Kinds of Love

by Rainedash

In the Heat of the Moment

It was all Eros could do to contain a giggle as he watched Aegis shift back and forth. She had been fidgeting on their bed for the last couple of minutes, unable to get comfortable. A new scent also filled their room; one of fertility and desire. In a move that certainly shocked Eros, was that Aegis had asked for this. He guessed that she had spent enough time as the fairer sex that she had gotten curious as to what it was like to be in season. When she asked, the gears in his mind spun on a plan of action for this evening.

“How can you stand going through this every year?” she asked, continuing to try to find a comfortable position.

“Twice a year actually. A couple weeks in Spring and a couple in Fall.”

“You know what I meant.”

“What's the matter? Got an itch?” Eros responded, feigning innocence.

“You know damn well what it is! I don't get it, I've never seen other mares acting like it was this bad.”

“Because you haven't seen too many dealing with their first heat cycle. Yes, our sex drive goes up a bit–“

“A bit? I can't get the idea of you rutting me until I can't walk straight out of my head.” Eros laughed. “It's not funny.”

“It is to me. Anyways, most of the time the desire for mating isn't anymore than that of an average teenage colt. High, but certainly manageable. The first time however, that can be a be a doozy.” He shot her a devious grin. “Can't it?”

Aegis nodded, with her ears bent back and a blush covering her face.

He pulled her in close to him, with her muzzle buried in his shoulder, and her chest against his. Her hot breath caressed his fur as she started panting. “Just picture it,” Eros whispered into her ear. “A handsome stallion prince mounting you, and breeding you over and over again.” She whimpered, her hips bucking a few times against him. Eros took her muzzle in his hoof and pushed it up, making her look at the ceiling, exposing her long, beautiful neck. From collarbone to under her jaw he slid his tongue, following it up with a bit of nibbling going the other way.  

She whinnied and squirmed as he played with the nerves on her neck. “T-that's feels amazing,” she said, her words dripping with lust.

The lewd sounds, the scent, and the feeling of her pressed against him brought about a now familiar twitch between his hind legs. There was nothing he wanted more than to just push Aegis onto her back and to not stop until both of them had nothing left. But he forced that thought down, for Eros had a plan that he was going to stick to, come Tartarus or high water.

Eros placed a hoof on her waist and slid it down, to her pleasure center. The moment it touched one of her lips, her body shivered, and a moan rang out. She was already wet and ready. Eros pulled his hoof away and held it up, the slick lubricant on it glistened in the room's dim light. “You really are into this, aren't you?”

“I-I can't help it,” she whimpered.

“Oh, I know you can't.” He kissed her quickly, before she could respond, pushing his tongue against hers. Eros felt her body melt against his. Without breaking the kiss, he gently pushed her back, onto the bed, with him standing over her pleading form. Eros broke the kiss, though a small line of saliva desperately clung to both their lips for a bit longer. “You look absolutely amazing tonight.”

Eros grabbed her with his magic, turning Aegis over onto her stomach. Aegis' hips shot up to his penis as he started licking her horn. “Are you ready?”

She eagerly nodded.

“You aren't getting off that easy.” Not giving her the chance to question what he meant, Eros fell to his side and pulled her into his embrace. With one of his forehooves, Eros rubbed her chest, and he teased the back of her neck the same as he had done to the front earlier. Just to add another level to her sensations, he rubbed his fully erect penis against her inner thighs – the fur along them grew wet and matted in her aroused state. Throughout this teasing, he made sure to have as much physical contact with her as possible.

“E-Eros please! I can't take this anymore.”

“You'd be surprised how long a body can stay in this state, with the right incentive.” He nipped at the end of her ear, giving it a small tug. Her body shuddered and stiffened. For one brief second, Eros worried that he went a move too far, and it would push her over the edge. However, her body relaxed and went back to the squirming mess it was before.

Making a mental note to avoid the ears, he continued teasing Aegis, not giving her the chance to catch her breath or to cool down.

“E-E-Eros! P-please let me cum,” she begged, between the panting.

“Actually, I believe it's time to tell you a story,” Eros whispered into her ear.

She didn't respond.

“Once upon a time, there was a young alicorn princess. She was quite happy in her life. She had a wonderful knight for a boyfriend. He was handsome, charming, laid back, and put up with all the princess' crazyness and quirks. The princess and the knight enjoyed every moment together. A perfect picture of young love.”

The tip of Eros' wing caressed her cutie mark and slid up along her side, coming to a stop on her chin. It moved up and down along the bottom of her muzzle. “However, the two were growing, and by their teen years, they started to have a bit of private fun. As the princess was maturing into a mare, she reached a milestone. One morning she awoke to find a very stimulating warmth spread through her back end and a strong desire for her knight."

“The princess knew what it was, for she had taken health classes in school. Being the embarrassing situation that it was, she chose to stay home, spending the day in her bed. After their school let out, the knight visited her, and he agreed to help her with her problem. Now, he knew that to go all the way with her would be bad because of what could happen, so he chose a different way to sate her needs.”

Eros reached down with his hoof, circling her slit, and brushing against one of her teats. She gasped and moaned – which was pretty much been all Aegis had been able to do during the story. “He laid her down on her back, and the two locked lips. The knight placed a hoof between her back legs, caressing her vagina. He used the edge of his hoof to part her lower lips, and press into it. She kicked, squirmed, and moaned, feeling as though she could catch on fire at any moment from the heat. When she thought she couldn't take anymore, her body stiffened, but then something odd happened: the knight stopped.”

Eros nipped the back of her neck again, causing Aegis to whimper in pleasure. “Yes, that's exactly what she sounded like,” Eros continued. “She looked at him in confusion, but he started up once more. The same process repeated itself. She squirmed, was brought close, and then he stopped again. She begged and pleaded for him let her have her release, but he wouldn't. This went on for awhile. How long, she wasn't sure. You kind of lose tract of time while in that state. After finally bringing her to orgasm, she was too exhausted to even asked why he had held off for so long.”

Eros' hips bucked on their own. Aegis' wiggling form in his grasp, alongside the sounds and scent coming from her had Eros feeling as though he was denying his climax as much as he was denying hers – well, almost as much anyways.

Shining, for a colt, you must have had a will of iron back then.

“Now, this isn't revenge for what happened then – far from it actually. I loved every moment of it. The feeling of being stuck in that state, so aroused you feel like you could burst at any second, but unable to do anything about it is just indescribable. However, since then, the intensity of my heat cycle has gone down and while it would still feel great, it wouldn't be the same. When you asked if I could put you in heat, I knew I had to share this feeling.” Eros placed the bottom of his hoof over Aegis slit, and immediately she started grinding into it. “Don't worry my princess, I'll let you cum... eventually.”