Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Father and son, fight to the death!

I will be calling Frederic Darksteel Edge while hes in that form. Don't get confussed.

Chapter 52

Darksteel Edge slammed into his father, knocking both of them to the ground. He sat up on his father's chest and smiled down at him, an corrupted smile, "Well, DAD, how does it feel to be out matched?"

His father laughed, "Out matched? By you? That's rich!"

Darksteel just smiled down at him and he slammed both of his hooves into his father's face. He then began to repeatedly punch his father, not stopping for anything.

He stopped his onslaught of hooves and chuckled. He grabbed his father's head and throw him out from under him, sending his father through one of the walls and into the kitchen.

[Fuck man! Frederic is badass!]
<He's so awesome!>
[I wanna be him!]

Darksteel used his magic to pull his father back to him. When his father came into view, he slammed him against the ground, leaving a small crater. He then lifted him back up and slammed him into the wall.

His father slammed into the wall, becoming embedded into it.

Darksteel then began to drag him along the wall, destroying the wall and leaving a straight line in it where he had dragged his father.

<Our house!>

Darksteel pulled his father from the wall and pulled him to him, where he slammed into Darksteel's out reached hoof. He then dropped his hold on his father and let him fall to the ground.

[Oh man, that was pure awesomeness! Frederic just kicked his dads ass!]

Darksteel smiled victoriously, "So, you done now old man!"

A low grumbling could be heard, it slowly turned into a furious laugh, "Is that all you got? Really? This is going to be to easy."

Darksteel punched him in the face again, but it didn't do anything. His father chuckled and grabbed his hoof, "Nice try son."

His father pulled him into him, wrapped his talons around him and flew into the sky.

I looked up, but could barely see them. I could see Darksteel kicking and punching his father, but his father was doing more damage to him.

Suddenly, his father slammed into him, sending Darksteel straight towards my house, and me.

[Move Lance!]
{I can't, remember! You two used all my strength!}
<I got it!>

My body rolled to the side, seconds before Darksteel slammed into the ground where I had been laying.

{That was close.}
[No shit!]

Darksteel stood and looked up, "Cheap shot dad!" He then looked down at me, a look that scared the crap out of me, "Lance, can you still fight?"

I let out the breath I was holding, I though he was going to turn on my next, "Uhhh, no. I can't even move anymore."

He leaned down and his horn began to glow, "I can fix that." He touched my forehead with his horn, and I instantly felt a hot sensation run through my body.

I jumped up and yelled, "That's fucking HOT!" What ever he did, it made my blood boil or something.

Darksteel looked at me, "Now, can you help me fight my father?"

{Can I?}
[You better fucking believe it!]
<You can do it Lance!.
{Can you two help?}
[I was hoping you would ask, come on Dawn.]

I felt them take control of my body again, this time thought, I felt something else surging through me. Vengeance.

{You two must be pissed.}
[We are! He hurt our friends and almost killed Frederic!]

The transformation was now complete, and I slammed my hoof down on the ground, causing the remaining house to shake, "RAGING BREAKING DAWN!"

Darksteel nodded, "Good, lets kick my fathers ass!"

I (Break and Dawn) smiled, "Lets!"

Darksteel and I flew straight up. Darksteel slammed into his father first, followed by me.

We began to repeatedly punch and kick him. But he kept shrugging them off as if our hits where light feather touches.

His talon suddenly shot out and grabbed me by the face. His other grabbed Darksteel by the neck. He pulled us in close and hissed, "I will end both of you!" He slammed us together and threw us towards the ground.

This time however, Darksteel caught himself and spread his wings. I followed suit and opened my wings.

He looked at me, "He's strong, too strong."

I nodded, out of breath almost, "I know, we need to..."

Something slammed into me, holding my face.

"Lance!" Darksteel screamed as he followed.

His father laughed and slammed me into the ground head first. He then slammed his hooves down on my chest, causing two cracking sounds to be heard.

A black aura encased him and threw him off of me.

Darksteel landed next to me and pulled me to my feet, "Can you still fight?"

I ignored the pain in my head and chest (Thanks to Break and Dawn) and nodded, "Oh yeah! Lets fuck him up!"

I shot forward, straight towards his father as he began to stand. I slammed into him.

I twisted around and bucked him in the gut.

While I was turned around, he grabbed my mane and pulled me into him. He twisted me around to face him and smirked, "Really now?"

I smiled and slammed my head into his.

<No one wins a headbutt Break!>

He dropped me, momentarily dazed. Darksteel took his opportunity and picked his father up with his magic. He then cast a spell on him that caused his whole body to turn bright red. Smoke was rising from his body, and the smell of burning meat could be smelt.

His father just laughed, broke free of Darksteel's magic hold and shrugged the spell off.

[What the fuck! He's acting like it didn't even hurt him.]
{This isn't good guys! Do something!}

I pulled my hoof back and slammed it into his gut, knocking the air out of him.

He leaned down and put his mouth next to my ear, "Nice one." He then performed a uppercut on me and sent me flying upwards.

When I hit the ground, I began to stand. I looked over to see that Darksteel and his father where now locked in a vicious exchange of hoof and talon.

Darksteel slammed his hind leg down on his father's foot, causing it to crack.

His father rolled his eyes, "I'm impressed... Not!" He slashed his talon across Darksteel's face, leaving three long cuts.

In his moment of pain, his father back handed him into a wall.

[Holy shit! He just bitch slapped Frederic!]

His father turned to me, "Your next you fucking horse!"

"Richard!" Screamed an enraged Darksteel.

His father, Richard, turned, "What, no more dad?"

Darksteel glared, "You are no longer my father!"

Richard chuckled, "I'll always be your father. And I'm no proud of it either."

Darksteel charged forward, only to be backhanded into a wall, and through it. He landed on the street outside.

Richard turned to me, "Lets get rid of the trash, shall we?"

He walked up to me and kicked me in the side.

I suddenly jumped up and slammed my hoof into his chin.

[Uppercut bitch!]

His head snapped back and he reared up.

I twisted and bucked him as hard as I could, sending him through the wall, through the stairs, and into the other room.

{Damn! I didn't know I had that much straight!}
[Its the power of Raging Breaking Dawn!]
<Nothing can defeated us!>

The wall in front of me exploded outward, hitting me with debris.

<Forget my last statement..>

I was blown back and through the wall. Slamming into the house on the other side... my moms house!

I smashed through the wall and into a room. I sat up, holding my head. I looked around, to see a pissed off mom, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! YOU JUST DESTROYED OUR ROOM!"

Before I could respond, Richard blew through the same wall and grabbed my back hoof.

He pulled hard and threw me out of the house and I slammed into mine. I blew through the remaining of the wall and slammed into the destroyed stairs.

Come on! This is insane!

[I know...]

Richard blew through the wall in front of me and slammed his fist into my gut. All the air was knocked out of me and I fell over. I felt my body returning to normal.

<Oh no! Lance can't handle anymore!>
[We're going to die!]

I curled up into a ball.

As Richard began to lower his talon, something slammed into him.

I looked over to see something I hadn't expected. Captain Barehoof!

He held down Richard and sneered, "Don't you dare hurt Lance!"

Richard yawned, "I do what I want." He then twist, knocking the Captain off of him and laughed, "Oh, this is fun!" He grabbed the Captain's leg and threw him through the front door.


He looked back at me, "Why are you so hard to kill?!"

I did my best brave laugh, which sounded like a gasp, "I'm that fucking annoying."

"RICHARD!" Screamed Darksteel as he stepped into the doorway.

Richard smiled, "Oh, your still here? Come at me!"

Darksteel charged towards Richard, who just stood there.

When Darksteel neared, Richard quickly reached down and grabbed my leg.


He slammed me into Darksteel, sending both of us through the wall.

Darksteel stood and glared at Richard, "You bastard!"

He smiled, "And proud to be one!"

As he took a step forward, a bright light filled the room.

What now!

When I looked back, I saw Princess Luna standing in front of Richard. Wait.... PRINCES LUNA! What is she doing here?!

She stood up straight and yelled in her Royal Canterlot voice, "YOU DO NOT HURT MY FRIENDS! OR MY BELOVED HUSBAND!" She encased him in a powerful aura of magic, "YOU WILL PAY FOR ALL OF THIS!" She slammed him into the ground, somehow creating a small crater.

She stepped over the hole and her horn glowed. Then, the entire hole blew skyward, I mean literally! The entire hole that Richard was in blown straight up into the sky!

Luna turned to Darksteel, "Frederic?"

He smiled, "Its me." He then became serious, "Luna, you must leave! Its dangerous here!"

She shook her head stubbornly, "NO! I'm not leaving you here alone."

He pointed at me, who was crumbled up on the ground, useless, "I'm not alone! I have Lance here to help."

She looked at me and shook his head, "Frederic, he can't fight anymore. Look at him, he can't even stand up."

Darksteel looked at me and noticed how bad I was hurt, "I'm sorry Lance."

I waved him off, "Its okay, I mean, its not like my day can get any worst."

Suddenly, something heavy landed on me, crushing me into the ground.

[You just had to say it!]

"LANCE!" I heard Luna scream.

Richard looked down at me and laughed, "Such a pest!"

His body was yet again encased in a dark aura. This time, he chuckled, "Same trick won't work twice." He broke free of it and jumped forward. He back handed her across the face, sending her out onto the street.

"Bitch." Richard said as he turned to Darksteel.

Before he could do anything else, the entire house began to shake, actually, I'm pretty sure all of Equestria was shaking!

Seconds later, his body emitted a huge shock wave outward. Completely blowing the rest of the house away, plus a few around it.

When I looked at Darksteel, my mouth hung open. He was fucking glowing! His body was pulsing with pure hatred and rage.

He pointed at Richard, "YOU DO NOT TOUCH MY WIFE! I WILL END YOU!"

Before Richard could make a smug comment, Darksteel pulled him towards him and began to beat the crap out of him with his hooves.

He threw him up in the air, flew up and grabbed him, and flew straight into the sky.

They flew up till I couldn't see them anymore.

[What is he doing?]
<I don't know Break.>

I went to zoom in with my goggles, but when I turned the knob, I noticed that the lens had been smashed.

THAT FUCKING BASTARD! He broke my goggles!

I looked up and after a few seconds, I saw Darksteel flying downwards, Richard held close to him. What is he doing?

He began picking up speed. Going faster and faster till... He broke the sound barrier. A sonic wave of darkness, that was somehow bright, filled with hate and anger expanded across the sky.

[Holy shit! He just performed a sonic boom!]

Suddenly, he performed a second sonic boom, picking up more speed.

<Is that even possible?!>

When he neared the ground, he threw his father forward and leaned upward, shooting into the sky.

Richard hit the ground, sending a massive shock wave outward that made me slide across the ground a little.

{Come on you two! Get me moving, I have to see what happens!}
[We'll try Lance.]

As I stood to my feet, I saw Darksteel fly down to where he had thrown his father.

I unfolded my wings and began slowly flying towards them. When I neared the crater, I saw Darksteel holding Richard up in front of him, screaming at him, "...YOU FOR ALL THIS! YOU HURT ALL MY FRIENDS! MY WIFE! AND YOU CAUSED ME TO DESTROY MOST OF CANTERLOT! I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY!"

His father was barely able to talk, "What you gonna do? Kill me? I welcome death right now!"

Darksteel smiled, "Nope, I'm doing the best thing. I'm banishing you to the center of the earth, and imprisoned you in a cell of indestructible darksteel!"

Richard's eyes went wide, "You wouldn't!"

Darksteel smirked, "I would." His horn began to glow darkly, the tip becoming brighter and brighter. He touched it to Richard's head and laughed, "Bye my dear old father!"

Richard screamed before completely disappearing, banished to live forever in a small cell. That sucks.

Darksteel collapsed to the ground. He changed back to his normal from in a flash of bright light.

I crawled down into the crater and collapsed next to him, "You okay?"

He looked at me and smiled weakly, "Yes. Are you?"

I chuckled, which hurt my chest, "Oh yeah, I'm great."

<What about everyone else?>
{They're fine Dawn, don't worry.}

Frederic smiled, "You did good today Lance."

I grinned, "I know, I was the best target dummy ever."

We both began to laugh, only to be interrupted by a pissed and concerned voice, "LANCE GREENFIELD! Look at what you've done! You've completely destroyed your house and and part of mine!"

[Pissed of mom is pissed off.]

I slowly stood and flew up and looked at my house.

Well, there was no more 'my house'. There was nothing but rubble and debris where it use to stand. Shit!

Frederic limped up beside me, "Come on you two, we need to find everyone and make sure they're okay."

Four hours later, Royal throne room

Princess Celestia looked down at me from her throne, "I've heard you can talk to your conscience's, am I correct?"

I nodded up at her, "Yes Princess."

She just looked at me, "I also heard that they can control your body if you wanted them too, am I correct again?"

I looked down, "Yes Princess.

[What is she going to do?!]
< Banishment!>

She chuckled, "I'm not going to banish Lance Dawn."

My head snapped up, "You can hear him?!"

She smiled, "They are in your head, so you think about what they say. So yes, I can hear them."

I stood up, more confident now, "So, what did you need?"

She continued to smile, "Do you remember a pony by the name, Razor Graze?"

I smiled. Of course I remember him, me and the others was sent to his dimension a month ago. (Read Killjoy's story for this. Read the crossover chapter.) It was pretty fun, and he was a cool kinda guy. "I remember him. Why do you ask?"

She pulled out a scroll, "I think he can help you and your conscience's be able to work together better. And also how to control it better. Sound good to you?"

I nodded, "So your going to bring him here, to this dimension?"

She nodded, "I sure am. After I send this letter, he should arrive shortly after."

I smiled to myself. This was going to be fun!

Raging Breaking Dawn Lance!