Normal is Relative.

by Bananaroni

1. Cage

   They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 
   But they do say a lot of things. 
   Like 'It will get better' or 'There's many fish in the sea.' All these are are old clichés made to help us feel better about ourselves. 
   But how can you when you're trapped in a cage.
   Why are you trapped? Alone? Is it due to something you did? Maybe. But what if that something you did couldn't be controlled? What if it just, you know, happened? 
   But you are punished for it, non the less.
   Well, maybe punish is a strong word. Put through intense labor may be a better term. Well, that is exactly what it is. 
   So yes. You are mistreated for being... You. What are you? Well, look down. You see a bipedal creature, don't you? Yes, you are, indeed, one of them. You are a human. A fascinating human. Whose society was run by the voice of one spread by many. Where lies, over time, become truth. Where the only magic was your heart still beating after a nights sleep.
   But evolution has took its tool on you all. Well, not a human, specifically. But on another creature. Equines, actually. Ponies, to be specific. They've taken over like the Apes in those movies except with more peace (and a lot of magic) Yes, through ways that would shatter scientific theories, these ponies evolved into 3 separate forms. Unicorns, who some how wield magic,  Pegasus, who can fly due to a very lightweight structure, and the normal earth ponies. Well, normal all depends on how you see it.
   Does being able to talk and being able to come in close to any color imaginable qualify?
   But that was a long time ago. Way before even your great grandparent were born. Long story short, these ponies grew sentient and built great cities, ditched electricity for magic, and in-slaved the human race for labor and other needs, such as being a pet.
   You are one of what they would call pets. You have learned to speak like the others bred to be... Well, pets.
   Having a human as a pet was a status symbol, especially around Canterlot. You, like any other human, cost a hefty amount of bits. Anyone who can afford you would probably be on the top of the food chain in terms of money. The slaves, who were rarely thought to speak, were a dime a dozen. 
   But, as said, not you. You are bred to be 'cute.' To look good. You are also bred for intelligence. No, no human is even close to pony intelligence, as most do not have enough access to books, but most are trained, by the shelters that hold you, to be, simply, butlers. Do as you are told with no exceptions. 
   And, you by all means are no different. You, though, are different as you are a higher dollar then most due to your unique mutation in which your eyes are both different colors. Ones a gold that seems to shine and the other's a blue that could make one feel like they're ankle deep in water. They are your most prominent feature, aside from your blond hair that makes you whole.
   But you are a runt, you heard them say. You are smaller then all the others. Not a dwarf or midget, no, but at 5"3, you are definitely not normal. Well, again, that's all I'm the eyes of the beholder.
   Now on with the story, away from the back round.
   It was a normal day in the shelter for you in the outskirts of Cantelot. You lie down on the poorly made cot provided in your 10x10 area. It feels like a prison cell. It is dark and stinks of feces and such. I owners of this shelter are old and rarely clean were you and the others stay. It's a terrible way to live, and you wish that you could be a slave, as they get regular feedings, not the rare feedings here. 
   No one in this shelter talks much. No one ever comes to adopt or take anyone home. It's a wading pool for death. You always curl into a ball in the dark cell of yours, hoping for something or someone to take you from this hell. But it never comes. Because life just isn't fair, is it?
   The day goes by with the growls of empty stomachs filling the air as the only audible sound. That is until the squeak of a door is heard and light- precious light- fills the eerie room. The light let's you see the faces of the others trapped and bond to this unholy hell. Their faces are skinny and show of malnutrition and days without food or water and the dirt and grime show from weeks- maybe months- without a washing. Everyone jumps up and stated at the figures in the doorway. You do as well. You see 3 figures, not the one that would come for feeding. They step closer and you see the face of the owner and 2 new ones, but one isn't a pony. It's a baby dragon with scales of purple and green. The other new one is a pony of pure white and a well pampers mane and tail of different shades of purple. You retreat back into your cot. You have never had any luck in the years you've been here. You are too small, you hear some say. Some even say your eyes are hideous. You curl back down on your cot, shielding away your eyes so you hear no more insults. 
   You hear the two new ones talking about some pony named Twilight. The dragon, presumably, is picking out which one to get, while the pony, again, presumably, is asking for the price. You overhear the male voice, probably belonging to the dragon, saying that this will be the best gift ever for that Twilight. The feminine voice agrees. 
   The dragon turns down many of the 'inmates,' and you see for just a second him walking right past you. The pony, who you just know realize is a unicorn, stops at you, though. She calls over the name Spike, which is probably the oh so original name of the baby dragon. She calls you over in a sophisticated, yet soothing, voice. "Come here, darling. It's ok."
   You only lift your head up to see them. You hear a gasp. You quickly shield your eyes from view, hoping to not get another insult. 
   But what comes is nothing you would've excepted. 
   "Your eyes are amazing, darling! Aren't they just wonderful, Spike?" the pony cooed.
   "Yea! They're awesome! You think Twilight would like this one?" said the Dragon.
   "I do think so, indeed! Mister, how much is this one?" she asked.
   The aging owner answered. "450 bits, ma'am."
   "That is a lot of money. But it is for a friend and I am the Element of Generosity! I'll take him!"
   You couldn't believe your ears. You're getting out of this hell-hole! The owner unlocks the cell and puts a dreaded leash on you. He goes over how you are trained in everything, and you give examples by answering 'Yes ma'am' and 'Yes Sir' a few times. You get walked outside by the baby dragon as the pony stays behind to pay. The dragon starts to talk to you. "Do you have a name, dude?" he asks.
   You do not know how to answer. You were given numbers as a name at a young age, and that was your identity for as long as you remember. But, you know that you could not use numbers as a real name. But, you use them as your answer anyway. "My name is 289403, sir."
   "That's not a name! That's just numbers! Oh, how about Blondy! Or Gold! Or Blue! Oh, I don't know, Twilights going to have to name you!" as he finished saying that, the pony walks out. 
   "Come on, Spike! We will miss the train!" she says.
   "Oh yea! Come on, dude! Let's go!" he tugs on the leash. You obediently do as he does, and you three rush to the train station.
   You three bored the train with a few stares. It was odd to see such a dirty human in fancy Canterlot. You sit across from the two who got you, hands folded across your lap. "Spike here tells me you have no name, huh?" the white unicorn says. You are dumbfounded how the dragon could have said anything without you knowing. "Don't worry, you'll have a name soon enough. Mines Rarity, and this is Spike," she pointed to the dragon in which you already knew his name. She starts to talk about who you will be going to. That Twilight pony. He is apparently the Princesses own student, which worries you. One mishap and you can be killed. This pony, who is a unicorn, lives in a hollowed out tree which doubles as a library. She is also one of the Elements of Harmony. You are getting real nervous as  to how powerful she seems to be. 
   Rarity then tells you why they bought you for her. She apparently rather stay inside and read all day, and is fascinated by humans. So, as a gift, and being the Element of Generosity,  Rarity suggested to Spike to go to Canterlot and get her a human. Which just to happens to e you. 
   You doze off a bit during the story, and she sees this. She chuckles a bit before stopping her talking. Your eyelids grow heavy and you struggle to remain awake.
   But you just can't....