//------------------------------// // The Shell That Encloses // Story: Corona Radiata // by TimeRarity64 //------------------------------// Corona Radiata By Timefather64 It's dark in here, As if there was no light touching me. This shell around confines the truth that's clear. For the exit out of this shell is as far as I could see. I am sure you don't understand This yearning enclosure that entices me to Put out this fire with sand; Which have been started by you. I wonder what it would look like out there, May you please let me out? Do you actually have the feelings to care As I force myself to shout! Let me out, I want to leave now. You know the way out, tell me how, Or are you going to leave me alone; Submerged within darkness that you've sewn. This shell around me is my barrier from her. Oh the things that would occur Once I see the other side of this dark hell. I will finally be free to leave her cell. That time has finally come To break me out of this miserable slum. Free I am don't you see! Free, free, I shout: "I am free!"