Times Could Be Worse

by AgentHondo

Return of the Pegasi

"Time to get down to business!" Rainbow Dash said as she leaped over a work bench. There were large machines that would produce clouds in a corner and pure rainbow spewing out from a pipe above the ponies. "So we're gonna crush up some rainbows?" The rainbow-maned pegasus asked Twilight.

"Uh, I guess so. Might as well try and see if it works." She replied.

"So how's Rarity? She's not much of a fighter is she." Rainbow asked while scooped some rainbow into a jar.

"We made this flank-kicking cannon that can seriously mess up those Society losers!" Scootaloo beamed.

"You'd be surprised!" Twilight smirked. "She might even have more pep than you when it comes to war."

"Whatever!" The cyan pony mused. " These ponies would follow me to Tartarus and back!"

"Yeah Twilight!" Scootaloo missed the aspect of the joke and defensively raised her voice.

Twilight jokingly apologized and decided to focus on the matter at hoof.

"So how exactly do we compress rainbow?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh. Right." Twilight said.

"Time..." The Doctor looked down for a moment. "For science!" He yelled, imaginary finger clenched around his hoof. "Actually, I have no idea how rainbows work, so how do we do this?"

"If I can remember right, clouds stop rainbows. So why don't we encase rainbow into a patch of cloud and compress the cloud?"

"Makes sense as far I can tell!" Time Turner patted Twilight on the back. "You certainly are one brilliant pony! But depends how brilliant a pony can be. Maybe if they're considerably more stupid than humans..." Going back off to muttering nonsense as usual.

"The let's do it!" Sweetie Belle was hopping up and down with her friends. Everypony in the room had almost forgot about the fillies, as they had been enamored by the liquid rainbow flowing from the pipe above. "I've always wanted to fly!"

"Me too!" Apple Bloom seconded.

"Wait," Scootaloo began. "So if we're building a kind of ship-thingy, why don't we connect them to form a new city! It'll be super strong!"

"This one, she's a clever pony!" Rainbow said as she brought Scootaloo in for a noogie.

"Alright gang, let's do this!" The Doctor said while trotting over to a rainbow fountain, grabbing a jar so he could gather a small amount.

"We're not part of your gang, Time Turner. " Twilight mocked.

"I-well fine then! Have it your way! Lets just make the bloody cloud."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle each grabbed a jar and filled it to the brim with rainbow, while Rainbow Dash grabbed a cloud that was left floating at the ceiling.

The could was about the length and width of three ponies, large enough to serve as a purposeful wall in building. Rainbow pulled two parts of the cloud apart to make a large crevice in the middle.

"Alright now," Twilight said to the fillies with jars. "Pour those into the cloud." The girls did as they were told, making a small pool of rainbow in the cloud.

"Rainbow, Scootaloo, you're up." The purple mare ordered. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo both saluted with great enthusiasm as they trotted over to the stuffed cloud.

The two pegasi stood on opposite sides of the cloud and lowered onto their front hooves. They lifted their hind legs and proceeded to buck the cloud with such force that the cloud compressed from a rectangular prism into a flat slate.

"Great job gang-" The Doctor cheered. "no wait, groupies-no... Harem?"

Rainbow Dash and Twilight blushed for a moment, but not for long as they both smacked him upside the head.

"Alright, alright! We're a team!" He said as he cradled his stinging face.

"Looks like we should get ta' buildin'!" Apple Bloom jumped towards the upright cloud platform, expecting to leap straight through it. Instead, she planted her snout into the wall cloud.

She cried out and fell. She would've landed on her face if Time Turner hadn't caught her in his hooves.

"Oh dear, are you alright? Miss Dash, are there any bandages here?" He said, setting the youngest Apple sibling down on her back.

"Ah'... Yeah, I think I'll be alright." She replied calmly with a small smile. "Thanks a might Time Turner, I really appreciate the favor."

"Anything to help!" The brown earth pony said.

After Rainbow Dash returned with bandages to mend Apple Bloom's nose, Twilight spoke first.

"We'll it appears that these clouds have slightly different properties." She explained. "Not only are they stronger, but also support all kinds of ponies."

"Interesting." Turner rubbed his chin with a hoof. "Well we better get down to business! A giant airship isn't going to build itself!"

The three fillies in the room exchanged glances. They knew exactly what each other would say.

"Cutie Mark Engineers!" Roared the younger ponies.

"You got it, kiddos!" Dash started. "But we're gonna need a few more hooves to help out-" she couldn't finish her sentence due to a young earth pony bursting in on the workforce.

"Is Miss Twilight Sparkle here?" He asked in between pants. It didn't take a genius to see that he'd been running for quite a while.

"That would be me." Twilight answered.

"General Applejack has sent an urgent request for you and your friends to return to Ponyville immediately! It's the Society; they're back!"

"Pony feathers! We need to work on the ships though!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"It's alright you guys, we can manage!" Rainbow Dash reassured. "Besides, we have a while army of pegasi that don't have anything better to do."

"Alright," Twilight's tone held great apprehension. "But when you're ready, get over to Ponyville. I think we'll need all the help we can get."

"You got it!"

"Quick Miss Twilight, there isn't much time!" The messenger pony said.

"Right! Lets go!"

"Back to the TARD-" Time Turner began. "I mean carriage! Anyways, allons-y!"

And at that, the team of five rushed back to the car, each uncertain of the future. Although they may have had doubts, each knew that Equestria was ready and willing to fight to the last pony.

The team sped back to Ponyville in the carriage as fast as Twilight could navigate.

"We should really get a name for our team you know." Time Turner said to Apple Bloom in the backseat.

"Yeah ah' guess we could," She started. "But did we just leave that messenger back at the camp?

"Oh, uh whoops?" Twilight cracked a smile.

"Aw he'll be fine, he looks like he needed a break anyways."

"Yeah ah' s'pose so."

After about twenty minutes, Twilight pulled up to what she thought was Ponyville.

Where the town would normally stand, a large cobblestone wall about thirty feet tall surrounded Ponyville. Watchtowers with guard ponies stationed in each were built into the wall. There were very few entrances to the new fortress. Big Macintosh stood at one the entrances wearing leather armor and wielding a large sword.

"Hey Big Mac," Twilight said, slightly confused. "Nice, um, wall we have. Do we have clearance to enter?"

"Eeyup." He simply said.

"Alrighty then! I have quite a few questions for AJ once we get back to her."

Twilight drove into Ponyville over a bridge where a moat lied beneath.

"Well, allons-y!" The Doctor cheered.

"Allons-y?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Of course! It means 'lets go' in French!" He answered proudly


"Er, never mind."

The three made their way to the Town Hall, assuming that it hadn't been changed by the new choice of architecture.