//------------------------------// // It's simple, the "Muramasa" is the demon sword. // Story: Xero's After-the-Final Fight // by The P Co //------------------------------// *WARNING* TITLE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CONTENT OF THE CHAPTER */WARNING* Zooming through the rocky tunnels, Xero raced towards the light from the surface, a swarm of Skulltulas from the LoZ series were chasing him, shooting 2 at a time, 6 at a time, 100 at a time, and they kept coming, the Aeroblade was being repaired, so he couldn't use his Mach 5 boost. Things were hectic, he thought back to how the day began. <> Waking up to the sound of his name and being shaken enough to lose control of his voice, Xero knew something was wrong. Rainbow Dash was panicking. "Ra-a-ainbo-o-ow Da-a-ash, sto-o-op fu-ucki-i-ing sha-aking me-e-e." Xero managed to form a somewhat coherent sentence. "Xero, come quick, Rarity is in major trouble with underground monsters!" Dash explained, grabbing the man and pulling him off of the cloud. "Rainbow Dash, that sounds fucking stupid, where is this happening?" Xero's statement went from skeptical to accepting in the span of a second. "Follow me." Dash instructed. "No, tell me where it is." Xero re-iterated his point. "It's in the no-body lands, the space behind the Canterlot mountain range, it's little more than flat ground and more stray mountains, come ON!" Dash informed. "Alright, race you there." Xero challenged, boosting off at super-sonic speeds. He did that a lot, yet he didn't flap his wings much, if he did so he would be doing Sonic Whatever-boom-he-had-Booms all the time. Rainbow zoomed off to reach her destination, she had been getting faster too. Taking a few seconds to stop by his town-house to leave a note and a map for Scootaloo in case of emergency, Xero still reached his destination in a small amount of time. Using the Dime Breaker to stop immediately over the space, re-directing his spins to make himself descend, he dropped to meet the group. "Okay, so, here's the situation, Rarity has been taken by these creatures called Diamond Dogs." Twilight debriefed. "Everybody's best friend." Xero laughed at his joke, the funny part was that, diamonds are a woman's best friend, and dogs are a man's best friend, so together, they would be universally loved. "Far from it, they're greedy creatures, and mostly useless too, they hoard gems for the sole purpose of nopony else having them." Twilight explained. "Roight, so, is that one there?" Xero went posh for a second and pointed out the figure about 20 meters away. It was, indeed, a Diamond Dog. "Get it!" Rainbow Dash piped up, joining the group again. Xero gave himself a boost, he overshot his target by a LOT. The Dime Breaker was still recharging, and he needed to stop fast. Using the Aeroblade to stab the ground, Xero found that it was dirt below him, he slowed down by a noticable amount. That's when it happened. The dirt immediately turned to stone, the blade of the Aeroblade broke, Xero smashed his face into the stone, dazing him greatly. He was hurting and disoriented, smashing your face into solid stone would do that, he dismissed the Aeroblade to be repaired. Stumbling in the wrong direction, his eyes having stopped working temporarily, he went quite a ways away before his full vision returned. Looking around, he found himself surrounded by flat stone plains, nothing else, no landmarks or anything. Bringing up his GPS, he found it unavailable, his satellite was under robotically performed maintenance. He was lost, with no way of knowing how to return home. Walking for several minutes, the tall-ish man found a hill that opened on one side into a cave. Entering carefully, he knew all the things that could be in caves, floating blocks and blue goombas, Jebus-spiders and Skull-spiders, lots of strong pokemon, and a googolplex of Zubats. Reaching into the depths, Xero turned on his night-vision, he also thought what else could be down here, zombies, drougrs, skeletons both moving and not, more spiders, lost species, fucking bugs the size of his head, creepers from Minecraft, infected from Left 4 Dead, and more. He turned to leave when he heard it. Skulltulas. A fuck-tonne of them. <> Zooming through the rocky tunnels, Xero raced towards the light from the surface, a swarm of Skulltulas from the LoZ series were chasing him, shooting 2 at a time, 6 at a time, 100 at a time, and they kept coming, the Aeroblade was being repaired, so he couldn't use his Mach 5 boost. Things were hectic, he briefly thought about how the day's events led to this within half an hour of waking up. He was nearing the exit, but the Skulltulas were nearing him, he ran as fast as his master-ninja feet could take him, but the octo-pedal monsters kept up with him with ease. He heard a few gunshots, the creatures thinned out somewhat, entire lines of them being taken down, Xero saw why. Scootaloo had come to his rescue, the Cappers, with their extreme penetration capabilities, especially with the high grade of the calibur and the low grade of the targets, she took down entire rows of the ghouls with every well-placed shot. Xero flapped his wings to speed up, he grabbed his sister when he crossed the edge of the cave's mouth, the 2 shot off into the sky. Flying far away, home, Xero and Scootaloo wanted to put the events that had just transpired behind them. Xero was tempted to make it rain on the no-pony's land. Rain gold. Liquid gold. He was going to piss on it from the fucking sky it isn't that hard to figure out damnit. YOU'RE NOT STUPID, FIGURE IT OUT! <> Xero was working on shit that needed to be done. His weapons were all in tip-top shape, his armor was perfectly fine, undamaged, fully functional. Everything was fine, he was making sure it stayed that way. With engineering and mechanic skills even a german would envy, he made sure everything was going to stay functional. Standing up and stretching when he was done, Xero took a quick stride through the sanitation chamber, which was shaped like a metal detector, he was cleaned of anything that wasn't supposed to be there. Taking off into the sky, he thought. Xero was prepared for anything, almost anything, almost anything under normal circumstances. He had added that last part after his experience with the Skulltulas, if he hadn't been still slightly dazed and also had his boost working, he could have easily escaped and/or killed all of the monster abominations. But circumstances get in the way of things. Pouring on the speed, he flew around just for the hell of it, he had abused technology to get infinite electricity, using a super high efficiency carbuerator in his body, he would recharge with motion, I think you can see how this is infinitely useful. He checked the time and date suddenly, he had stopped paying attention to the passing of time, the draining of the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. It had been a few hours since the incident with those Skulltulas, he would have to go back and slaughter them all. He felt the emotions flow through him, never taking a tangible form, heat and cold, comfort and pain, everything and nothing, something and anything. Xero flew back to the nopony's land and killed everything that lived there. Everything. Now it was just the Dead-Lands. His perception was up 10 fold. Sailing through the skies, he found that day had turned to night, and night was turning back to day. Returning home, the bluish-black with white highlights haired man just walked upstairs, laid down on his bed, and fell asleep immediately. <> Awakening in his room, under the covers this time, Scoots must have moved him while he was asleep, she was a good pony like that. Haphazardly tossing off the blanket, Xero went about his morning routine. Get up, go to the bathroom, relieve self, clean self, decide whether or not to shave, leave bathroom, get dressed, go downstairs, make breakfa-. Breakfast was already made. Scootaloo must have made it, it had a somewhat messy quality that only came with enthusiasm. 'Trying to get those cutie marks still, heh heh, kids, they're always trying new stuff.' the thought went through his mind. 'Heh heh heh, ha ha ha, HA HA AHAHAHAHAAAAAA!' the laughter turned insane for a few seconds, he stopped. "Ugh, I need something to eat." he pondered aloud, he turned to the table to find a plate set out for him. Written in fine lines of butter on a small stack of pancakes, was a message. 'Cooking cutie mark is a no-go, cooking is NOT my special talent, bro, but here are some pancakes and stuff for you.' Xero took a note to thank the little filly later, he ate his food messily and without manner. After practically scraping the plate's contents into his mouth, he chugged down a somewhat cold glass of orange juice and a somewhat cold glass of milk. Obviously the meal had been made some time ago. Checking the clock, it was 9 o'clock in the morning. Taking off from the back alley, Xero simply went about his day, flying the time away. It was simple, normal (normal enough, at least), peaceful. Something he wanted and needed. Something away from the heat of battle, the chaos of fighting for his life, the bloodlu-... ... ... ... ... the bloodlust of killing. It was something he lived for, the joy of murder, of taking lives, of snuffing out the fires of existance, of destroying bodies, shredding skin, crushing bones, making blood pour in waterfalls. Waterfalls of blood. Bloodfalls? 'What am I doing?' Xeor caught himself before he pulled the trigger, he realized what he has about to do. He was about to fire the Blue Death at a busy street intersection. Dozens of ponies, innocent beings, dead. He dismissed the Blue Death and flew far away from Ponyville. It was time to explore. <> Travelling through the skies, Xero looked at his map. He had seen Canterlot, Manehattan, Las Haygas, Los Pegasus, Seaddle, Neigh York, and a lot of other places. The land of Equestria ran wide and dug deep. He turned to fly home again when he saw it. He hadn't been paying attention to the passing of time, it had been a week, he briefly wondered how he didn't notice, followed by wondering how worried everypony must be, he saw a train passing below, deciding to hitch a ride, he landed on top. He hit the roof a bit harder than expected, climbing down equally as loud, he opened the door to the car. He froze at the sight. 7 pairs of eyes looked back at him. <> The Mane 6 and Spike were travelling to Apploosa to give a tree to Applejack's cousin Braeburn at the Sweet Apple Acres Apploosa branch. They were travelling there via train, because they were delivering a FUCKING TREE AND TREES ARE PRETTY DAMN HEAVY. They were chatting idly, filling in the time with words. "...and that's why half of the food supplies in Canterlot castle are things to make cakes with." Twilight finished her story that I'm sure a few readers would like to hear the full version of. "Wow, who woulda known tha-" Applejack was cut off. *BANG MOTHERFUCKER THIS SOUND IS LOUD* "What in the name of fuck was that." Rainbow Dash querried in her infinitely un-eloquent speech patterns. *CLACKA CLACKA CLACKA WHY IS THIS SO LOUD?* *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK THERE IS SOMEONE AT THE DOOR ANSWER IT DAMNIT KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* *THE DOOR IS OPENING, this isn't actually loud at all* Xero opened the door. XERO opened the door. He had disappeared for a week, and suddenly he was hitching a ride on this train. The 6 ponies and 1 dragon stared at him. He stared back. "Well, this is one hell of a convenience." the un-disappeared man started, scratching his head in confusion. "Where have you BEEN man?" Dash demanded. "Where haven't I been?" Xero asked back. "Well then, where?" Dash argued. "I've been to a magical land called Equestria, it's ruled by ponies and there are lots of cities, I spent a week going over each one, having forgotten to pack money for hotels, I resorted to my prostitution career, earning money to get a safe place to sleep, today I decided to return to my hometown Ponyville, when I noticed a train, deciding to hitch a ride on it, I landed on the roof, climbed down the ladder, and opened the door, it was at this point that I saw 6 mares I recognized, and a small dragon I also recognized, then the rowdiest one of the bunch demanded information from me, I then proceeded to go on a long and drawn out explanation of everything that has been going on up to this point, leading up to 'How I met your Mother'." Xero gave a cheeky grin at the ending of his overly long rant. The Mane 6 stared at him throughout his rant, they were confused by the end. "I went on a trip around Equestria, had sex a few dozen times, and while going home I decided to hitch a ride on this train, which, coincidentally, you all are on." Xero sumarized his rant in less than 40 words. "Oooooooohh." the confused group said simultaneously. "Yeah, so, what's the situation?" Xero wanted to know why the group of 7 were here. "Apple tree transportation to Apploosa." Twilight answered. "Cool, not really, I'll just go to the next cart then." Xero replied, walking past the group and to the next group, his steps were silent, like they almost always were. Walking into the next cart, this one was empty, Xero laid down on one of the beds and went through his interface. Selecting the radio, he went through his songs and their various titles. He found the one he was looking for. Insanity. (you don't have to play the song, but if you want to, you can) He, ironically, played it to relax. Some time later, the door opened. "XERO, THE TRAIN IS BEING ATTACKED!" Pinkie shouted at him. He jumped up and got the Muramasa out, pushing past Pinkie, he got on top of the train to see 2 goups of buffalos ramming both sides of the train. "Goddamn Native Equestrians." he complained, jumping into the fray and quickly dispatching of all of them. The train threatened to tip over still, he pushed it back on track and went to the other side, using the Sephiroth to take out the group with ease. Jumping back onto the train, he found a lone deer, a female, from the look of it, running to get to the caboose, where the tree was stored. He summoned the Catalytic Lens and blasted one of her legs off. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" she squealed in pain. "Don't attack my friends, bitch." he threatened, before bringing the weapon up again. He shot her right through the head. Kicking the body off of the locomotive, he returned to the mares' cart. "Threat has been fucked up." he informed crudely, shutting the door and going to his own cart. Laying down again, he realized the song was still playing. Content with laying there doing nothing, Xero let his mind wander. He thought of all the stuff he had done thus far, he had a good life, he wasn't forced to kill anyone, he had a wonderful little sister, 6 great friends, a home, a base, new weapons, magic-proof updated armor. He had a good life. He would fight to keep it that way. <> Standing his ground, keeping perfectly straight up when the train slowed to a stop, Xero had stability like a fucking mountain. Flying outside via the sun-roof, the tall-ish winged man looked around the town. Stereotypical desert-locked old west town, complete with clock tower, water tower, saloon, and everypony dressed like old-westerners. Flying above the ponies, sticking out like a lightsaber amongst flint-tipped spears, he glided into the saloon. He looked at the ponies sitting at the tables and booths, stereotypical old-west bar-goers. Sitting in a bar stool, shoving a collapsed pony out of it, he looked at the rows of bottles and containers. "Gimme your strongest booze, don't skimp out on it." Xero ordered. The salty-muzzled bartender, a mare with a liquor bottle for a cutie mark, brought a cactus out, chopping it open with a knife, Xero cringed, that was no way to treat a blade. She poured the cactus juice into a glass, mixing it with whiskey, adding a bit a lemon and lime juices and a few ounces of vodka, she mixed it up again, shaking it in the mixer capsule for several seconds, pouring the contents into a tall glass, she stirred in several ounces of absinthe. Setting the mixture on fire, she slid it to Xero. He caught it, looking at it for several seconds. "Go ahead, unless your a lightweight?" she challenged. "What did you just say?" Xero got irritated. "Go ahead and drink the stuff, unless your just a little bitch who talks a big game." she re-challenged. Xero flipped her off while chugging the thing. This was not what shocked the mare, what shocked her was... THE FUCKING THING WAS STILL ON FIRE! Setting the glass down and giving only a small grunt, he brought out the Muramasa and sliced the tall glass in half down the middle. Flipping off the bartender again, he walked out, not so much as a stumble to his stride. He felt great, taking to the skies again, he flew away from the city. That's when he saw it. <> The buffalos, enraged by the mass-murdering of their peoples, staged an attack on the town. Xero divebombed in front of the small army. "Hey, HEY!" he shouted to the herd. They looked at him "FUCK OFF! FUCK OFF OR I'LL KILL YOU TOO!" he threatened. The buffalos attacked. It was a slaughterhouse, Xero even cut them up and graded them, setting fire to the rejected meat, keeping the good stuff for food, he could use some good meat. Flying home, his business being done here, he checked on everything at the base, if anything had stopped working, his whole operation could go up in nuclear flames. He needed to check on his sister too, he would be a bad brother if he didn't. Pouring on the speed, flapping his wings to go as fast as possible, he broke the sound barrier, sped up even faster. He looked back at his boom, it was four beams of dark blue energy shooting out in an X formation, it was pretty cool. He sped up to Mach 5 as he didn't have anything better to do at the moment. Going a mile a second, he didn't give much thought to anything except getting home. <> It had been a week or 2, maybe 3. Not much had happened, Xero vowed to acquire a phoenix after seeing Celestia with one. Phoenixes are cool. Traveling to the depth of the Everfree Forest, he found a phoenix nest. Stealing the egg and flipping off the parents shortly before killing them, he raised that thing right. Xero was in possession of a special breed of phoenix, the titan phoenix. The damn thing grew up in a few weeks, it had a 2 meter wingspan, he could even ride the fucking thing. He also got a tiger, just because fuck you. A titan tiger was much bigger than a normal tiger. A normal bengal tiger was about 10 feet long, the titan version was 15 feet long, with lean and powerful muscle, large and penetrating teeth, and the ability to kill anything that didn't kill it first, with immunities to many types of poisons, both natural and synthetic, this thing was a monster. More dangerously, it was Xero's monster. Armoring it like a battle steed, he had another outlet for his time, leading his killing machine around the forest, destroying dangerous animals in seconds, even manticores and cockatrices. Xero was having a good time. He had his tiger, his phoenix, his motorcycle, his friends, weapons, armor, and something he didn't think he could ever have. He had happiness. Leading his feline steed up the mountain to his base, he had dug out a smaller cave to hold it, guiding the beast into the smaller cave, Xero entered the normal one. Sitting at his interface, he drew a blank. He turned to the side, looking around to try to remember what he was about to do. He saw the CMC, sitting on his couch looking at him with huge smiles. "How did you 3 get in here?" he querried. The trio of rambunctious little fillies simultaneously took in deep breaths. Xero prepared for the verbal storm.