Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Cupcakes and evil Griffins, oh my!

Warning: This chapter will have one of the first fighting scenes in a while. Don't worry, its not going to be bloody or have any death. Its more like a Street Fighter type fight, no one dies, and no bloody scenes. You'll see. Tell me if I should never do this again.


Also, something new.
When Break talkes through Lance, its using bold. And, I will still be in first person, even as Break controls me.

Chapter 51

"Is this really a good idea?" Zorrow asked, unsure.

Peter Chuckled, "Oh yeah, best idea ever." He put the last item in the sack, "Best idea ever!"


"Stupid doctor! Couldn't even fix my freaking groin!" I mumbled to myself as I sat on a bench outside of Sugar Cube Corner.

[You mad bro?]
{Shut it Break!}
<Come on Lance, the doctor gave you pain medication. That was nice.>
[Someones gay for the doc.]
<Fuck you!>
{You two are just like me in every way.}
[We are you, remember?]

I chuckled to myself.

"What'ca laughing at Lance?" Said an over hyper voice behind me.

I turned and smiled, "Hey Pinkie."

[Pinkie Pie! Holy shit, that bitch be crazy!]
<She is just to freaking hyper!>

She was bouncing up and down, a large smile plastered on her face. "Are you doing anything today?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm planning on going home and relaxing."

[You should smoke some weed with Greg. That dude knows how to live!]
<Don't listen to him Lance.>

Pinkie Pie's smile widened, "Great! Can you help me with something?"

I shrugged, "Sure, what do you need help with?"

She reached behind her and pulled out a tray of cupcakes, "I made a whole bunch of cupcakes for a party. Can you eat one and tell me if it taste good?"

<Lance, grab that big one in the back.>

I chuckled, "Sure thing." I reached over and picked up the biggest one. I looked it over, my mouth watering. That thing looks good!

I bit into it and swallowed the chunk whole. That taste fucking awesome!

"So..." Pinkie Pie said while still bouncing.

I smiled, "Taste awesome!"

Suddenly, a feeling of dizziness washed over me. I began to feel light headed and tired.

[Oh my God!]
<I'm not feeling so...>

I felt something small fall on my shoulder.

[Dawn! Aww shit.]

Break fell over on my other shoulder.

"Pinkie... What did you..."

She smiled crazily, "Nighty night Lance."

I blacked out while I was still standing.

2 hours later

I awoke with a start. I tried to look around, but I noticed two things when I tried. First, it was extremely dark. Second, my head was being held in place by what felt like straps.

When I tried to move the rest of my body, I noticed that ever part of my body was strapped down. I was on my back, against a wooden platform like thing, my legs spread out.

I began to panic and hyperventilate at the same time.

[Dude, what the fuck is going on!]
<Its so dark... I can't even see my hoof in front of my face.>

Suddenly, a very dim light came on. It wasn't a lot of light, but enough to make out a few details.

What I saw made me scream.

On the wall was a banner, and written on it in what looked to be red was, 'Life is a party'.

[Life is a party?!]
<Oh my God!>
{This can't be happening!}
[I knew that cupcake was evil!]

"Yay! Your awake! We can finally begin!" Said an excited voice.

I began to strain against the straps, trying to break free.

Pinkie Pie walked into my view a crazy smile on her face.

Holy fucking shit! She's wearing those clothes made of skin and cutie marks! She even has the wings and the unicorn horn necklace! Get me the fuck out of here!

She giggled, "Trying to escape is useless."

I began to freak out, big time! I began thrashing around in my restraints, doing everything I can to break free.

After a few minutes of non-stop struggling, I gave up. It was pointless.

Pinkie Pie smiled, "This is going to be so much fun!"

[Lance, please let me take control over your voice for a second.]
{Okay, uhhh, do your thing I guess.}

I felt a slight shift in my mind and I suddenly began to speak, with out me wanting to, "PINKIE PIE! YOU FUCKING SICK BITCH! LET ME GO! NOW!" That voice, it sounds so... creepy.

{That was interesting...}
[I hope that scared her. I messed with your voice a little.]

Pinkie Pie looked shocked, but then went back to smiling, "That was weird. Anyway, I can't let you go, your number came up."

<I don't want to die!>

"Pinkie, please don't do this!" I cried out.

She rolled her eyes and picked up a knife, "I like your cutie mark. It'll make a nice addition to my dress."

She stepped forward and went to my flank, where I couldn't see her.

{Oh my God! What is she doing?!}
<I'll look.>

I felt something fall on my shoulder.

[Damn it Dawn, stop fainting. It can't be that bad.... OH MY FUCK! THAT'S A BIG KNIFE!]
{What! What is she doing now?!}
[I'm not looking back man! I may be hardcore, but I'm not that hardcore!]

A sudden, sharp and shearing pain erupted on the right side of my flank. I screamed out in agony.

When she was done with that side, she moved to the next. The same amount of pain, more screams of agony.

She jumped in front of me and held up my two cutie marks, "Aren't they cool!"

[Lance! You have to give me control of your body!]

A fluid like sensation took over my body, as I felt Break take control. My muscles tensed up beyond their normal limit, my strength was increased.


My body began straining against the bonds, stretching them. The boards behind me began to bend, and the straps were starting to give.

Pinkie Pie looked scared for her life, "Your eyes.... They're black!"

Break pushed my body to the limit.

Suddenly, my body slumped and went weak. I could feel my body slowly returning to normal.

[Fuck! Well, I tried at least.]
{Thanks Break. Even if you didn't get us out, you still showed determination.}

Pinkie Pie exhaled and smiled, "I like those eyes, those are coming out next!"

{Fuck you Break...}

She pushed the knife closer to my face.

A foot away.

Eight inches away.

Half a foot away.

Four inches away.

Two inches away.

One inch away.

"SURPRISE! We got ya Lance!" Two very familiar voices yelled out.

The lights came on and revealed that the room wasn't really what it seemed. The banner was hoof painted, the guts and gore was... paper? Wow they looked real in the dark. And in the light, I could see that Pinkie Pie's dress was just fabric and paper.

"What the fuck is going on here!" I screamed out.

Peter walked into view, a smirk on his face, "And that's for leaving us behind."

Zorrow walked into view next, "Yeah, you could have helped us a little more you know. Those mare's where crazy!"

<We're alive? Yay!>
[Look who woke up, the weenie! You missed it, I went all rage mode. Pure awesomeness.]

I glared at them the best I could, my head still strapped to the wooden platform. "Assholes! You cut my fucking cutie mark off!"

Peter shook his hoof out in front of him, "Nope." He picked up my cutie marks, "Those are fabric."

I became confused, "Then how did you..."

Zorrow spoke up, "Magic. We made you feel what we wanted you to feel. You didn't even get cut, your mind just though it was." He looked at Peter and Pinkie Pie, "Best prank ever?"

They both nodded, "Best prank ever."

My eye twitched, "I'm going to beat the shit out you two!"

They laughed, "Yeah, but your strapped down."

{Break, if you would be so kind.}
[Oh hell yeah, it would be my pleasure.]

I felt Break take control of my body again.

Peter and Zorrow looked at me in shock and horror, "What the..."

I felt myself smile and my body tensed up. The weakened restraints couldn't hold me back as Break pushed me past the limit. They broke and I landed on the ground.

{Don't kill them.}
[Don't worry Lance.]

I ran forward and picked both up by the neck.

Zorrow looked at me, "Your not Lance.. Who are you?"

I smiled, "I am Break, Lance's badass conscience. You can thank Greg for this."

Peter looked at me strangely, "What? Then the prank Greg played didn't make him into two ponies? Oh shit..."

"Oh shit is right!" I said in a playful voice.

{Okay Break, give me back control. Their our friends, we don't want to hurt them.}
[Aww, come on. Just a little?]
<Listen to Lance Break.>
[Ugh, fine.]

I dropped both of them, "Your lucky. Lance talked me out of it."

I felt Break releasing control and returning it to me.

I looked at them, now back to normal, and smiled, "Sorry about that. Break is kinda... Well, I can't explain it yet."

Zorrow stood up first, "What the fuck man?"

I shrugged, "I'll explain everything at my house. I want everyone to hear me. Peter, can you get Drax please."

He stood there for a second before responding, "Uhhh, sure."

I smiled, "Thanks, meet us at my house."

Zorrow looked worried, "Don't let him out again, okay?"

I smirked, "No promises."

Canterlot, night time, a mile from Lance's house

"So, those pathetic ponies were right. He is a princes now." Richard said to himself, anger and hate filled his voice.

Richard was a human, but here, he is a Griffin. He is also the father of Frederic, something he is not proud of. His son was weak and pathetic. He was a disgrace to the family name and the mob.

Back on earth, Richard was a mob boss, taking control after the downfall of the Rizzuto clan. He took control of downtown Montréal with ease. He was on top of the world, but wanted more. So, he forced his only son, Frederic, to join the family business. Frederic hated it and hated him. But he didn't care, as long he got what he wanted. Nothing could bring him down.

Things went bad though, not long after Frederic was forced into the mob. Richard had wanted to show the city who was in charge. A plan was set up, to kill the political leaders of the country. Frederic refused instantly, as this plan included killing many innocent people.

Richard became outraged when Frederic threaten to go to the police about it. Richard had his men beat Frederic to an inch of his life, he then gave him an ultimatum: Join and embrace the family, or go against it. Frederic chose to go against it, thus, forcing Richard to kill him. One bullet to the head, that's all it took.

After the rapture however, Richard was faced with a dire choice. As he prepared to chose where to go, a though popped into his mind. 'If I get to chose where I go, then that means Frederic got a choice.' He then asked God to send him to where his son was. Why he allowed him, he does not know. But he had unfinished business to attend to.

He looked at him self again, still loving his body. A Griffin, pure black with blood red highlights. His talons were sharp enough to cut through wood, easily.

He smirked, he knew what he was going to do first to get back at Frederic. Kill his most dearest friends. He knows where they live, he's been watching them for the past month. Just waiting, counting down the minutes till his plan could be put into action.

He laughed, a laugh so evil, it rivaled the most fearsome creatures, "I'ma coming for ya boy!" He yelled as he took to the air.

Lance's house.

"That is awesome!" Greg said as he smoked his joint.

I laughed, "Damn right its awesome."

We was at my house; David, Peter, Greg, Zorrow, Seth, Drax, and me. I had told everyone to come here, since I didn't want to explain this over and over again. I had told them all about Break and Dawn. At first they didn't believe me (Except Peter and Zorrow, they saw it first hand.) But, after I let Break and Dawn take control, they believed me.

I also learned something. Break told me that when he takes control of my body, he goes into what he calls 'Rage mode'. While he's in this state, he pulls all the pain and anger from my memory and uses it as fuel. Pretty fucking awesome if you ask me.

Drax furrowed an eyebrow, "So, your all not from this world?" He still couldn't believe we was from another universe.

David chuckled, "Like we said before, no. Our world ended, so we all chose to come here."

Drax still looked confused, "I still don't fully understand this."

Greg began to laugh crazily, "Damn! I must be high as fuck!"

I looked over at him, "Why?"

He pointed to the window, "Because man, I can see this big ass bird about to slam into your window."

Big ass bird? What the fuck is he... I looked at the window, my eyes widened. A Griffin, a freaking Griffin! Was flying straight at my window.

Peter saw it too, "What the fu..."

The window, along with most of the wall, was blown inward as the large black Griffin landed inside my house.

I became pissed at what just happened, "You fucking bitch!" I took a few steps closer to him, "You just blew a fucking hole in my fucking house!"

He looked down and smiled. He swiped his paw side ways, sending me flying into a wall. I slammed into it and slumped to the ground, dazed.

Everyone jumped up and glared at the Griffin, "What the hell is your problem?!"

He laughed again as he jumped forward with such speed, no one saw him move. He grabbed David by the neck and laughed, a creepy happy laugh.

[Get up lance!]

I began to stand, "Hey! Leave my friends alone!"

He turned to me and grinned. He then throw David straight at me. The force from the throw sent David and I into the wall again, this time, embedding both of us into it.

Drax charged at the Griffin as it had its back to him. Drax slammed into it, sending both of them into a wall. Drax pulled him down to face level and screamed, "YOU DO NOT HURT MY NEW FRIENDS! YOU WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME FIRST!"

The Griffin, who hasn't even said a word, smirked and punched Drax in the gut.

Drax grabbed his stomach and fell to the ground.

The Griffin looked at him, amused. He then kicked him across the room.

<Lance, you have to do something!>
[Our friends are getting hurt man!]
{I can't! I can't even move anymore!}

Greg's horn glowed and he pushed the Griffin against a wall, "You son of a whore! I'm going to mess you up for doing that!"

The Griffin looked unimpressed as it raised its clawed hand and pointed it to the ceiling.

The ceiling began to turn red, a bright read. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion as the entire top floor was blown away.

<Thank God Twilight isn't here!>

Greg's eye twisted, "My weed. MY MOTHER FUCKING WEED!" He began to throw the Griffin around, up and down, side to side. Trying to hurt, or kill him.

The Griffin yawned and broke free of Greg's magic. He pointed his talon at Greg and smiled.

Greg shot backwards, into the wall. There was a sickening crack as he made contact.

[Lance, don't focus on the fight! Focus on me and Dawn. Try and give us both control of your body.]
<Break, you don't mean we're going to..>
[Its the only way Lance can fight that thing.]
{What are you two talking about?}
[If you can give us both control of your body, at the same time, we can give you an additive boost.]
{Okay, I'll try.}

I began to focus on them. Putting all my thoughts on them.

Peter's body flew past, distracting me.

Fuck! Focus Lance!

I forced my self to focus, even though I could hear the fight getting rougher.

Suddenly, I felt my mind come together in perfect balance. I slipped away from myself, I was no longer in control of my body.

My body was admitting a strange red glow, and my mane and tail was smoking, and had lighting going through them. My hooves where red hot, with smoke coming off them. This was awesome!

[Yes! We did it!]
<We actually did it!>

I began to move forward, slowly pushing David out of the small hole in the wall. Once out, I turned to the Griffin, now holding Seth's unconscious body.

The anger and hatred grew inside of me. I stood up on my hind legs and screamed out, "BREAKING DAWN!"

{Cool name.}
[Thanks, we talked about it for a while. Now, time to get serious!]

I shot forward, faster than I though possible, and slammed into the Griffin. When I made contact, I began slamming my hooves into him, beating every inch of flesh I could. Leaving hoof sized burns all over him.

I jumped up and reared up. I felt electricity going into my hooves. I smiled and brought them down hard.

The Griffin began to shake and jump while the electricity shot through his body.

I stepped back and smiled smugly, "Hurt my friends will you! You see what happens when you mess with us!"

The Griffin began to laugh, low at first, but it raised to a full on laugh as he sat up.

I stepped back in horror, "That's impossible! You shouldn't be able to move!"

The Griffin stopped laughing and looked at me, "My turn." He shot forward, quickly grabbing me by the neck. "You should have stayed in your hole!" He slammed me into the ground, hard.

I coughed as the air was knocked out of me. As I struggled to breath, he slammed his head into mine.

<How... How can he still be able to fight!>
[We're in Breaking Dawn form! He shouldn't even be able to move after all that!]

The Griffin grabbed me by my mane, the electricity from it shooting into his hand. But he didn't seem to care as he throw me into the air.

I was to dazed to spread my wings, or even to think straight.

Something grabbed me, turned my body till my head was facing downwards. Something latched onto me, and I felt my self began to fall.

I slammed into the ground, head first.

[That fucker just used a pile driver on us!]

I felt my body begin to change back to normal.

<Oh no, Lance's body is to weak!>
[Lance, you have to do something!]

I shakily tried to stand to my feet.

The Griffin laughed again, "Your a persistent fucker aren't ya? No matter, you'll be dead in a second." He raised his talon up to point at me.

This is it, I'm screwed!

[Move Lance!]
{I can't! I can barely hold myself up!}

Suddenly, something slammed into me, knocking me out of the way. Seconds later, the wall behind where I was standing blew outward in a spray of wood and stone.

Peter shakily stood up and stood over me, "You will not hurt him anymore!"

"We'll see." The Griffin said with no emotion.

He kicked Peter off of me, sending him into the wall, where he slumped down next to Greg.

He looked back down at me, "So much trouble, and your not my main target."

A sudden bright flash caught his attention.

"YOU!" Said an extremely angry voice, a voice I knew.

The Griffin smiled, "Frederic, son, its good to see you."

SON! This Griffin is Frederic's father?! The one that killed him!

"YOU'VE HURT MY FRIENDS! YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME! NOT THEM!" Frederic screamed in his loudest and maddest voice he could.

I could swear my ear drums where bleeding from the force of his voice.

"Frederic Frederic, Frederic. That's no way to talk to your dear old dad." Frederic's dad said smugly.

"YOU ARE NO LONGER MY FATHER! YOU ARE MY ENEMY!" Frederic said, preparing to charge.

His dad stepped over me, "Bring it son, lets see if you've grown a pair."

Through the haze of my vision, I could see the weakest part on him. I smirked.

{Break! Quickly, help me muster up some straight!}
[You got it! One rage filled punch coming up!]

As I felt the strength in my right hoof grow, I smirked, "Yo, big ugly! Feel the pain!" I then slammed my hoof into the weakest part of a man. His groin.

He yelped in pain and kicked me out from under him, "I'll deal with you later."

"NO! YOU WILL ONLY DEAL WITH ME!" Frederic screamed as he slammed into his father. I couldn't see straight, but I could see them exchanging blows, each hitting each other after the other. I couldn't keep track of them.

Suddenly, with out warning, Frederic's dad grabbed Frederic's horn and laughed, "Weak!" He then broke it off, causing Frederic to scream in agony. Frederic stumbled back as his father advanced on him, "Just like last time old pal." His dad slashed a large gash across his chest.

Frederic's eyes widened and he looked down in shock.

"I'll be seeing you in hell son." His father said as he slashed at Frederic, dealing the death blow.

Frederic slumped against the wall, lifeless.

I felt my heart break at the sight of my best friend being killed, right in front of me!


Break and Dawn both fell down crying on my shoulders.

Tears began to fall off my face.

His father turned to me and smiled, "Well, now that that's out of the way, its your turn."

My lip trembled and my voice was cracked, "You... bastard!"

He smiled and advanced on me.

When he was within a few feet of me, the entire house began to shake... Wait, all of Equestria began to shake!

The darkest and brightest light flashed behind Frederic's dad.

I looked past him and gasped.

Frederic was standing straight up, furious rage filled eyes glaring at his dad. But something was different.

Frederic was no longer brown, but a light black. His eyes were no longer normal, they was the eyes of a demon, and a deep red. His mane and tail was both metallic and sharp. His horn had grown back. The clothes he wore was also the same color as his coat. I could also see a strange pulsing light emitting off of him. It looked... Evil.

His dad turned to face him, "Frederic..."

[Holy shit! Frederic looks ready to kill!]
<He looks like he's possessed!>

Frederic began to yell at the top of his lungs, in a voice that sounded so possessed and enraged, I flinched at every word.

"My anger fuels my motives
My hate is focused onto a single being
My resolve is absolute
My goal is clear:
To protect
To avenge
To purge
I am the son of darkness itself
I am the blade of justice

Darksteel Edge? Its like he's possessed by something, like Luna was. But, he seemed focused.

His dad eyed him up and down, "Darksteel Edge? Really now? You was always a..."


Frederic, or Darksteel Edge, ran towards his father, the fires of rage in his eyes.

This is Lance when Break is in control.

Note: I could not do the tense muscles.

Also, here is Frederic. In Darksteel Edge form