If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

by overlord-flinx

Chapter Ten (Vinyl POV| Octavia's POV): Remember when we first...?

I wasn't thinking in any sense...

...Just wasn't looking at it in the right way.

It has nothing at all to do with me...

...the whole thing's about her.

How could I...?

...be so frickin' stupid!

If I do nothing at this point...

...it's all going down the shitter.

While I loath to admit I have made a grave mistake...

...hate it more when that mistakes bites me in the ass more later.

In this case...

...only I messed it up.

She was correct in her actions...

...I don't blame her for a second.

As always...

...I made it all about me.

If I do not want to lose her...

...I just gotta...

...Be willing...




Did I ever tell you how we met?

In all honesty, the story itself is not much to praise originality over by any means.

Oh man! I'm bustin' a gut just remembering it. Good times... Good times.

The memory still haunts me to this day. That a horrible day. And yet, it is one of my defining moments when I look back at it. A simple accident on that one day perhaps was the turning stone in my entire life. A curious thought. If I had looked beforehand at what I grabbed before I left the classroom that day...

...I probably wouldn't've even bothered to follow her after class! I mean, take anything from me; my hair dye, my pants, my underpants if I wore any, or my prized cheese sandwich from the first-grade I never ate; take any of that, I don't give. But...

I realized my mistake halfway across the school courtyard. I was in the midst of conversing with my fellow elementary school peers that had a similar interest in the curricular goals I had, when I had moved to take a pen from my satchel so I could make note of some points my peers were saying. However, I did not find my hand against a pen. Oh-no... What I felt in my satchel was...

You ever see a dog run after chili sauce gets on its nose? That was me when I wrecked up the entire classroom looking for my shades! I put them right on my desk after I cleaned my eye-balls off at the sink so the paint I had chucked into them wouldn't burn... It still burned... I blame the warning label makers for not making those labels bigger! Where was--? OH! Wrecking up the place. Anyway, I guessed that some ass must've jacked my shades. And -cats in the cradle!- when I looked outside from a window, I saw my shades in the hands of Prissy-Pants McTightwad! Now, I don't know if it was from the paint still in my eyes or what... But I was seeing RED...!

By mistake, I must have picked up the gaudy things when I was collecting papers to grade from the neighboring classroom's students. I always put the papers I deliver safely within my satchel before I depart from any room so I may get them from one point to the next without trouble. However, that single day, when I was sent to collect that classroom's papers, I was weary as it was. Suffice to say, the students in that class were not that... level. I had no desire to stay long there and gathered the papers before an eye could drop on my presence. That careless action, however, had been the root to my accidental theft of those glasses. For all purposes, I will inform you I was about to bring the glasses back or send them to the lost and found... However...

WHAM! Like a tiger on a crippled rabbit! I jumped out from the class window, body slammed the ground outside, than charged that thief like a rhino... with jets... and whatever those things are that make race cars go faster. I came at her and just DESTROYED HER! No lie! That bitch and I cut across a good three feet off the ground before she hit her jaw right into the dirt and ate some dirt right there! Where was I? I was on her back tackling her like a linebacker! It was so...!

Barbaric is the only word fit for that display of aggression she showed me that day. Before I could even get an idea to my head over what I should do with the glasses, she assaulted me like a rabid dog from behind. To this day, I can still taste the mix of blood and dirt that filled my mouth when I collided my chin against the ground. It did not take more than a moment for a crowd to have formulated around the two of us; very little of that horde wanting to help me as blood covered the grass beneath my head. She flipped me over and looked me square to the eyes after I refused to answer her shouts of hate and bile towards me over what a 'crook' I was. Forgive me for not answering her as blood and tears covered my face and my own cries cut off my hearing. When she looked me in the eyes...

Fork over the shades, ya' thief! Give 'em back before I knock your ears out! Crooks like you should fry! Ah, yeah... I was pretty childish back in the good ol' days. By the sick looks people were giving me, I already could tell the girl was bleeding when she hit the ground. I mean... She had like ninety pounds of pure child-hood rage jump her... I would've been bleeding too. But, didn't care. I wanted my shades back and she had them and wasn't answering me. So, I flung her over onto her back and was gonna sock her once in the jaw to get my shades back. And...



This girl who had just assaulted me, berated me, and was no doubt going to do worse to me had... Had the most stunning red-tone eyes I had ever seen. Her face may have been darkened by the crusty blue hair draping over her face, but those eyes sung out against the darkness and brought the strangest calm to me...

That crook, thief, robber, hustler, whatever... I couldn't hit her. Nope... Just couldn't do it. Not when she was looking at me with those two little amethysts looking at me with a feeling I can't even explain. I've seen fear filled eyes, I've seen eyes ready to cry, I've seen eyes wanting to just rip my throat out... But those eyes looked like... Something. I guess the best word is 'knowing'. You figure out what that means. Anywho, I just kept looking at her and was ready to smack her... But... I guess my lips worked faster then my arm.

"I'm Vinyl... You look like hell..."

Her... First... Personal... Declaration... To... Me... Ever...

The first frickin' thing I EVER said to her! HAH!

And yet... I do not think it was as bad as my own.

Oh! And what happened next? You're gonna love this!

"Take pleasure in the look of it, for hell is exactly where you are going."

...Perhaps that was a tad harsh...

Beautiful! That was just so crazy beautiful! I fell over laughing at what she said and she just ran off with her little gang! But, she did throw my shades at me while I was laughing. That was pretty cool of her.

I swore that day that I would never even spare a thought to that incredulous brat for as long as I lived! And yet... Here I am now... Searching for that brat so we can get... married. How strange life can be at times.

I thought I'd just bug that girl a little more for a few more months and see if I can get any more fun out of her. But... Here I am now... years later and I'm living with her, eating with her, and sleeping with her. Really weird how life can be like that.

Now... It may all very well be dashed away within a moment. That is something I will not allow... I love Vinyl more than anything else in this world.

So... It kinda makes all of this sting me really harsh. I mean... This might be it. Man... I love Octavia so much and... this is how it's gonna end? No!

Vinyl was the first person to...

Octavia was the first person who ever...

...Tell me I was wrong.

...Called me out on my shit.

...Keep up with me in a musical score.

....Made me work for something all worth it.

...Make love to me.

...Held me and made me feel safe.

...Kiss me in public before yelling "We are leaving to do a bedroom waltz!"... Only Vinyl would... Heh.

...Took the mic from me durring a job and say directly to the WHOLE party "The next one of you punks who comes onto my girlfriend here will learn what a cellist's fingers can do to a throat firsthand!"... Then to play tongue wrestling right in front of a live audience... Sweat trickling down our necks as the music beat against our ears and the whole world cheered us on...

Fucking... Hot...

She is beyond any degree of meaning to me. She is my first and only love... I hope I realized that within time.

It's not too late just yet... Things can still go right for once.