//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Happy Days // Story: The New Generation // by TheBlackPanda //------------------------------// Sorry for the wait guys, but it's here! _______________________Part 1: End of a Generation_______________________________________ Night Runner and Scoots were inseparable. Maybe it's because I worked so hard to get them to get along. Anyways, the girls were pretty much grown. Scoots was about seventeen, and Runner was about ten. Every week, I would give Scootaloo some money, and she'd go into town to buy some stuff. Runner wanted to go with her, but I didn't want her to. I had this feeling of doom in my stomach. I felt that, if I let her leave, something terrible would happen. But she knows how to make my heart explode. She looked at me with fake tears in her eyes, and put her bottom lip out just a little while letting it quiver. Cursing my kindness, I gave in to the adorableness. Her neon rainbow-colored hair lit up as she squealed with joy and bounced like Pinkie Pie to go stand next to her big sister. "And while you're out, go by Sugarcube Corner and ask tell Pinkie, 'Brandon needs the goods'. She'll give you what you need. Do not even think about looking inside." The two girls nodded, and left. Runner's hair still freaked me out. It seemed to change with her emotion. If she was normal, it was a regular rainbow with neon colors. If she was happy, it would glow vibrantly and with pure energy. If she was sad, it would be a dark blue. If she was angry or distraught, it was a deep black that glowed with dark energy. She was a lot like her mother. She was rash, a lot. She was often competitive. I sat on the couch. After what seemed like seconds, there was knocking on the door. I got up and opened the door. Immediately, I almost shit bricks. Katherine was standing right in front of me For those that don't know, Katherine is Kaitlin's darkside. She was the anti hero, but one of our best friends. She disappeared off the face of what was then Earth, and we assumed someone had killed her. Now I was proven wrong. I welcomed her in. "So, what's up?" She asked, with a smile. "Where have you been?" "Places. Meeting people. But that's not why I'm here." "They why are you here?" "Before I go on, I heard about Kaitlin. I'm sorry, Brandon..." I winced, "Thanks..." "Anyways, so as you can tell, I am alive. This would be good news, right?" I nodded. "Well, it's not. The circumstances are horrible." "What's so bad about it?" "John. He is alive as well." I almost flipped off my rocker. John, Kaitlin and Darkside's father, and Kaitlin's childhood tormentor, was alive? This was horrible. John, was doing his little solo project, to create artificial darksides. In order to force Kaitlin to release hers, he tortured her in many ways. From physical abuse, to mental torment, he did it all. Then she met me. Believe it or not, I had no clue about my powers. Then, in my sophomore year of high school, she 'transferred' here. And I thought she was hotter than the goddamn sun. So, I turned my swag-o-meter up by 100%, and went for it. Slowly, I opened her up, and got her to tell me what was wrong at home. I offered her a chance to stay at my house, and she took it. We got to her house (more like mansion) and I tried to sneak her out. John, on the other hand, was about to kill her. He'd had enough. Darkside stayed to fight his father, which resulted in the guy going insane, and spawning what was thought to be a black hole at first. We later discovered that it simply transported them to limbo, where they fought for a year and a half. Darkside had managed to shake John up long enough to get out. We thought John was gone for good, and left in limbo to die. But apparently, we were wrong. "Well, we obviously need to stop him, right?" I asked. "You need to. I'm risking it all to be here now. I'm working on the inside with him right now." She grimaced. "Well, I need to warn people-" "No. Not yet. We need to wait. There will be a long time before he appears." I nodded. She stood up, right when John called her demanding her presence. "Bye, Brandon. The next time we meet will be under much different circumstances..." She flew away. ________________________________ Rainbow came home at the same time as the kids. I took the 'goods' Pinkie had given them and proceeded to bake my grandma's pound cake recipe. Then I called them in to have some. A cake with no frosting sounded odd to them at first, then they ate some. It was pure pandemonium. I even let them do what I did growing up with my grandma. I ate the leftover cake batter. And they had the chance to try it too. They obviously had never baked cakes, even though they had been around Pinkie long enough to have experience. Regardless, we were all happy. We went to bed after a short while. Me and Rainbow shared one room, while the girls shared another. I laid awake for hours, pondering the possibilities of a hell-on-Equestria. Finally, I dozed off. But, any cryptic visit isn't complete without your obligatory nightmare... _________________________________ I woke up, laying on the ground, with blazing heat surrounding me. I sat up and looked around. The entire town was on fire. I began to walk. Then I looked up, and saw my family spread on their own respective crosses, dead and covered in their blood. I felt hot tears fill up my eyes. I then heard a voice: On the night of nightmares. She will be revived. Your precious nation will crumble from within. The people you fought to save will die as well. The people here will cry out to their patriarchs, but they will not come for them. The world will burst in flame, as your safe haven, your home, enacts its seal of revenge. The three swords and the six elements will combine, and their worlds will collide. All hope will be lost. And the Child of the Apocalypse will reveal itself. This, is the way the world shall end! Then a figure stood before me, staring down at me in contempt, with red eyes and deep black hair. It was a girl, and she seemed only fourteen. Then she spread her arms, and a wave of dark energy erupted from behind her. The darkness swallowed me whole. _____________________________________ I sat bolt upright. I checked my surroundings. Liquid rainbow fountain, check. Soft cloud house and bed, check. Awesome, sexy, rainbow haired wife, triple check. I laid down. That was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I felt it in her eyes. Those cold red eyes. Who was she? Why was she so familiar? No. Not her. Was that... Night Runner?