Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Heat survival

Chapter 49

One week later

I landed in Canterlot, completely exhausted.

I slumped down on my haunch's and allowed Dali to slide off my back.

She looked at me and became worried, "Lance, are you okay? You don't look so good."

I whipped a little sweat off my face and grinned, "Yeah, I'm fine. I really need to hit the gym."

She then smiled, knowing I was okay, "I agree, you need to workout."

I shook my head laughing, "Now I know I need to workout."

We laughed and joked around as we walked towards my house. When we was at the door, I smirked, "Best idea ever!"

Dali looked at me, confused, "What is it?"

I opened my saddlebag and pulled out Trixie's cape and hat, "Watch this!" I put the cape on and then the hat.

I knocked on the door and jumped back. I pulled the hat down to cover my face. This was going to be good!

The door opened and I heard Twilight gasp, "Trixie!"

I smirked and stood on my hind legs and spread out my hooves, imitating Trixie, "IT IS I! THE GREAT AND POWERFUL LANCE!"

Twilight relaxed and laughed, "You got me Lance. Where did you get those? They look exactly like Trixie's."

I went down to all fours and smirked, "They are Trixie's."

Twilight became confused, "But how did you..."

Dali spoke up and interrupted Twilight, "Lance beat her in a talent duel! He played a guitar and beat her easily!"

I chuckled, "Yeah, that pretty much sums up what happened."

Twilight looked me over and laughed. When she stopped laughing, she became very serious, "Lance, do you know what tomorrow is?"

I held a hoof to my chin, trying to think. Oh shit! Is tomorrow something special?! Her birthday? Some kind of anniversary thing that the guy doesn't know about because the girl made it up and expects him to know about it?! Take a shot in the dark Lance! "Uhhhh, party?" Is party your fail safe answer or something?

She shook her head, "No. Tomorrow is the day when all the mare's go into heat."

My eyes widened, "What?! Explain please."

She sighed, "Every year, all the mare's go into heat for three days. During this period of time, they will mate with the first stallion they see, no matter who it is. They lose all logical thinking and let their hormones control them. Trust me, its not pretty."

This does not sound fun... "What about you? Will you be in heat?"

She nodded, "Yes, that's why I must ask you and your friends to leave. I don't know what I'll do if I get in heat and have a house full of stallions."

I held back all my laughter, "Sure, we'll leave till this blows over. Where should we go?"

She though for a second, "Well, you can go to the library in Ponyville. It should be safe since everypony knows that I moved in with you."

I nodded, "Alright then, we'll leave as soon as I can get them all ready."

Twilight nodded and smiled, "I've missed you."

I smiled back and leaned in to kiss her, "I missed you too Twi." I kissed her on the lips and then turned to Dali, "Okay Dali, I want you to lock yourself in your house. I don't want you to get caught up in all of this."

Dali laughed and waved me off, "Don't worry about me. Where I'm from, we know how to handle our heat."

I chuckled, "That's good. Now, I think you should get home, before it gets to late."

She nodded, "I will, bye Lance, see you in three days. I had fun this week."

I smiled, "I had fun too, see you later."

After she walked away, I turned and walked past Twilight, "Let me get everyone ready."

She nodded, "I'll go and prepare."

I went up stairs and kicked David's door open, "David, come out here for a second." I then walked over to Greg's door, "Greg! Come on, we all need to talk."

Once everyone was in the hall, I began to speak, "Well bronies, we have a situation."

David looked at me, "What kind of situation?"

I looked at them both, "Tomorrow is the day that all the mare's go into heat. It won't be pretty."

David gasped and Greg puffed on his blunt, "Sweet!"

I sighed, "Come on, get your stuff together, we have to gather the others and get to Ponyville."

They nodded and went back to their rooms.

I rubbed my hooves together, this was going to be a long three days.

The next day, afternoon. Ponyville library

"You see any thing?" Seth asked Peter who was peeking out the window that we had barricaded with a bookshelf.

Peter shook his head, "Nope, no mares in sight. I think we can go unnoticed here for three days.

I smiled happily, "Good! Now to fight boredom for three days."

Everyone sighed at the realization that we had nothing to do, but read. That's okay with me.

I looked around at everyone. We had gathered the whole gang. Peter, David, Greg, Seth, Zorrow, and Frederic, who didn't want to leave the palace but we made him. Also, as we was walking into town, we noticed that every stallion had left, probably to hide till this was over. But, we did run into one stallion, who would have been an open rape target if we hadn't told him about the mare's and their heat. He was lucky we let him stay here with us.

His name was Drax, a black coated Pegasus with a gold and red mane and tail. His cutie mark was weights, which fit him in a way. He was also kinda shy, not Fluttershy brand shy, but not very social. Since he was the strongest of the group, we found that out the hard way, we let him pile up the furniture and shelf's against the windows and doors.

I looked around again, "Huh, I feel like we forgot something, something important."

Greg shrugged, "Probably nothing."

I looked around and sighed, "Damn my mind, always thinking I forgot something."

Frederic looked out the window, "Shit, we got movement!"

Everyone went silent and Peter quietly asked, "Is it a mare?"

Fredric nodded, "Yes, I think. I don't know, it ran around a building."

Seth stepped up and looked out, "Man, its quiet out there."

Greg laughed to himself, "Dawn of the mare."

I chuckled, "Night of the mare's."

Peter smiled and began to play along, "Bronies of the heat."

Seth chuckled, "That one didn't make much sense. I got one: Three days later."

Zorrow chuckled and shook his hoof at him, "Good one, let me try. House of the mare."

Fredric held a hoof to his chin, "I am brony."

I laughed silently, "I like that one, let me try again. Living a heat dream."

Everyone put their hooves over their mouths, trying not to laugh.

David clapped his hooves together, "Mare Apocalypse Now."

Greg chuckled, "Got one: The..."

A loud banging could be heard at the door and everyone jumped up, tense.


I stomped my hoof, "I knew we had forgotten something!"

Peter shook his head, "Poor guy."

I walked to the door, "Should we let him in?"

Greg shook his head, "No way! If you open that door, we're all screwed, literally!"


I looked through the small opening in the door and saw Aaron being dragged away by four mares. He was kicking and screaming, but he couldn't break away from them. Poor bastard.

"Is he okay?" Zorrow asked from behind me.

I turned slowly and shook my head, "No, the mare's got him."

Greg laughed, and we all glared at him.

He looked at us and smirked, "What? I think its pretty damn funny."

Frederic shook his head and looked at me, "Do you see any other mare's out there?"

"One second, let me check." I turned and looked out the small window. The second I did, I let out a loud scream. Because, looking in the window was Pinkie Pie.

"STALLIONS!" She screamed out as she went into hyper mood and began slamming into the door.

I backed away and looked at everyone else, "What now?"

Before anyone could answer, the screams of delight from outside could be heard. The mare's where at every window and door, trying to get in.

Frederic began to hyperventilate, "Oh my God! They found us!"

I held up a hoof, "Calm down Frederic, all we need to is telepo..."

His horn began to glow, "EVERY BRONY FOR THEMSELVES!" He suddenly disappeared with a flash of light.

Peter began to panic, "He was our only way out of here!"

I shook my head, "No, we got Greg. Greg, teleport us to a safe location."

He shrugged, "Okay." His horn began to glow and a green light engulfed us all.

We reappeared somewhere in Ponyville.

I nodded, "Okay, now all we have to do is..." I trailed off when I turned around to see that the library, and the large crowd of mare's, was right behind us.

I glared at Greg, "I said somewhere safe!"

He rolled his eyes, "Well sorry, but I don't feel like using my magic right now."


Suddenly, the crowd of mare's turned towards us. All their faces had the same look on them, lust.

I back stepped, "Shit..."

The crowd shrugged forward, all of them screaming in delight.

"RUN!" David screamed as he turned and ran.

We all followed suit and ran at full speed down the street. Drax was far ahead of us. Damn, we are out of shape!

As we ran, Greg chuckled.

I looked over at him, "Why are you laughing?"

He looked at me, "I just noticed, why am I running from this? This is a once in a life time opportunity!" He stopped and turned towards the crowd, "Gang bang, here I come!" He then began to gallop towards them.

I stopped and looked back, "NO! GREG! Don't do it!"

Peter ran back and grabbed me, "Forget him! He chose his path."

I nodded and we began to gallop after the rest of the group.

I turned and saw that Greg had jumped into the crowd and let them take him. Poor asshole.

We ran until we came to an ally. We all ran into it and sat down, all out of breath.

Peter looked around and sighed, "What now?"

I took a deep breath and looked at him, "Well, I don't know. We lost Greg, Frederic ran away, and Aaron didn't even have a chance."

Drax walked to the corner and looked around, "I don't see any mare's, we should be safe for a while."

I nodded, "Yeah, I think Greg can keep them busy for a while."

Night fall, four hours later

"Okay Lance, go now!" Whispered Peter as we all prepared to go across the empty street.

I galloped across and turned to the others. I gave the all clear nod and Peter galloped across.

Once he was next to me, David began to make his cross.

Suddenly, the entire area was light up. I could hear Pinkie Pie's laugh from above. "I SEE A STALLION!"

Oh crap!

David ran towards us, and we desperately waved him away, not wanting attention to be drawn to us.

He stopped and facehoofed, "I have wings! Fuck me, I'm so stupid!" He jumped up and began flying skyward... only to be slammed into by a colorful blur.

As he and his attacker hit the ground, my eyes widened. Rainbow Dash was holding him down, looking him over, "Awww yeah! Got myself a little prize!"

David started to try and break free.

Suddenly, mare's began to pour into the area, all running towards him.

David looked straight at the others and yelled, "HELP ME!"

A few mare's looking to where he was looking and ran that way.

Drax, Seth, and Zorrow all sprinted out of their cover and towards us. Shit.

As they ran, a rope wrapped around Seth's back hoof and pulled him to the ground.

"Ah caught mah self a big one!" Screamed Applejack as she reeled him in.

Seth desperately dug at the ground with his hooves, "NO NO NOOO! I don't wanna get raped!'

When the Drax and Zorrow reached us, Zorrow looked back, "Damn it! Lucky bastard got Applejack!"

I bit his tail and began pulling him down the ally, "Forget it man, its not worth getting raped by every mare in Ponyville."

He pulled his tail out of my mouth and sighed, "Damn, I guess your right."


"What the hell..." I started as a pink object landed on Zorrow.

Zorrow began to panic as he realized what it was, Pinkie Pie.

He began to thrash about, trying to get her off, "Help me!"

I nodded and began to try and pull Pinkie Pie off of him.

Peter and Drax ran up and began to help also.

Pinkie Pie was laughing crazily, "This way girls! I found more stallions!"

Peter's eyes widened, "Fucking shit!" He let go of Pinkie Pie and galloped away. Drax also gave up on getting her off and ran after Peter.

Zorrow looked up at me, "Run man, save yourself."

I looked up at the approaching crowd of horny mare's. I let go of Pinkie Pie and began to gallop away, "Thanks dude, I so owe you!"

Zorrow began to panic again, "What the fuck! I didn't fucking mean it! Get back here and save me!"

I continued to run away, no way was I going back. To risky.

I ran out of the ally and spotted Drax and Peter jumping into a bush. I galloped over and jumped in with them.

Peter was shaking, "We're going to get raped! Just like the others!"

Drax shook his head, "No, we can get away. We can just fly and..."

I shook my head, "Hell no, flying is out of the question. Did you see what happened to David? None of us can out fly Rainbow Dash!"

Peter started slamming his head on the ground, "SCREWED! SCREWED! SCREWED!"

I put a hoof on his shoulder, "No man, we're going..."

Drax covered my mouth, "Quiet! They're coming out of the ally."

We looked out to see that a few mare's where walking out of the ally, all looking around, for us.

They walked around for a while, more and more began to join them.

Shit man, its like fucking zombies!

Suddenly, a huge flash filled the area, and what appeared scared the hell out of me.

Frederic appeared, along with Princess Celestia and Luna. Frederic began running away, screaming out, "HELP!"

Peter gasped, "Its fucking Molestia!"

The Princesses can go into heat too?! We're screwed!

"Yes you are Lance!" Yelled out Princess Celestia.

Fuck! She can still read my mind!

I jumped up, "RUN!"

We galloped away, but not before Drax was encased in a strong magic aura.

"Oh come on!" As he began floating back towards the Princesses and the crowd of mare's, he yelled after us, "Run my friends! I'll keep them distracted for as long as I can!"

We rounded a corner and Peter hung his head, "Why Drax? Why did it have to be him?"

I sighed, "I know, he doesn't deserve to be raped."

Peter looked around, "Where's Frederic?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Come on, we have to hide!"

We ran along the back of the buildings.

"Stallions!" Screamed out a lust filled voice.


We jumped a fence and ran across the backyard of someponies house. We jumped the next one also, but once we landed on the other side, a pink blur crashed into Peter and brought him to the ground.

I freaked out, I couldn't think straight anymore. I jumped the next fence and landed on the other side. I looked around till I saw a garden shed. I flew into it and slammed the door shut.

I crawled to the back corner and got into a ball.

I listened to Peter's screams and the mare's happy squeals.

After a while, it all died down. I could hear Peter screaming, "NO MORE! NO MORE!" I could barely hear him after a while, the mare's must have drug him off somewhere else.

I lay in that corner for a long time (Fifteen minutes) waiting for daylight so I could make a break for it.

The door to the shed swung open and there stood a crowd of mare's.

"I told you I saw one jump in here!" One exclaimed happily.

Why me? What have I done to deserve this?

They surged into the shed.

I screamed into the night.

Two days later, Lance's house

We all sat in my living room, blank expressions on our faces.

For two days, we were... you know what happened.

Peter spoke up in a broken voice, "There was so many mare's! So many!"

Zorrow was rolled up in a ball, "I always thought sex would be fun, that was horrible!"

I rocked back and forth, "When they found out I couldn't produce a lot of sperm, they found other ways to please themselves. So many other ways!" I held my front hoofs out in front of me, "I'll never look at those hooves the same way again!"

Drax's eyes were wide open, "The Princess was so rough! And all those mare's! I'll never be able to enjoy mating again!"

Seth just lay there, not talking.

David rubbed his shoulders, "They made me do so many things! I didn't even know I could do all that!"

I shook, "Oh God, Pinkie Pie was the worst of it!"

They all shuddered at the memory.

Zorrow huffed lightly, "I didn't even get raped by Applejack!"

We all sat there, not knowing what to say.

Greg walked in and laughed, he was the only one not effected by what happened, "Pussies."