A sequel to My Little Dashie

by Lonepone

Journal Entries

Journal entry #1

Vinyl coerced me into getting a journal and writing in it. It has been two weeks now since we got Dashie back. Octavia gave up her room for her and sleeps on the couch in the living room now. In a month now she’ll be going back to her house. I’ll probably be going with, until I can get my own house. Once every week she goes into counseling, and she has shown huge progress. Here depression is all but gone, and she’s learning to deal with her personality disorders.

She has taken to Cold Runner, the Commander of Celestia’s personal defense force. On weekend they can often be seen screwing around together. On that subject, Me and vinyl went out on our first date together, to some club in Ponyville. Whooves and Octavia are dating too, going to classical concerts and such. Luna drops in some times. I think she’s getting lonely, with her only friends in relationships, but no one for here. I have to talk to her about it some time.

Journal Entry # 6

I’ve talked to Luna, and she’s been feeling down. I’ve invited her to stay with me and Dash in Dash’es big sky mansion. She looked delighted at the idea.

In other news, It’s gotten slightly hard between me and Vinyl, since I don't live with her anymore. I need to get a house, and soon.

Journal entry #14

Well, me and vinyl have saved up enough to get a house in manehatten, and we have just finished moving in. Dash and Cold Runner are officially dating now, they’re first one was going to see a movie with him. Her and Luna have also become great friends. She has rebefriended the other five of the mane six, but not as well as they would like. It appears that here main friend shall always be Luna.

Journal entry 2345!

Me and Vinyl just got back from a dj job, and it was awesome! We stayed there until about 5 A.M., and its about 7 right now! Vinyl got tired, so she went to sleep. I, on the other hand, was smart, and drank a lot of energy drinks and vodka, so I decided to write in here while I have the energy!

Journal entry #20.5

I woke up with the biggest headache, and sore all over from last night. I should've followed Vinyl’s lead and slept, but no. Being the idiot I am, I stayed up, and now I’m paying for it. *sighs*. Remind me to never do that again. To never be an idiot again. I would write more, but this headache is keeping me from thinking. I’m going to take a nap...

Journal entry #23

Well, I knew this day would come. Cold Runner came over this afternoon, looking nervous and all. We talked before he broached the subject that he had obviously came here to talk about. Marriage. He wants to marry my little Dashie. It’s hard to let your children go and grow up, but the day has come, and I must release her from my care. Vinyl walked in as he was saying this, and told me, ‘Maybe he’s not the only one who should pop the question?’

Journal entry #36

Well, today was the day. They got married, the ceremony is complete, and both of them are living in her house now. Any day now, and I should be ready...

Journal entry #39

I’ve done it! Me and Vinyl are engaged! The wedding is in three weeks! On the other hoof, Octavia and Whooves are married now too.

Journal entry #41

The foal is growing up nice. He is 9 years old, a dark blue coat, with a shockingly bright green mane and tail. He’s a pegasus, but he inherited his mother’s love of music, especially dubstep, although he prefers glitch hop. His name is Renegade Bass

Journal entry #64

Been awhile since I’ve written in her. Its been 11 years since entry #41, and Renegade has become great friends with Dash’s child, Harmonic Synth. You should hear them play together. Throw Vinyl in with them, and they’re unstoppable.

Journal entry #76

Well, Whooves funeral was today. Grew old, and then one day Octavia woke up, to find him dead. Died peacefully in his sleep. The remaining three of us are growing old ourselves. I can feel it in my bones. Luna is as young as ever. Sometimes I feel jealous of her, sometimes I feel bad for her, that she’ll never age, and experience everything that comes with it. I’m also a great-grandfather now, along with Renegade Bass having his own son. I can’t seem to remember their names, though...

Journal entry #79

Vinyl Scratch is dead. She also went in he sleep. The house is empty without her and her music to fill it. I’m empty.

Journal entry #79.5

Octavia is moving in with me. She’s taking the guest bedroom. Maybe some of the emptiness will go away when she arrives. I talked to Luna today, and she asked me to tell here what Earth is like. What is Earth? I am a pony, and always have been, How would I know about humans and Earth?

Journal entry #79.75

I remember Earth now. But theres so many other things I can’t remember. I remember that I was once married, but what was her name? And why do I cry whenever a certain genre of music is played? Are they connected? I’ll have Renegade help explain it, if I can remember to ask him.

Journal entry #85

She’s dead. Octavia, Dead. She was out getting a few groceries for lunch, and she just collapsed while walking back... My eyes are burning, wanting these tears to be released. There dripping down my nose now. I’m sorry to whoever might read this, If certain parts are obscured, I’m really crying now... I’ll explain why when I stop...

I was crying because with Octavia gone, and with Dash moved to some country in sports events, I’m all alone. I’ll soon forget everything important. I’ll die, not remembering anything. I don’t want to die like that. I want to at least remember the love of my life, my wife...

Journal entry #99

I’m on my deathbed now. Princess Celestia came, and we talked. She told me, that while she can not make me young, or bring anyone back from the dead, for the last few weeks of my life, she can restore all my memories, so I can remember everyone that was ever important to me. I told her that I don’t want to be young again, if everyone I loved had died, but that I would take back my memories.

I can finally remember my wife. My Vinyl Scratch.

Journal entry #100
I am complete. I remember everything important, and Dash came to visit me today. Here son looks just like me. Her and Cold Runner came to say goodbye to me. Right as she was walking out the door, she turned around and asked me a question.

“Daddy, what was your name on earth?” She asks me

“Jason Faust, I am the only son of Lauren Faust. That’s why I love you so” I reply. She doesn’t understand, but I didn’t expect her to.

She kissed me on the forehead, and whispered “Good bye, Daddy, I love you”

I can see that light now, and everyone that has gone before me, waiting for me on the other side. I can’t go yet, though, I need to say something still.

Goodbye, Rainbow dash. I love you too. May you be happy.