
by Thithle Candytufth

Chapter 19: Falling Apart

How could she say that? She knows I lied to her. Does she not remember? No, no, she does. She most certainly does. She wouldn't think I just casually forgot such an important detail— being directly related to royalty is not really a tiny factoid. No, I said “I’m not really anywhere among the higher-ups in Canterlot”. In front of all of them. She knows I’m hiding something. She probably knew before, and was just dealing with this dishonest wreck of a pony out of kindness. What is she getting out of not stopping everything, pointing a hoof at me and calling me the perjurer that I am? Is it that she doesn’t want to embarrass Shining and Cadance? Is she just waiting for them to leave and will kick me to the curb for being so dishonest? Is she going to spare my family from having to see me break down, or from seeing her call me out on my lies? Go on. I can’t deal with the anticipation. Just mercy-kill this torturous failure of a friendship right now so I can go lie in a corner and die.

“Twilight? Are you coming?”

Twilight shook her head until her eyes rattled. She turned to see an expectant Lavender, with one hoof out the door.

“To what?”

“Lunch. We were just saying—”

“Oh?” Twilight interrupted. “Of course.” Twilight stepped out the door with her. Just say it already. You’re being crueler than you could imagine by holding back like this.

She lagged behind the three of them as they headed down the road to the café. Lavender exchanged little quips with the royal couple, and occasionally chuckles would arise. Twilight’s eyes darted back and forth. No, maybe she is trying to spare me the embarrassment. Just going to save the talk for later. Once those two leave she’ll give me that talking-to, and maybe we could come to an understanding?

You were already treading on thin ice, Twilight Sparkle. This is the misstep that breaks it.

Twilight tripped on a stone and stumbled. She struggled to regain her footing.

“Twilight?” Lavender looked back, slowing her pace “are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Twilight trotted up to the rest of the group, “just sort of zoning out.”

Twilight paid no heed to the movements of her body as she followed them. Their words and laughter droned out and became incomprehensible babble. Her mind raced back and forth.

The four entered the café. Twilight stumbled through the crowded eatery, bumping against chairs and brushing against servers as she walked to their chosen table.

“So, Twily,” Shining Armor said as he pulled out a chair, “how’s the new job?”

“Oh, the teaching?” Twilight looked at her hooves. “I have only been at it for a week, but things have been going well, I suppose.”

“You suppose?” Lavender tilted her head, “you’re doing excellently! You’re a huge help.” Lavender tapped Twilight lightly on the back.

“That’s great to hear,” Cadance smiled, “I always knew you had a gift, Twilight,” she ran her hoof through Twilight’s mane.

Twilight blushed and buried her face in her hooves. “I guess I have a knack for it, then,” she mumbled.

“It would be wonderful to have you around full-time,” Lavender said, “but I understand if family comes first.”

Twilight’s eyes opened wide. What? Full-time? Why would she—

“I don’t know about that just yet,” Twilight stuttered, “I mean, I can’t just leave Canterlot behind, can I?”

Shining Armor and Cadance exchanged glances. “Well…” Shining Armor rubbed a hoof under his chin.

“It seems you’ve found your calling here, Twilight,” Cadance said.

“We wouldn’t want to take that from you,” Shining Armor patted Twilight on the shoulder. “If you want to stay, we can handle it.”

“So long as we get to visit once and a while,” Cadance smiled.

Please no. Take me back. I’m not home here. I’m not home anywhere. Let me out. Let me restart this. I’ll find another town. Try to make friends again. This hasn’t worked out. I can’t say no at this point. Why would I? To them I’m perfectly fine and dandy here. I can’t say how miserable I am.

There’s no point anymore. Everywhere I go I’ll end up doing this to those around me.

“Oh, I shouldn’t pressure you,” Lavender said, frowning slightly. “We’ll see how it works out; it’s only been a week so far.”

“I’ll think about it,” Twilight said. What other choices do I have? I either stay here to watch this all fall apart or try, and fail, again.

No. I can fix this. I can start being truthful with them. I can tell them everything. It would explain my behavior. We could all restart and be friends.

They’re either not going to believe you or just kick you to the curb for lying to them. Your whole ‘friendship’ is based in your lies. They’re not going to offer you a reset because you proved that you don’t deserve it.

Shouldn’t I have faith in them? Lavender picked me off of the streets and showed me her kindness. Can’t that kindness extend to this? Can’t she help me?

Twilight looked at Lavender, who was exchanging jokes with the royal couple. No, she has no reason to. She has better friends.

Twilight watched the conversations go by as she left herself to her thoughts. Eventually the lunch came to a close. The four headed out of the café. They reached a crossroads, one path leading to the train station, the other to the academy. They exchanged goodbyes. Twilight kept nearly silent and limply waved her hoof as the two slipped away from her sight.

The two mares kept silent as they walked back to the academy. Lavender wore a surprisingly solemn countenance. She trotted nearly hurriedly, forcing Twilight to keep her pace. She opened the door to the academy and stepped in. Twilight took a hesitant glance inside and followed.

Lavender took a few steps into the foyer and turned back to Twilight. Silence fell between them. Twilight refused to lift her head. Lavender’s tail swayed slowly. Lavender inhaled soberly.

Oh, here it is. I better pack my things. I better just become that hobopony. There’s no one for me anymore.

“So, is there anything you would like to talk about?”

Twilight lifted her head. “Talk about?”

“Is there something on your mind?”

“I’m not sure what you mean,” Twilight turned her head away.

“Well, all day, you’ve seemed sort of, I don’t know, out of it.” Lavender brushed at the ground with her hoof. “Did something happen?”

“N-no,” Twilight stuttered, “I just wasn’t ready for a surprise visit...”

Lavender tilted her head. “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

Now’s your chance. You can explain it to her. She’ll understand, just give her the chance to reach out to you.

“No… everything’s fine. I just think I need to lie down for a while.”