Two Best Friends Play: Equestria

by MisterMercenary


This is the end... hold your breath and count to ten...

Ladies and gentlemen, it truly pains me to say this, but I am now cancelling this story. I didn't really know where I was planning to go with this, and I don't want to follow through on something that I didn't really enjoy writing. There's nothing really interesting about this story.

Despite this, I am going to make an offer. Those of you who don't want to see this story end will be able to continue it in their own story. You have the options of either copy-pasting the first twelve chapters into your own story (something I really don't recommend you do), or start on your own. If you want to do this, post a comment saying such. Should your writing skills be up to scratch, I will PM you and give you permission to pen your version of this story. Good luck to you all.

Oh, and just because I'm stopping this story doesn't mean I'm gonna stop writing fanfics altogether. I'm writing a new, actually thought out crossover, and it'll involve a certain blue Boy Scout.

Until then, farewell, and I'll see you soon.