A Book of the Past

by Polar Muffins

Ch. 3 I Meet a Madpony in a box

Ch.3 I meet a Madpony in a Box

It was the day after I had made my decision. I sold the farm and most of my belongings. The money I gained from selling things I donated to charity.
I know Pa said not to but, I kept his chair.
Another thing I had kept was my Cell Phone.
The Cell Phone was so I could call this guy with a Tar-thingy.
I was standing outside my old farm. I took out the phone, then the book with my dads letter. Later I had found that the rest of the pages were drawings. Some of me, some of someone who looked like me, and some of the farm. I had never known Pa was an artist.
I opened the book to the last part of Pa’s letter and dialed, 666-777-8888. I pressed the call button with my thumb and held the phone to my ear. It rang for about 10 seconds and I worried in the ringing silence. The phone picked up.
“‘ello?” It was a male voice with an English accent.
“Hi. Um. Ma Pa he, um, told me in a letter, after he died to, um, call you. You are the guy with the,” I looked at the book for that word. “TARDIS, am I correct?”
“Well, yes. Um, who exactly am I speaking to?”
“Ma name is Twalight.”
“Twilight!” He hesitated. “Wait. Aren’t you dead?”
“No, sir. I’m very much alive”
“Well, she didn’t have that accent anyway. So, who are you really. Ponies don’t have phones, and you are most definitely on a phone. Your father gave you, this number. Am I correct?”
“Well, yes, in his letter.”
“Narrows it down. May I ask who he, um, was?”
“Well, of course, um, his name is Mac.”
“Mac, Mac, Mac. DERPY!” He called out. “Do we know a Mac?” There were some mumblings from the other side of the phone. Then he spoke. “Nope. Sorry don’t know a Mac. You sure you have the right number?”
“Of course I am!” I suddenly remembered something. “Oh! Wait, hold on!” I leafed through the pages of the book till I found the end of the letter. There was Pa’s signature, Big Mac. “His name, is Big Mac.”
“OH! BIG MAC! Oh, I liked that quiet, big guy! How is he? Oh, sorry, right, he’s dead. Sorry. So, um, you’re his daughter, um, on the tip of my tongue, yes! You’re Twilight Fritter!”
“As I was recently told.”
His voice got as quiet as a whisper. “Right, that means I’ve got to create a rift in the universe to get you home. In this case into my TARDIS. Sexy’s not gonna like this.”
“Excuse me? Who’s, ‘Sexy’?”
“Oh, nevermind that now! We’ve got to get you home! Now, do exactly as I say.” He paused. “Oh right, I remember, right before I left the human universe.” His voice became stern. “Don’t take any large objects, that includes the rocking chair.”
I looked back at the rocking chair that was right next to my backpack. How did he know?
“Now,” he continued. “here are the instructions. When I hang up, wait a minute and a portal will appear. You might want to put your suitcase in your mouth, because you will be changing into a pony form. Next-”
“It’s a backpack.”
“Great! Even better! Put it on your back! Anyway, after you’ve got your backpack on, step through the portal. You will feel slight pinches because you will be changing into your true pony form. Now I’m going to hang up, and you will see me through the portal. Ready?”
“I think so.”
“Good.” He hung up.
I closed the phone. He was crazy. Pa was probably crazy too. But, this tiny voice inside my head said Pa was not crazy, he was the smartest man ever! I ignored it. I sat down on Pa’s chair and waited. I thought. I thought about all my fun times with Pa, and cried. As I was about ready to bawl my eyes out like a tired baby, I heard a faint whirring sound.
I searched with my eyes for the sounds origin and what appeared was a portal. Through the portal I saw a light brown stallion, with a dark brown mane, and a hour glass on his flank. He was standing in a room with a console. He smiled at me. He spoke with the voice of the guy on the telephone. “Well, come on! Can’t hold it open forever you know! Way too dangerous!”
I stood up, swung my backpack on my back and headed towards the portal. When I reached it I paused, took a deep breath, and stepped through. It was a mixture of feelings. I felt I was falling though I was completely still. I felt pinches, and things changing on my body. The painfulness of it all. I felt my finger slowly going back into my hand. I felt hair sprouting everywhere, and a long tail growing out of my butt. I felt my ears moving up and growing pointy. Everything hurt. My nose changed in a way I could not describe. I let out a scream I had tried to hide. I screamed a scream of a banshee, a long scream that seemed to go on forever. A scream I kept screaming on the floor, of the TARDIS. A scream that was louder that the stallions yells for me to shut up. What did shut me up was when someone forced a muffin into my mouth.
I opened my eyes. There I was, laying down on the floor of the room I saw the stallion standing in through the portal. I swallowed the muffin with some difficulty. I stood up, but surprisingly on four legs instead of two, and it felt, well, natural. I started walking easily as if I still had two feet.
The stallion was looking at me clearly impressed. “Wow! You’re a fast learner! It took me ages to walk as easily as you do!”
“Well, shucks, I don’t know how, but it just feels natural.” I replied.
“Well, anyway,” he held out a hoof, “hullo! I’m the Doctor!”
I held out my hoof and shook his with my usual excited energy. “I’m Twilight! Well, I guess fully I’m Twilight Fritter.”
We let go and the Doctor said “Well then,” He walked over to the console, “we better get you to your aunt.” He pressed something and I heard that whirring sound again. It was only a minute later when he said “Well, here we are!” He opened the door and walked out. His head appeared from the door. “DERPY! COME ON!” He called.
I heard flapping and I searched for the origin of the noise. It seemed to be coming from up the stairs. I looked and crashing out, came a grey pegasus with a blonde mane and tail. The picture on her butt was bubbles.
I ran to help her, but I still wasn’t completely used to four legs, so I tripped and fell. I lifted my head up to see she was alright, had seen me fall, and came to help me up. I must’ve looked silly with my butt in the air, but when I got a closer look at her eyes. I gasped. At the time I had felt sorry for her, but I found it just went like that sometimes. “That” meaning her eyes went cross eyed.
She helped me up and I thanked her. She told me her name was Derpy Hooves. We both walked out the door, together into an apple farm. My one true habitat.