//------------------------------// // The "Paradise" Honeyville // Story: Happy New Year // by Dashie222 //------------------------------// The "Paradise" Honeyville We walked up to the first pony we saw and asked him what he was doing. We got no response from him and he kept doing whatever it was that he was doing. We asked the next pony what they were doing. No response. We went to pony after pony but none of them even noticed we were there. This was starting to become strange. They all were doing the same thing. Walking to one side of the "town", grabbing something that wasn't there and going to the other side to place the thing they got. Then we saw something different. Another pony perhaps. He walked by each other pony, telling them they're doing a good job and to keep working. He then walked up to us, slowly. I caught a glimpse of his cutie mark. It was a beehive surrounded by black smoke. What could his talent possibly be. I thought. Honey. The use smoke to get rid of the bees. The strange pony began to talk. "Howdy. The name's Buzz H Oney. I haven't seen critters like you fellas 'round these parts since fer'ever." Rainbow Dash began to speak,"We aren't from around here. We came from Ponyville and we're looking for-" I gave Rainbow a nudge to stop her. With such a strange pony I knew we shouldn't give away our motives too soon as that would leave us open to manipulation and lies. That is not why we came here. "So you were lookin' fer what," said Buzz trying to move the conversation along. "A place to stay. We just heard Honeyville was so nice during this time," Rainbow finished. "I'm sorry to say we ain't got no vacancy here in Honeyville. I'll tell a what, I'll get you two some tents and sleepin' bags and ya'll can stay just outside Honeyville." "Thank you for your hospitality," I told him. He did just as he said he would do. He got us the tents and sleeping bags and gave us a place to sleep that was apparently just outside of Honeyville. The next day we got up early, not by choice but by Buzz. He had decided to give us the "grand tour" and so we went along. We had to follow him very precisely to make sure we weren't walking into walls or other things. That worked for the most part. However when we got to the bar the "doors" opened when Buzz went in and closed on me. He mentioned that I was pretty tough if I could take that hit and keep walking. This was getting old. The most akward part was when we were offered a meal of food from the bar. We of course declined the offer but our stomachs said otherwise. So we ate the "food" although Buzz was confused by how big bites we took and how sometimes we were chewing with no food. It was now that I found out that though this town was nonexistant, Buzz was semi-trustworthy so I told him the real reason we were here. "You don't say. Come to think of it we had a fella visit from Ponyville 'bout a month ago. He was pretty strange though. He look a lot like, what was yer name, Levi. But bigger and older." "Really!" Rainbow shouted "Where did he go?" "I'm not sure exactly where but I did see him head north."