Poking Pinkie Pie in the Pooper

by KingofSquirrelz

Teacher's Pet

Monday Early Morning


The changeling trudged forward the best it could on all fours. Her wings were tattered and her body beaten. Worst of all, she was about to lose her mind.  She knew who she was, but it made no sense to her. A queen with no subjects was no queen, she was a fool. A fool who took a mantle far too soon and now had nothing.
She was nothing, millions had died for her. With her title gone, so was her name. She was no more, nothing but a hollow shell.
The black sky mercilessly beat down upon her, the heavy rain showed her no quarter.
The long mountain path she was traveling on only grew longer as she made her way down. Blood, green in color, trickled down her neck from the base of her horn. Behind her were the real beasts of the mountain. Bears and wolves that fell to her claws or fangs, depending of what form she choose at that time.
Why she did it, she did not know. Why she even continued to walk was beyond her. She was alone, and wanted nothing more than to join her family in death. The poison from Shining Armor’s spell now ate away one her insides, slowly killing her like it did her family.

Yet she continued.
She was tired. And the membranes on her wings needed to dry before she could take flight again. The tiny threads of life inside her drove her forward, and for the first time in a long time she was blessed with a stroke of good fortune.
It was a cave carved into the mountain side. She tried her hardest to run to it, but that required energy she did not have. When she finally reached the entrance of the cave, she almost cried. It was warm, unusually so. The walls were giving off heat and she was basking in it.
In the middle of the cave was a large basin of water, it would have been able to fit four of her. All she wanted was sleep and safety. At the far end of the cave covered in shadows were thick vines that stretched out in all directions.
She blended in with the background and tried to calm her mind so she could recover. Nothing more than a broken shell who wanted nothing more than death. Finally, after so long, she could rest.

Monday Early Morning: Sugarcube Corner


The soft breathing of your lovers against your chest, along with the sound of rain hitting the window made for the most pleasant of surroundings. Even though the storm was finally starting to let up a tiny bit, you knew full well it would be raining all day. At least the worst of the storm was over.
Sleeping soundly on your left, with her body covering half of your midriff, is Cup Cake. Her coat was warm against your skin, and her breath was hot against the back of your neck. It could have been nice to say she smelled like roses that had been picked from the garden only moments before. She didn’t. She smelled like hot sex and booze.
Knowing that you put her in that state filled you with a small sense of dirty pride.
On your right was, Magnum’s wife, Pearl.  You’re still unsure how had that worked out. She was a pretty mare to be sure, and for a mother of two, she was pretty tight. Nothing compared to Cup Cake, but she did have better control. You had to wonder if she was in your herd now or not.
Was this a one-time thing? Were you now on the swinger list of targetable stallions… humans? They did say that it was a well-guarded secret.  You assumed married swingers are looked down upon.  Not that you particularly cared very much at that moment.
After all of your seed was firmly caught inside of her womb, she made her best attempt to cuddle with you. She couldn’t move an inch. She really didn’t understand the full weight that came with a single round. She loved it though, in her words she felt like she was carrying a foal again.
She said she was going to ask her husband about a bi-weekly visit. She didn’t want to tell her husband about her wanting another child, they were getting near that age where they would be retiring. It also marked the time when her internal clock was about to run out, and she couldn’t have foals anymore.
Now that got you thinking about a few things. More so about your lifespan. The average lifespan of a pony is around sixty or so years whereas the lifespan of a healthy human could range from eighty, to hundred and twenty years. It was a sad fact that no matter how much you thought about it, everyone you knew now was going to die before you.
Even more depressing is that you are the last and only of your kind. After you're dead, that’s it. No more humans, well unless another female human pops out of nowhere. Well, stranger things had happened since you got here. You weren’t going to put your money on it though.
You lay on the bed. Staring out the window, thinking. (something you needed to do more often) You  thought of Pinkie and Cup, Of a way to remain by both their sides forever. That is, if Pinkie forgave you, which you were pretty sure she wouldn’t. You had hope though, this was Pinkie Pie and the last thing she was is predictable.
In any case, you wanted both mares to know that you would be there for them, forever. Your mind drifted back to symbols, necklaces and such things. Nothing came to mind though. There were a few things that still didn’t add up.
When a pegasus wants to show their undying devotion, they give the partner a feathered necklace. From the rules its only made from feathers that fall out, a very time consuming task.  From what you were told, it could take years to make.
An earth pony usually makes something that can withstand the test of time. A trinket is what they are normally called. Cup’s trinket for Carrot was a single dice piece. Carrot made Cup a wooden carving of a flower.  The metal die now sits in Cup’s sock drawer and the wooden flower was burned a few months ago.
Unicorns did cute things with magic that related to their special talents. It was hard to pinpoint what they would do, since it varies from pony to pony. Normally it’s a spell of some sort that makes the lover feel special and wanted.
These were all good ideas, but in the end, they fade. You wanted something that couldn’t be broken, would stand the test of time, and be completely original. Something that only a human could think of or do. Frankly, you had nothing.
You could feel it in the pit of your stomach or what was missing from it, food. If the clouds weren’t still completely black, you would bet that the sun would be shining through the window. Breakfast time was just around the corner and you were hungry.
A man only needs three things to live a happy life: food, home, and family. Right now you were missing food. You were a little torn though, you wanted to be there when Cup woke up. You were always hell bent on keeping your promises. Losing one’s trust is the worst thing to do.
So there was only one option left to you, get Cup up.
You lean over to your left, trying not to shift the bed too much. You could only admire Cup’s sleeping face. There was a small light stream of drool and a huge smile on her face. You start to lightly pepper her neck with kisses and little nips. Those small kisses become light pecks and a few tiny licks.
She started to stir a little, letting out a small burst of hot breath into your hair. She was still sleeping though; so you decided to move to her cheek, by lightly gliding the tip of your tongue from the base of her neck to the middle of her cheek.
“Hmmm,” she lightly moaned.  Then you got an idea, a very dirty idea.
You tilt her head up a tiny bit. From what you gathered was her breathing increased and her eyes stopped jutting back and forth under her eyelids. The little filly was now pretending to be asleep.
You pressed your lips to her, testing the waters trying to see how far you could get your tongue in before she would wake up.  It was ¾ of an inch that got in before both of you nearly puked. Simultaneously you push away from each other. It was the grossest mixtures of fermented cum and rotten cider breathe.
Your very dirty idea now really was just dirty and disgusting.
“Morning Hun, did I wake you?” you said in a hushed voice.
“You really need to brush your teeth.” She said as she covered her snout with a blanket.
“Well whose fault do you think it is that it smells like that my little vixen?” You smirk. Taking the initiative, you glide your hand down her the length of her body. Her hoof stops your hand just inches above her teats.
“Honey, later ok? Your breath seriously smells like dead fish,” She chides.
You deflate a little, no morning sex for you.  You had to admit, you both smelled pretty rank, and the biggest mood killer you could think of was bad breath. Well there was that whole ‘husband walking in after you fucked his wife thing’ too. Then the sharp pain in your gut started to sting, you just remember you were hungry.
Damn body kept reorganizing its priorities.
“I’m going to make some breakfast, do you want anything?”
She nodded, “Some eggs and toast sound lovely. Just please do me a favor, and brush your teeth first…” she squeaked out at the end so you wouldn’t be offended. Yet still she scooted away a little; your breath was really bad.
Using your world class shimmy moves -which you learned just that moment- you inch your way under the covers and down to the edge of the bed. You opted out of the goodbye kiss and made your way straight for the bathroom.
Now was a time you felt like a pony. Being able to walk around naked everywhere was really freeing. Well first on the chart was to get your daily hygiene of out the way. Now was the time for the Legendary Three S’s of Man.
Shit, shower and shave.  The first was completed in a matter of minutes for there was a proper order to things. There is no point in shitting after a shower. Next was the warm refreshing downpour that could sooth even the most tempered of souls.
Except there was no hot water. Five minutes of scrubbing your body completely clean with cherry smelling body wash in ice cold water. You had your own body wash that made you smell like chocolate. Sadly Pumpkin and Pound used it all last week in a massive bubble bath. Even now they still had hints of the body wash.
Shaving was done in a matter of moments as the tiny stubble never had a real chance. Pinkie loved when you had a smooth face. You did too. Although, there were a few times you just felt like a badass with just the right about of stubble.
Now was the time to brush, it was something that you prided yourself on. Your pearly whites. There hasn’t been a single day where you don’t remember brushing at least once. Now though, you went above and beyond the call of duty. Brush, floss, rinse and repeat seven times. By the time you were done there wasn’t a germ left standing.
As you put away all the accoutrements of cleaning, your eyes fell upon something that nearly stopped your heart. It was petroleum jelly. Then you remembered the terrifying words of Pearl and Lyra. Lyra wanted your hand, no, fist in her ass. If she remembered, that is.
Even though you were a man who loves the ass, fisting was the grey line that once crossed, meant the option was now open forever. It was the same with rimjobs. Pinkie Pie loved them, which was the farthest you had even gotten into anal play with her. Alas, they are only given if she requests them. You also were never going to openly admit the option was there.
If you did go through with it, others might request it later. It was still up in the air if that was even if in your comfort zone. It was still anal, and damn, did you love anal. However, you needed time to think about it, but you promised Lyra you would do it in the morning. A man always lives up to his word.
Then, a twisted smirk worked its way to your lips. Anal fisting required one kind of lube only to be plausible. The petroleum jelly that was in your sight was the only means to make it work. This was the only jelly in the entire house, very rarely ever used. If it was all gone then there would be no possible way to service Lyra’s fetish.
Into the toilet it went.
After finishing off with a few stretches and cracking your back, you head to your room to get dressed. Thankfully the door was still open and the two mares inside were still sleeping. You could only wonder what transpired after you left last night. The poor teddy bear’s head was consumed by Lyra’s cheeks. Its body was entangled in her tail.
You squint as your mind pieces together what you were looking at. Yup, there was a teddy bear in Lyra’s ass.
Bonbon was sleeping soundly, just the way you left her. You take a moment and cover her up with the part of the pink comforter that Lyra didn’t stain.  You liked Bonbon; she was one of those rare true blue friends. Since you came to this world, she was one of the few that warmed up to you right away.

If she wasn’t the biggest hard core lesbian you ever knew, you would have thought she had ulterior motives.
Today you went with your comfortable staples, dark blue cargo shorts, black boxer briefs, white socks, a black undershirt and a white hoodie with a zipper in the front.  To top it all off, a few dashes of cologne to make yourself smell good for today and one tiny (painful) spritz on the ol’ gonads for good measure.
The moment you left your room to start cooking breakfast, the loud cries of the tiny filly Pumpkin rang throughout the hall. You roll your eyes as you quickly run to the kitchen to grab a bottle. It was five minutes passed Pumpkin’s favorite feeding time.  
You nearly bolted down the hall and shut the door to the filly’s room to stop her crying from getting out. There was five hung over mares in the house and you knew the best way to wake up anyone in general was the sound of a crying filly.  
Too bad for you there was a baby monitor that was now alerting the entire house of the filly’s cries.
“Hey, Pumpkin butt, some little girl hungry?” You shook the bottle in the air. The filly knew what she wanted.The bottle flew from your hand and right into her tiny hooves. Eagerly Pumpkin suckled down on the bottle. Within a matter of seconds it was completely gone. After she was finished, you picked her up to burped her, and changed her diaper.
“There all better—“the filly cut you off the moment you set her back into the crib. She was crying even harder than before.  You pick her back up and start checking her over again. She was still clean, now you tried to make funny faces. That didn’t work.

“I bet you he forgot to put foal powder on her.” Pearl grumbled.
“No I’m sure that he remembered.  He probably forgot to shake the milk.” Cup responded.

“Here I am!” you said for the tenth time to no avail. No matter how many times you gave her favorite tummy kisses or peek-a-boos she still would cry. You pick her up and toss her in the air a few times but the moment she touches the crib she starts crying again.
You pat down the crib thinking there is something poking her or it was wet. Nope, it was free of foreign debris and was completely dry.

Both Lyra and Bonbon were now awake as the baby monitor in your room was broadcasting Pumpkin’s voice throughout the entire house.
“Jeesh… just put a little rum on her lips. She’s teething.” Lyra said into the pillow.
“That’s barbaric Lyra… Lyra? is there a bear stuck in your butt?”

You blew hard on the filly’s tummy. It awarded you with a small giggle but only seconds later she would start crying again.  No matter what tactic you used, she would still continue to cry the moment she touched the crib. At least now she was momentarily docile. Finally after ten minutes the filly gave you a hint.
She sent a music box straight towards the back of your head.
You quickly turn as the box opens ups from the fall to the floor. The filly smiled from ear to ear as the soft music filled the room. You couldn’t place you hand on it but the melody was so familiar. It was soft and lovely, almost surreal.
“Oh you just wanted to listen to your music. I guess I should add that to your list of things you like.”
Picking up the box, you set it on the bed side table. The moment it touched the table top, the box completely shattered.  The fall from your height was enough to do the poor box in. Your eyes dart from the box to Pumpkin.
It was like a ticking time bomb as her face scrunched. Her favorite music box now completely destroyed before her very eyes. Her tiny horn lit up and so did half of her stuffed animals. All were now being hurled at the object in the room that broke her box; you.
You had to think fast or you were sure she was going to start throwing object that didn’t squeak when they hit you. She wanted music, actual music, it took you a moment to figure out a replacement or the music box.
Then you had a idea. Use what you had and what you had was a piece of your past.
You beelined for the closet in the hall, quickly taking out box after box of things sealed away for a later time. At the very back of the closet in a small shoe box was your stuff. Small knick-knacks and memorabilia and that was on your person the day you ‘arrived’ in Equestria.
There it was the one viable thing that would surely stop the baby tyrant from crying. You grab the wooden ocarina, and made your way back to Pumpkin.  It took you a moment to think of a melody that would sooth the rampaging filly.
One came to mind and it was meant for a horse, it should work, you hoped.  You put your lips to the instrument and began to play.
It got Pumpkin’s attention right away. The song you were playing was far more enchanting thanks to it being right in front of her and not a recording from a box. All the toys fell from the air and onto the floor.
You made eye contact with the now grinning filly. You put all your effort into playing the enchanting melody just for her sake. Well, a little for your own as well; damn her crying was getting annoying.
What you didn’t know was the audience that was listening to you as well from the monitors. The little filly was not the only one who was now completely enthralled by your music.
You finish the song shorty after your fourth play through. It wasn’t very long to begin with. Pumpkin was still beaming from ear to ear. Her musical wanting had been sated. Now though she wanted something else. She raised her tiny hooves in the air.
“Dad,” is all she said.
You pocket the instrument and pick your daughter up. It was the moments like this that you would give anything for. She may not have been flesh and blood but you loved her enough to look past those small details.  It was almost heartbreaking to think of all the colts you were going to kill who dared give Pumpkin a second glance.
You were preparing for over-protective father mode early.
“C’mon, I bet you want to help dad make some breakfast for mom and her hungover friends.” You say in a cutesy voice. She nodded, and for a moment, you thought she understood.
You turn in place and there was a mare, her eyes were almost completely transfixed on you. Cheerilee only stared on in wonderment, but quickly snapped back to her senses. “G-good morning, I see you got Pumpkin under control…”
You nod.
“Yup, want to help us make breakfast? I'll make whatever you like.” Cheerilee took a minute to think it over.  Her stomach made her decision for her.
“Sure, how good are you at making scrambled eggs?”

Monday Morning


Hands, it was by far your greatest advantage over the entire pony race. Now though you were using your skills to flip eggs.
There you stood behind the counter surrounded by spices of every flavor. The pan was freshly buttered and waiting for more eggs.  Behind the counter was the little pegasus colt, Pound. He was far easier to entertain this morning than Pumpkin was.  He got his milk three toss ups before he was happy. It really goes to show you that guys are just so much simpler to handle. Even now he goes into a giggle fit when you successful flip an egg.
Sitting at the table was Cheerilee, her plate of eggs had long since vanished from this world and now she was giving Pumpkin her second bottle of milk.
“So what are you up too today?” Cheerilee questioned.
“After I make you all breakfast I’ll probably head downstairs and make a closed sign for the shop. Without three bakers it’s going to be nearly impossible to get all the orders out.” You set down another plate laden with eggs and buttered toast at an empty seat on the table. “Did you go tell them breakfast was ready?”
She nodded. “Yeah, I am pretty sure I saw Cup go into the bathroom. Pearl might still be sleeping though. Lyra and Bonbon were up when I told them, so they should be here soon.”
You reach across the counter and tussled Pound’s mane. His cheeks were lightly covered in grease and ketchup from his scrambled eggs. Almost as if she was summoned on cue, Cup made her appearance from the bedroom.
“Morning Hun, eggs are on the table and there is some hang over medicine in the coffee next to your plate.” You said as you started to clean the kitchen of the pans and dirty dishes.
“Oh thank you… wait, how did you know where I was going to sit?” She questioned as she sat down at the table.
“I didn’t, the medicine is in all the coffee cups. Knowing Lyra and Bonbon, it will be a saving grace.”
You do a quick rinse of the dirty dishes; nothing too fancy, most of it was an easy wipe off from over greasing the pan. Then you went and finished the rest of the dishes.
There was an elephant in the room. One that was huge and obvious, but one you didn’t notice.
Cup looked at Cheerilee and her to you. You were busy, you didn’t see. Cup nodded in your direction and Cheerilee shook her head. Cup nearly twisted her neck trying to signal Cheerilee. Her response was nothing more than a vigorous shake of her head.
“So…” Cup said turning to you. “Have you thought about adding anyone to the herd?”
You quickly turn around to look at Cheerilee who slammed her hoof against the table. Her face was scarlet and her brows were almost connected as she was staring daggers at Cup. Quickly, she regained her composure.
“Sorry… there was a bug.”
You smirk, “Glad I’m not a bug.” You turn back to Cup. “Tell you the truth, I have been thinking about it. I really don’t know if I should or not. When Pinkie comes back on Friday I’m going to have a lot to own up for.  Is it bad that there’s just two?”
Cup was a little taken back. This may be harder than she thought. “No, actually. Having a low number is a good thing. It shows you're trying to have a serious relationship.” She wanted to bite her tongue.
“Then I think I’ll just stick with two. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth having lots of mares. Where I come from dating was strictly meant to be just one on one. Dating multiple women was looked down upon.”
“Two… I thought you added Diamond or something.” Cheerilee said making her best attempt to change the subject.
“Don’t get me started on her. I don’t even know where to begin. I think I joined hers or something like that. You know, this whole ‘herds’ thing is really starting to confuse me I really wish there was some guideline I can follow.”
Cup took a sip of her coffee, feeling she had gotten control of the conversation back.
“You know, a small herd is usually around five or six mares. If you keep it below that I am sure nopony would think ill of you. At least you’re not like Prince Blood who is trying to get three hundred and sixty five mares.”
Again, the prospect of lying and saying you’re a prince presents itself. Sadly it fades away when the realization hits that you would be hardly able to deal with five or six let alone over three hundred.
“Maybe… I don’t know. I guess I’ll just go on a case by case basis if the opportunity arises.” You really didn’t know how to handle that scenario. Having a girl confess to you felt like a dream. Although, with the whole herding concept, it just felt awkward if you didn’t share their feelings.
Cheerilee smirked a tiny bit, and it faded as fast as it came. She felt lighter than she had in ages.
Now it was your turn for breakfast. You took the spot to the immediate left of Cup Cake. You opted for eggs and toast; sometimes it’s the classics that are just the best. You lean over and gave an affectionate kiss to Cup Cake.
“What was that for?” she questioned.
You shrug.
“Do I need a reason?”
The conversation died right there. Now it was time to dig in. It took only a few minutes to consume your plate of six eggs; double the portions that everyone else got. A large glass of milk to wash it all down with.  You couldn’t place it, but you never got full, ever. You were sure that you could go downstairs and eat everything and still feel hungry.
“So…” you say after finish the last bit of your eggs. “What time should we open up shop? With Carrot gone, we are short a baker.”
Cup pondered for a moment, her mind was elsewhere.  Her mind had almost been consumed by her plan to prove the local draconequus wrong. So far, in her mind, she was doing a great job. Her plan was going perfectly, save for an embarrassed mare that had the confidence level only hairs above Fluttershy.
“I don’t know, we are low on—“
“NO FUCKING WAY!” Bonbon screamed from your bedroom.
You blink several times. Yup that was indeed Bonbon’s voice, and it was indeed cursing. It took you a moment to adjust. You have never heard Bon swear before, ever. She always prided herself on never cursing, saying it was below her to do so.  As long as you knew Bon for this was still one of the top things you would have never expected.
Bonbon nearly ripped the door off the hinges of your room. Her left eye was twitching vigorously and her mouth was curled in a snarl. It only took her a second to find her target of her hatred: you.
Following behind her was Lyra who was now void of the stuffed animal. She looked just as fevered as you were.
“Lyra must be lying to me and you really didn’t agree t-t-to…” she stammered off for a moment to compose the right string of words. “…to put your hand in her butt!” Bonbon finished.
You open your mouth to talk but shut it immediately. Letting out several large breaths you turn to your companions for help, who now were taking heavy interest in everything but you.
“I guess… technically I did say I was going to.” There was no point in lying.
“See Bon, I told you. Now stop being a sour puss about it. You already said if he said yes I could!” Lyra stated as she made her way by your side.
Her eyes narrowed at the both you and Lyra, “I didn’t think he would actually say yes! Such a gross, disgusting act. Did you even consider my feelings on the matter? Oh, Bon gave the ok so now I can run around and rut whatever I want.”
“I did ask. And you said, and I quote, ‘I don’t see the harm in it, just as long as he is ok with it.’ You knew from the start I wanted to, just because he actually said yes doesn’t mean you can go back on it. You can stop being so… wishy washy!”
“I’m not wishy washy! You’re the one who keeps trying to get him to touch you with those filthy hands!”
Now you felt kind of insulted, you always washed your hands. Now though was not the time to get nit picky about details. Calmly you raise one of your hands in the air.
“Look Bon, obviously it is not ok with you. I perfectly respect that. Last thing I want is you two fighting over something minor. You and Lyra had been together for... how many years now? There’s no need to—“
“You shut up! Ever since you came here my relationship has been a complete mess. All Lyra wants is for you to touch her with those disgusting hands! She’s been asking to do it for six months. This didn’t just come up because you decided to start herding.” Bonbon was starting to grow frantic.
You were also starting to get a little weirded out at the thought of  just how much Lyra liked your hands.
“Look,” you say calmly, “it’s nothing more than a passing curiosity. You don’t want me to do so I won’t. Simple problem solved.”
Lyra looked up at you, “You promised me! Don’t take her side just because she gets all teary eyed. She always does that to get her way. She begged me to let her have a three way with Octavia. I let her go with it, now it’s my turn.” Lyra stamped her hoof like a wanting foal. “The real reason she is mad is because you didn’t ask her to join your herd.”
Bonbon look liked she was about to blow a gasket. Her whole body was red, not in the cute blush kind of way. The hot tamale, ‘I’m ten seconds away from killing you’ kind of way.
It was hard for you to comprehend why Bon-bon would want that. She was quite literally the biggest lesbian in town. She would have gotten a trophy if they awarded ponies for pony poon eating. Yet, she was pissed, really, really pissed.
“What?” was all that you were able to muster. Things were not adding up.
“Go, leave now. Get out of here!” Bon yelled. “I never want to see you again!”
You reeled, and sputtered, “C- c’mon Bonbon, now you’re going a bit too far. Lyra was only—“
“I’m not talking to Lyra, I’m talking to you! Leave, get out, no pony wants you here. You’re nothing more than a monster just like your father!”
The words settle in the air uncomfortably, it was like someone turned the sound off to the world.  Even the twins, who were about to start crying from all the shouting, went tight lipped. Bonbon was one of the few who knew how to push your buttons. They were far and few between.
The only person who was at a loss for what was actually going on was Cheerilee.
However, Bonbon didn’t want to say it. Even you knew she was just speaking out of anger. You had done it before this was nothing new to you.
It still hurt though, physically, the teeth marks on your legs and shoulder were always reminders of your past, always a reminder of him.
It took several seconds for the words to sink in to everyone’s ears. Words however can’t be taken back once spoken.  It took a moment for her to realize what she had said, but the damage had already been done.
“I’m sorry.” Bonbon said quickly. “I didn’t mean it…”
You didn’t say anything, everything in your being knew full well she really was sorry, and that she really hadn’t  meant it. That however didn’t stop the thoughts that were burning away at the back of your mind. Now you needed to calm down and rationalize or you knew you were going to say or do something really stupid.
There was a long minute of pure silence. You had to compose yourself before you were able to speak.
“I’m going out for a bit to go take a hot bath; there was no hot water this morning and I really need to take a hot bath right this very moment.” You said calmly.
“Wait, don’t go.” Bon Bon said.

You ignored her, or more precisely, your body did. Even now the vivid imagery of what you wanted to do to her was plaguing your mind. To say the bare minimum, it was not very nice.
You turned and left down the stairs. Part of you felt like you were running away from a fight. You would never strike a lady... or a mare, though.  When you hit the bottom stair you could hear yelling again. This time it was Cup and Lyra directing their frustration out on Bon-Bon.
Who knows what Pinkie would have done if she had heard that. Suddenly the things you had in the back of your mind seemed very tame.
Right now though, you needed to cool your head; and now that you were thinking about it, a nice hot bath really did sound good.  When you hit the front door though, you were only greeted by the rain. Your eyes fall to your knees as a sharp stick prodded them
It was Cheerilee and in her mouth was a umbrella. She sets it down at your feet.
“I’m coming with you.” She demanded.
You didn’t say anything. Leaning down you grabbed the umbrella and made your way out the door with the mare following by your side. The soft pattering of the rain against the thin plastic shield overhead didn’t do much to keep you dry. Subconsciously, you held it more to the left to make sure Cheerilee stayed dry.
You didn’t particularly know where you were going, but you continued to walk anyway.
“Do you want to go to the spa?” Cheerilee questioned.
That was an idea, you had to admit. Although you’ve only ever been there two times; and both times where at night when you and Pinkie snuck in. Ironically neither time ended in sex, just a really odd game of ghost in the graveyard.
“Sure.” You say, trying to get your speech pattern back to normal. Although, you could still hear it in your voice, a spike of anger and irritation. Last thing you wanted was to take your frustrations out on someone else.
“Do you want to talk about it…?” Cheerilee asked, not in her normal voice. She was using her teacher voice, one she would use if she was talking to a foal.
“Not really.” You replied.
Not a word was spoken between you two for a few blocks. Silence filled the air, as it always did, but drowning it out was the sound of the rain. You always did love the rain. It always felt like there was something about it that made more appealing than any other weather.
Like it was washing away something that one couldn’t touch, scars, and memories and such.
“I hope no one gets the wrong idea about us.” Cheerilee said with a smirk. “Usually only couples share a umbrella.”
“I didn’t know I was that horrid to be around.”
Cheerilee gasped, “That’s not what I meant at all…” Her head sunk low, “I don’t think you’re horrid at all.”
You couldn’t help but notice how hurt she looked. You started to feel bad, you knew she was just trying to comfort you and you were just being a whiny ass who wanted to run and lick your wounds.
“So tell me, how is Big Mac doing?” you say trying to change the subject.
Cheerilee swallowed a large pool of saliva that began to gather at the back of her throat. “He’s fine. Still working the field and just as nice as ever.”
“If you want I can take you to see him.” You said trying to get the set up ready. You knew about the rumors of Cheerilee. All the rumors, good and bad. From what you were told from word of mouth she was… easy. Frankly, if they were to be believed, talking to her for more than ten minutes there would give you good chance to bed her.
You didn’t believe them though. Well you did, until Cup Cake set you straight. Cup and Cheerilee had been best friends since kindergarten. If Cup said so, you believed her.
She shook her head, “No, no that’s alright me and Big Mac are…. Um, busy with stuff usually so we don’t visit each other very much.” Cheerilee stop in her tracks and sighed, “We can’t go to the spa, it doesn’t open till noon!”
Part of you was kind of relieved, going to a spa didn’t sound too… manly.
“So where do you want to go?” you question.
Cheerilee looks you over and her face turned scarlet. “Well... my place is small and it only has a shower. If you want though, I know a nice place where you can get a really hot bath but… it’s really far out of the way.”
“I don’t mind, lead the way.” You didn’t want another shower, let alone a cold one that was at pony height.

Cup Cake was rubbing her temples with her front hooves. Lyra and Bonbon decided the best place to take there shouting match was in Pinkie’s bedroom. Bonbon was the one being shouted at. Pearl thankfully got up soon after, and now was in the back room tending to the twins trying to put them to sleep for a morning nap.
The poor mare was suffering a migraine of epic proportions.  The hangover medicine had not mixed well with the coffee. Stimulants and depressants don’t compliment each other.  Cup could only hope that you were ok, she knew how sore of a topic it was bring up your father, of all people, and then calling you a monster on top it off.
“My, my, I’m gone for a little bit and it seems the whole house is in an uproar.”  
The voice rang clearly inside of Cup’s ears; she didn’t want to deal with him right now, of all ponies.
“What is it Discord?” Cup said with a huff.
Discord didn’t make himself known, there were others in the house and that would be considered interfering.
“What, can’t I see my favorite little mare? Working away at proving me wrong?”
“No, just some stuff happened and I have a headache.” Cup said irritably.
“If you want, I can make it go away. I’m nice now, I do nice things.” Discord chirped.
Cup raised a brow, getting any assistance from him was offsetting. Cup grit her teeth, the migraine however was putting up a good reason to get his help.
“Sure. Just as long as it doesn't cost me anything.” Cup stated.
“Why I am offended, Cup Cake. I’m one of you good guys now. It’s free of charge.” With those words, her migraine was gone. No magical flash or spell, it just stopped.
“T-thank you.” Cup said mildly surprised.
“No problem at all. So where is your little human? I’m gone for twenty minutes and I come back to him missing and everyone at each other’s throats.”
“Where did you go? I thought you were supposed to be watching me?” Cup questioned. She had a smile on her face though, the pain was literally gone.
“Why I can’t sit here and watch you forever. My DBFFF asked me to take care of her home while she was away.” The disembodied voice said.
“Dearest best friend forever Fluttershy. She is my best friend you know.” Discord sighed, “I wish she would hurry back, I can’t stand that rabbit. She made me ‘Pinkie Promise’ I wouldn’t harm a hair on his little hare head.” Discord loathed.
Cup sighed as she folded her front hooves and rested her head on the table.
“Well if things go well, Cheerilee will finally confess.”
“Oh, how romantic. I’m glad to see that you and Pinkie won’t be the only one’s suffering when that thing leaves you.”
Cup wasn’t going to argue, she knew she was right.
“It is romantic; I just wish I knew about it sooner.” Cup said in a whisper.
“Well, that’s all well and good, but I don’t see the point in adding more fodder to fiddle that human’s faddle.” Discord stated.
Cup smirked, “Nothing you should be concerned about. I have everything under control. Helping Cheerilee is a nice bonus that comes with the real reward.”
“Well now look who sounds like they have the upper hand. It’s cute really. Let me ask you something though, is your human really a good guy? He seems to be rutting anything that gives him the go ahead, he doesn’t think of your feelings at all…”
“That’s not going to work Discord, I know he will show restraint. All he is going to need is me and Pinkie and Cheerilee. He said it himself he doesn’t want a large herd.” Cup said sitting up in her chair.
“That is something I don’t even need to argue about. Being a different specifies or not. He does have the ‘good guy’ tendencies, but as long as he finds a justifiable reason, he’s going to find more mares. It’s the law of the land, the good guys win and the bad guys lose. It’s been that way since time immemorial. Good guys get all the breaks, so what makes you think he will just stick with three?”
“He will,” Cup said affirmatively.
“You sound so sure… well I’m going to leave you with a parting gift. Use it however you want, I leave it up to you.”
With that the voice said no more, eagerly she waited but no magical gift was presented to her. Then she heard a loud thump in the bathroom.

Cheerilee guided you along the road, she seemed eager almost. She didn’t talk much and what you did talk about wasn’t what she really wanted to say.  She had three questions that were burning away in the back of her mind. All she could do though is walk and talk, hoping to find a small opening to what she really wanted to ask.
Soon the pavement of Ponyville was behind you and the grass roads were ahead. She wasn’t kidding when she said it was a ways, it almost was a half and hours out of the city limits.
“Where are we going anyway?” It seemed silly to you that you asked so late in the game.
“It’s a small cave on the south side of the mountain. There is a natural hot spring there; it used to be very popular until last year when the dragon took roost at the top of the mountain. No pony minds her though, just as long as she doesn’t start one of her hundred year naps.”
“I thought the mountain was infested with wild animals.” You stated.
“It is, but I’m not scared.” Cheerilee beamed.
“Why is that?”
She took a moment and bumped your thigh with her flank, “Because I have a freakishly strong human with me.”
You smirked; if she was trying to cheer you up with stroking your ego… it was working.

You were starting to enjoy your time with the teacher. Now though the beaten path was less and less noticeable. At one point, the path narrowed to the point of being nothing more than a deer trail.
“How much further?” you questioned, trying your best to avoid the stickers and the thorn bushes on either side of you. You didn’t mind nature, as long as nature didn’t mind you.
“Not much further, it should be just path the next bush.” Cheerilee said.
You only deadpanned when you passed the next bush. Cheerilee didn’t lie you could see the cave entrance to the hot spring. What you also saw right before it is was a road. It was a dirt road that, from the looks of it, lead straight back to Ponyville.
“So…” is all you said as you two made your way out of the ditch.
“I guess someone added a road here, what luck! We won’t have to go back through the woods again.” Cheerilee beamed.
You sighed as you made your way across the road, the perfect, easily accessible, totally would have been nice to know this was there to begin with, road.
“How did you find out about this place? It seems kind of out of the way.” You question.
Cheerilee blushed, “It’s… well… it’s a rather famous spot around here. I have been here a few times with Cup Cake. Although, we stopped going after she got married.”
“You and Cup have been friends forever huh?”
She only nodded.
The cave was a lot bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside. There was massive basin full of steaming water in the center of the chamber. It looked like a large hot tub carved into the floor. Not to mention the room was hot, and the walls were warm to the touch. The greatest sight though was the water; it looked crystal clear, but it had the slightest tinge of red to it.
Little did either of you know how close to death you actually were, as a pair of emerald green eyes watched you from the back of the cave.
“Does this place have a name?” You ask as you start to strip down. You didn’t want to waste any time, this was a real hot spring, and not some heated pool in a hotel or casino.
Cheerilee just stepped into the water, being constantly naked had its advantages. “I-I don’t remember too well. L-something or other…”
Cheerilee looks at you almost expectantly, now though came a really awkward moment. It just hit you, you had to get naked, or at least strip down to your boxers. She already knows what you look like without them, but she didn’t know what it looked like without being covered in frosting.
“Don’t worry… I don’t mind. It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.” Cheerilee nodded to you and beckon for you to join her.
Damn mind reader!
With a flip of your hand you unbutton your shorts. Then you remember something as your shorts slammed into the floor cracking the limestone (or what looked like limestone you were not really sure) floor. Cheerilee was taken aback by the loud clamor.
“What was that?”
You didn’t answer right away; first you kicked off your shoes and socks. “I forgot I had this in my pocket from this morning.” You said as you pulled out the wood ocarina. Even in your hands it weight around ten pounds in earth terms. “This little baby is a musical instrument from my world. It’s made of iron wood, which gives it a deeper sound than normal.”
Cheerilee eyes went wide in wonderment; she could still hear the melody you played that morning in her ears. “Can you play it again please?” Cheerilee said with a little too much vigor.
You shrug. Your talents with the little wind instrument were one of the few things you prided yourself on, and now you had an audience what wanted to listen. You didn’t waste any time as you once again put the instrument to your lips and began to play.
This time though unlike before, you put more effort into the timing and finger placement. You had played this tune thousands of times before, the notes streaming out beautifully.
Cheerilee closed her eyes as the music echoed throughout the cave.  It put her in a calm state of mind as each note played over her ears.  She couldn’t help but smile. It felt like the music was made just for her, like it was calling her, beckoning her to run as fast as she could just to get closer to the sound.
Cheerilee wasn’t the only one completely enthralled by the melody. The beast could feel it inside her, growing, like it was starting to eat away on her inside. She knew what she was feeling, she fed on emotions. It was bliss, the ultimate form of comfort, like she was being wrapped in a warm blanket made just or her.
You finish as the melody reached its climax.
“I’m guessing from the smile you liked it?” you joked.
Cheerilee nodded, “That was beautiful, what is that song called?”
You think for a moment, “It’s called Epona’s Song. It’s a melody made for mare that helped out a great hero in his time of need.”
Now though wasn’t the time to reminisce about your youth, you turn slightly before you pull down your boxers. Facing away from the school mare you enter the natural hot spring.
Cheerilee however eyes were trained not on your back or butt, nor even where you were bashfully coving yourself. It was your legs, what now normally was always covered up was now on full display, your scars.
“Where did you get those from?” she questioned as you submerged almost all of your body in the pool.
You glance at your legs, then shift your gaze back to Cheerilee and think. There was definitely a story behind how you got them but you couldn’t easily sum it up in a few sentences. Cheerilee was a family friend, just like Lyra and Bonbon. They all knew of your scars, hell, even Carrot knew of them.
“They’re bite marks from wolves. Cheerilee you asked me earlier if I wanted to talk I didn’t want to the, but I guess I can talk now, if you really want to listen.”
Cheerilee nodded as she looked at you with eager intent.
“Now before I begin, I’m not going to say I had some super hard or sad tragic childhood. My parents didn’t beat me and I always got toys for Christmas.” You sighed, “Just remember as I tell you my tale, my father did his best and I don’t hate him.”
You cleared your throat.
“When I was younger, my dad and I were inseparable. Fishing, hiking, but mostly video games. I can’t tell you how many hours we sunk in front of a television. My dad was a watchmaker and my mom was a nurse.  We lived a decent life, we weren’t poor but we weren’t rich either. Then on my eighth birthday my mom and dad told me that I was going to be getting a little sister.”
Cheerilee gasped a little, and she tried to think what a human baby would look like.
“My dad was ecstatic, and so was I. Dad always said there was nothing more important than family, and even to this day I believe him. A few months later my mom came down with a sickness. A really rare form of cancer. I didn’t know what was going on, mom just kept leaving for the hospital once a week. I asked my dad and his words stuck inside my head. ‘Your mom is fighting a dangerous battle against cancer’ were his exact words.”
You steel your nerves for next part.
“Doctors came to my father and said they wanted to try an experimental procedure.  If it worked she would be completely cured. My father jumped at the chance to save my mom. So after school, on the day of her operation, I ran to the hospital. My father was waiting for me outside the hospital. He grabbed me and hugged me and told me that mommy had lost the battle with cancer; and she wouldn’t be coming home.”
You wipe away a stray tear the started to drift down your cheek.
“Well like I said before, I was eight years old and, I was sad and pissed. I ran inside the hospital and started shouting and screaming for someone to point me to where this ‘Cancer’ was so I could kill him for taking my mom and sister away from me. No one stopped me. I ran around until I passed out from exhaustion.”
Cheerilee was starting to cry. She drifted across the water and snuggled under your arm.  
In the back of the room, the changeling listened intently.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
You put your hand on her back and start to lightly stroke her spine. Your eyes followed her tail, fanned out in all directions in the water.
“Don’t be, it was a long time ago. I miss my mom, but there’s no bringing her back from the dead.” You cleared your throat. “When I woke up I was sleeping next to my father on the couch. He was doing some kind of paperwork or something. I had been passed out for the entire day. My dad told me he was never going to let anything hurt me, it was just me and my dad.”
You took in a large breathe.
“After a month or so my mom’s life insurance came in. He didn’t know it but mom had a huge cash policy on her through the hospital she was working in. Now we were rich, my dad gave me his undivided attention, and the pain of losing my mom was starting to drift away to memory.”
The beast in the shadows perked her ears up.
“So, one day after school, my dad and I were playing video games. I told him ‘I wish I could be a hero like that, then I could have saved mom’. I think it was then that my dad started to lose his grip on reality. He was suffering more than I was from mom’s death.  Then he told me, if I was up for it, he could train me to be a hero. Now I was eight, and I adored my father. I can’t tell you how fast I took up that chance.”
Cheerilee leaned back and gave you a questioning look. She shook her head and leaned back against your chest.
“So for the next five years my dad taught me everything he knew about how to be a hero. What I didn’t know at the time, was that he was getting all his information from video games.” You wanted to tell her that is how you learned the ocarina in the first place but in the end decided against it. “From morals and virtues, to swordsmanship—“
Cheerilee raised a brow, “If you know swordsmanship then why you are a baker? I’m sure you could have gotten a job as a guard.”
For the first time in a while you chuckled at the thought.
“Oh no I have no idea what real swordsmanship is like. My ‘swordsmanship training’ consisted of me hitting a tree really hard. I became a master in the art of hitting a tree with a stick. Then… I hit my thirteenth birthday.”
Cheerilee noticed the pitch in your voice changed.
“On my thirteenth birthday, my dad took me out to his friend’s old farm; and as a present, he gave me a real sword. He said my training was done and now, and it was time to start my adventure. I just wish I had seen how much my dad’s mental state had deteriorated. He told me to go into the woods to fight monsters, so I could level up. Just to be safe, he was going to come with until I hit level three.”
Cheerilee didn’t question it.
“I couldn’t believe my luck when we went into the first clearing and there were two slimes. Perfect for starting an adventure. I didn’t find out until later that they were just two massive piles of jello with chicken bones inside of them. My dad had set up fake fights for me.”
You sighed.
“In the next clearing where my dad set up my next ‘fight’ was supposed to be ghoul. This ghoul however was made of meat. When me and dad went into the next clearing there was four wolves eating the ‘monster’ my dad had set up. I was ready though, the first one went right for me and as it leapt in the air I got a lucky strike. The sword was real, and it had weight to it. Put half the blade right through its torso, instant death. I can’t tell you how happy I was, I was crying. I really saw my chance at becoming a real hero.”
You exhaled and regained your composure.
“I turned around to tell dad he could get the next one, he wasn’t there though. Off in the distance I heard the truck we drove in on pull away. He ran the moment he saw the wolves and left me. I didn’t get a chance to defend myself as one of the wolves leapt on me. The other two went for my legs as the one on my back started to use me as a chew toy. I thought I was going to die. Then I blacked out.”

You could feel Cheerilee squeeze your midriff. “You're alive so he came back to save you right?”
“No,” you said bitterly. “A poacher hunting wolves and foxes for their skin saved me. I woke up in the hospital a week later. Thankfully the damage wasn’t too severe, and I was able to leave the hospital soon after. My dad reported me as a runaway and told the police that I was having delusions. Basically he was covering his ass. So I had a mental health screening and was reported I was completely normal. You would be surprised how fast you sober up to reality when you’re almost eaten.”
“Wait… you said you don’t hate you father. Why? He left you for dead, literally.” Cheerilee questioned.
You continued to caress her back as you talked.
“No matter what he may have done to me he, still was my father. In his own twisted way, he taught me everything I know. The importance of love and family along with all the morals and virtues that help me build my character. No, he taught me well enough. Earlier today I bet you thought I was mad because Bonbon called me a monster."

You shrugged.

“Well, if you think about it, I am a monster. No, I was mad because she said I was like my father. I may love him, but he’s a coward who runs when his family is in danger. I would never do that. Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten, I learned that from a monster.”
“What happened to your father?” Cheerilee questioned.
You sighed, “Nothing, nothing happened to him at all. Dad decided I should live in the country with grandpa and grandma. No one believed me about what happened. I was a runaway who thought he was on a quest to become a hero. I think my grandpa believed me, but I’m not sure. He told me something about heroes that made me never want to become one again.”
“What is that? I can’t think of a single foal that wouldn’t want to be a real hero.” Cheerilee stated in a teacher voice.
“He said, ‘Heroes come only when they are needed. They are not made. If the time comes and a true hero shows up, that means there is something going on that needs a true hero.’ After that I put my ‘hitting a tree with a stick skills’ behind me, and I went on living the way I thought fit.”
“That’s not fair, nothing bad happened to your father at all!” Cheerilee exclaimed.
You look down and smile, “The first lesson I learned after that is this: Life isn’t fair.”
Several minutes passed and not a word was spoken between you. You just sat there in the pool and enjoy each other’s company.
Cheerilee looked up at you her eyes were slightly watery. “I-I have something I want to tell you… something I haven’t told any pony… I think it’s time I get it off my chest. Since you can be so open with me… I’ll be completely honest with you.”
Now was the moment you noticed you were completely naked. Snuggling with Cheerilee, in a hot spring in a cave that was out in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes you were really slow on the up draw.
“Really now and what could that be…” You say as you cock one eye brow slightly.
“I lied; the spa is open right now… I was going to try to get you here to talk to you in private… This place is called the Lover’s Grotto. There is a small legend here when you confess your feeling in the water you will get the love you seek.” She put her hoof to your chest. “So last night when we all were talking downstairs I faked passing out on the stairs so Pearl and Cup could have their fun… I wanted to talk to you alone.”
You were at a loss for words, Cheerilee was indeed a lush and she could hold her liquor well. You were slightly ashamed you didn’t catch that little detail before.
“So you drag me out here, strip me down, in a place where you confess your feelings just so you can increase the chances of getting the answer you want?” On the inside you felt like a giddy kid, this felt like the first time a girl confessed to you.
“Before I tell you… I want to join your herd.” Cheerilee said with seriousness in her voice.
Now you were slightly hesitant. Adding a pony was not something to be taken lightly. You didn’t even know if this was how this was supposed to go. For all you knew she had to go fill out a form in triplicate and have it notarized by Mary (Mayor Mare). You would take responsibility for her as a lover, though.
She was a friend, not as close as you were with Pinkie, Cup, or even Bonbon. You did have lots in common though, both of you loved kids, strong morals, a keen wit, you could go on.  There was also her physical attributes, but you didn’t want to have her join just because of those.
“Yes I would love to have you in my herd.” You smiled.
Cheerilee nodded and took in a deep breather. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that.”
“So what is it that you wanted to confess hmmm?” You said with a smirk.
“I… I’m in love with Cup Cake.”
Didn’t see that coming.
There was a severely long pause, which was not the answer you were expecting.
“So… you brought me all the way here to confess your love for Cup Cake.” You said trying to recap the situation.
Cheerilee nodded, “I’ve been in love with her since high school. I tried to confess to her time and time again, but I just keep missing my chance… I thought I had a real shot when she separated from Carrot… but then you swooped in and took her…”
“W-wait a second… You were dating Big Mac not a week ago. I know I saw you kissing.” You said trying to make some kind of defense.
“Cup Cake and Big Mac both know that I was just dating him for show. Big Mac doesn’t like mares… he… likes cows. I was dating him to keep his secret so he could keep mine.” Cheerilee said in a feverish tone.
“So you love Cup,” You said still trying to mental a get hold on the situation. “Understandable, sort of, childhood friends, perfectly normal if you think about it. But why would you fake a relationship with Big Mac of all—“
Cheerilee put her hoof over your mouth.
“I have mega-medorthophobia…” She said like it was some big revelation. You heard ‘phobia’ so you understood that she had a fear of something.
“Yeah, let’s pretend I understood what mega… whatever that word means.” You said.
“I’m have a fear of large penises…”
“Oh.” That you understood.
“Yeah… Cup thinks I brought you here because she thinks I’m in love with you… because well you're nice and you're cute but mostly because… your penis…”
Don’t say because it’s small. Don’t say because it’s small. Don’t say because it’s small. Don’t say because it’s small. Don’t say because it’s small. Don’t say because it’s small.
“Is perfect… it doesn’t scare me in the slightest.”
In that very moment Cheerilee was your favorite pony.
“So you just wanted to join my herd because Cup is in it?”
Cheerilee looked away slightly ashamed. “No… and yes… I love Cup and I want to see her happy. I can see the way she is with you… I know I can make her happy too… with you.”
You smile a small smile. It was really sweet, in a twisted sort of way. “Well let’s get going then and tell Cup about our new found love.”
Cheerilee didn’t waste any time as she moved from your side to sitting directly on top of your lap.
“Where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you just yet.” She mused in a sultry voice.
It was a tantalizing feeling, the hot water mixed with the wet mound pressed up against the shaft that was very eagerly  filling up with blood. You could literally feel it being drained from you back and redirected  into your member.
“I thought—“
“Shhh…” Cheerilee said through half lidded eyes. “I may love Cup, but I’m not doing this just for her. Like I said before, I like you. It may not be love, but who knows, someday it might. Besides I’ve never… well I have… there was Derpy back in college. I never have been with a guy before…”
Your eyes widen at the new found prospect.
“You’re a virgin?” You incredulously query.
“No… well yes… I have had sex before just… I never have been… penetrated.” she stutters.  “Have you ever seen how large a horse penis is!? Some of them are bigger than my forelegs!”
She adds, defensively. She was a virgin by your standards.
In your eyes the world around you shattered. Only Cheerilee in front of you remained. Golden gates seemed to appear behind her, as the gates opened, clouds poured out from them and tiny pegasi came flying out, blowing on gilded trumpets.
An untapped teacher… you didn’t know how to play this one out.
“I heard it really hurts…” She said, her innocence evident, “I’ve never… you know. Can you be gentle? From what Cup has said you’re kind of rough when you want to be and I’m really sensitive.”
Yup that decided it.
You swear to save your soft and fluffy ‘vanilla’ moments for Cup. Out of everyone, she deserved it. Cheerilee, however, had never been with a guy. Given her age and reputation this was a shock. You knew she wasn’t a liar, though.
You took a moment to figure out a mental game plan. Nothing too complicated, but you knew well enough what to do and when. She wasn’t some innocent starry eyed little girl who knew nothing of sex. There was a grey zone here that you needed to pinpoint to make this moment special.
Under normal circumstances, you would get her to come orally to loosen the path and make her feel comfortable. Thus the process of ‘de-flowering’ would be less painful. However you were in a large hot spring, you couldn’t get any wetter than that.
“Just kiss me already.” Cheerilee said, growing mildly impatient.
Well then… so much for foreplay.
Leaning back into the wall of the spring, you let her climb up further onto your lap. Once in position, you reach around to hold onto her, as she wraps her hooves around your neck. The two of you stare into each other’s eyes for a brief moment, before closing the distance. The feeling of her lips against yours sends a dirty shiver down your spine as she reminded you of the hot teacher back in high school.
You know the one.
The exchange of saliva only further excites you as your tongue prods her mouth. Your tongues collide in furious passion. You could tell Cheerilee was trying to hurry this along. Her tongue guides yours around her mouth, tasting you, as you mark every centimeter of the inside of her muzzle.
Your right hand holds the back of her head as your left trails up and down her spine. She gives off a light moan into the kiss as one of her hooves reaches up to play with the hair on the back of your head. Her tail starts to swish back and forth in the water.
You bring your tongue back into your mouth, and Cheerilee wastes no time in following, she begins exploring your mouth with vigor. Not too fast, but not too slow either. She has just the right tempo to her lashing to get the job done in a decent stretch of time. Finally, she pulls back with a strand of saliva connecting your tongues. Both of them hang out of your mouths as you stare at each other, panting.
“You’re not half bad.” She said breathing through every word.
“Thanks, you’re not too bad yourself.”
There was a moment that passed, one that you could see from a mile away. You run your hands down to her ass. She takes in a quick breath as she feels your warms hands caressing her rump. You ease yourself forwards and you could feel her body resisting.
She was scared.
It was understandable, considering, but this was nothing new to you. You just had to take it slow.
“It’s okay. Just do me one favor.” You said as you spread your legs.
Cheerilee shuddered at the sudden moment, she had long since prepared herself mentally for the day she would actually have sex with a guy. Just that now that the opportunity was now right in front of her she was starting to get cold feet.
“What is it?” she said nervously.
“Never break eye contact, try your hardest not to even blink.” You said with a smirk.
She looks into your eyes, and you could tell she wanted to question you on it. You cup two handfuls of her ass in your palm, she was no Cup Cake, but they were surprisingly firm.
“Mmmm...” Cheerilee gives another satisfied moan, and she slides herself into your touch as you squeeze. You caress the soft pudge as she starts to become more anxious, semi-delighted sighs coming from her.
You looking into those deep hazel eyes of hers. It was a common trait that you both shared. Never breaking her gaze as you tried to peer into the deep forest of her eyes.
You’re quivering, the way you expected Cheerilee might be, when you press the tip of your cock against her hole. You can feel her tense up inside as she begins to groan a little, and lightly squirm.  Poking around, you begin to push your cock inside gently.
Your eyes turn to pins as you feel it. She really wasn’t lying; it’s there, the magical barrier of virginity. Fuck, you had hoped she was kidding. This may be harder than you originally thought.
Well, for her.
“Just do it,” Cheerilee said with resolution. “I know it’s going to hurt, just don’t go crazy.”
You felt insulted, you had great control.
“Band-Aid or wedge?” you question.
“Ahhh…. Band-Aid?” she said confused.  Well she did ask, there is no real gentle way to do it.
Applying a quick, precise increase of force, you force her hips down and you make one solid thrust inside.
Quick and painful, like removing a Band-Aid.
This gets an instant reaction out of Cheerilee; she didn’t scream or cry out. She listened to your instruction perfectly, she was looking into your eyes the whole time. One single tear the found its way out of her eye but that was all reaction she gave.
You thought were trying your best not to ravage that tight virgin pussy. The velvety walls clung to your cock like glue as it tried to absorb the intruder. You waited though, its time will come.
“Better?” you ask, shakily.
“That didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, considering... Band-Aid… you ass.” She said with a smirk. “Give me a minute though, your cock feels really hot.”
You could hear it in her breathing. It was hard to pick up but it was definitely there. She… was purring.
You tried not to move but your dick was only halfway in and it was starting to pulsate inside her wet mound. After a minute or so had passed, you press forward, sinking the rest of your throbbing member inside her. Cheerilee lets out a soft coo as your cock presses against her velvet walls. It goes in much easier than you expected, likely helped by the warm waters.
So, without too much hesitation, you slide outward slowly; and clench your teeth even harder when you plunge almost all the way in with a single, painfully sensuous stroke.
“Ha-hammen-mew~!” Cheerilee enunciated to herself, she brought her hoof up to her forehead. It came away clammy and wet with sweat, visibly trembling even now as she looked at it. She blinked in passive confusion.
“Are you ok?” you question, slightly worried.
She started breathing hard, “Oh yes I am my dirty little boy. I just came.”
“I just put it in… you came in one stroke?” you questioned in bewilderment.
She smirked, blushing, still following your direction and never losing eye contact. “I did say I was sensitive.”
Well now you could say you got a mare off in ten seconds flat. A small piece of you died away when you thought that. Fuck it, ten. seconds. flat.
You could feel the heat radiating from Cheerilee in a wave, her rump as hot as an oven, burning with need. You pushed inside her as slowly as possible, and let out a satisfied grunt whenever one inch slid into her.

Pausing to allow her to grow accustomed to this, you pushed forward again after a few seconds. Already, the walls of her tunnel were writhing, pulsing, milking you with improbable heat.
Friction was nonexistent - the sopping wetness (not even taking note of the water) made your cock slide slowly into her with ease. Her hind legs took cautious, tentative steps apart from one another - spreading herself to allow you deeper and deeper inside, stretching more and more of the virgin territory.
Still though, you never broke eye contact, never turning away or blinking, were you making her look only at you.
“I’m about to cum again…” Cheerilee whined through heated breath. “Mha-ew~”
God damn.
You decided it ignore it, no mare is that sensitive, she is just being nice about it. She was starting to thrust at her own pace. Escalating the feeling threefold as the warm water rushed over your bare chest. Now you were having a hard time keeping eye contact. They’re open wider than usual, and you can feel her body shake slightly as she draws in elongated breaths, her complexion flushed with a sudden redness on her cheeks.
Now you were starting to build a good pace, every tantalizing stoke brought you closer and closer, as the folds of her wet mound ate down your entirety.
“It f-fa-f-feels s-so damn big!” she was able to work out before her thrusts came to a complete stop again. “Meahw~”
Your thrusting, however, was not stopping anytime soon. The gentle, slow lovemaking that you had been performing quickly devolved into a rough, desperate mating - the kind that a young couple who couldn’t keep their hands off of each other acted out, like a pair of hormone driven beasts. Her tail wrapped around your waist with surprising vigor.
Parts of you wanted to fuck that tight hole with reckless abandon and start throwing your real weight into each thrust.  But no, there was still a lot more to go.  You repeated the motions from before, sliding into her slightly faster than before, forcing a moan from Cheerilee before she hurriedly started thrusting into you again. Every time you pushed back into her, the walls clenched down on your member, desperate to keep it inside of her, and when you pulled back, you found her arching her back and pushing herself backwards. You began a slow, rocking motion, your hips fitting together like perfect puzzle pieces as they pushed against one another.
“Unh~ don’t stop. It’s starting to ~mew~ feel really good!”
You take a moment to comprehend all of the sensations afflicting you now. She’s squeezing you like a vice with the warm, tight wetness of her depths. The soft fur of her rump is like a warm blanket on a winter morning against your pelvis, and the sound of her pants cause your length to twitch a few times, which elicits another squeaky “mew~”.
Cheerilee exhales loudly. She sucks the air back in with just as much gusto, gasping for it like she’s forgotten to breath for hours. She opens her eyes and keeps herself upright, propped up on her rapidly faltering limbs.
“I-I can’t hold out much longer, I want you to cum in me right meow.”
Fuck. That mewing was starting to get to you, in a really good way. Still, you never left her eye sight. It took awhile to get to this point but it was well worth it. You made a connection. It wasn’t from lust or love or any other emotion between the two, it was something you both wanted to share with each other: understanding.
She was part of your herd now. It was sweet and romantic that she was willing to do that just to be intimately near Cup Cake. Although you knew how that would end down the road, disaster. No, you knew you had to build a connection and with that understanding.
“I-I can’t, ~hmeaw~.”  Was all she said as she broke eye contact and fell against your chest.
The argument she made was far too compelling to resist. With one final thrust, you bury your hot organ deep inside her, causing her to cum again, squirting hot liquid into the tempted waters. Her muscles clenched down and squeezed you. Wantonly massaging you as she came, she could feel you twitching inside of her, and she knew you were about to peak.
Overwhelmed by the heat and constricting walls of Cheerilee’s pussy, your entire body clenched as you came, shooting your load deep inside her womb. Your hips bucked into hers as you rode out the orgasm, thrusting into her as spurt after spurt of your cum filled her to the brim and began to leak out even as you were still embedded inside her.
“So, hic, hot…” She hiccupped.
The world came back all at once, and suddenly you both were acutely aware of how exhausted you were.  Gingerly, you pulled your softened cock from her, and a torrent of your seed flooded down her and began to pool together at the bottom of the basin. Even after her body twitched and spasmed on you as her nerves worked outs the kinks of ecstasy.
Time stopped for you two as you let the warm waters envelop you. You could feel her heartbeat slowing back to a calm and normal pace again. The burning desire that had been eating away at you from the inside had been quenched, and now was replaced by the burning of sore muscles and exhausted bodies.
The beast that had watched the display from the safety of her vine shadows now could feel it coming herself. It wasn’t ecstasy or some weird voyeuristic fantasy come true. No, the love that she had absorbed from the act before her had satiated her hunger. Her eyes slowly drifted shut as food coma enveloped her.

Monday Afternoon


It was a jolt, a spasm of muscle that twisted on its own accord. Your body decided to give you a small jump start.  It took you a moment to get you baring. It wasn’t everyday that you woke up naked in a pool of warm fluids. Well… maybe once every other month or so.
You immediately notice something missing, Cheerilee. She had been sleeping on top of you when you feel asleep. You twisted around getting a full view of the cave and, lo and behold, behind you, on your pants, was a large note.

Dear Frost (He he):
Sorry to leave you like this but I forgot something very important. It’s Monday and I have to actually go to work. I can’t stop by tonight but I will tomorrow, or Wednesday, depending on my schedule. Please do not tell Cup how I feel about her. I will do that on my own time in my own way. As for you, well you were great… let’s do this again really soon, preferably with Cup Cake too.

Now there was something bugging you. It wasn’t the fact that she left you without a word, or the fact that you had very little idea on how to get back. The big thing right now was something very simple.
Where the hell did she get the paper to write the note?
You dismiss the idea for now; it was time to start heading back. It was your turn to get to work and you didn’t know if it was your day to watch the twins or the front counter. Being understaffed was… problematic.
You step out of the pool, (after giving yourself a few quick shakes to disperse as much water as possible) and get dressed. Now that your mind was free to wander again, it went back to the dulling task of remembering chores for the day.
 You look down at the basin of the water and shudder in disgust. The whole pool was a dingy red from ‘deflowering’ Cheerilee. In the base of the pool was your spunk that now was taking on the form of some sort of large gelatinous goo.
Your eyes widened to the big picture though. It was a stray thought that connect in the wierdest form in your mind. It may just be the answer to all of your problems. No, it was the answer. A way to show all of your herd that you cared for them deeply and it’s a gift that would always be a constant reminder.
No pony in the entire world had ever given it, that you were sure.
First though you needed to check on a few things and then get to work. If what you were thinking was true… no, there was no point in hoping this was a do or die moment. First, before you even put you hope into it, you needed to see if it was even possible in Equestria… you needed a book.

The changeling waited in silence for the creature to run into the rain before she left her hiding place. Although she regretted missing her chance to talk to the strange beast that was obviously loved by ponies. Her gut was still eagerly digesting the feelings she was absorbing.
It was not just that though. It was a beast like her. A monster left alone in the world with no family. She knew what she was feeling; sensing emotions for changeling was a fundamentally easy task. The strange creature gave off a feeling to her own. Was she enamored?

 No… Love at first sight is only in fairy tales. She was the evil queen who tried and failed and who was about to die. There was no room for fairy tales in her world.
Now, though, she was curious. She may not have much time left, but she wanted to know about this creature. Thankfully the beast left part of his essence in a small collective pool in the water. Perfect for data collecting.
The nameless queen then did something very shameful.
After the queen licked her lips clean of the paste she sat there in the pool viewing your memories like a slideshow under her eyelids. From your birth, to the time your seed fell to the bottom of the pool, all was revealed to her.
You were the type of creature she liked, caring and kind and most importantly accepting, with a splash of vindictive. Every trial you have been through every hurdle you have jumped in life. She didn’t want to admit it, but she fell in love. You two shared countless similarities. You were kindred spirits.
She looked at herself in the pool; a queen with no subjects is no queen. She had no name anymore, her name died when her last family member perished.  Soon she was going to join them in the void. Then, a stray thought came to her.
Would it be so wrong to spend my final days… happy?
No, she was the cause of the death of her race. She didn’t deserve it… but who would know? No one needed to know. She could just feed for a while until her heart gave out. She sat there in the water, thinking…

And thinking.
She sat there until the point where she could’ve had an ulcer.
Then she decided, death was coming… it was time for her to have her fairy tale. Even if it was just for a short time.  She wanted to spend her final time with the being that made her want to live just a little longer.
Even if she knew you were accepting, she knew other ponies were not. She needed a face, and a body, and most importantly a name. She wanted you to love her and connect like she did, so she chose a form that you would know and love.
She looked at her face in the water as the green flames encompassed her.  She was mare now with a lustrous light brown coat that shimmered to perfection that could only be made.  Her eyes were deep blue and her mane was the purest silver she had ever seen. On her flank was a cutie mark she didn’t understand, but it was prevalent with the memory of the mare, it was stacked golden triangles.
Now, though, she needed a name, she knew just the one. She whispered it into the cave as she looked over herself.
“Epona.” She called to her reflection.
Her joy didn’t last long, as she spit up two large pools of green blood mixed with mucus. The magic poison that was killing her reacted to magic, all magic. Transforming now meant speeding up her death. Who knows how much time she lost just transforming this time.
She retreated back into the cave to rest again. She had already decided when she would awaken, she would find the prince and live out her fairy tale.

Crystal Kingdom: Princess Cadence’s Private Chamber


Princess Cadence was laying on her gilded king size mattress. Sprawled out on the flowery pillow top comforter.  Her room was void of everything but her bed.  The castle had to be combed over again and again to get rid of a parasprite infestation.
The meant getting everything out of the castle and onto the street, checked over and deloused. A large and tedious task to be sure. Although the task was handled and taken care of by the elements surprisingly quickly. A week long testament only took a mere two days.
Tomorrow would be spent bringing the furniture back into the castle, a task that she was not looking forward to.  Princess Twilight’s magic was powerful but even she had her limits. A mere teleportation spell would work; alas she had to see where she was teleporting to. A annoying snafu when moving furniture from outside to inside.
Now though she was waiting, it was her private time with her prince. She had needed a good rut for almost two days now. Since his sister came into the Kingdom he had been by her side ever since. She understood, it was Twilight.
But god she was horny and she wanted Shining’s cock NOW.
“Come in my Shining little wiggle bear.” Cadence called out.
The pink party pony gasped as she bounced passed the threshed hold. “Huh? I didn't know my name was Shining little wiggle bear?  Do I get to change my name? I don’t really want to, I like Pinkie and if I wasn’t Pinkie Pie who would I be then?” Pinkie eyes turned to pins. “What would the world do if there was no Pinkie?! There would be no more Pinkie Pie parties! They would just be… parties.” Pinkie shivered at the thought.
Cadence sat up on her bed blushing.
“Sorry Pinkie I thought you were Shining. Did you want to talk about something?” she said nervously hoping she wouldn’t spot the wet stain she had made on the bed waiting.
Pinkie nodded.
“I have a question and I was wondering if you could keep it a super-secret from the other girls?” Pinkie said as she bound to Cadence’s side.
Cadence raised a brow, “Sure Pinkie, what is it?”
“Pinkie promise?” Pinkie said.
Cadence sighed she knew right where this was going. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She repeated the motions from memory.
Pinkie smiled and early bounce to the side of the princess. “I want to know if you can use your super-duper magic love powers to help me get pregnant.”
Cadence sat there in silence for a moment.
“Pinkie… you do know how foals are made right?”
Pinkie nodded vigorously.
“I know that stuff you silly goose.” Pinkie mane went straight and her tail deflated. “It’s just me and my special human have been trying for a long time now. I’ve tried every single position, angle and medicine I can think of and nothing works. He says it doesn’t bother him but I know it does. I read his super-secret-journal-under-the-bed-that-I’m-not-supposed-to-know-about-but-do. He wants a really large family… Everytime I try to talk to him about it he gets all super frowny face.”
Cadence’s heart broke; this was not the first time an interspecies couple had asked her for this.
“Pinkie… I’m sorry but no magic known can do that.”
Pinkie Pie pouted.
“B-but you’re the Princess of Love, your special talent is right up that alley. Please… all I want to do is make him smile.”
Cadence held Pinkie close, “I’m sorry, Pinkie even magic doesn’t solve everything.”

Princess Twilight’s Room


Five friends sat in a circle laughing and giggling like friends do, then a purple enveloped appeared out of the blue.


Eager the friends opened the letter with glee; it was Twilight’s first letter as an alicorn. Woo wee.


Alas, what was written on the page turned their faces sour; no smiles could be formed even from Pinkie power.


The Princess of Friendship’s anger did raise, her coat turned white and her wings and mane set aflame. She burned her whole room, oh such a shame.


No villain has ever put her in such a state, although there would be room for open debate.


Pinkie was family and a dear friend; the creature that hurt her must be put to its end.


Secretly five friends left that night to return home, Leaving Pinkie there to stay all alone.


They were out for blood, except Fluttershy; she just wanted to know why you would make Pinkie Pie cry.


They were gunning for answers that would only be solved, by beating the tar out of a human with fevered resolve.


Nothing could stop them, nothing at all… Well you’re really fucked.


What, it doesn’t all need to rhyme.