//------------------------------// // The Secrets Of The Burnt Cabin // Story: Aj's new life // by LyraHeartstrings1115 //------------------------------// Right as soon as Red starts showing Lyra around Lyra is hit with a young magenta maned orange coated filly and her scooter "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! are you ok?" a bit dizzy Lyra stands up and shakes it off "yeah I'm fine" "Hey Scoots" "Oh hey Red" "this is Lyra shes new to town so I'm showing her around" "Oh that's cool oh and Lyra my name is Scootaloo nice to meet ya" "nice to meet you too scootaloo" "well anyways I'll see you later red cya" "Cya" the filly bolts off on her scooter and red shows Lyra around ponyville when they bump into a black coated and silver maned colt "Hey Aero!" the colt looks at Lyra "W-Wha?" The colt bolts off and the two chase after him "Aero! why are you running?!?!" shouts red the colt continues running until red flies up and dives and tackles Aero "Why were you running??"says Lyra out of breath "I-I know who you are" "Yeah of course you do Aero she's the new filly in town ponies are talking about" "No I knew her before that or atleast have seen her before that" "How could you have seen me before I didn't meet any pony in the ever free" "I-I was the shadow like figure..." "Wh-what?!?!" Lyra jumps up and tackles Aero punching him right then Red pulls her off "What is wrong with the shadow like figure?!" "The shadow like pony burnt my family to ashes when he dropped his torch and disappeared, You could have at the least stuck around and try to stop the fire!" Shocked Red turns to Aero and with a shacking voice he asks Aero "Aero I thought you said you had to go on some trip through the Ever Free to some hockey pockey town to investigate some magical object said to have some mystical property or something" Lyra looks at Aero shocked and realizes what the object must've been "Aero is this what you were after?" Lyra says while pulling her family's harp out of her satchel. Aero gazes at the harp like it was a chocolate bar and he'd been starving for weeks, he starts moving closer to Lyra as if he were to take it. She swiftly swipes it back into her satchel and glares at Aero, he breaks the gaze and shakes his head. "Yes. Yes that's what I was there for, I was meant to find it and analyze it to figure out how an object could have such magical properties." "Then why didn't you take it while you had the chance? You know when no one could've been hurt in the process? You know when every pony was outside enjoying the reunion and eachother's company." Lyra says angrily. Aero begins to say something but stops himself "What is it? You owe me atleast some explanation for why you set fire to my family's cabins and then froze every pony except me." Aero looks at Lyra shocked "I didn't freeze anypony and on the off chance I for some reason I did I would've unfroze every pony the second I got the harp" "Okay so if you didn't freeze my entire family then who did? what was there ANOTHER shadowy figure with magic hiding around the camp site?" "I wouldn't be surprised if there was, the harp was widely known and only around the time of the reunion was the location discovered. Before then every pony who knew about it just assumed it was in some chest buried deep underground" "Okay fine, so you didn't freeze my entire family, but you still dropped the torch. Why did you drop it anyways? were you not meant to be spotted or something?"