounding her hand, she then used her magic to pull out the book and flip to a page. It hurt a little inside, to see her do that as a person who can use magic but is unable to do so. When I was growing up I could use magic about as much as a rock could. "Ok, so there are six elements, the element of laughter, kindness, generosity, honesty, and loyalty. But the sixth element was said to be a complete mystery, and that the last known location of the elements was said to be in the ancient castle of the royal sisters. But as of today that location is known as the Everfree Forest." "So? What are we waiting for, getting those elements is our best shot at defeating Nightmare Moon.", I said, looking around. "Oh, um do we all have to go there its dark and spooky and all sorts of things live in there", said Fluttershy, "Yes we do Fluttershy, we will support our friend and that means we go with her", said AJ. "Ok everybody lets go!", Twilight said as she walked out of the library. The walk to the Everfree Forest was a short one, but we were all quiet and stonefaced, except for Pinki Pie who was giggling about all the way there. As we were walking I noticed we were going towards Fluttershy's house. If Fluttershy is so scared of what lives in the forest, why does she live so close to it ?, I thought, as we arrived at the entrance to the forest. "Weee! Come on girls, and Meteor Strike, lets go!", "Not so fast. Look I appreciate the offer but I would rather do this by myself.". "No can do sugarcube, we ain't gonna let any friend of ours go into that forest all alone. Were gonna stick to you like caramel on a candy apple.", said AJ, walking with me and the others into the forest. "Especially if there are candy apples in there!........What? Those things are good.", said Pinkie following us into the forest, with Twilight following her. "So none of you have ever been in here?", asked Twilight, as we walked further into the forest. "Nope, I've never had a reason to come here", I answered, "Of course not, I mean look at this place, it's dreadfull", said Rarity with a hint of fear in her voice. I walked over to her and put my arm around her shoulder and she started to walk a little closer to me. "And its not natural, it works differently in here than the rest of Equestria", chimed in AJ, "Whats that supposed to mean?", asked Twilight. "Nobody knows", said Rainbow, with a scary voice. Causing Rarity to cower into my chest, while Pinkie and Fluttershy looked at Rainbow with frightened faces. "And do you know why?-" "Rainbow, quit it", said AJ "Because everybody who's ever come into the Everfree Forest, has never came back...OUT!", she screamed, causing Rarity to jump in my arms, Fluttershy to fly into the air in fright, and Pinkie to jump. *RUMBLE* *RUMBLE* As she finished her sentence the ground cracked and gave way, causing all but Fluttershy and Rainbow to slip and fall down a very steep slope, that lead to a cliff. As Pinkie Pie, AJ, and Rarity screamed as they fell, I was yelling, "Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah!!", but as the end of the steep hill was getting closer, I somehow regained my balance, got a foothold and prepared to catch any of the girls if they came my way. I was peering over the edge of the cliff as I heard, "Catch Me!!", I turned around to see Rarity tumbling towards me. "I gotcha!", I said, but the impact she had on me was more than I anticapated and we were both knocked over the cliff. I held on to Rarity who was screaming as we fell, but all I was yelling was, "Shit! Fuck! Shit! Fuck!", as we neared the ground I closed my eyes and held on to Rarity as she held on to me. But after a couple of minutes of Rarity and me screaming as we fell, I realised that we were no longer falling. I opened my eyes and saw that Twilight was holding us up with her magic, and everyone was fine but had smirks on their faces as me and Rarity were holding on to each othe for our lives. "It's not funny guys, you didn't even tell us that we were fine!", I yelled at them as they started to snicker. "What!?", Rarity screamed, "We're fine!? Oh thank Celestia!", she said, hysterical. Twilight levitated us both upright, and placed us both on the ground, "Thank you for, well, trying to save me", said Rarity, still holding on to my arm. "No problem", I said, blushing slightly. As we continued to walk, Rainbow started to brag about something, "Did you see? I was all like Woosh and we caught ya all in the nick of time", "Yes Rainbow, I was there, I remember", said Twilight "And Im very greatful but we-" GRAAAARRRHHH!! "A manticore!", screamed Twilight. The beast had the head and body of a lion, but much bigger, the wings of a dragon and the tail of a scorpion. It roared again as it took a swipe at me and Rarity, we both ducked but I rolled away. "Take that you ruffian!", yelled Rarity as she kicked it in the head. It roared again, this time right in her face, causing her hair to be blown into a poofy knot at the top of her head. "My hair!", she said trying to fix it while backing up. "Hey!", I yelled walking in front of Rarity "Back. The. Fuck. Off!", as I gave him a big boot to the bridge of his nose. He suprisingly backed up, cross-eyed, rubbing his nose. He glared at me and roared once more. "Ooohh, boy", I said backing up. "Waaaiit", said Fluttershy, very quietly. "Yeeeee Haaaaww!", yelled AJ, as she jumped on it and rode the manticore, like a bucking bronco, "Git along little doggie!". "Waaaiit", said Fluttershy a little louder, But then the manticore bucked real hard and sent her flying, "Its all yours parter", said AJ as she skid underneath the flying Rainbow Dash. "Im on it", she said flying past us, "Waaaiit", said Fluttershy a little louder than before. Rainbow had started to form a rainbow colored cyclone around the manticore. But the manticore was quicker, it used its tail to knock her out of the air. She skidded to a stop, groaning at our feet. "Rainbow!,", yelled Twilight, We helped her up and charged the manticore, "Waaaaiiiitt!!", yelled Fluttershy, who stood between us and the manticore. As we all stopped running, she turned and walked towards the manticore, who started to take a swipe at her. "Shh shh, its ok", she said rubbing the manticore's other paw. Making a pained face, the manticore showed her his left paw's pad, inbedded in it was a big purple thorn. "Oh you poor, poor little baby", "Little!?", said Rainbow, "Now this may hurt just a little", Fluttershy told the manticore. She grabbed ahold of the thorn and with a big tug, she pulled it out of its paw. The manticore picked up Fluttershy and roared in her face, "Fluttershy!", we all screamed, but our cries were unecasary because it started to lick her face, not eating or biting her at all. "Oh you're just a big ol' baby kitty cat, yes you are yes you are", she said like she was talking to a baby animal. We all smirked at how she was dealing with the manticore, and walked around them. I put my arm around Rarity's shoulder as we started on our journey again but Twilight stopped to let Fluttershy catch up. "Auugh, my eyes need a rest from all this muck", said Rarity, as it started to get darker as the moon was hidden by the trees, "I didn't mean that literally", as she held on to my arm tighter. "That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even see it!", Twilight said with a worried tone. "Oh wait", said AJ "I think I stepped in something", "Aaaaiiii", screamed Fluttershy "What? Its just mud", responded AJ as she turned and noticed why Fluttershy screamed. A giant very frightening looking tree. Opon seeing the she backed up with the rest of us, were we started to look around and notice we were surrounded by these trees. All of us but Pinkie Pie, whowas laughing and making faces at the trees. "Pinkie! What are you doing, run!", shouted Twilight, "But girls don't you see," she said begining to sing "When I was a little filly and the sun was going down..." "Tell me she's not...", said Twilight "The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown..." " She is", answered Rarity "I'd hide under my pillow From what I thought I saw But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way To deal with fears at all" " Then what is?", said Rainbow "She said: "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall Learn to face your fears You'll see that they can't hurt you Just laugh to make them disappear. Ha! Ha! Ha! So, giggle at the ghostly Guffaw at the grossly Crack up at the creepy Whoop it up with the weepy Chortle at the kooky Snortle at the spooky And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh... Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuugh!", She finished singing and we all started to laugh, as we continued on looking for the elements. As followed Pinkie around a corner I started to hear the sound of rushing water, and we all stopped as we saw it. "How are we going to get across this?", said Pinkie as we all looked at the water, which was churning up very big waves. Thoughout the air we started to hear something that sounded upset. "Is something crying out here?", I asked "Only one way to find out", said Rainbow, as we all started to follow the sound of the crying. We eventually found the source of the crying, also we found the source of the waves. The thing crying was a very large sea dragon, "Excuse me sir, why are you crying?" Twilight asked the beast, "I was just sitting here minding my own business when all of a sudden this cloud of tacky purple smoke zoomed by and chopped off part of my glorious moustache. And now I look simply horrid!", he answered, splashing back into the river, making a giant wave that soaked us all. "Oh gimme a break", said Rainbow "Thats what all the fuss is about?" said AJ "Why of course it is!", said Rarity, unlaching herself from my arm, "How can you all be so insensative", she said walking towards the dragon,"Oh you poor baby, look at your luminescent scales" "I know", he sniffed "Your expertly styled hair", she said "I know" he responded running his hand through his hair "Your fabulous manicure" she told him "Its so true!" he said "All ruined without your moustache" said Rarity "Its true Im hideous!", he shouted, throwing his arms around his head "I will not let a crime against fabulosity go unpunished!" said Rarity. She then ripped off one of the beasts scales and held it up. "Rarity-" I started *SLICE* [Gasp] Rarity had sliced off allmost all of her hair, it was now about above her neck. She used her magic to attach the hair she had cut off to the cut side off the beasts moustache. "Oooh, my moustache! How wonderfull", he said, posing in different ways, "I think you look smashing!" Rarity told him "Rarity, your beautiful hair", I said, running my hand through her now shortened hair, "Its ok" she said, looking at me "Short hair is in this season, besides it'll grow back" "So would the moustache" Rainbow told Rarity "Well then I guess Im in with the crowd" I said pointing to my now almost shoulder length, messy brown hair, making her giggle. "Look we can cross the river now!" said Twilight "Allow me!" the beast said, making a bridge for us to cross, using his body. As we continued through the forest Twilight suddenly ran ahead, "Look every one! Its the castle where the Elements of Harmony are kept, we're here!" shouted Twilight,she was about to run off when I noticed something. "Woah, woah, hold on Twilight, the bridge is out", I told her, "Now what?", questioned Pinkie "Duh!", said Rainbow flapping her wings then flying across the bridge "Oh yeah!" said Pinkie As we watched Rainbow Dash fly down the cliff, grab the other end of the bridge and fly back to the other side. Suddenly we saw a very thick fog roll in very quickly over were she was standing. I couldn't see very good through the fog but what I did see was Rainbow talking to what looked like the Wonderbolts, but with darker colors. "Rainbow!", I shouted She and the "Shadow Bolts" turned my way, but the middle one waved her hand and the fog blocked the rest of my view. "Rainbow!" we all shouted, but we heard no response. After a couple more minutes I started to get worried Were are you Rainbow?, As if she read my thoughts she came flying back with the bridge being tied so we can walk across it. "See? I never let my friends hanging", she said, as we continued across the bridge, "Well looks like we are at the end of our journey", I said pointing to some stone spheres on an obilisk. "Those might be the Elements we are looking for", As we all ran over Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew up and retrieved all the spheres from the statue and placed them in front of Twilight. "1,2,3,4, oh theres only Five!", said Pinkie "The book said that when the five elements are present a spark would cause the sixth element to appear", Twilight said, kneeling down to look at the elements. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?", said AJ "Im not sure but I have an idea. Stand back." she said, putting her hand in the middle of all the elements. As she put her hand in between the elements she started to concentrate and a pinkish aura appeared around her hand. "Come on ya'll, she needs to concentrate" said AJ, We all followed her down the stairs, but I stopped at the top. I turned around only to see a tornado pick up the elements, "Twilight the elements!", I shouted as I ran over and jumped into the tornado, along with Twilight. I came to pinned to a wall at my wrists and ankles, as I struggled to free myself I heard the familiar voice of Nightmare Moon. "You thought you could defeat me? But now you shall loose your precious princess and the sun. Night shall last forever! Hahahahahahahaha!", while shards of what looked like the elements, littered her feet. As I listened to her rant I got angrier and angrier, but I also felt, and heard, a strange crackling sound. What the...?, I looked at my right hand and saw that it was crackling with some kind of electrical energy and it seemed that I was drawing it out of thin air.Maby, just maby... I thought. "Hey BITCH!", I yelled. Nightmare Moon turned around, "You dare-", she started "EAT IT!", I yelled as lightning streaked from my hand and struck her square in the chest, sending her flying to the other side of the room. As she struggled to her feet, I heard the voices of the others fill the room. "Twilight! Meteor Strike!" they were calling as I saw their shadows in the stairwell leading up here. "Meteor Strike!" shouted Rarity, noticing me pinned to the wall as they all ran in, my hand still sparking and crackling. "You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony? Well you're wrong because the spirits of the elements are right here!", she shouted as the others walked in. "What?", Nightmare Moon shouted in confusion, still struggling to get up, as the element shards rose and separated to each of the girls, minus Twilight as she started to glow. "Applejack, who reasured me when I had doubt represents the spirit of Honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents the spirit of Kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger represents the spirit of Laughter! Rarity, who calmed the sorrowful sea dragon with her gift represents the spirit of Generosity! And Rainbow Dash who could not betray her friends even for her life's goal represents the spirit of Loyalty! And the spirits of these five girls got us through all the challenges you threw at us!" "But you still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!" said Nightmare Moon "But it did work. Upon seeing Meteor Strike's electrical abilities to protect me and hearing the voices of the girls, the spark was inside me as I realised that you are all my my friends!", she said, looking around As she finished each one of the girls shards formed a necklase arounf their necks, while above Twilight a sixth stone sphere apeared and lowered itself on her head. It glowed very bright for only a few secconds as it turned into a crown. "You see Nightmare Moon", Twilight continued "When those elements are ignighted by 'the spark' that resides in all of us, it brings forth the sixth element, the element of Magic!" They rose into the air, as each one of them began to glow, each one of their necklacess began to produce some sort of energy that connected to Twilights crown. The energy then formed a rainbow colored beam that shot at Nightmare Moon. It struck her with an incredible force, causing a shockwave that pinned my head to the wall, smoke was surrounding Nightmare Moon but there was no movement. As the girls levitated back to the ground they started to converse about their necklacess. I tuned out because I was more focussed on trying to free myself, my hand was still sparking, when I heard a voice "Indeed you are", it said Whoever said that also made the sun rise and entered the building in a ball of light. As the figure stepped out of the light I could only think of one person who could make the sun rise. "Princess Celestia", I said as the ball of light faded. She was wearing a flowing dress and was adorn with what I believed to be her royal jewelry, while her long flowing hair billowed out behind her. "Princess!" said Twilight walking over to her "Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student" the princess said as she gave Twilight a big hug, "I knew you could do it" "But you just sid it was an old childrens tale" said Twilight "Haha" the princess laughed lightly "I told you to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon and knew you had the magic inside to defeat her, but you were only able to produce the magic until you let true friendship inside your heart. Now only if someone else would do the same. Princess Luna". Only when she said her name did I look over and see the princess of the night lying on the ground surrounded by the armor of Nightmare Moon. "It has been a thousand years since I have seen you, and it is now time to put our differences aside us. We were ment to rule together little sister". "Sister?", we all said in confusion "Will you accept my friendship?" the princess asked her The princess of the night looked around then stood up. She was wearing a dress similar to Celestia's but it was a midnight blue color and had shoulder length blue hair. "I missed you so much big sister!" she said running over and hugging her big sister, starting to cry "I missed you too", Celestia responded "Im terribly sorry to interupt, but im still pinned to the wall, and my wrists are starting to hurt" I said Both princesses looked up, while Luna blushed and looked down, princess Celestia walked over and undid the shackles holding me up. "You must be the one who possesses a special ability" she told me as I landed, "Me? Possess a 'special ability'? I wasn't able to use magic my entire life until now.", I told her "Because, if what you've seen doesn't give you a clue, it shall only activate when danger is present. But if you learn to control it, it could be used as, for lack of better words, a shield or a sword" she said motioning to my hand with had ceased sparking. "But how?" I asked "Even I do not know, but what I can tell you is now that it has awakened inside you you can use it only if you concentrate, like if you were using magic" she told me. "Huh, is that why she shackled me to the wall?",I said looking at my hands in wonder. "She must have sensed it the moment she saw you, just as I did", she said "This reunion calls for a PARTY!" Pinkie said "You are most certianly right", said princess Celestia as she teleported us back to Ponyville. -------------Several Hours Later-------- The whole party went by in one big blur, all I could really process while I was thinking about my new powers, was that princess Celestia announced to the whole town that her little sister had returned to rule over the night. Taking off my shirt, I jumped into my bed, thinking about my powers while looking at my hands, wondering what else I could do as I drifted off to sleep.