A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

17 - Sight is a Wonderful Thing

A Bad Day to Fish
By - FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 17 - Sight is a Wonderful Thing

The sun rose brightly as Celestia triumphed over Luna in their never ending struggle. Mike slowly opened his eyes, leaning forward and yawning; the animals happily greeting him. His noise picked up the faint smell of something cooking in the kitchen and he slowly got up, the world spinning for a moment.
Suddenly a white blob shot out of nowhere and ran underneath him, tangling his hooves and he fell flat on his face. "Oh come on!" He muttered, trying to pry himself from the ground.
"Michael are you alright?" Fluttershy asked as she helped him to his hooves.
"Yeah I'm fine, just tripped I think..." He said with a smile. "Whatcha making?"
She checked his snout to make sure. "Umm just some hay fries." She said, taking a step back.
He smiled and gently nuzzled her cheek. "Sounds wonderful." He made his way towards the kitchen, only for the white missile to strike again, running another pass under his legs and he connected solidly with the door jam. "Who put that there?" He said around the wood.
She quickly helped him again. "I'm so sorry; I'm sure Angel didn’t mean to make you fall…" She said, checking his snout a second time.
"Yeah, I'm sure he didn’t." He said, watching out for the white missile, carefully treading his way into the kitchen and sat on the chair. He felt his snout and winced at the pain.
She sighed and gave him a plate of hay fries before sitting down, staring at her own before eating in silence.
He paused and looked at her carefully. "Um… Flutters are you ok, you seem upset?" He asked tentatively.
"Um… don’t worry, I'm fine…"
"Are you su-" He stopped himself, stuffing his mouth full of fries.
She sighed once more and ate in silence. When she was done, she got up and placed her plate in the sink.
He sighed. God help me. He walked up to her and gently laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Flutters… I know something is bothering you, please… you can tell me…" He whispered.
She looked at him. "It's just that… that I was going to surprise you by buying a pair of glasses and I went to see how much they were… but I can't afford them, they're too expensive." She whispered, her eyes glossy. "I-I'm sorry Michael, please don’t be mad…" She hid her face under her mane.
"Hey… come here…" He said, opening his forehooves, standing on his hind hooves.
She looked at him for a moment before snuggling up to his chest; a few sobs broke through. He gently patted and ran a hoof along her back, resting his head on top of hers. "Shh, it's ok… I don’t need to see right now. I have you." He paused, gently nuzzling the top of her head. "And besides, when I get a job, I can pay for my own so I don’t keep mooching off you…" She looked at him with her glossy eyes and he nuzzled the tip of her snout. "I promise its ok, I'd rather have you as my eyes anyway." He smiled.
She gently connected her lips with his. "T-thank you…" She whispered, snuggling up to his chest.
He smiled and rested his head on top of hers, enjoying the serenity of the moment. "Like I said Fluttershy, if you're by my side, I don’t care if I'm blind, deaf, or paralyzed… I'll be fine." She put her hooves around his neck and looked into his eyes, he smiled. "And you'll be there for me, right?" She nodded before kissing him again, closing her eyes as he did the same.
The world seemed to dissolve and it was just the two of them, in an embrace that neither wanted to end. A rather irate bunny thought differently and pushed against her, causing her to eep quietly as she fell into his hooves. Caught off guard, he fell backwards, his head connecting with the floor. They laid there for a moment before he realized she was on top of him, their lips connected.
Their wings shot straight out, her face bright red but the connection remained between them until he broke the kiss. "I-I'm s-sorry…" He whispered, wishing to be invisible.
Her sapphire eyes stared back at him. Her fur was brushing against his chest, her pink mane inches away from his forehead. For a few minutes that she was on top of him, he could fell her hot breath and rapid rise and fall of her chest. Her eyes widened and her pupils shrank as she let out a squeak and quickly got off of him, hiding behind her mane.
He laid there for a moment, getting air back into his lungs before he forced his wings to relax and got to his hooves. He looked at her quietly. "Flutters?" He whispered, walking over to her. He gently pushed her mane out of her face.
Her eyes were closed and her face was still bright red. She was hyperventilating, her mind trying to process what just happened.
"Fluttershy? Are you ok?" He asked hesitantly.
She started to shake slightly as one of her sapphire eyes slowly opened and looked at him.
He faintly smiled. "You ok?" He asked, patting her back gently with a hoof.
She quickly closed her eye again. "I-I can't do it… I co-could-could- nev-never…" She stuttered.
He paused. "Do what?"
"I-I could never co-come that close to so-somepony…" She stuttered out.
He stared at her for a moment before it clicked in his mind and he scrambled away from her. "Oh… oh, I'm s-sorry… I… uh…" His mouth opened and closed a few times but nothing came out. He stood there, staring at the floor.
She continued to shake, lying on the floor with her hooves on her head. She wished she could vanish into the floor itself.
He looked at her before sighing quietly. Let's see if I can make it worse. He very slowly walked back up to her and lay next to her, their fur gently touching. "Flutters?" He whispered, leaning his head towards hers.
She turned her head slightly, revealing her red face and a sapphire eye.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry… for that. I guess I wasn’t ready for standing on two legs again." He looked at the floor. "Um… you know I'd never do anything you weren't comfortable with." He squeaked, his face turning red.
She stared at the ground and tried to calm herself. She took a deep breath before she slowly approached him. "M-Michael?" She quietly asked, looking at him.
His ear twitched and he slowly looked up. "Y-yes?"
She pressed her lips against his and he sat there in shock, both his eyes wide open. She made the kiss as special as she could, tilting her head slightly. He closed his eyes and let her control the kiss.
The two of them stood there for what felt like eternity. Fluttershy's blush faded away. She felt happy and comfortable around him, knowing that if she acted like herself he wouldn’t care. She broke the kiss and opening her eyes, looking at him with a smile. "It-it's ok."
He smiled and leaned forward, nuzzling her cheek gently. "Thank you Fluttershy…" He stood up, looking at the door. "So what do you wanna do today?"
"Um… I was going to go to the market… um… if you want to you could come with me…" She hoofed the ground.
"S-sure, I actually needed to head that way to talk with Martin about something." He scratched the back of his neck.
She flung her hooves around his neck, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry about what happened… I-I should trust you more…" She whispered.
He stood there for a moment before wrapping his hooves around her. "It's ok Flutters, it was an accident all around."
She nuzzled his cheek with a smile. "Thank you Michael…" She let go of him. "Umm… we should go now…"
"Ok." He said with a smile before walking towards the door, narrowly avoiding the door jam. "Ha, you won't get me a third time!" He chuckled.
She giggled and followed him outside. They walked towards town, hoof in hoof, making their way to the market. They passed the smithy and he looked at it. "Um... Flutters, I'm gonna go see if Martin's in there…"
She hesitated before nodding slightly. "Um… ok."
"So… um, where would you like to meet up?"
She looked around before pointing at a small fountain not far away. "Um… over there…"
He squinted at it, trying to memorize where it was. "Ok then… well, see ya later?" He asked, nervously hoofing at the ground.
She gave him a small kiss on the cheek before she walked towards the market, leaving him standing there alone. He stared at the ground before shaking his head and made his way to the door and opened it. He entered the shop, Martin standing behind the counter polishing a sword.
"Hey Martin." He said, slowly making his way towards the human.
He looked up with a smile. "Hey mate, what brings you here?" He put down the steel blade, the light reflected in the newly polished steel.
Mike hoofed nervously at the ground. "Well, I need some advice."
Martin tilted his head. "Um, sure how can I help you?"
Mike took a deep breath. "Well… I wanna take Fluttershy out on a date but I don’t know where and I don’t have any money so I was wondering if you knew anywhere that was hiring but I should really ask Twilight that question…" He said, on par with Pinkie's unnatural talking speed.
Martin paused and scratched his chin. "Sorry mate, I'm really no help with that but I'm sure Twi can help you. But anyways, how's Fluttershy?"
Mike's face exploded in red. "Um… yeah…" He slowly started to make his way towards the door.
Martin looked at him dumbfounded. "I-is everything alright?"
Mike quickly turned around smashed his snout into the door. "Damn it! Third bloody time!" He yelled, holding his snout.
Martin walked around the counter and opened the door. "Geez, what could be so bad you don’t even wanna talk about it with your friend, aye?"
Mike sighed. "Well her demon bunny made me bash my face into the floor and door this morning, she was going to surprise me and buy me new glasses but they were too expensive and she was really upset… so I go to give her a hug and well, that bunny pushed her and we fell and… she was on top of me and we were still kissing… yeah…" He whispered.
"That isn't what I'd consider a bad thing." Martin said.
Mike blushed as his wings fluttered. "But she almost had a panic attack or something, you should've seen her. She was lying on the ground, her head buried and she shook… she didn’t even respond to me the first few times…"
Martin raised his eyebrow. "Um… ok, guess that’s just a Fluttershy, aye?"
Mike nodded. "Yeah, it was bad." He sighed. "I guess I should ask Twilight is anypony's hiring, shouldn’t I."
Martin shrugged. "I guess."
Mike paused before he looked at Martin with a smile. "So… how was your date Romeo?"
Martin blushed slightly. "Um… it was grand."
"Just grand?"
Martin raised his brow again. "I'd rather not explain here, maybe if I see you some other time I can go into more detail, aye?"
Mike nodded. "Sounds like a deal." He paused and looked out the door. "Then I'll let you get back to work and I gotta go find Twilight, see ya later?"
Martin nodded, walking back behind the counter. "Yup, catch ya later."
Mike waved goodbye before shutting the smithy door and trotted to the library and knocked on the door.
The door opened. "This is a public library, there's no need to kno-oh hey Michael." Spike stood in the doorway.
"Hey Spike, how's it going?"
He smiled. "I'm fine, you?"
"I can't complain, just getting used to being a pony." Mike said, flapping his wings.
He stepped to the side to let Mike in. "How can I help you?"
"Well I was wondering if Twilight was around, I gotta ask her a question." He said as he entered the library, avoiding the evil door.
"Course, she's upstairs." Spike said, shutting the door.
"Thanks Spike." Mike said and looked at the stairs.
Spike nodded and walked towards a pile of books. He sighed and bent down, sorting them before putting them away.
Mike slowly made his way up, tripping a few times before making it to the landing on the second floor. He stood outside her door and tapped on it a couple times. "Twilight?"
The door knob was surrounded by a purple aura and turned itself and the door opened. Twilight sat at her desk, a quill floating besides her head as it wrote on a parchment. "Hello Michael, how can I help you?" She asked with a warm smile.
He smiled as he walked in, looking at her room. He couldn’t really make anything out except that there were books everywhere but otherwise it was really neat and organized. "Hey Twilight, whatcha writing?"
She made the quill and parchment float towards the desk and gently sat them down. "Just a letter to Princess Celestia." She said, looking back at him. "But how can I help you?"
"Oh… well, I was wondering if you anypony that was hiring?" He nervously scratched at the floor.
She seemed surprised as she tapped her chin a few times. "Well… it depends on what kind of work you're looking for."
He chuckled. "Was the pun intentional?" He asked, waving a hoof in front of his face.
She blushed. "Oh, I'm sorry… I didn’t mean to offend you."
"No not at all, I found it funny." He smiled at her. "Just, I'm not sure what I can do since I can't see…"
"I guess we'll need to get you some glasses." She said.
"That’s actually why I was looking for a job so I can buy myself a pair. You still have my original pair?"
Twilight looked around her room and magicked her dresser as his old pair of glasses floated towards him. "Yes I do but I highly doubt they'll be of much use." She said.
"No but if I could find somepony to take the lens and fashion frames that'll hold them, I'd be fine. Just frames are expensive…"
She tapped her chin again. "Well… Rarity could probably give you a frame."
"You think she could?" He asked, excited.
She nodded. "I'm sure she has a pair of old glasses with a fitting frame."
He smiled and grabbed the floating frames in his mouth before giving her a hug. "Thanks Twilight!" He said, bolting to the door.
She smiled. "No problem Michael!" She yelled after him, shaking her head as she turned towards her desk.
He wasn’t paying attention and fell down the entire flight of steps, pausing only to shake his head and yell a goodbye to a startled Spike before galloping out of the library and to the Boutique. He knocked on the door.
"I'll be right there!" Rarity's slightly posh voice answered. The door opened and Rarity looked at him, her mane slightly disheveled and she was wearing a pair of red framed glasses. "Darling, what are you doing here?" She asked, smiling at him.
He smiled back. "Well I was wondering if you could fashion a pair of glasses out of these." He showed her the glasses. "I'll pay you back when I get the bits."
The glasses began to glow and fly towards her. "Hmmm…" She looked at them closely and took off her own glasses before turning around. "I'm sure I can find something, come with me darling."
He smiled and followed her inside. She led him into one of the back rooms; this one had all sorts of accessories hanging on the walls. One entire wall was devoted to glasses and frames. "Just take a look at those while I take out the lenses." She said, leaving him alone.
He squinted and tried to look at them, most of them were really spiffy and few had feathers. Looks like a fashion show. He grabbed a pair of thin gray steel frames that looked like his old one. They looked normal from what he could tell, the frames slightly oval. He grabbed them and wandered around till he found her.
She was standing in front of a small table, the old frames floating in front of her as the lenses rested on the table. "Who designed this… this mess of a frame?!" She asked in disgust.
He laughed, almost dropping the new frames. "That was one of the nicer frames on my planet, really expensive too."
She looked at him before looking back at the frames. "Nice? You call this insult to fashion nice? I'll never understand you humans." She put them down and took the new ones from him. She smiled as she looked at the new frames. "Ah, a classic design… much better than… than those ghastly things." She said, pointing her hoof at the old frame.
"Trust me; I wasn’t a fan of them. I preferred a different pair." He said with a smile.
She put them on the table and turned on the table light, illuminating all angles. "Now comes the tricky part." She focused the glasses on her snout and a few tools floated hear her as she began adjusting the frame to the lenses, cutting away what didn’t fit. He went to get out of her way and fell asleep on the couch. "Darling, I'm finished!" Rarity said happily.
He startled awake. "I didn’t steal the cookie, I swear." He blinked a few times. "Wait, you finished?" He hopped up and trotted to her.
She nodded as the new glasses floated towards him. "I hope they'll fit."
He tentatively grabbed them and struggled to put them on. When he did, everything was blurry and had a fish eye lens look to it. He sat down, feeling dizzy as he looked around.
Rarity looked at him, concerned. "I-is everything alright darling?"
He nodded, putting a hoof on his head. "Yeah, just my lenses are super strong so it'll take a bit to get used to them again. You don’t mind if I sit on the couch till then?"
She shook her head. "Of course not darling, stay as long as you need to."
He smiled at her. "Thanks again Rarity." He staggered his way back to the couch and sat down, taking a few breaths.
"If you need anything darling, simply ask."
"Thanks again Rarity." He sat there and took it easy. A while later, the clock announced it was around lunch time and he could finally see out of his glasses. "I can see again!" He jumped up and smiled as he looked around, the blur gone.
Rarity came inside the room again. "Well that's wonderful darling."
He hugged her. "Thank you so much Rarity!"
She giggled and hugged back. "Anytime darling, anytime."
He smiled at her. "Now that I can see, I can find out if Twilight has a job for me." He said, heading towards the door.
"Good luck darling!" She said as the door shut behind him.


"That's great news Michael, I'm so glad you can see again." Twilight smiled at him.
He was jumping up and down excitedly. "I can finally see again." He repeated, clapping his forehooves together. "Anyway, now that I can see again, do you know if anypony hiring?"
"Well it really depends on what sort of job you're looking for, there are loads of ponies that require new workers."
He paused for a moment. "Does anypony need a writer? That’s what I was good at on Earth."
Twilight tapped her chin. "Well… I don’t know to be honest; maybe you could ask the bookstore?"
His ears perked up. "You have a bookstore here?"
She giggled. "Of course you dumb dumb, it's just down the road."
"Well then, I'll be going to investigate that." He smiled at her. "Thanks Twilight, I'll make sure to stop by more often." He said, giving her a small hug before leaving the library.
The bookstore looked small from the outside, one window fit snugly in the wall, revealing bookcases full of books and the end of a counter. He entered the shop and two large staircases led downstairs.
"Hey there stranger, how can I help you?" An elder mare asked. She had a chocolate brown coat with a graying black mane. Rounded black glasses sat halfway on her snout, almost covering her brown eyes. She had a parchment and quill as her cutie mark.
"Good afternoon ma'am, I was wondering if you were hiring at the moment."
She smiled. "Indeed we are in need of a columnist at the moment."
"Really? What type of column?"
"Mostly book reviews but a few advertisements and information about new book releases." She said, leading him towards the counter.
He followed her. "That sounds easy enough, what would the hours be?"
"The store opens at two thirty and closes at seven thirty. You'd be here Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from three till we close. You'll be given keys so you can access all the books you need at any time. Parchment and quills will be provided and if required, a typewriter. For every column, we pay up to fifty bits, depending on quality and the subject." She said after leading him around the counter and into one of the back rooms.
"Sounds reasonable." He nodded. "Well, I'm looking for a job and if you're willing to hire me, I'll do the best I can."
"I'm willing to accept anypony who considers themselves up to the task." She walked to a desk and flipped through some papers before coming back. "Please sign here." She showed him a contract, saying exactly what she just said.
He skimmed through it, making sure it didn’t have any crazy loop holes before signing the best he could and hoofed it back to her. "There you go Ms?"
"Poem Page." She said with a welcoming smile.
"Thank you Ms. Page, I'm Michael. Then I'll see you tomorrow?"
She nodded. "I'll be happy to see you here."
He smiled before walking out of the bookstore and headed to the fountain to meet up with Fluttershy. She was already standing near the fountain, a small basket on her back filled with various fruits and vegetables. There was also a random box of nails. She didn’t seem to notice him approach, lost in her own thoughts.
He trotted up to her and smiled. "Hey Flutters." He said quietly, trying not to scare her.
She eeped and turned around. "Oh Michael… wh-where did you get those glasses from?"
"Rarity made them after she salvaged what she could from my other pair. I can see again." He said happily as he leaned and kissed her cheek. "Thank you being my eyes Flutters, you're the best."
She blushed. "Oh… it's nothing really…"
"No I really appreciate it. You didn’t have to but you did out of the kindness of your heart and I wanted to say how happy I am that you did." He said, his face felt like it was on fire.
She looked at him with her big sapphire eyes and blushed slightly before leaning closer to him and kissed her. He smiled and sat there, closing his eyes as he kissed back.
Someone whistled. "Oi you two, do that in private and not with everypony staring at you!"
They blushed as they broke the kiss and looked over to see Martin grinning at them. He walked towards them with a small sheath in his right hand, the hilt of a sword sticking out.
"What are you two doing here?"
Fluttershy hid behind Mike as she saw the hilt. "N-nothing much, just showing her I can see again." Mike smiled, pointing to his glasses. "What's with the sword?"
Martin smiled at him. "It's grand that you can see again and I'm just delivering this to the captain of the Ponyville guard. She ordered it a few weeks ago."
"Oh, well then don’t let us keep you from your delivery." Mike said.
Martin nodded before waving goodbye and disappeared down the road. They watched till he was gone. "Well, that was interesting… oh… um… I also got a job." Mike muttered.
Her eyes widened. "Really? Where?" She asked curiously.
"At the bookstore, I'm apparently a columnist now." He chuckled. "Maybe I can finally get my, what's it called, cutie mark?"
She kissed him on the cheek. "That’s wonderful!"
"Thanks Flutters… and maybe I can help pay for myself instead of mooching off you…"
"You're not mooching." She said, nuzzling his cheek.
He frowned and sighed. "I've lived with you for two days and haven't paid for anything… and you had to pay for that cart on the first day…"
"It doesn’t matter to me." She said, pulling him into a hug.
He smiled and rested his head on her shoulder. "Thank you…"
She nodded, giving him one more squeeze before letting go of him and looking into his eyes. "I'd still like to pay for some things though…" He said with a small smile.
She slightly frowned. "I have to get back to the cottage… um… will you come with me?"
"If you want me to…"
"O-only if you want to…" She said, blushing.
He grabbed her hoof. "Lead the way."
She smiled, her cheeks red as she led them back towards the cottage. "Feed the animals?" He asked.
She shook her head. "No, just refilling the storage."
"Oh…" He said, following her through the town and back to the little bridge. She walked past the cottage and into the little storage shed in the back, the animals greeted her warmly. She smiled and greeted the animals back as she rummaged around the shed. He stood there, smiling as she seemed to be at peace around the animals. Angel suddenly jumped on his back.
He flinched and turned his head to look at the bunny. "Angel? What in the world are you doing?" The bunny grabbed Mike's glasses and hopped off his back, hopping away. Mike floundered around like a fish out of water. "Angel, give me my damn glasses back."
He ran into the cottage as Fluttershy was helping a bear with his back pains. Mike followed the rabbit as best as he could, colliding with a few things before standing outside Fluttershy's room. The door was slightly ajar and he pushed it open.
"Angel… just give me my glasses back…"
Only silence answered him.
He slowly walked into the room. He could only see blurs but noticed a white blob jumping up and down on a poster bed. He walked up to the bed. "There you are, you little bugger." He squinted and tried to see what the ironically named rabbit was doing. "Angel, what are you doing?"
The white blob stopped jumping and turned around, the glasses in his little paws. He had a smirk on his face.
"Angel… let's just take it easy here… just put the glasses down…"
He hopped towards the edge of the bed.
Mike backed away. "Look, put the glasses down and nothing happens."
He held out his arm, the glasses dangled over the ground.
"Please… I just got them fixed. What do you want?"
He let them slip a little, the glasses inching towards the ground. Mike stared at him, trying to figure out what the rabbit wanted. As Angel was about to drop them, they heard hoof steps coming up the stairs.
"Michael?" Fluttershy's voice came closer.
His eyes widened as him and Angel shared a look. "Yeah Fluttershy?"
Angel quickly glanced at the door and him again before jumping towards the blind pegasus. He quickly placed the glasses back on his snout as the door opened and Fluttershy looked at the two.
"Umm… Michael, wh-what are you doing here?"
He glared at the rabbit. "A-angel wanted to show me something?" He asked, his voice not hiding the anger at the rabbit.
Angel nodded his head before he hopped over to Fluttershy and hugged her leg.
"There you are Angel, I was looking for you." She said, nuzzling the little rabbit's cheek.
Angel stuck his tongue out at Mike as she led him back downstairs. Mike sighed and followed, staring at the ground.
Fluttershy carried Angel. "Ready for your bath?" She asked happily as she headed towards the bathroom.
Angel smiled and nodded his head as Mike silently made his way outside.
She turned her head. "Um… wh-where are you going? I mean, if you want to tell me of course." She asked quietly.
"Oh I was just going outside for some air." He forced a smile.
She nodded her head. "O-ok… but please don’t go inside the forest."
He chuckled. "Don’t worry, I won't." He said, leaving.
She sighed before she went inside the bathroom and gave Angel his bath. The entire time, Angel noticed how worried she was and he sighed, hopping with her, the gears in his head working overtime.
Mike stood outside, watching the sun make its journey across the sky, away from her cottage. Awhile later, he still stood, staring blankly into the never ending blue.
"Michael… I-I made some lunch if you're hungry…" Fluttershy whispered behind him.
He blinked and turned around, looking at her. "Ok."
They entered the cottage; the strong smell of muffins filled the house. Mike's mouth started to water as he glared at the bunny happily gnawed on a carrot. Fluttershy sat down at the table, quietly eating a muffin. He forced another smile and sat down across from her and grabbed a muffin.
She looked at him. "I hope you like muffins." She said quietly.
"I love muffins." He said, taking a small bite before nibbling on it faster. She smiled as he finished the muffin. "That was really good. Have you thought about selling the muffins?"
She shook her head. "Oh no, Pinkie's are much better."
"I don’t know about that, they're both really good."
She blushed. "T-thank you…"
He nodded. "Mmhm." He paused, feeling two small eyes staring at the back of his head. He turned and glared at Angel.
They stared at each other for a moment before he stuck his tongue out and hopped away.
What's his problem? "Anyways, is there anything you'd like to do today?" He asked her.
She tapped her chin. "Umm I don’t know… I had nothing planned for today…"
He paused for a moment before smiling. "Then want to watch a movie?"
She blushed, hiding her face under her mane. "Um… I-I'd love to…" She whispered.
"Then wait right here, I'll be right back." He said, getting up and trotting towards the library.
She watched him leave, slightly confused.
As he walked to the library, a pair of wings made their presence known. "Hey you, where have you been?" He turned towards the voice and saw it was Rainbow Dash.
"Hey Dash, just been hanging out with Fluttershy. Why? Have you been looking for me?"
"Well ya, you haven't learned to fly yet." She looked at him flatly.
"Oh yeah… I forgot about that…" He said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
She narrowed her eyes. "I'm guessing you have been too busy with Fluttershy, right?" She grinned at him.
"Well ye-wait, not in that way!" He said, blushing as she laughed. He continued to make his way to the library as she floated next to him.
"So why aren't you with her, lovercolt?" She asked.
"I was going to go get something that I had with me from Earth and watch a movie."
She floated closer to him, nudging his side. "Making things romantic aren't you?"
His blush became brighter. "N-no, just wondering if she wanted to watch a movie…" His voice on par with Fluttershy's.
Her grin grew wider. "I'm sure and later you'll get a little closer…" She said, teasing him as she flew closer to him.
He shook his head and continued to walk.
"We'll have to start your training soon…"
"When would you like that?"
"How about tomorrow morning at five o'clock!" She said, it sounded like an order rather than a question.
"In the morning?"
She looked at him, dumbfounded. "Duh?! Of course in the morning. The early pegasus gets the worm."
He stared at her. "That doesn’t even make sense."
She shrugged. "Does it matter? I'll get you tomorrow morning if you like it or not." Before he could respond she flew away, leaving a rainbow trail.
He stared at the trail. "The hell just happened?" He muttered to himself before knocking on the library door.
It was encased by a purple aura and opened. "Hello Michael." Twilight said as she sat on the couch, reading a book.
He walked in. "Hey Twi… um, do you remember where I put that thing we watched that movie on?"
She put down the book and got up, thinking. "Yes, it's still in the guest room."
He smiled. "Thanks Twi." He made his way upstairs as she grabbed her book and started reading it again, after getting a glass of water.
He went into the room and looked around for it before finding it with his cell phone. "Huh…" He looked at them, trying to figure out where to put them so they wouldn’t fall off.
Spike walked past the open door and glanced inside, pausing as he saw Mike. "Hey Michael, what are you doing here?" He asked as he walked into the room.
"Hey Spike, just trying to figure out how to hold these without putting in my mouth." He chuckled.
Spike looked at the iPod and phone. "Umm, I could give you a small bag or something."
He looked at the baby dragon. "Really? That'd be great."
Spike turned around and went downstairs, before returning with a small brown bag in his claws. He handed the plastic bag to Mike. "Here you go."
"Thanks Spike." He said, dropping them carefully into the bag before trotting down the stairs and out the door. "See ya later Twilight. Bye Spike." He said.
She was lost in her book and simply nodded. "See ya." Spike waved.
He smiled and waved goodbye before shutting the door and made his way back to the cottage.


Fluttershy sat on her couch as she nuzzled a small rabbit on her lap. "I'm sure you'll feel better soon Mr. Rabbity Rabu…"
"Hey Flutters, who's that?" Mike asked, looking at the rabbit in her lap.
She looked up. "Oh… Michael, this is Mr. Rabbity Rabu, he's a little sick."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." He looked at the rabbit. "Hey buddy, I hope you feel better…"
The small rabbit looked at him with black eyes as Michael smiled at it. Fluttershy got up and put the rabbit on the couch and made her way over to him, giving him a small kiss. He smiled at her and reached into the bag and pulled out his iPod.
"So what movie do you wanna watch?" He asked, turning it on.
She eeped as she looked at the bright screen. "Um…" She looked at the different movie titles. "Ar-are there any romantic movies?" She asked, blushing slightly.
"Um… no… I didn’t have any good ones at the time to download." He blushed. "Sorry…"
She looked at the screen again. "It's ok… wh-what would you want to watch?"
He looked at the movies again and immediately ruled out Family Guy and Jaws. She wouldn’t like those too much… "How about Star Wars or Sorcerer's Apprentice?"
"Um… what's the least violent…?" She asked.
He thought for a moment. "How about Star Wars? If you don’t like it, I'll turn it off." He looked at her.
She hesitated. "Um… if you think it's good I-I'll give it a chance." She smiled at him.
He smiled back. "If you don’t like it, its fine, you just have to tell me ok?"
She nodded as they walked to the couch and she rested her head on his shoulder. He held the iPod so they could both see it and she watched the screen curiously. The opening theme played loudly as the text started to scroll and she read it carefully.


Martin stood behind the counter, polishing his self-made iron gauntlets. The light reflected from the shiny rough metal as he whistled Viva la Vida, focusing on his work.
"Looks like you're fitting in quite nicely." Discord said in front of him.
Martin dropped the gauntlet and quickly reached under the counter, pulling out a broad sword. The blade was in his right hand, pointing directly at Discord's face.
He raised an eyebrow. "Someone not happy to see me?"
Martin walked around the counter as he continued to point the blade at him. "Why would I ever be happy to see you?"
"Well I thought we were becoming pretty good friends…"
Martin raised an eyebrow. "I highly doubt that."
Discord faked a pained expression. "Well I'm sorry for thinking we were becoming good friends…"
Martin glared at him. "What do you want, aye?"
Discord smiled. "Just seeing how your arm is doing. After this, I was going to go check on Michael and see how he's doing with his pony body. You know, we haven't talked much and I should go say hi."
Martin took a more aggressive stance, the blade slightly behind his body, ready to strike. "Sure thing…"
Discord snapped his fingers and air whooshed out of the blade and it looked like an inflatable toy sword. "Do you really think that'd hurt me? What part of immortal did you not grasp?"
Martin dropped the sword and grabbed a mace from the wall. "I got plenty…"
Discord laughed and the mace suddenly had a face on it. "Putta me down, ya knucklehead." The mace said.
"You really want to hurt me that bad?" Discord asked.
Martin threw the mace away. "What do you really want?"
"Watch it, ya knucklehead!" The mace said as it bounced on the ground.
Discord sighed. "You never want to relax and hang out…"
Martin looked at him. "Relax, hang out… what are you talking about?"
"It's always business with you; you never know how to relax…" Discord said, floating in the air. "Now that Michael fellow, he's too stupid to relax." He smiled and flicked Martin's nose with his tail.
Martin blinked a few times. "Of course I relax from time to time but I'm at work at the moment."
"That’s not what I mean… you're always on edge…" He poked Martin with his tail and Martin seemed to relax, a small smile on his face.
All the energy left his body. "Wow… I-I…" He felt like all the weight in the world was taken off his shoulders.
Discord smiled. "That’s it… now, run along to Michael and give him this." He said, handing Martin something in a bag before laughing and disappearing.