Meteor Shower Music

by Son of No One

Chapter 1

------ 1 Year Later ------

"Bye Vinyl, bye Octavia", I said as they walked out of the store, "See you at the Celebration!"

"Bye!", they both said.

When they left I started to talk to myself, "Maby Rarity forgot the end of last time we went so I can finally be with her again".

_______Flashback (3rd date)_______

"Its beautiful out tonight", Rarity said as I walked her back to her house, her arm entwined with mine.

"Not as beautiful as you", I said, as we neared her house. At the last comment she blushed hard, looking me in the eyes.

"I had a great time Meteor Strike.", said Rarity as I stopped at her door.

"So did I", I answered, giving her a long hug, "Soo... Umm, good night", I released the hug and rubbed my nose.

"No, not yet", she said as she held on to my hands, and she leaned towards my face. My nose starting to itch more.Our lips were almost touching when...


"EEEEWWW! Thats so disgusting!", she screamed, wiping her face.

"Oh! Rarity, Im sorry Im sorry!", I apologised, hurridly looking for something to wipe her face with.

"GOOD NIGHT, METEOR STRIKE!", she screamed, opening then slamming the door in my face.

"Im sorry Rarity!", I yelled through the door.

"I said, GOOD NIGHT!", she yelled back.

Damn, so close!, I thought Damn it!, Damn it, Damn it!, as I hit myself repeatedly, walking back to my house.

_____ End Flashback _____

As I chuckled a bit at that thought, I went and changed my shirt to a nicer one and put on my leather jacket. I headed back downstairs, grabbed a couple CD's, went outside, locked the door, and I ran to the library where Pinkie Pie is throwing a suprise party for a new arrival. Before Vinyl and Octavia left, Pinkie ran by and said to be at the library as soon as possible. She then ran off, to start the party.
As I arrived I noticed the lights were still off, Good, I thought It hasn't started yet.
I opened the door and said "Pinkie its me, where is the stereo?"

"Over in the back", she whispered "I see her coming!"
I ran over and hopped the desk it was on, powered it on put in a CD, paused it, turned up the volume and waited.

"-simply must get into bed", someone flew in and said, holding a small something or other.

"Wait its just Fluttershy", I whispered.
Then another woman walked in, took the small thing and placed it on the ground, and pushed her out, saying something I didn't hear. She then started to talk to the small... thing

"Sorry Spike, but I have to somehow convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is back, and we are running out of time. I just need to be alone without all these crazy people trying to make friends all the time. Now were is the light?".

"SUPRISE!!!!", shouted everyone.

That was my cue, so I pressed play, and one of my favorite songs was played, Holiday by Green Day.

Say, hey!

Hear the sound of the falling rain
Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!)
The shame,The ones who died without a name
Hear the dogs howling out of key
To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!)
And bleed, the company lost the war today
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday
(The song continues from here)

After adjusting the knobs, I walked over to were Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and even Fluttershy, who didn't even talk to me for a couple months, was talking to the new girl. "Hi, Im Meteor Shower, what's your name?", I asked her.

"Yeah, yeah hi", she said with an annoyed tone, as she walked past me to pour herself a drink.

Pinkie was talking to her but all I didn't really hear anything she was saying. I wasn't paying attention. My parents were astrophysicists, they studied the stars and planets, and they taught me to observe. And that was what I was doing, they way the girl walked was like she was high and mighty or some kind of royalty. She held her chin up high and looked like she faces her problems head on. The way she looked around was like she could read you like a book, and which, by the looks of it, she does a lot. She had long, straight black hair with one stripe of pink and one stripe of purple. I could get used to her, but, now that I could see him,her little purple and green dragon friend might take a while. He was following Rarity were ever she went, with a lovestruck like face.
By the time I turned back around to talk to her again, she was running up the stairs, and the dragon, Spike, picked up the bottle of what she poured in her cup.

"Huh, hotsauce", he said.
Pinkie then took the bottle away from him and poured the rest on a cup cake, then popped it in her mouth.

"What, ith good", she mumbled with her mouth full, looking around at us.
After that I walked over to Rarity,

"Hey, Rares, I was wondering of I could take you out to dinner in a couple days?"

She looked at me with an annoyed face and said "Do you think I forgot what happened the last time we went out?", while crossing her arms.

"You still remember, huh?", I said

"How could she not remember? I mean you sneezed in her mouth!", interrupted Rainbow Dash, laughing.

"RAINBOW!", both me and Rarity yelled,

"How did you know that!?", I asked, now embarrased.

"I was hanging out on her roof waiting for you to get back", she said.

"Why were you on my roof!?", Rarity questioned

"I was waiting for you two love birds to get back so I could see how well the date went. And after that I figured out how it ended, and it was Hilarious! I had to fly away to keep you from hearing me!", she said laughing.
Rarity blushed and turned away, while I chaised Rainbow around the room.

"Hey everybody!", Vinyl said, bursting through the door "Its about to start!"

Everybody made a mad dash to the door, no dought only to get a good spot to see the Princess. I went over and turned off the music, and I left the CD's there in hopes that the new girl would listen to them. I walked over to Rarity and scooped her up bridal style, "C'mon Rarity please, just give me another chance?", I asked her, she just turned her head away, "Please Rarity?", she looked at me and said

"I'll think about it",
I put her down and gave her a big hug,
"Thank you Rarity, I promise it will be better than the last one", I told her.
We walked to the Town Hall, and I found a spot with the others including the new girl while Rarity hurried to her spot up on the balcony. We got there in the middle of the mayors speech,

"- will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate the longest day in the year. And now it is with great honor that I introduce to you the ruler of this land, the woman who gives us the sun and stars, each and every day, who brought harmony to every body, Princess Celestia!"

Rarity pulled open the curtain from the balcony above the mayor. Behind the curtain was.... nothing.....

"Huh?", Rarity said.

"This can't be good", the new girl said,

"Everybody just calm down", said the mayor "There must be an explanation for this".

"OH! OH! I love guessing games! Is she hiding?", Pinkie said looking around, not grasping what is happening,

"She's gone", said Rarity, looking over the balcony.

"She's gooood", said Pinkie Pie "Aaaaahhhhhh!"

Is that some sort of fog? I thought, looking at the balcony.

"Oh no...", the new girl said, ducking slightly.
Suddenly a heavily armored, but still beautiful in a deadly way, woman appeared, and spread her jet black wings, aurrounded by, what seemed to be her hair, in the black fog. "Nightmare Moon".

"Oh my sun loving subjects, its been so long since I've seen your faces", said Nightmare Moon,

"What have you done with our princess!", shouted Rainbow, taking flight towards her, me and AJ both grabbed the back of her shirt.

"Whoa, there girl", said AJ,

"Ha ha ha ha...... am I not royal enough for you?", said Nightmare Moon "Do you even know who I am?".

"Oh! How about Pokey Smokes, Queen Meanie or Black Snooty—Blm S-hm-hm", said Pinkie Pie as AJ shoved food into her mouth.
I would have been amusing, but we were all to scared to laugh..... or even move.

"What does my royal title not mean anything since I've been imprisoned for a thousand years?", said Nightmare Moon, who leaned towards Fluttershy, making her cower behind her hands, "Did you not remember the story, or see the signs", she said holding onto Rarity's chin, causing her to look away.

"I did", said the new girl, causing Nightmare Moon to let go of Rarity's chin, "And I know who you are, you're Nightmare Moon!"

"Well looks like somebody remembers me, so if you know who I am you know why I've come back?", said Nightmare Moon,

"You're her to-to-", the new girl stammered

"Remember this day, for it shall be your last", Nightmare Moon said, "Because the night will be forever!!!", she laughed, raising her arms and summoning powerful magic, creating a lightning storm and a swirling vortex above her.