//------------------------------// // Goodnight My Treasure // Story: Thirty Minute Express Train to Story Town // by Predhack //------------------------------// Okay dear, lay down and I’ll tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a princess, who was very beautiful but very shy. This princess wasn’t brave at all, and when some meanies saw that they picked on her, because they thought her being scared was funny. They weren’t good at all. After she was picked on a lot the princess became scared that everypony was going to be mean to her, so she hid in her castle, and only rarely came out. Then one day her parents sent her to a school, to learn all the things a princess like her needed to know, and when she got there the mean ponies came back and started to pick on her again, because she was still very shy, and she wasn’t as good at some things as they were. Then, when she felt like she was going to be tortured forever a brave knight appeared, and tricked the mean ponies into chasing her instead of the princess. The princess was very impressed with the knight, because she was brave and strong and oh so very talented in all the ways the princess wasn’t. And while the mean ponies were distracted the princess discovered her own talent that made her special, thanks to the brave knight, and she started making lots of new friends. After a while though she had to leave the school and go back to her castle, where she shut the gates tight, because there were still mean ponies out there, and even though she missed her new friends they lived very far from her castle. Then a wonderful thing happened, the brave knight appeared at the princess’s castle looking for her. The princess saw who it was and she let the knight in, and they became friends. For a long time the knight would visit the castle, and take the princess out to do many things, because the princess knew that the knight would protect her, so she could be brave and go out. Until one day the knight said she was going to move to the faraway place, where the princess’s old friends from her time at the school were, and she asked the princess to come with her. The princess accepted and they moved far away, and the princess built a new castle and filled it with her little friends. And the knight moved to her own castle not too far so she could see the princess whenever she wanted. And they continued to go out and do things together outside the princess’s castle. Over the course of time the princess made new friends, pony friends who weren’t mean at all and also would teach the princess to be brave. But secretly the princess still liked the knight best. Finally, the knight came to the princess and told her that she loved her. And the Princess admitted that she loved the knight too, and had for a very long time. So the two dated, though really their dates were mostly the same things they did anytime they were together, and then got married. And they move to a new place, where they could have all their friends visit easily with them, with no gates to keep anypony out, because the knight had taught the princess how to deal with mean ponies and how to not be afraid. Then the princess and the knight’s friends got together to give them a wonderful gift, a magic that let the two make a special treasure of their very own, that, to the princess, was better than any other treasure like it. And the two ponies took good care of the new treasure and cared for it dearly. One day the knight came to the princess and told her something they had been expecting for a long time. A great group of knights had asked the princess’ knight to join them, so she could go all over the world showing others how to be strong and brave. The princess was sad because this meant they wouldn’t get to spend as much time together, but she wanted the knight to be happy and to offer everyone to have the chance to learn to be brave like she had. So the knight left, but she still came back every chance she could to be with the princess and help take care of their treasure. Then one day the princess was visited by a pair of the knights who worked with her knight and they told her there had been an accident, and her knight wasn’t going to be able to ever come back. When the princess heard this her heart broke, and suddenly felt like everyone was being mean to her again, because they’d taken away her knight, so she ran back to her old castle, and shut it up, and wouldn’t let anyone in at all. When the princess’ pony friends came and she told them to go away. When the princess’ nonpony friends she told them to go away too. And so no one knew what to do. Finally they came back, and this time they brought the princess’ treasure with them, because the princess had been so upset she nearly forgot it. And the princess went out and took her treasure back and apologized, and promised to be brave as the knight was so that she could just as good care of it. Because she loved the treasure dearly, even more so because it reminded her of her knight. And after that, even though sometimes the princess was scared or wanted to hide, she’d remember look at her treasure and remember her knight and to be brave. And she lived happily ever after. Now, go to sleep Wildflower, you can go out and play more tomorrow. Goodnight