PonyHammer 40,000: Magic of War | Dark March

by Dragon Heart

Eliminate the Animal

In the snowy hills of Tyrolea, Eldeer warriors were making unhoped for readiness against the oncoming attack that waited at their doorstep. Toldear stood before her base, believing that she will win the battle. An Eldeer, dressed in rather colorful attire, gracefully pranced to her.

"All is prepared." The Eldeer said, the melodious sound of her voice truly masking her lovely but deadly capabilities.

"Excellent." Toldear said as she turned to face a small squad of strange Eldeer troops. "Exarch Parancis, take your Warp Stags to their positions and then return to the Aspect Shrine."

"We are on our way." The Stag said with a distorted and warped voice as he and the other Warp Stags disappeared in a flash of magic.

Toldear turned to face the dancing Eldeer before her. "You have doubts, Doelequin." She said.

"I trust in your vision, Toldear of Boisees." The Doelequin said. "But to stand surrounded by primitives makes me uneasy."

"I understand your distaste." said Toldear, "But Eldeer rely on speed and stealth. We are not made for entrenched positions." Eldeer Woodsingers had finish molding turrets near three gates, which turned invisible upon completion.

Elsewhere, Hogs were also readying themselves for a fight. "The Hogs, however, make for excellent tools." Toldear stated. "They will keep the supply roads closed and our true enemies weak." Behind a crudely built barricade, Hogs were being beaten around by mammoths. Up the hill of their encampment, the other Hogs were on the move.

"And if these attackers defeat the Hogs?" The Doelequin asked.

"I do not doubt they will overcome our cat's-paws," said Toldear, "but it will cost them. And in their weakened state, they will face the Howling Doom itself." At the location where the Warp Stags teleported to, Eldeer Warlocks casted their magic upon the Exarch, who turned and trotted up the hill.

"The Seer Council has named the Young King." Toldear proclaimed. "Exarch Parancis of the Warp Stag Shrine shall sacrifice himself to awaken our most powerful warrior-" The Stag reached the shrine and bursted into flames, transforming into the massive flaming colossus. "-the Avatar of Khaine."

"None shall escape my wrath!!" The Avatar bellowed as it reared its head, releasing a wave of fire upwards.


The Blood Phoenixes' Headquarters was set up, and the Pony Marines knew this would be a very puzzling battle to fight. Pony Scouts approached Captain Nule. "Captain. We have discovered an Eldeer forward encampment. The Farseer herself is there."

"In such an exposed location?" said Goliath, questioning the xeno's tactics. "With any luck, we may be able to eliminate the animal in one stroke."