//------------------------------// // 11 - Building Bridges // Story: Far is the Star Called Sol // by Omnicron25 //------------------------------// Far is the Star Called Sol Chapter 11: Building Bridges At the Ponyville Library, four ponies, a human, and a dragon were just inside the entryway with two sets of accusing pony eyes boring their way into the human who stood defiantly staring them back in return. "Hu-mun," said Blur fumbling with the still fresh word. "One move and our brother has given us permission…" "…To make sure you can't escape by any means necessary," finished his twin, Blare. Jason just snorted as he crossed his arms. "Look, I don't have time for these shenanigans. You're just lucky I happen to think highly of your brother, otherwise, I'd beat you security jocks for undue process of law." The two dark blue stallions gave each other a confused look as Astra stood between the human and the two guards growling with authority unbecoming of a mere filly, "What the ape said is true! The princess did ask him to accompany him and I tagged along! Why can't you see that we're telling the truth?!" "Yeah, guys! This isn't fun anymore! You're just being big meanie pants now!" hopped in Pinkie with a serious look on her face. Blare wasn't affected in the least by either of the remarks, but Blur on the other hoof seemed slightly melancholy after Pinkie's remark, and Astral Plane noticed this. She noticed how the notoriously loud Blur had been oddly quiet and fidgety around the cotton candy mare. The filly knew a crush when she saw one after seeing her half-brother, Prince Entropy, have a few major crushes on his classmates during her time in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns— and alicorns evidently— until she was pulled out by her mother due to… complications. However, her manipulative side told her she could take advantage of this to get this situation at least comfortable for her with some flirtatious humor if she could get Pinkamena Diane Pie to cooperate— making sure the two infamously dim, yet hulking, Heart Twins did not tear apart her study subject was just a bonus. "Ah, you seem to be quite an artist in manipulation as am I~" mused the painfully beautiful, yet ominous, voice of Night Mare Moon in Astra's mind again. "Oh! I find this simply… delicious~!" Shut it, Night Mare! thought back Astra acidly. I thought maybe that vile book and this miserable displacement had separated us, but I guess I hoped for too much! I'm not doing this because I want to— "Astral Plane? Are you alright?" asked Jason concerned as he began to kneel to comfort her. He was not liking this sudden sickly aura that had enveloped the filly. "One more move…" started Blare menacingly. "…And you're a smear," finished Blare with much less vindication and a quick glance to Pinkie who met his stare with a disappointed expression, making him nearly flinch. This earned him a raised brow from his brother, but nothing more. "It seems I best leave you to your craft thus we may have a mess. This human could prove useful, and I hate to see such a lovely tool ruined so early on~" Then, Astra suddenly felt the dark presence in her dissipate. So, that vile apparition was just reminding me it was still there. How lovely… the former princess mulled before turning to Jason saying, "I'm fine, human. I need to speak to the pink one for a moment, so don't try anything heroic." I'll have to keep an eye on this one. Jason scowled; he did not like the filly's tone towards him or the dark aura that had surrounded her moments before, but he had little room to argue at this point. "You know both my name and Pinkie's. I suggest you use them, but go on ahead." He stared down the twins evenly. "I won't be the one to start anything." With that said and the staring contest begun, Astra quickly pulled the very serious looking pink enigma to the side saying, "Look, I'm going to be straight with you, Miss Pie. This situation is in some need of some serious laughter, and I need your help to drive off some of the tension." Pinkie suddenly seemed much more interested in what the filly had to say chirping, "Oh! Does this mean I get to throw a tension relief party? I haven't done one of those in forever! I mean the last time I did it didn't end so well, but I've been practicing on the beginnin—!" "Pinkie Pie!" hissed the filly sharply cutting the mare off. "Your usual methods won't work! We have to more prank-esque about this." A mischievous spark lit in the Element of Laughter's eyes… one that even made Astra a little on edge. "What you have in mind?" Astra could not help but smile, equally mischievous, as she leaned up to whisper into the mare's ear, "This is what you do…" Completely left out of the loop on the other side of the room, the staring contest continued, neither side winning per se, but Jason had calmed down immensely by this point as he stared coolly at the Heart Twins. That's interesting. Their astral link is incredibly powerful. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact they are twins. That seems the most likely cause, he thought to himself almost boredly as another part of him started nagging him about the explosion of energies that were erupting nearby that seemed to have suddenly vanished. He brushed it off as a unicorn that had just gotten pissed at someone or thing and decided to take matters into their own… hooves. Jason scowled. The change of vernaculars due to changed appendages bothered him more than he cared to admit. This world was confusing to him— so much was the same, yet different. He really had remind himself he was not on Earth sometimes, and others, he had to hunt for the faintest similarities to Earth. This was one of those in between moments where he was not quite sure how to progress next. Diplomacy? Doubtful… These two are about as likely to disobey their brother as they are to turn on each other in cold-blooded equinecide… Is that even a word? The answer to his dilemma, however, was provided to him by Astra pulling on his pant leg to get his attention. "What?" he asked as he looked down toward the filly who was smiling— a smile that better belonged to a seasoned vampire rather than a young hug-me-because-I'm-cute filly. Then, he noticed something. Wait… Are those canines?! When on Earth did ponies have canines?! How the fuck did I not notice that before?! "This might get a bit awkward. I just thought I might warn you," the midnight blue filly said with the vampiric smile still plastered on her face. "Uh huh… What should I be watching out for?" asked the human a bit nervous now. "Just watch the pink one," said Astral Plane as she turned her own attention to the aforementioned pink enigma, and Jason did so was well. "Hey, Blurry! I was just wondering why you keep looking at me?!" She turned to show her flank. "Is there something in my tail?!" The stallion just about sputtered as he started to blush profusely. "I—I… uh…" She quickly turned while doing a mid-air flip of her mane asking, "Oh! Oh! Is there something in my mane?" The poor orange mane and tailed stallion stood there blushing from ear to ear now— completely stupefied. "Uh… I—" His brother turned his head to the side and started shaking violently as he attempted to contain his laughing fit. Then, Pinkie came face to face with the poor Blur, nearly touching muzzles with him. "Oh! Is it on my face?!" "Gar…huh?" came the intelligent reply as his brother finally broke down into a laughing fit and collapsing to the side. Astra was the next one to break down, followed by Pinkie who literally started to snort as she laughed falling onto her back. "Are… huh?" asked Blur in confusion before laughing himself because he did not know what else to do exclaiming, "Pinks! This is why you're my favorite party mare!" Now, Jason was just confused. How was that even funny?! What the hell just happened?! he wondered with a brow raised before smirking and pinching the bridge of his nose. Ah, ta hell with it! At least I'm not getting the death stare anymore. Then, he too started to chuckle as the stress released. Within the next few minutes and a Pinkie-antics induced laughing fit later, the Heart Twins actually had forgotten anything about Jason being 'dangerous', which surprised him greatly. Now, however, the five needed a way to pass the time until the others arrived. Now was Jason's turn to get some amusement. "How about we play a board game?" the human suggested with a neutral expression. "Oh! I love board games— though the board game Twilight plays is really hard, and not exactly fun… Oh! What board games do humans play, Jay?! I bet you know uber-dubber lot of them!" chirped Pinkie as she started bouncing with excitement. "Yes, what board games do you know, Nalick?" asked Astra curiously as she sat a-top the largest and most plush sitting cushion she could find with her legs tucked up underneath her. "Yeah! Come on! We're bored!" yelled the twins in stereo as they paused their third game of what seemed suspiciously like punchies using their forehooves instead. Jason smirked as he clasped his hands together and rubbed them forebodingly. "Alright, alright, I know one that is fairly simple to put together. It's called… Bonkers." -X-X-X- It was raining! Of all the nerve after what had happened today to the elegant mare known as Rarity, it had to rain as well. She did not even have an umbrella to keep her mane she worked so hard on dry! It was the worst. Possible. Thing! Yes, what had happened earlier was certainly shocking and horrible, but it had not directly affected her! The gall of it all! It was just so hard being her— even the road was working against her as she neared the library as she was forced to avoid mud puddles at every turn. Thus, what was supposed to be a five minute canter from Ponyville Hospital turned into forty-five minutes of dodging from storefront to storefront and everything in between. "Oh! They better have a towel, a curler, and a brush ready when I get there!" growled the Element of Generosity as she finally reached the door of the library. Of course, this was mostly her just distracting herself from what was really troubling her, and she knew it. However, for now, she was perfectly happy to delude herself until she had time to herself to digest it all. She never imagined she would ever witness such atrocities, let alone have it happen to her friends! Near rape?! Her close friend, Sentinel Heart, possibly crippled for life?! Twilight unable to use her magic… Quit thinking like that! They're all going to be fine! They're tough ponies! she thought to herself as she thought back on the horrible events of the day and attempting to hold back the tears threatening to erupt. It was no use though as they began to slowly run down her face as she knocked on the library door. Now… she was quietly thankful it was raining… if just a little. She heard some kind of commotion inside and the twins both yelling, "I've got it!" before the door opened to revealed the two dark blue identical twins with dark orange mane and tail. The fashionista had always wondered on how that horrible combination of colors had come out of the same bloodline as their handsome elder brother. Then again, they were the only other identical twins— the others being the infamous unicorn brothers Flim and Flam— in the last five hundred years. They looked a bit frazzled though, but that quickly changed to surprise as they saw who was at the door. "Brother is going to throw a fit if he sees Miss Rarity like this!" thought Blur worriedly toward his brother as he said, "M—Miss Rarity! Come! Come in!" "I know that! I'll get the towel!" thought back Blare as he started to turn toward the library's bathroom. Rarity was so tempted to take them up on the offer, but then her resolve hardened as she reminded herself of her mission. "You have no idea how much I'm tempted, but I must simply insist that Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Tiberius follow me to the hospital! A terrible situation has happened!" Then, she hesitated for a moment before adding, "You two need to stay here and guard the filly like Sentinel asked. I'll send word to you as soon as possible." "I know that tone…" thought Blare as he halted in mid-turn and looked at his twin with worry. Blur just nodded asking, "Brother's hurt himself again… hasn't he?" Rarity could only nod. For being probably as smart as the young colts Snips and Snails, the Heart Twins' powers of deduction had always been top notch. Thankfully, she did not need to say anything as Spike came to the doorway, squeezing in between the two massive stallions. "Rarity! What are you doing out in the rain?!" "Spike, dear, would you please get Tiberius and Pinkie Pie?" "That won't be necessary," spoke a voice from behind the stallions as Jason stood up. "I already figured something had happened after those large bursts of magic went off in town…" Spike faceclawed with a groan. "Ugh… What did Twilight do this time?!" Both Jason and Rarity raised a brow simultaneously and exchanged a look. "I'm not even sure it was Twilight I felt," commented Jason matter-of-factly while crossing his arms. This made Astra's ears perk up. She had been zoning out while boredly listening in on the conversation, but now her interest had been peaked as well. She had felt that surge of power too, but it had barely lasted long enough for her to register it. How could the human sense it with even that much certainty? Rarity looked rather uncomfortable now, but she kept as much of her dignified air as her soaked form could muster saying, "Well, it does have to do with Twilight, the poor dear. I think it would be best if you three follow me to the hospital." Jason nodded as he stepped forward making the Heart Twins step aside as he did so. "I heard, but you better fill me in along the way." Then, he noticed something… or rather, the lack of something. He looked behind him. "Pinkie Pie?" Astra raised her head up as well and looked around. The pink enigma had vanished without anypony or anyone noticing— which was an impressive feat even for the enigma with a former alicorn and an ethereal sensitive human present. "Where'd she go?" asked Jason in confusion. "Should we tell him?" asked Blur through his sibling mental link. "Tell who what?" asked back his brother with a questioning brow. Blur simply shook his head as Jason began to speak, "Well, no matter. She's just being an enigma as usual. I would like to get going and get to the bottom of this." Then, he turned to the Heart Twins. "Please make sure she stays here. I have a bad feeling, and those never end well." "We're not taking orders from you, human," the twins said in stereo with determined looks on their muzzles. "You're not our brother," added Blur a moment later. Jason's brow twitched. "It was a request. If I had given you an order, you'd know it and would've followed it. I've commanded entire battalions of rowdy, untrained troops. Don't think just because you're a civilian police force means I'd have any less effect on you." The coldness in the human's voice became like arctic ice, making the brothers shiver slightly and involuntarily straighten— even Rarity and Astra seem to instinctively come to attention despite themselves. "Well, come on! What are we waiting for?! Sheesh!" huffed Spike being the only one in the room seemingly unaffected by Jason's outburst. Jason relaxed letting the others do the same before turning to Spike and nodding before turning to Rarity. "Shall we?" Rarity blinked as though she'd been in a daze then nodded with a hint of nervousness. "Uh… Y—Yes! Let's hurry before any further permanent damage is done to my coiffure!" Jason gave her an odd look before simply nodding and following her into the rainstorm. "Hey! Wait for me!" Astral Plane heard Spike yell as another voice entered her head. "Planning on following them, little pawn?" The midnight blue filly huffed as she sat back down on her sitting cushion and tucked her legs up underneath her as she watched her guards who had returned to playing their game of 'punchies'. Silence, old nag! "You may be able to deceive the others, but I know your true desires~" This time, Astra did not respond and continued her silent vigilance. As much as she hated to admit it, the nightmare spirit was right, and it would only be a matter of time until the filly would find a way to sanctify her own curiosity. -X-X-X- First Lieutenant Thunderstorm was floating through darkness. Time, space, life… None of it seemed to matter. It was all dark, vague, and indifferent. He tried to remember what he last did, but came up only with a blinding flash of orange. Orange? the lost pony thought to himself. Why in all Equestria do I remember orange? Then, he heard a noise— a continuous, high-pitch, familiar noise. The smell of sanitation came next, and his days with his father as a young colt back in Cloudsdale came back to him. It was a sad day when he and Storm's mother was killed by the weather factory explosion. They had been two of the doctors on the emergency medical technician team treating wounded after a rogue thundercloud discharge when the explosion happened. Many ponies died that day, and it changed his life forever. Mentally he shook himself. Breathe. Use the technique Dad taught you. You're under anesthesia. Don't panic, this is normal. The black, scarred stallion forced his breathing into a rhythm that allowed him to think more clearly. The memories leading up to that unfortunate flash of orange did not make the battle-hardened night guard happy. His attempt to confront the rainbow-maned mare had gone the worst way he never even imagined. Luck has certainly not been on my side recently… he thought with a sigh. He opened his eyes and frowned. He was in a dark room strapped to the bed— like a prisoner should be. His wings were both broken in several places and bound to his sides, several ribs were broken, his right foreleg was fractured as was the hoof, and lastly his head was bandaged— though it was too hard to tell whether he had a concussion or not. Why under Luna's Moon am I the one bound to the bed? Shouldn't it be the berserker that should be bound? He thought about it for a moment before sighing. Maybe all of us are. I hope Sparky is okay. What in Tartarus happened to her? What… His thoughts were interrupted by the room being flooded with light as the door swung open, blinding him. He tensed slightly knowing he could have a lot of enemies in this town— like the one who gave him his head injury. He had been lucky that he had a ceramic plate in his head already to prevent that buck from doing any permanent damage, but as he was now, an assassin would need no such luck. His eyes widened as he saw the shadowy figure of the human in the doorway walking in without a sound. "I want to hear your side of the story," spoke Jason with a hard, but understanding, gaze as he closed the door quietly behind him and flicked on the lights. Thunderstorm chuckled as much as his chest wraps and broken ribs would allow. "Of all the creatures I expected to 'visit' me, the one I distrusted the most is the first.… How… appropriate," he remarked. He looked down and saw the bony paws the human called feet were bare, and the stallion attributed the human's quiet steps to that. Now, why would he do that? It's almost as if he was— "You're lucky I know how to pick a lock in order to talk to you. As far as the populous of Ponyville is concerned, you're a criminal. However, I want to give you a chance. I'm sure it was not as it seemed. You're too uptight for that kind of lowly act, and— not to degrade them or anything— the ponies here are particularly naïve and prone to jumping to conclusions from what I've seen." The night guard did not even flinch at being accused as such as he asked, "So, what's the charges?" Jason shook his head. "I merely want to know your side of the story." The lieutenant's gaze hardened to a glare as he warned, "I'll tell you, but if you soil my cousins good name, I will find you and bash your pretty little ape head into a pulp." He paused for a moment as he looked the human over. "First, I have a condition." Jason raised a brow. "You wish to be unbound?" Thunderstorm frowned. "No, these restraints are playthings. I could get out of these whenever I wish," he remarked dryly as a sudden electrical crackle as well as the smell of ozone filled the room and the night guard broke the plastic straps as if they were wet toilet paper before sitting up without so much as a wince. "No, I want you to give me a believable Oath of Honor on both your life and your fallen comrades that you will not say ill about her. I could care less about myself… I've done a lot I'm not particularly proud of, but she still has a bright future ahead of her, and I will not have that jeopardized." Jason raised his brows. His respect for this pony was at a whole new level now. He had no intention of escaping his fate, but the deep want to keep a member of his family safe. Jason then crossed his arms and nodded as a sign of respect and acceptance of the terms asking, "So, what do you consider a proper 'oath of honor' in these parts? Verbal? Legal documentation? A blood oath?" Storm gave a painful wheezing chuckle. "No need to be proper— this is from one military pony to another, human. I'm not royalty or the uppity sort— just a soldier." Her Highness knows how to choose her officers. Jason smirked. Despite their obvious differences, the human veteran was starting to respect the night guard quite a bit. He did not know many humans in his position that would be willing to do the same. Jason did not know who the mare in question was yet, but he was certain he had a pretty good idea already. He knew if he could impress the pony, then he could get more information to possibly clear him with. However, overdoing it could also make the lieutenant suspicious, and that would be counter-productive. So, he opted for a modified version of the oath he took when be became part of the rebels during the 99 Rebellion back home. "Very well," Jason began as he snapped to attention and gave the first lieutenant a salute. "I swear on my life, honor, and the honor of those that have fallen as my comrades during my time in the 99 Rebellion against the corrupt Congress of the United States of America that I shall not make nor allow heard any slander of your cousin's good name as long as I am able. So help me God, that He may strike me down where I stand if I should stray from this oath." Thunderstorm blinked. He had not expected such a formal Oath, but even more that the human invoked his deity to strike him down if he broke his promise. That was about as serious as Oaths came without ritual. "That was the most believable Oath I've ever seen from a non-pony, Jason Tiberius Nalick. Thank you, I accept your Oath of Honor." Jason nodded with a small, pleased smile and took up the chair besides the bed. "Now, I believe you were about to tell me your side of the story, Lieutenant?" he said as he sat himself as comfortably as the pony-style chair would allow. Storm nodded. "Alright, make yourself comfortable, Nalick. I'm going to start from the beginning," remarked Storm as he took a moment to organize his thoughts and memories. "It all started when I was a young colt in Cloudsdale— back when my parents were still alive. I was a member of one of the three off-branches of one of most prestigious families in all of the cloud-city." He took a deep breath. "I am the cousin and one-time friend of the main branch's only daughter… Rainbow Dash, and I've been searching for her since her disappearance fifteen years ago…" -X-X-X- Just outside the door of the room, Astral Plane was resting her ear against the door eavesdropping and gaining invaluable information. She had gotten away from what she dubbed the Idiot Squad some time ago without the two Heart Twins even realizing it. Without the eldest's spells or the young Spike the Dragon being present, it was almost too easy since the two seemed to be too preoccupied with other things— such as their games of punchies and headbutting contests— to realize she was missing. She had been sent into the past for some forsaken reason so she decided she might as well learn about the human she had heard so much about, and maybe actually get some dirt on one of her more annoying officers when she got back to her own time. The 'now' was the perfect time to exploit such acts, and she could not help but smirk at the ease of which she could do it— even with her limited powers. However, what the filly did not seem to understand was what humans refer to as Murphy's Law: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. And this time, Murphy's Law took the form of a young Apple Family accent. "What're ya doin' there?" The former princess jumped in such surprise she nearly peed herself before whipping around angrily to find the filly version of the Element of Honesty's younger sister, Applebloom, right behind her with a curious look on her muzzle. "Don't bug me! I'm trying to hear what is occurring inside!" she hissed as she put her ear back up to the door. Stupid commoner! Applebloom decided to take offense to that scolding, "Look, ah've no idea who ya are, but mah sis says that listenin' ta other ponies' talk— er… I think Twi calls it ears-droppin'— is wrong!" Astra heaved a sigh. She could not let this little commoner get her caught with all the noise she was making. Then, she remembered something about how this particular filly would be hunting for her cutie mark around now. So, she turned to her hissing, "Quiet! I'm trying to get my spying cutie mark! If you make too much noise, then I'll get caught! Spies don't get caught!" However, her plan backfired. Applebloom's eyes immediately widened when she realized that filly she was talking to was a blank flank just like her! She made a small gasp of excitement, but quickly covered her mouth with a hoof to keep outburst at a minimal. Then, she spouted out in a whisper, "Are ya a Crusader too?! Are ya from the Manehattan branch?!" As if I'd be a part of the idiotic club Cousin boasts about! Astra had the strongest urge to facehoof right now as she quickly realized her irreversible— not to mention colossal— mistake, but kept it at bay asking, "What do you mean by that?" Applebloom was not deterred, however, but rather, even more enthusiastic now. "We're a group of fillies 'n' colts that have sworn ta get our cutie marks tagether! Ya sh—" "Not interested," stated Astra flatly. "Now leave." Applebloom gave Astra her famous pout, but the cold filly just ignored her and turned back to the door to put her ear up against it in time to hear the almost non-existent padding of human foot falls coming toward the door. Her stomach dropped like rock, and she quickly started toward the nearest shadow. However, a split second decision led her to grab the confused Apple Family member— convincing herself it so she would not get in trouble for spying instead of guilt— hurling them both into the Realm of Shadow. The rather short journey was extremely rough on Astra for the Realm of Shadow needed concentration to keep one's self both whole and lead through the seemingly directionless void. She, however, also had to keep a struggling filly whole and in her grasp at the same time, making it all the more brutal and straining Astral Plane to her limits without the aid of her magic. She had to find suitable way out soon, or they would both be eternally lost. After what seemed like an eternity, the former alicorn found one, sending both tumbling out of a shadow and into an alley just outside the Ponyville Hospital. Applebloom immediately scrambled to her hooves with an excited squeal. "What in all Equestria was that?! An'sides, why'd ya bring me with ya?!" Astral Plane shakily stood and proceeded to vomit an entire day's worth of food onto the ground from the mental excursion and blinding headache brought on from the vicious journey without the aid of her magic. After a moment, she looked to the now concerned Applebloom who obviously saw that Astra had overextended herself. "I… did… I didn't want you to get in trouble either…" Applebloom gave her disbelieving look. "Why'd ya wanna do that if ah ain't yer friend, and ya ain't a Crusader? Ya didn't have ta put yerself through that ya know." Astra shot the filly an angry look hissing, "I didn't want you blabbing my misdeed either! I'm just simply avoiding loose ends!" The yellow filly kept her disbelieving stare on the midnight blue earth pony filly saying, "Ah still could jus tell on ya anyway. Try again missy." Astral Plane was not about to admit she would have felt guilty leaving the innocent pony before her to take her punishment, but then also realized she may have use for these 'Crusaders' as well. She smirked. "How about I cut you a deal?" Applebloom frowned before asking with trepidation, "What kinda deal?" Astra stood to her full height— which was roughly four feathers* taller than Applebloom— to give her a negotiating advantage before stating, "I have been tasked by Royal Order to obtain information on the human and— now by association— First Lieutenant Thunderstorm of the Royal Night Guard. However, I am in need of aid now it seems, and I would extend that offer to you as long as you and your participating members stay quiet about the matter. In exchange, I will aid you in your goal of obtaining a cutie mark as well as any others of your organization who wish to participate on my quest." Surprisingly, the Royal Order bit did have some validity to it because she had tasked herself with it— though Applebloom did not need to know that. "Is that really all true?" asked Applebloom with a sour tone before giving a smile. "Why don't ya jus become a Cutie Mark Crusader so we all could do it as a team?!" Astra frowned. "It is truth I speak, but I do not wish to become a Crusader either. However, I am willing to have a temporary alliance with your Crusaders." Applebloom frowned thinking it may be a bad idea to follow this filly, but then again, it could be a great chance to get their cutie marks. She decided to see how far this filly was willing to go. "Only if ya show us how ta do that shadow-thing ya did back there." Astra thought about it for a moment and shrugged. She was positive that shadow walking was a hereditary art for those without the blessing of her mother. So, the best she could do was try she supposed. "I can try to teach those that decide to participate, but I cannot give a promise that they will actually be able to perform the act." Then, she paused before asking, "What's your name?" The filly spit on her forehoof and held it out toward Astra. "Ah suppose that's good 'nough fer me! The name's Applebloom!" The former alicorn puffed out her chest stating in turn, "I am Astral Plane." Then, after a moment of silence, and scrutiny by Applebloom, she asked pointing to the hoof, "What are you doing?" Applebloom rolled her eyes. "It's called a hoofshake; it's ta seal the deal." Astra was more than a bit put off by the gesture. "I just vomited. Do you really want me to spit on my hoof and 'shake' after that?" Applebloom shrugged commenting, "Ah don't care if ya jus stepped in a pile of manure. It's the only way ta seal a deal-o-secrecy proper-like." I will have to wash as soon as possible… she thought to herself as she spat on her hoof and grit her teeth as she shook hooves with Applebloom. Seemingly satisfied, the farm filly gestured Astra to follow her saying, "I'll go ahead and signal the other Crusaders fer a meetin' while we head to the base." Astra just assumed a neutral expression as she nodded, trying not to think about the filth on her hoof, as she thought, How bad could it be? "Are you asking for trouble?" snickered that dark voice in the deepest corner of her mind. Shut it, Night Mare! snapped Astra as she started following Applebloom into the streets of Ponyville. -X-X-X- After Jason had left the room, Thunderstorm had decided it was best to try to mend what bridges he could while he was still in Ponyville. He was not under doctor's orders to remain in bed— he had read the clipboard himself— and they could not legally keep him bound since he was under no formal conviction of a violent crime. Afterward, he would leave to Canterlot to spend the rest of his 'vacation' there. There was no point being where he obviously was not wanted— old friends or not. As he walked through the hospital toward Sparky's room— where his cousin and her other friends were bound to be eventually as well— he came across a familiar butter-yellow pegasus, yet another shadow of his past. They locked eyes, gold to soft turquoise, and for a moment they stood still and silent. Finally, Thunderstorm decided to break the silence. "Um, hello, Fluttershy." He scratched the back of his head with his cast covered hoof as he looked down at the floor. He felt guilty just talking to her for some reason. "It's been awhile." She smiled a bit nervously as she took a half-step back asking, "U—Uh… Do I know you?" There were still some of those creepy stalkers and fancolts from when she was a model around, and she could never quite tell who they were. This left the stallion both visibly and mentally shaken. His eyes never left the floor as he realized none of his old friends besides Sparky and Pinkie seem to recognize him now. Even his own family in Cloudsdale had not recognized him at first when he went to visit awhile back, and that was why he had closed himself off. He was forgotten… an outcast. He almost turned and left right then and there for Canterlot, but a simple line Jason said had said during their earlier conversation came to mind. "When you think you've burned all your bridges, all you have to do is rebuild," he whispered to himself. Fluttershy seemed to perk up a little seeing the stallion was obviously being as shy as she was asking, "I'm sorry? I couldn't hear you. Um… could you say it again?" He raised his head slowly saying, "Flutters… It's me… Wind Storm." She just looked at him in shock and looked him over again. The black fur, the gold eyes, the storm gray and gold mane and tail, and the uncanny resemblance to Rainbow Dash. "Oh my! Wind Storm?! I—Is that really you?!" She quickly rushed over and hugged him gently. "I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you! You've just never come to talk, and all those scars… I'm… am I bothering you?" She quickly let go as quickly she hugged him with a timid look on her muzzle. Storm shook his head sadly as he stared at the floor again. "No, I'm sorry. I just never… I never felt like I could face you again after Rain left. I guess I still feel bad about her going after you after you fell off that cloud…" It was true. Fluttershy had been like a sister to him. Both of them had been weak fliers and could barely get off a cloud. In fact, he had probably been closer to Flutters than he was ever to Sparky. When Flutters had disappeared for a week it tore him up something awful, which prompted Rain to go find her. She succeeded, but shortly afterward, she too disappeared. Then, his parents were killed. Fluttershy's parents had offered to take him in, but he was too upset with himself being too weak and refused. So, he had gone to his aunt and uncle's in Canterlot instead where he met Sparky and promised to himself never to let another pony ever get hurt for his sake again. "Hush now. It's not your fault. It never was," said Fluttershy quietly as she used a hoof to raise his head up gently. "What happened? You're hurt. Should you even be walking around?" She backed off and shrank a little. "I—I mean if you don't mind me asking." By this point, Storm was too deep in melancholy to even hear her. He felt like just collapsing into a mess right then and there. It was all to much with everypony he used to be close to right… "Wind Storm?" asked Flutters again, jerking him out of his thoughts. "I'm… I'm sorry," he said. "I just have a lot on my mind. My body is fine. I've dealt with worse as a member of the guard." "You made it into the Royal Guard!" She almost gave him another hug as a way of congratulating him on achieving his foalhood dream, but a frustrated huff kept her from doing so. Instead, she placed a hoof on his shoulder with worry in her eyes. "What happened?" He shook his head as he looked at the leg cast. "I finally found Rain… the real Rainbow Dash. After so many frauds just wanting her family's prestige and money, I finally found that brash filly, but…" "Oh my! Is that what happened?" She had heard that Rainbow Dash had nearly been raped by some outsider Royal Night Guard with freaky powers, and it was Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Sentinel Heart's heroics that stopped him, but if the stallion had been Wind Storm… That would never be the case. Something else must have happened. "Somepony thought I was going to rape her instead…" murmured Storm with an unbearably sad tone. "Then… something happened to Sparky. I'm not sure what, but she just… lost it! I wish I knew, but she almost killed Rain herself! If it hadn't been for Sentinel Heart— Luna bless that berserker— then we would all be cinders by now! I—I just don't know what to do!" "Oh my! I—I'm sure she didn't mean it!" stuttered Fluttershy as she tried to defend her friend. She was assuming Sparky was referring to Twilight Sparkle since most of the guards in Canterlot that were familiar with her called her that when they were off duty. He could only nod. "Well, I guess, I'll see you later." "Where are you going?!" she asked in surprise as he started to limp off. "Back to my room to get some rest," said Thunderstorm with a tired tone. "I would stay away from Twilight Sparkle's room for a while though. I have a feeling she wants to be alone right now." "Okay…" said Fluttershy as she watched him go. She would take his advice on Twilight for now though. She knew how her lavender friend could get sometimes… and that was pretty scary. So, she went to go find Jason instead. He was still boredly sitting in the visitor waiting area after all and was always pleasant to talk to. * A 'feather' is equal to 1″ or 2.54cm