The Art of the Test

by jtylerg

The Holographic Baker of Insanity Cakes

The next room was utterly consumed by darkness, making it nearly impossible to navigate. The voice had said something about cake... Was that just a key word for something more sinister? I wouldn't have doubted it given the circumstances that I was in. I proceeded with caution, carefully putting one hoof in front of the other. Soon, a small light came into view, shining down upon a delicious looking chocolate cake.

“Go on, eat it. It's all yours.”

The allure of the cake was too much, even for me. I was starving, and I needed something to eat quickly. My mouth watered as the smell wafted toward me, drawing me closer and closer to its deliciousness. Then, as I was about to dig in, the world dropped out from under me.

I was plummeting downward through complete darkness, the sheer wind causing my eyes to water immensely. I continued to fall for what seemed like minutes, then, without warning I slammed into some sort of fluffy material.

Laughter echoed through the shadows. I knew that laugh, I had heard it a million times back in Ponyville. I hated that stupid, annoying laugh.... but now I found it welcoming. Maybe it meant I didn't have to be alone in this anymore! Pinkie Pie had to be around there somewhere!

I found her standing around a corner, giggling at nothing in particular, but I didn't think anything of it. That was typical pinkie pie, doing unexplainable things. Maybe she was afraid and was using her technique of giggling at the ghosties? For some reason though, she hadn't taken any notice to me... even though I stood a few feet away.

“Ummm... Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?”

She slowly turned to face me and I saw a sight that I myself had never seen, but had heard Rainbow Dash talk about once. Pinkie's eyes were dilated and she had a huge, overly-exaggerated grin on her face. I remembered Dash telling me about a time she had seen Pinkie like this, when she thought she was unwanted by her friends. Insanity seemed to have gripped the usually happy Pinkie once again, and this time I was the only possible victim.

“Oh, Heya Scootaloo! Whatcha doing here? Are we having a party!?” Typical Pinkie Pie, well typical insane Pinkie Pie...

“Oh, um no Pinkie... We aren't having a party.” I said softly, treading lightly on my words.

Her hair went straight, as it normally did when she became saddened. “But... I was promised a party. They pinkie promised me...” She paused, rage building in her eyes.


She lunged at me, trying desperately to grab me and do Celestia knows what to me. Luckily, I do have agility, so I managed to avoid her and start running the opposite way. The corridors were confusing and dark, but I couldn't stop running... Not even for a single moment. I heard her thundering behind me, chasing me in a game of madness. Then, out of nowhere, the floor stopped and I began to fall.

Falling down holes in this place had become very common, and it seemed almost unavoidable. At the very least, I had gotten away from Pinkie and I felt a bit safer, even as I skyrocketed to my death. Yeah, an angry Pinkie Pie is even scarier than knowing you are about to die.

Obviously, I lived. The bottom of the pit was a room padded with cotton, much like the last room I had fallen into. Despite the safe landing I was still stunned from the impact, and it was nearly impossible to stand quite yet. Something else caught my eye though, something that looked like a red light.
Adjusting my eyes and focusing on whatever it was in front of me I began to see the sleek outline of what looked like a robot. A red light was emitting from what seemed to be an eye in the middle of it. It had three metal bars sprouting from the bottom which acted as legs for it to stand on.

“Hologram test complete. Subject copes well in situations involving hatred of close friends. Note taken. Next test, Deploying turrets.”

The machine in front of me began to glow a darker red than before. Panels opened up on the sides revealing a pair of machine guns. Fear engulfed my body as I lay in the corner trembling. I always tried to be brave, but now was not one of those times. The guns loaded their ammo with a slight click sound and then the monster in front of me spoke.
