World Dreamer

by TheDerpyChynna

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Twilight Sparkle
Throne Room, Canterlot Castle

"Twilight," Rainbow Dash said as she flew through the giant doorway, "We're here. Are we ready to go or are we going to some weird place again?"
"No," I say, "In fact, we're staying at home in Ponyville, let's say, Pinkie! You can start planning a party! There's a new, um, let's say pony (?) staying with us in the library!"
"Yay!" Pinkie Pie exclaims hopping around my friends and me.
Rarity looks at me uncertainly her mouth opens and closes slowly she finally speaks, "Twilight, dear?"
"Who is this pony? Is it Evening Cloud?"
I gasped, "How did you now?"
"Well, we met her when we went to get donuts. She's really nice." Fluttershy announced.
"She may have the most awesome cutie mark ever!" Rainbow screeched.
I looked to Princess Celestia. Her head moves up almost imperceptibly. 'Yes.'
"Yes, Evening Cloud will be coming to live with us. I can't believe that you guys got to meet her before I did." the corners of my mouth turned down.
"Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, an' Scootaloo are gonna love her." Apple Jack says.
"Now, my little ponies," Princess Celestia proclaims, "I shall summon Evening."


I feel the pull of magic as the Princess calls. I pour my energy into her being and my heart lights up. My heart beats a little faster and my soul soars. In my head I hear a song, a song without words that rhynme. I've always wondered the significance. The song seems to have a tune for every different pony.

'The air swishes
Through my lungs
My heart is gold
My soul wants you
But hates you all the same

I just need a friend
Somebody I can fly to

Whoever you may be
I hope you always can see
Your goals'

And in fact, a breeze flows throughout my body smelling of pancakes in the morning and lotus flowers.
"Evening, it's time to come."
"I know." In my head I wonder what people hear when they use my magic. Seconds later I gracefully stand in one of the glass windows. As I step out the ponies gasp and guess what? So do I. "Pinkie Pie? Rarity? Apple Jack and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash? What are you doing in the Throne Room?"
"Same thing Sugar Cube," Apple Jack says, "Gettin' ready ta go home."
"Princess?" I ask.
"My little person," I hear all the other ponies except for the purple one murmuring, confused, "This," she gestured to the Purple, "Is Twilight Sparkle, my personal protégée. You will be living with her for the next few months, to advance your learning and magical skills."
"Yay! A new pony!" Pinkie Pie cheers.
"Do I have to pack?"
"No," Twilight Sparkle answers, "Your stuff has already been transferred to the Ponyville Library. It's so nice to meet you! To introduce you the me myself, I am Twilight Sparkle, but, you can just call me Twilight."
"Well," I say, "My name is Evening Cloud, because they are the most beautiful, you can basically call me anything you want. Our names are synonymous for the same time of life so I guess we'll be best friends! Synonyms!"
"I like the way you think, Cloud. Also, you don't mind if I study you a little?"
"Nah, the Princesses do it all the time. Just let me say bye to Luna. Well, and Obsidian Sword, besties forever!" I yell as they walk in.
"Hello, Elements," Luna says, "It has been a while since I have seen you last."
"Yeah," Obsidian says, "You're Shining's sister right? He'd talk about you all the time. You apparently really know how to fly a kite!"
"How ya doin', Princess"
"Thanks, Obsidian Sword," Twilight Sparkle says, "I can't believe he told that story."
"Luna, Obsidian! You came! Oh, thank you! You guys," I gasped for air, "You love me enough to come?"
"Well, of course they love you, Evee," Princess Celestia smiles, "They'll probably come visit you." They nod their heads in agreement.
"Oh, Evening, we love you so much," Princess Luna says.
"Yeah," Obsidian agrees, "I am lovin' your new body, the cutie mark's pretty darn cool."
"Right! Right?"
"Completely, now, dude, we're gonna come check up on ya," he warns everypony, "See you, all, in Sugar Cube Corner! Gotta go back to work." He says as he walks out to the door.
Luna looks after him, "Evening, we're coming when you least expect!" she says teasingly. She walks through the doors, "Obsidian, with me."
Twilight Sparkle stares after them, unabashed, "Wow, they really love you Evening."
"Well I could probably become the Alicorn of Inspiration if I really wanted to, probably, maybe? I think they like me because I talk way too much, they say it gies them ideas, but, I think they just say it to get me to stop talking." I grin. "So, where do we teleport?"
"Silly pony, we don't teleport," Pinkie Pie says, "We take the train!"
"But, why? It's so slow."
Twilight Sparkle turns to me, "It's just the normal thing to do!"
"Goodbye," the Princess says as she smothers me in a mental hug an infinite amount better than a physical one. A feeling of warmth spread throughout my body bringing up the best memories of the best times.
"See you on Sunday."