The Elements of Chaos

by Petchricor


Celestia sat on her throne looking through the filed reports of the guards in the peace of the sunlit day without a cloud in the sky. The breeze coming in through the window made the room smell of spring flowers and fresh air, making Celestia smile. She looked up as the door opened. The scroll before her fell to the floor and she gasped at the sight.

Before her stood an Alicorn even larger than herself and he was surrounded by five other ponies who grinned at her evilly. He let out an evil laugh and appeared right before her, his transparent body shimmering in the noonday sun.

"Celly, it is such a pleasure to see you! I'm afraid that your barrier has been defeated. Any words before I destroy all your hopes and dreams?" he hissed. Celestia snarled at him angrily. He gave an evil laugh at her and backed up, his form starting to disappear into thin air. "Goodbye Celly, I do wish you only the best of luck." He gave a quiet, evil chuckle and he was gone.

"You wont take over my land, not while I still hold the throne," Celestia decreed quietly to herself as she wrote a letter to Twilight. If anyone could stop this madness it was her and her friends, the wielders of the Elements of Harmony, but only if it wasn't to late.

Twilight trotted down the hallways of the palace, trying not to look in too much of a rush. The Princess had just called her to the palace and it sounded urgent. Something about how all of Equestria needed her help and that she needed to be at the palace as soon as possible. She didn't know why or what was going on, but she did know that the Princess needed her and she would help in any way she could. As she entered the thrown room she found Celestia pacing up and down the room, looking nervous.

"Princess? Is everything all right?" Twilight asked as she approached her, worried by the look on her mentor's face. Celestia stopped pacing and turned to look at Twilight, giving a sigh of relief at the sight.

"Come my little pony, there is a story you must hear," Celestia told her as she trotted out of the throne room and down the hallway. Twilight followed right behind as they entered a room where the windows where covered and no light shown. It was dusty and smelled like no one had stepped hoof in it in years. Celestia's horn started to glow and the tarps covering the windows fell and light filled the room.

"What is this place?" Twilight murmured, more to herself than to the Princess beside her. Celestia gave a light sigh and walked forward, dust flying up into the air with each step.

"This is the only room with the true story of how Equestria came into being," Celestia told her simply. Twilight gave a light gasp. No pony had even known how Equestria was made, there were many pony-tales but no pony really knew what happened. "The Elements of Harmony were not always in the state you found them, they were gods Twilight, and they made the land you walk on everyday.

"They did not create the ponies in the land, they had already existed when they came to our world, but when they found them they did not have any land, the just lived in a void of darkness. And from the kindness in the Element's hearts they decided to make these poor creatures land to live on where they could live and prosper. They created the trees, rivers, mountains, and even the moon and sun.

"They did not rule the land for the ponies could not see them, but they did do whatever they could to help the ponies live in this new land so they could prosper and do well with their lives. But after the trouble between the Earth ponies, the Pegasi, and the Unicorns they decided they would need somepony that would be able do what they could not, rule over the land and take care of the ponies in it.

"So, they created Luna and I. Of course they created us as fillies so that we could grow up in the land and learn our way through life, and they also made us close to immortal so we could rule for millions of years. We can die, but not of old age or sickness. And because the Elements created us we could see and hear them, so they could mentor us. Once we were ready they told us our purpose and we have ruled the land ever sense.

"Thousands of years passed with a calm rule and no problems in Equestria. But then Discord came," Celestia paused, as if thinking the entire moment over again, having Twilight resist the urge to question her. "We could not defeat him on our own and the Elements could not destroy him because of their lack of a physical form. That's when they became the Elements of Harmony that you know now.

"They allowed us to wield them, using out physical form to use their powers to defeat Discord and imprison him in stone. But the Elements were stuck, if we tried to free them they would cease to exist. So there they stayed, forever trapped."

There was silence after that, the story baffling Twilight to a point where no words could describe her awe and had Celestia staring at one of the stain glass windows. After thinking all this over Twilight walked over to join her, staring up at the window with her mouth slightly agape.

On the window were six ponies in a circle with one in the middle. The one in the middle was an Alicorn and his wings were spread out wide so that they almost touched the two on either side of him he was a deep blue color with a light purple tint in his mane and his cutie mark was also the same color, it was a capitol A.

The one above him was a unicorn. Stood with his head to the left of the window and his hindquarters to the left, looking off behind him as if looking at something. His horn glowed and he looked completely calm, as if he was not worried about anything in the world and he knew exactly what he was doing. His mane had a red tint and his cute mark was a triangle of the same color.

The one to the right of the window was also a Unicorn of a gold color. Obviously female she sat down and looked forward. She looked calm as well and had a kind smile upon her face as if she cared and would be patient in all things. Her mane had an orange tint and her cutie mark was a curved lowercase i of the same color as well.

The one just below her was an Earth pony, he was purple with a slightly peach colored mane. He looked much younger than the others and was laying down facing the right of the window, his left hoof slightly covering his face as one of his eyes peaked out to look. He looked nervous but was smiling none-the-less, as if even though he was frightened he trusted that he would not be harmed. His mane was tinted pink and his cutie mark was an O with a line through the middle.

The one the left of him was a bright sky blue pegasus and was rearing in the air with his wings out, he was facing the opposite direction of the other pony beside him as he had a huge smile on his face. His right hoof was punching the air while his left stayed closer to his side and he looked like he might be shouting something. His mane had a bit of a brighter blue tint and his cutie mark was backwards 3 of the same bright blue.

The last one was to the right of the window. He was a bright silver colored a pegasus. His wings were folded neatly as his side and he looked as calm as the female in the picture. His neck was bent down as he peered in front of him, a smile on his face as in his mouth he held a necklace of some sort. His mane had a dark purple tint and his cutie mark was an uppercase Z of the same color.

Twilight's eyes were twitching from one pony to the other, marveled by how they looked. As she kept looking she realized how their secondary colors matched up with the colors the Elements had. She gasped at the realization that these were the beings who had become the Elements of Harmony.

"The one in the middle calls himself the Alpha," Celestia spoke, getting her loyal student to look over at her to listen intently. "He did no come from this world but from another, he and his sons and daughter were sent here from their world and decided to help the ponies they found here. But when we last spoke the Alpha told me that a few of his sons were missing, six to be exact.

"These sons that went missing make up the Elements of Chaos," Celestia hissed the last word like a curse and continued down the long room with Twilight following her and hanging onto every word. "The primary Elements of Harmony are Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, and Laughter, and Magic activates them.

"The primary Elements of Chaos are Betrayal, Cruelty, Greed, Deceit, and Despair, with Magic to activate them all just like the Elements of Harmony. You see, the reason the Elements couldn't destroy Discord was because the Elements of Chaos had created him in another world and sent him here to try and destroy us, but the Elements were faster than they."

They stopped before another window, the same order but with different ponies. The Alicorn in the middle was white and his eyes were red, he glared forward with an evil smile on his face. His wings were spread out like the one before, but his looked hostile instead of graceful. His mane had black tints and his cutie mark looked just like a horse shoe that was black like his mane.

The one above him was an orange Pegasus with flames for a mane. He was flying in the air with a grin from hell itself upon his face. His eyes were glowing and he looked like he might leap out off the window and feed Twilight to Timber Wolves right then and there. His flame mane had a dark yellow tint and his cutie mark was a strange E of the same color.

The one to the right of the window was a teal color Unicorn. He had a slight half smirk and was winking in a way that told you he was not truthful in the least. He stood slightly facing forward with his right hoof raised slightly as his left eye winked. His mane had a dark blue tint and his cutie mark was Y with a twisted bottom.

The one below him was a blood red Pegasus who stood facing the left of the window. His eyes narrowed into a glare and his teeth were barred in an evil snarl. He had cuts all over his body and his hoof was raised as if he was ready to punch someone. He made Twilight feel sick to her stomach. His mane had a dark red tint and his cutie mark was an upside-down version of the one before him of the same color.

The one to his left was a dark blue Earth pony, reminding Twilight of tears. He sat on his haunches and stared down at the ground looking like he was on the verge of crying. His mouth held a frown and his eyes were half closed as his mane covered most of his face, hiding the color of his eyes. His mane was tinted purple and his cutie mark was an uppercase B of the same shade.

The last one was a black Unicorn that had an evil smirk on his face as his head was turned forwards and his body faced the left side of the window. He had a jewel necklace around his neck and he held a hoof up, as if protecting it. His eyes narrowed only slightly to make the appearance of anger. His mane had a maroon tint and his cutie mark was a uppercase O of the same color.

"We only met them once, after the encounter we set up a barrier to keep them out, and it worked. The Alicorn calls himself Omega and his the most powerful of all his siblings, he is not quite as strong as Alpha but he is still every powerful, and very persistent. He has fought at our barrier for years, but only has sent things through that would discourage us.

"He created the armor that turned my sister into Nightmare Moon, he made the spell that allowed Discord to be freed, he took away and brought back the Crystal Empire, and he has done everything in his power to try to kill my sister and I, for without us the barrier will fall. As you can tell by the few years of peace we have had lately he had given up on that.

"But he has found another way. I don't know how or why, but he and his brothers have broken through the barrier and are on their way here to try and destroy the Elements of Harmony, taking away our only weapon against them and plunging Equestria into a dark age of fear and disharmony. I need you and your friends' help Twilight, we must keep the Elements safe and stop them before they can take over my land."

Twilight stood with her mouth hanging open in shock of what she had just been told. Some of the most powerful beings in the universe were on their way to destroy their most powerful weapon and take of the world? That's what Celestia had just told her and she couldn't believe that all this was being placed in her care, along with her friends as well. Having no other answer Twilight knew she'd have to except this new challenge.

"We will do all we can to help," Twilight said with a confident nod. Celestia smiled and patted Twilight on the head as she headed back towards the door.

"I know you will. There are books and scrolls all about what happened, read them and see if you can find anything useful for you, take anything you like when you go back home. Goodluck my faithful student," Celestia said walking out the door. As it shut behind her she sighed and her head hung a little below her shoulders. "You are going to need it."