World Dreamer

by TheDerpyChynna

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Ponyville Library
Twilight Sparkle

"Spike! Do you think I need quills this time?"
"No, Twilight, remember last time, you didn't need anything."
"Right, but I did have to come home to pack! Scarves, I need at least one! Spike go to Rarity's and get one! I left mine in the Crystal Empire. Should we invite everyone?"
"You did last time." Spike said, he knew that when Twilight was in a mood like this there wasn't anything anypony could do to stop her.
"Spike! Is everything prepared?" I shrieked begging it to be in my head.
"Well, nopony's here yet..."
"Right! Get Rarity and Pinkie Pie, I will get Fluttershy, Apple Jack, and Rainbow Dash! LET'S GO!" I ran out the door.
"Oy Vey,"


"Twilight, dearest, you do know that the train won't leave for another two hours." Rarity whined, "I'm not even done packing yet."
"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash yelled, "You actually woke me up and PULLED me off my cloud!"
"That's not very nice, Twilight." murmured Fluttershy.
"Now guys, don' fight," Apple Jack cautions
"Spike! You never told me that we had TWO hours!" I groaned, usually I was the most organized pony ever!
"Two HOURS! Hurray! Let's get CUPCAKES!" Pinkie cheered as she ran out the door.
"I guess then we should meet at Sugar Cube Corner as soon as you're all done with your packing and other activities! It looks like I have some free time!" I say pulling books off of their shelves, "I have some studying to do!"


"Okay, we're all here!" I say, "Ready to board?"
"Yeah!" everypony cheers.
The train leaves the station. I'm not sure my friends know but this ride has great significance. Last year I saw these views from a pegasus carriage flying across the sky. That day I met my five best friends, my life changed forever. I wipe my damp eyes, the beauty still shows. Faces flash by, blue, orange, pink, yellow, purple, colors of my own rainbow. There used to be only two but, the yarn on my own tapestry is as colorful as a pencil box.
Apple Jack stops my musing, "Are ya okay, Sugarcube? You've been awful quiet."
"Oh yeah," I smile, "I'm just a little bit nervous. Do you think this will be like the Crystal Empire?"
"Doubtless!" Pinkie announces. "Hey! We should get donuts!"
We pull into the station where a stallion says, "Hello, I am Obsidian Sword. The Princess would like Twilight Sparkle and Spike to come to the Throne Room at once. She asks that Miss Pinkie Pie, Miss Rainbow Dash, Miss Apple Jack, Miss Rarity, and Miss Fluttershy to wait for her call at Donut Joe's." Obsidian Sword steps back. "Miss Twilight, please come here I have a personal request of you."
I step forwards questioningly, "Yes?"
"Please take care of Evening, she's the sweetest creature you will ever meet, a little like your Pinkie Pie."
I look into his eyes, damp and pleading. "This Evening, I don't know her but if I do meet her I'll surely help her." I tell him with a bit of a question in my eyes. I have a feeling that this pony is telling me something important and I promise to myself and him that I will take care of this Evening.


"Twilight Sparkle, I have missed you!" Exclaimed Princess Celestia, "Thank you for coming. I need your help but first I need to tell you a little history." she said grimly.
"Far away there is a world, a world different from ours, called Earth, it is inhabited with People, not ponies. These people are called Humans. They walk in two legs and only have hair on the top of their heads. Most are not actually filled with love but, anger, large swathes of their world are in a state of war, over quite silly things too. In order to win these wars they create weapons, in time the Human race began to experiment on themselves to defeat their enemies, they called the poor creatures that came out of the experiments Biological Weaponry. These creatures could look into the minds of others or create fire, a Lord of the company experimented on his own unborn daughter, she had power like none of the other expements, it came at a great cost though, her power came with much pain. She could do almost anything though, teleport, move things with her mind, bring the newly dead back, kill with her stare, even change her own appearance. Her father made a mistake, he let her dream, see worlds more seemingly perfect than her own.
You may see where this story goes to, my Faithful Student.
This beautiful girl, she got into a wild, world consuming argument with somebody, her father perhaps, and that person ended up dead, his head ripped off, body parts everywhere words written in blood on walls, the child was placed in the testing facility, treated as a volatile animal. Finally, the constant testing was enough, the girl had had enough, she gathered up her strength, aware of the immense pain she would soon feel, she thought of all the beautiful things in the world and threw her whole body, whole soul, her memories, wishes, dreams, all her love, to the most beautiful place she could think of. The feeling was of all her bones breaking, an explosion, agony, she was obliterated, all there was was pain no thoughts only pain, the urge to escape, all of these feelings aided her trip to a world where ponies are the sentiment beings, the pain, the desperation they all made her longing stronger and she dreamed her way to Equestria."
All I could do was stare. Who was this story of? "Princess, is this the story of Evening?"
"Yes," Princess Celestia sighed, "I trust that my Obsidian Sword told you of her? They have a very strong friendship contrary to what they both think about themselves."
"Who is this Evening and what is my job?"
"Her full name is Evening Cloud, she often wears her hair midnight blue," Princess Celestia smiles the way she would smile as she described me, "She showed up in Princess Luna's quarters in the middle of the day, Luna was quite spooked, I must say. Her clothes were burned the journey was apparently quite hard, when she arrived she was almost dead, luckily she has the healing abilities of an Alicorn and was quite well as of six months after her arrival. She has been in Equestria for seven months. I need you to teach her the Magic of Friendship, and she must stay with you. She is an extremely powerful magical battery, with her you could do at least ten age spells, make sixteen pairs of gossamer wings, and at least thirty-eight minor spells, that was all I tried before I ran out of entertaining spells to do. The thing is, you need to preform quite a lot of spells through her or she will destroy towns with the excess power she would leak out."
"Oh my,"
"Also, she enjoys quite a bit of room for when I let her mold my power she ends up creating stuffed animals and has quite a few, lastly, she would like to come back every Sunday and you must use your magic to transport her although she will provide the energy."
"Uh, maybe you could write a list?"
"Already done, the library now has a section for her to live in, it transports to a trans-dimensional space where her things have been stored. It just looks like a door."
"Whoa, this is amazing, miraculous, how come you didn't tell me earlier?"
"Evening is a valuable resource and her life needed to stabilize before somebody would be asking so many questions."
"When can I meet her? Is she nice?" I ask.
"You'll met her soon Twilight Sparkle, she exemplifies all Elements, she is kind, she's always laughing, she's loyal to all of the Palace Guards and sees Donut Joe everyday, and pays him quite well I must say, she lies sometimes but, when she does she feels bad and would probably tell you within the next few days, and she has her magic." Princess Luna says as she walks in, "Spike, you've been so quiet it's almost like you aren't here! What's wrong?"
"Nothing, this is so much to take in." he whispers. Poor Spike, he's just a baby dragon, yet he has so many responsibilities.
"Here, Spike," I say, "Why don't you go get the others, if that's okay with you, Princess Celestia?"
She dips her head.