//------------------------------// // Aptur fur // Story: Pirate Dash's shippang adventure // by Mysterious Troll //------------------------------// Aftur her tim with Fluttershy, Pirate Dash desided to continue her search. Then she seas Rarity with a blue hilight who juts defeated a metear. Pirati Dash hen says to Rerity, “Wow, you just stopped a meteor. Where did you get the power to do that?” Raritea, who was saprised to see Piret Dash, answerd “That is not important. What are you doing here Darling? You could have been hurt very badly. And don’t you have a ship to lead?” Piate Dash responted buy saiyan, “I do have a ship, but Bookworm is leading my ship while I look at alternate romance options.” Raridy antsers with thu expected response, “I simply don’t have time. Between saving the world and making dresses, I’m booked.” Pireta Dhash promptlee says, “Okay, I shoulda figured that you having freetime would be quite the…Rarity.” And thar goes more groning with an aded bonus of Appljack getting mad at PD for plagiarism. Rarity then continues what she does.