//------------------------------// // Enlightenment // Story: The Opera Phantom Discord // by Alexandrite Ward //------------------------------// Enlightenment Blueblood was in a good mood. The night before, while it had some rocky moments, had been a success. True, he had not been able to seduce her, and his body was aching for release, but he simply continued to remind himself that the fortune that would be left entirely to Fluttershy when the Marquis Filthy Rich died, was practically in his grasp. Blueblood smiled as the carriage came to a stop outside the police station. Today he would learn the whole truth about the infamous Phantom; he would find the records on the last case that the police investigated at the Maris Opera House, and finally have enough proof for Silverstar and his stallions to help him with setting a trap to catching the Opera Ghost. Yes, everything was going so well. "Monsters! Freaks! Creatures that you only thought existed in nightmares! Come see them all at the Ronaldi Carnival!" Blueblood glanced at the colt who stood in front of the police station, passing out various flyers, a poster tied to his small shoulders as he shouted his advertisements up and down the streets. "Mornin' monsieur!" the colt greeted, stuffing a flyer into Blueblood's hoof. "Come to the Ronaldi Carnival, only in Maris this week! Five franks is all you need to see all the ghouls and freaks you can imagine!" Blueblood crumpled the flyer with disgust. "Five franks for a freak show? Highway robbery," he muttered, pushing past the colt. "Go sell your wares further down the street." The colt glared up at the Prince and spat on the ground before him, before turning and running down the street before Blueblood decided to call the police after him. "Stupid gypsies and their carnivals," he muttered to his coachcolt. "The sooner they leave Maris, the better." Without a second glance at where the colt had gone, Blueblood entered the police station, his eyes lit with satisfaction as the young officer to whom he had spoken to the day before, stood at the counter. "Oh! Good morning, monsieur!" the officer greeted. "I searched the records as you requested, and I found three cases." Blueblood cocked a golden brow at this. "Really?" he pulled his wallet out from his coat and began to count the money he had inside. "And what manner of investigations were these?" The officer eyed the wallet and licked his lips. "Two murder, one kidnapping," he explained. "The first murder investigation took place about twenty years ago…I say murder because that was what they called it at the time, but it's long since been understood as a horrific accident." "Really?" Blueblood asked, pretending to be surprised. "What happened?" "Well, turns out that the stallion, a stagehoof, was so drunk, that he fell from the catwalk high above, during a performance, and got caught in the ropes, thus hanging himself–" The conversation was lost when the door to the station burst open and Fluttershy came rushing in, her face red and her breathing coming in quick gasps. Blueblood stared at her, completely shocked to see her there, and without another word, grabbed the records that the officer had been explaining to him, and stuffed them inside his coat. "Fluttershy?" She looked right past him at the officer standing by the counter. "Where is she?" The officer stared at her blankly. "Beg your pardon, mademoiselle, but–" "THE HUNCHBACK!" she practically shouted. "WHERE IS SHE?" Both the officer and Blueblood jumped slightly at her tone. Blueblood took a deep breath and reached out to touch her shoulder. "Fluttershy, calm down, what are you talking about exactly–" "Don't tell me to calm down!" she snapped, before pushing her way past the stunned Prince, her hooves pounding on top of the counter. "Take me to her!" The officer was actually trembling before her. "Mademoiselle, I…I can't–hey! You can't go back there!" he shouted, but Fluttershy ignored him, dashing around the counter and going through the back door that she was sure led to the prison cells. Blueblood stared in surprise as Fluttershy pushed the young officer away from her, actually causing him to fall over from the force, before disappearing through the door. Without a second thought, he quickly followed, curious to what had driven her to this point of madness. On the other side of the door was a long hallway with various offices. At the end, Fluttershy saw a barred door. That was the door she needed. There were few officers in the station; after all, it was early morning and many of them were no doubt on their first rounds for the day. The ones that she did see stared at her in stunned silence, before attempting to stop her from going further. Fluttershy ignored their protests, and attempted to dart out of their grasp. Two officers grabbed hold of her shoulders and began pushing her back, away from the hall that would lead to the prison cells, but Blueblood's thunderous shout caused them to cease. "She's with me!" he barked, pushing the men away from her. He hoped to find her smiling up at him with gratitude, but instead, she continued on her journey, pushing through the door that led to the room where the prison cells were kept. Fluttershy thought she would choke on the stench that filled the room. Was this the sort of place her father had been dejected to for all those months? She couldn't believe how horrible it was! The walls and floors were absolute filth, and everywhere, she saw creeping insects as well as a few fat rats dart in and out of the cells. It was very cold, and the blankets that the prisoners had been given looked to be made of the cheapest cotton. And no one could escape the stench of vomit and urine. She had to get Derpy out of here! Several prisoners whistled at her as she past, but most of them stared in curious silence. The same men made comments as the Prince passed, whistling at his fancy boots and expensive coat. Blueblood growled at their crudeness, wishing he could ignore them as easily as Fluttershy had. A small cluster of officers stood near a cell at the end of the hall. Fluttershy could hear them laughing and ridiculing the prisoner inside, throwing pieces of garbage at the poor creature, and then she heard one of the most painful, heartbreaking sounds in her life; Derpy's sob of fear and despair. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" she shouted at the officers, running to the end of the hall and pushing her way past them. The stallions were shocked at the sight of her standing there, and even more shocked that she was defending the monster inside the cell. "You should be ashamed of yourselves!" she snapped. "YOU'RE THE MONSTERS, YOU BASTARDS!" she saw a tin can on the ground, a remnant of the garbage they had been throwing, and picked it up and hurled it at them, shouting curses to their shocked faces. "FLUTTERSHY!" Blueblood bellowed, rushing to her side and quickly grabbing hold of her. She was ready to launch herself at the officers and, if given half the chance, gouge their eyes out. "Calm down!" he hissed at her. "You won't be able to help your friend if you don't calm down!" Fluttershy knew he was right, and Derpy was all that mattered at this point. She wriggled herself free from Blueblood's hold, and turned to face the poor hunchback, who was huddled in the corner, her massive body curled up into a ball. "Derpy? Derpy, it's me…it's Fluttershy," she whispered, falling to her knees and tapping on the prison bars to get her attention. Slowly, the hunchback turned her large head in the direction of her voice, and Fluttershy thought her heart would break into a thousand pieces at the pain and fear that she saw in Derpy's eyes. One whole side of her face was bruised, and there was a deep cut on her brow, which still trickled blood. Rage fueled through her; what had those bastards done to her? "Derpy, it's me, it's Fluttershy," she murmured. "I'm here, I won't let any harm come to you." Blueblood gasped in horror at the sight of the creature, especially as he turned to fully face them. This was what Fluttershy had come to rescue? Derpy's soft eyes, which were red and puffy from crying, lit up at the sight of Fluttershy's face. "F-f-f-fluttershy?" she stammered. "Get away from there, mademoiselle!" one of the officers shouted. "She's a dangerous monster!" She ignored their words and smiled back at Derpy. "Yes, yes, it's me," she grinned. "I'm here to help you; I'm going to get you out of here." She held her hoof out to him, and Derpy crawled across the grime covered floor to where she stood, her own hooves outstretched to touch hers. "Mademoiselle! Did you hear what I said? Get away–" "She's not a threat to me or to anypony!" she shouted at the officer. She turned her attentions back to the hunchback and smiled as Derpy's large hooves tenderly grasped hers. "I…I h-h-hoped you would come," she whispered softly, a smile spreading over her tear-stained face. Blueblood couldn't get over the shock of the whole scene. She knew this creature? But even more surprising was the fact that…it knew her! "Everything will be alright, I promise," Fluttershy reassured, giving her hooves a tender squeeze, before rising to her full height. "Get her out of this thing!" Fluttershy ordered, turning on her hooves to face the officer who was closest. The stallion stared back at her, hardly believing what he was hearing. "W-w-what?" "I said," Fluttershy began again, yet now she spoke through clenched teeth. "Get…her…out…of…this…thing." Blueblood glanced once more at the creature inside the cage.It was a monster! "Fluttershy, I'm not sure that is wise," Blueblood protested. "Look at her! She'll crush you–" "SHE'S NOT A DANGER!" Fluttershy shouted, before turning to the officers once more. "But I will be, if you don't release her NOW!" "Mademoiselle," one officer sighed. "We can't just release her; prisoners must be paid for to be released, and who will pay for this–" "I think over 300 franks in gold will be enough, don't you?" Fluttershy muttered, removing the bag of money that Discord had given her all those weeks ago from inside her coat. All the stallion, including Blueblood, stared at the bag of money that Fluttershy produced. "A-a-ample amount, mademoiselle," the officer murmured, before snatching the money from her hooves and producing a set of keys from his belt. "Now stand back, who knows how violent she'll become when we let her loose–" Fluttershy ignored the officer's warnings, as well as Blueblood's protests, and held her hoof out to Derpy, who carefully and tentatively, exited the cell and took Fluttershy's hoof. The officers watched him warily, but Fluttershy placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder, which helped Derpy feel safer and calmer. "T-t-they t-threw things at me," she whispered to Fluttershy. "I…I was s-s-so s-s-s-scared." "There's nothing to be afraid of anymore," Fluttershy soothed. "I won't let anyone ever harm you." She led Derpy out of the prison, and down the hall, out to the lobby of the station. Fluttershy had taken the blanket from inside Derpy's cell, and threw it over her shoulders. "Hide your face in this," she whispered, knowing how self-conscious she was now that she was out in open daylight. "I will fetch us a carriage." Blueblood, who had followed them out this whole while, and who was still shocked beyond all belief, finally found her tongue and spoke. "That won't be necessary," he announced. "You may travel in my carriage." Fluttershy wanted nothing to do with Blueblood, she was sick of the sight of him. But right now, getting Derpy someplace safe, away from the prying eyes of others, was all that mattered. She couldn't afford to be proud right now. "Thank you," she whispered, before following Blueblood's lead and guiding Derpy to the Prince's carriage. One quick glance from his master told the coachcolt to refrain from asking questions, as the large hunchback crawled inside the expensive carriage. "Mademoiselle!" one of the officers hissed. "You have to sign papers when we release a prisoner!" Blueblood glanced at the officer, and then back at the carriage. "I will see to the papers," he reassured Fluttershy, before turning and entering the station once more. The officer looked extremely agitated. "How am I to explain this to Inspector Silverstar!" he practically wailed. "You have no idea how much trouble it was, bringing that beast in! And now, she's out once more, just like that! Silverstar will have my hide!" Blueblood could care less what happened to the officer. "Just tell Silverstar the truth; bail was paid for the prisoner by somepony who…apparently knows her." That part distressed Blueblood the most. How did she know this creature? Where on earth could she have possibly met such a monster? "I ain't never seen anything like that," the officer whispered, his eyes never leaving Derpy's hunched-over figure as Fluttershy drew the curtains in the carriage. "But she seemed to know it! How do you think–" "I don't know," Blueblood growled. "But I will find out…and I will need your help with that." The officer stared blankly at the Prince. "Help? How? What can we do?" "Follow my carriage," Blueblood muttered, as he slid some money into the stallion's hoof. "I want you to keep close watch on Mademoiselle Fluttershy and this…this thing." The officer stared at the money he had just received and mutely nodded his head. "And…for how long do you wish us to keep watch?" Blueblood turned his gaze to the carriage and narrowed his eyes as a plan began to brew within him. "Send word to me at the slightest change in activity. If she goes anywhere with the creature, follow them. The second she and the creature are parted, tell me at once, and keep close watch as to where they go!" The officer nodded his head and then shouted instructions at several men who stood gaping at the carriage. The stallions disappeared, and the officer bowed his head to the Prince. "Everything will be arranged. We'll have an unmarked coach follow you and stay wherever Mademoiselle Fluttershy and the beast go." "Good stallion," Blueblood muttered, before turning on his heel and exiting the station. With a grimace, he climbed into the unusually cramped carriage and barked orders to the driver. "I did not realize signing papers would take so long," Fluttershy mumbled, Derpy's shrouded head resting against her shoulder. Blueblood glared at her from across the carriage, but forced a look of genuine concern on his face. "I had to convince them that you would be safe, and that…she…would not be harmful to the public." Fluttershy did not trust him, but chose not to press the matter further. She whispered soothing words into Derpy's ear, as her hoof ran back and forth over her shoulder. Nothing further was said during the rest of the journey. Blueblood was grateful that Fluttershy drew the curtains in the carriage; he did not want to be seen in Maris with this monster. Normally the drive to the apartment was short, but at this moment, it seemed to take agonizingly long. Finally, at long last, the carriage reached their destination, and before the driver could climb down to open the door, Fluttershy was already half-way out, her hooves grasping Derpy's and helping her down. "Thank you, monsieur," she said quite simply, before turning and ushering Derpy towards the building. Blueblood's brow furrowed at her tone. "Fluttershy, you can't possibly be serious! You're going to let that…that thing inside with you?" She paid him no heed; he was not worth wasting her breath upon. Blueblood couldn't believe this was happening. "Fluttershy, be sensible!" he climbed down from the carriage and followed close behind. "At least let me stay, to make sure you will be safe." "I'm fine," Fluttershy muttered, fumbling with her door key. "I am in no more danger than I would be if I were taking in a stray kitten," she managed to unlock the door and help Derpy inside. "Thank you for your help, monsieur, I am very grateful for the use of your carriage." Blueblood opened his mouth to respond, but her next words cut him to the core. "However it shall be the last time I will impose upon you. As of this day, I am no longer in need of your charity. Good day to you." Blueblood stared wide-eyed and open mouthed, as Fluttershy let the door shut behind her. Had that just happened? What did she mean by that? His hooves ran through his blonde hair, a growl rising up inside his chest. Something was going on, something he did not care for. She knew that creature all too well, and it knew her. She was hiding something…and he intended to find out! Blueblood turned to go back to his carriage, his eyes spying a smaller coach on the other side of the street. He saw the officers inside it just briefly, and he smiled with satisfaction, glad that they had followed his instructions. He would deal with Silverstar later. Right now, he had his own research to do. He climbed back inside his carriage and looked at the records he had taken from the station. "Start saying your prayers, monsieur Phantom," he hissed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I'm s-s-s-sorry I s-scared your maid," Derpy mumbled. Fluttershy couldn't help but grin just slightly. "It's not your fault Derpy, I had completely forgotten about Cherry Jubilee, but I'm sure she'll be alright." The second she and Derpy had entered the apartment, the pretty red-headed maid gasped at the sight of the hunchback, before screaming and fainting right there in the parlor. With Derpy's help, they took her to her bedroom, and felt it wise to lock her in there. Fluttershy then went to work with cleaning Derpy's cuts, washing her hair, and applying clean bandages to the sores on her body. She then cooked her some soup, and gave her a nice warm cup of tea. Poor Derpy was so hungry that she had five bowls in a row! After she had eaten, Fluttershy went to work tending to her tattered clothes. She mended several tears on her shirt, and was now making her a new one from one of the bed sheets in her room. Derpy happily sat on the floor beside her, playing with Carmen, Fluttershy's tiny black kitten. It was very obvious that both the kitten, and Derpy, had dearly missed one another. "After it gets dark," Fluttershy explained. "I will take you back to the opera house. I'm afraid we'll have to walk, but we'll stay close to the shadows, and at night, few will notice your appearance." Derpy's face lit up at her words. "Y-y-you are coming b-back?" Fluttershy stopped her sewing and looked into Derpy's eyes, her heart breaking at the hope she saw. "Only to help you find your way home," she whispered. Derpy's face fell at her words. "I…I understand…" she mumbled. "Y-y-you h-have to take care of y-your family, just as the Master t-takes care of us." Fluttershy bit her lip. "How is your master?" she tentatively asked. Derpy continued playing with Carmen. "He's sad," she answered. "He d-d-destroyed his chamber a-after you left." Fluttershy gasped as she stabbed her hoof with the needle. However, it was Derpy's words that caused her more alarm. "He destroyed his chamber? W-w-what do you mean?" Derpy looked at her strangely, thinking her answer had been obvious. "He k-knocked over e-e-everything. And the p-p-piano is broken. It w-won't play anymore." Fluttershy paled at Derpy's description. She had witnessed Discord's wrathful anger in the past, and she knew he was capable of acting irrationally, but…going so far to destroy a beloved instrument? It was too horrible to comprehend. "You say he is sad…is he…is he sick?" she asked, fear growing within her that perhaps Discord was now trying to harm himself. Derpy shrugged his massive shoulders. "I d-don't know…he looks alright, but…Rarity says his heart won't work." Fluttershy's eyes widened with horror. "What? What do you mean his heart won't work?" Derpy looked at her once more with confusion. "Rarity s-says that it's broken, meaning h-h-his heart. And if s-s-something is broken, t-t-t-that means it doesn't work. R-r-right?" Fluttershy didn't know whether to sigh with relief, or out of regret. "You're very perceptive Derpy," she whispered. "And…perhaps you can tell me why you were at Notre Mane?" Derpy turned her face away to avoid catching her eyes. "I…I…I just w-wanted to see if it was true…" she whispered, a trace of personal shame in her voice. "I t-t-thought perhaps I w-w-would find the gypsy mare there. But…but Rarity w-was right…" Fluttershy heard the deep regret and sadness in her voice. "Right about what?" "The story," she mumbled, looking down at the floor. "Rarity t-told me everything; the hunchback a-a-and the gypsy mare…t-they don't live happily e-e-ever after." Fluttershy paused, feeling her heart swell with sadness at Derpy's revelation. "And…you thought that by going to Notre Mane, you would find Esmeralda? And prove that both she and Quasimodo did fall in love and live happily ever after?" She nodded her head, and she noticed the tears that were dripping onto the carpet. "It was s-s-stupid, I know," she grumbled, her hooves quickly moving to wipe her eyes. Fluttershy's heart melted at his words, and she reached out to take one if her hooves in hers. "No Derpy…searching for love and happy endings is never stupid." Just then, the door to the apartment burst open, and Time Turner came rushing inside, his face streaked with perspiration and worry. "Fluttershy? My God! Are you alright? You just left rehearsal! I've been looking everywhere for you! I–" He paused when he finally noticed the large hunchback sitting on the floor next to his daughter. Derpy recognized Time Turner from the last time she had seen him, but she recognized the look of horror that the old stallion wore even more. Derpy quickly rose to her hooves and covered her face with her overly-large hooves, before flying from the parlor into Fluttershy's bedchamber. Fluttershy noticed the panic that spread across the hunchback's face. She tried to console her, but she was already on her hoovest and running. "Derpy? Derpy it's alright! It's only my father–" The door slammed shut. "WHAT THE DEVIL?" Time Turner cried, staring at his daughter in both confusion and dismay. Fluttershy quickly rose to her feet and crossed the parlor to where her father stood. "Please, keep your voice down! I don't Derpy to be distressed any further than she is." "DERPY!" "Papa, please!" Fluttershy hissed. "She's not a threat, she's very gentle, like a filly…please, keep your voice down!" she took her father's hooves and led him to a chair where she forced him to sit down. "I'll make you some tea." Time Turner reached out and grabbed his daughter's wrist. "No, you will tell me what is going on! You leave rehearsals without any warning; I am trying to reassure both the managers that you are alright, while at the same time, looking desperately for you! I searched every part of the opera house; in fact we had a whole search party looking for you! Oh! And on top of everything else, I hear rumors that you and the Prince are engaged!" Fluttershy groaned and rolled her eyes. "No Papa, we are not engaged; you know that I do not care for the stallion." "Well I figured that much was true!" he bellowed. "But how do you explain your disappearance?" he buried his head in his ands and let out a long weary groan. "Good Lord Fluttershy, I feared…" he turned his face away, the tears ready to spill forth. "I thought that perhaps he had taken you again!" Fluttershy knew who her father was talking about, she didn't need to ask. "I'm alright," she murmured, sitting on the floor beside him, her hooves holding his tightly. "I'm sorry for frightening you, but it was matter of great importance. When I heard the news, I had to go at once!" The old stallion looked down at his daughter with utter confusion. "What news? Fluttershy, what is that…" he paused and corrected himself. "WHO is that…that…" "I told you, her name is Derpy," Fluttershy intervened. "And she's my friend." Time Turner stared at Fluttershy with absolute shock. "F-f-friend? How…when…" his head was spinning from all the questions he had. Nothing was making sense! Fluttershy took a deep breath, knowing that the time had finally come. "Papa, there is something you need to know. I…I didn't tell you before, because…well, at first it was because I didn't think you would believe me, and even now I'm having my doubts," she muttered. "But mainly it was because I was afraid…afraid of how you would think of me, and afraid of…of what this news would do to you…but, I love you with my whole heart, and I can't lie to you anymore," she sadly sighed, feeling the tears beginning to sting her eyes. Time Turner looked at his daughter and felt his blood turn to ice. "Fluttershy…w-what is wrong? What are you trying to say?" Fluttershy blinked back her tears and continued. "Do you remember when you asked me how I managed to escape the Phantom, and I told you that he let me go?" Time Turner nodded his head slowly, recalling the conversation. "Yes…but what does that have to do with anything?" "Very much, actually," Fluttershy murmured. "Papa, I wasn't lying; the Phantom did let me go…because of you." Time Turner's brow furrowed. "Because of me? I don't understand…Fluttershy, none of this makes sense!" "I love him!" she cried, surprising both herself and her father with her tone. Time Turner stared at her with shock and alarm. "W-w-what do you mean?" he asked, his voice shaking. With a steadying breath, Fluttershy lifted her eyes to her father's, and one look in their blue depths spoke volumes to him. "Good God…" he whispered. "Papa, please!" Fluttershy gripped his hooves tightly in hers, forcing him to look at her. "I know he was cruel once, what he did to you was horrible, but…he's changed Papa, he's not the same stallion that he was then." Time Turner was shaking. "T-t-that horrible, monstrous madstallion…that beast–" "No Papa! No…he's not a beast, he's not a madstallion…he was kind to me, good to me…he taught me to sing!" she was rambling on and knew that none of this was helping her father. Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy rose to her feet and called for Derpy. The door opened a tiny crack and the hunchback peeked out. "Derpy, come here for a moment, please," she pleaded. "I want you to meet my father." With slow, tentative steps, Derpy emerged, carrying Carmen in hs\er hooves. Time Turner stared up at the giant hunchback and looked back at his daughter for an answer. "This is Derpy," Fluttershy introduced. "H-h-hello M-m-monsieur Time Turner," Derpy murmured, her feet shuffling nervously. Time Turner swallowed the lump in his throat and glanced at his daughter, before looking back up at the hunchback. "H-h-hello Derpy," he nervously greeted. "Derpy lives below the opera house," Fluttershy explained. "She and her friends, Rarity, Shortround, and Rainbow Dash, all live below, and Discord takes care of them." Time Turner looked at his daughter then. "Discord?" "Yes Papa, the Phantom; his name is Discord," Fluttershy explained. "Once upon a time, Derpy, and the others, were kept in a horrible place; a carnival that put their bodies on display for ridicule and money. They were kept in cages, starved, and beaten. And then one day, while the carnival was in Maris, Discord–the Phantom–broke free from his cage, and saved the others from their horrible fate. They escaped into the city under nightfall, and have been living under the opera house ever since." Time Turner couldn't believe what he was hearing. "H-how…how do you know all this?" "Because they told me," Fluttershy explained, turning her face to Derpy and smiling up at her. "They are my friends." Time Turner glanced at the hunchback and then back at his daughter. The creature looked monstrous at first glance, but from the way she tenderly held the kitten in one hoof, and Fluttershy's hoof in the other, Time Turner could see that this creature would never harm another soul. "I…I remember you," he whispered, gazing up at Derpy. "You wore a shroud then, but…I do remember you." Derpy grinned at the old stallion's words. "Yes, w-w-we were helping you g-g-get a prop…a s-s-spinning wheel, I think." Time Turner smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, that's right, and there was a mare with you…and others too." "Rarity!" Derpy stated proudly. "That w-w-w-was Rarity! And w-was one of the others g-g-grumpy?" Time Turner thought for a second. "Well, I recall somepony not exactly being thrilled that I was there and wished to see me leave at once." "That w-w-would be Rainbow Dash," Derpy explained. Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle at Derpy's words. "Why don't you go and play with Carmen in my chamber, Derpy," she encouraged gently. Derpy nodded her head and gave Time Turner one last smile, before turning and taking the kitten with her back into the room. Fluttershy turned once more to face her father, a sad smile spreading across her pretty face. "Now you can see why the Phantom forbids anyone from entering the cellars." Time Turner silently nodded his head as he watched Derpy quietly shut the door behind him. "Yes…one look at those creatures and somepony would immediately lock them up." Fluttershy nodded her head. "Sadly, that was what took me away from the opera house this morning. Some time last night, Derpy wandered outside and went to Notre Mane Cathedral," she sighed as she remembered the hunchback's sad tale. "She adores the story, The Hunchback of Notre Mane for obvious reasons; but she recently learned that the beautiful Esmeralda does not choose Quasimodo, and she had hoped that perhaps by going to the cathedral itself…she could change the story." Time Turner's expression changed to one of sadness and pity. "Yes, I too overheard the stories today at the opera house, about a real hunchback being found in the bell tower of the cathedral. I can only imagine what the police must have done…" "I went to the station as soon as I heard the news. Oh Papa, they were throwing things at her!" she hissed with rage. "And it sickens me to think of…of what you must have gone through in such a place." Time Turner sighed and looked down at the floor. "Not one of my finest memories, I confess," he whispered. "But then again, they all thought me mad. The burdens I bore were nothing, I am assuming, to what your friend Derpy must have endured." He paused and glanced up at his daughter, who was pacing slightly, trying to ease the rage that he could see clearly written across her face. There were still many questions that needed to be answered, and none as important as the one which dealt with her previous outburst. "Fluttershy…what happened down there, beneath the opera house?" Fluttershy stopped her pacing and glanced at her father. She was grateful to see the understanding smile on his face, rather than one filled with harsh judgment. She went to him and took his hooves in hers, sitting once more on the floor beside him. "I was so afraid at first…thinking that I had made the most terrible mistake in my whole life. I was thankful, knowing that you were free, but I was terrified, wondering what would become of me, wondering if I would ever see you again…" Time Turner nodded his head. "I too had similar fears," he whispered, leaning down to plant a kiss on the top of her head. Fluttershy smiled up at him, but she squeezed his hooves harder, knowing that this would probably be hard for him to understand. "It started slowly at first. We couldn't stand each other," she smiled softly at the arguments she and Discord first had. "But little by little…things began to change. Slowly, we became friends," she whispered. "He heard me singing, and made a bargain with me; he would teach me to sing properly and I would perform in his opera, playing the role of Aminta–" "You mean he had planned this all along? For you to sing the lead?" Time Turner gasped. Fluttershy nodded her head, and the old stallion sank further back into his chair, astounded by the revelation. "That's why you learned the music so quickly." "Yes," Fluttershy whispered. "And in exchange for letting him teach me, he would grant me my freedom when the time to perform the opera had come." She looked down at the floor, pausing as the memories flashed before her like photographs. "It seemed like such a simple bargain then…so I agreed, thinking nothing of it," she sighed. "Little did either of us know, that keeping our word would become one of the hardest choices for us to make." Time Turner reached down and cupped his daughter's chin, lifting her face up so he could see her eyes. "What do you mean Fluttershy?" Fluttershy took a deep breath and held her father's hooves tightly. "I mean what I said earlier, Papa. I…I love him, and he loves me." Time Turner stared at his daughter in shock. "That Phantom…you and the Phantom…?" "Discord, Papa, his name is Discord…and yes, we…we fell in love," she couldn't help it; she was smiling through the tears because the memory was so wonderful. "He learned to trust me, showing me so many wonderful things, revealing all sorts of secrets to his labyrinth world…and I sang for him, not because I had made an agreement, but because I wanted to, and because I could see the pleasure in his eyes when he heard my voice. And…and he never forgave himself, for what he did to you…" she whispered. Time Turner's eyes widened. "W-what do you mean?" "He knew I missed you," Fluttershy explained, pausing now and then to wipe her eyes. "And because he did not wish to see me upset, he and his friends would go out into the city, late at night, and search for you. He had been doing this for some time, long before he told me about it. And…and then one night, not so long ago, he learned where you were…" Fluttershy could still hear Madame Luna's information echoing in her ears. The night Discord told Fluttershy to leave was the same night he learned about her father. He had done it all for her and her father… "I don't understand," Time Turner muttered, his face contorted with puzzlement. "You're telling me, that he, the very stallion who separated us…was also trying to help us be reunited?" Fluttershy's tears were flowing freely now. "Yes," she whispered. "And Papa, I…I am not a good filly, I do not deserve your love," she wailed, turning her face away. "I was being so selfish; I missed you dreadfully, but…but Discord was right; if he did not throw me out, if he did force me to go…" she couldn't finish her words, she was so ashamed. Time Turner looked down upon his weeping daughter, his throat going dry at all the information she had just shared. "Fluttershy…" he murmured, before reaching down to gather her up in his arms. Fluttershy clung to him, sobbing against his shoulder, mumbling over and over again how sorry she was, and Time Turner simply whispered soothing words into her hair, his hoof running through her wild pink locks. "It's alright," he whispered. "You're not a bad child…and you're not selfish. You're in love," he explained to her. "And when you're in love, it's hard to think of anything else." He gently took her shoulders and eased her away from him so he could look into her eyes. "I honestly do not believe you would have left me in that prison, Fluttershy, if that is what you fear," he smiled. "But…I won't deny that I am grateful to your Phantom for letting you go to find me." Fluttershy smiled slightly, but there was still so much more to tell. "Papa, it's true that without the Prince's help, I would not have been able to release you…but I want you to know that Discord did give me over 300 franks, in gold, to help pay for your release." Time Turner's eyes widened with disbelief. "Over 300 franks?" he practically choked. "Fluttershy, that amount of money…that would have been well over the amount needed to free me!" Fluttershy's brows rose at his words. "But…but the officers at the station…they said it wasn't enough?" Time Turner felt his jaw clench. "They lied…they were trying to cheat you out of your money!" Fluttershy shook her head. "But it was Blueblood they would have cheated; Blueblood who willingly paid the dept to have you released…" Time Turner knew that the Prince had paid for his release, but he had never known the amount of money that had been spent on his behalf. If he and his daughter were having this conversation two days ago, Time Turner would have assumed that the poor Prince had been cheated from the police, and feel obliged to help the hoofsome noblecolt. But now…he was beginning to see why his daughter distrusted the stallion. And he remembered the night he burst into the Prince's club, begging for Blueblood to help him free his daughter. The Prince called him a madstallion, insulted Fluttershy's honor, and then had him thrown out! And yes, later he came to the prison and apologized, but…how much of that apology had been true? He had been blinded by the Prince's promises to help him find Fluttershy…but the Prince knew very well where Fluttershy was, after all, he had told him! Something wasn't making sense. And Time Turner had a cold suspicion that whatever it was…it was sinister. "Papa? Are…are you alright?" Time Turner glanced down at his daughter and saw the worry in her pretty blue eyes. "I'm fine my dear, I didn't mean to worry you…it's just so much news to take in!" he murmured, forcing a smile on his lips, although in truth, it was quite strained. "Have…have you been in contact with…with Discord?" he asked, testing the pony's name for the first time. Fluttershy felt the heat rise in her cheeks as she recalled the night Discord had been in her bedroom. However, she was not ready to go into that much detail with her father. She quickly turned her head and muttered a "no", before her father could read her eyes. Time Turner sighed, not sure how to respond. He was happy that his daughter had not been harmed while being the Phantom's prisoner…if one could call it that. And it filled him with joy to know that his daughter had experienced and felt love! But the colt…despite what Fluttershy said, the world still saw the Phantom of the Opera as a madcolt, and even if he had truly changed since Time Turner had encountered him, he still had that horrible past, a past that the world would use to judge him. And then, of course, there was the issue of his face… And did the Phantom truly love Fluttershy as she said? Or was it all a trick? Perhaps he was planning to lure Fluttershy back, to take her once more and to never let her go? He quickly squished that notion. Of course the stallion loved her! Would a stallion who was simply using her waste his time with trying to learn the whereabouts of her father? Would a stalliom who didn't love her sacrifice his own happiness so that she could be with her family? No. Fluttershy had at long last found such a stallion worthy of her love, and who Time Turner could tell, by simply hearing his daughter's voice and looking into her eyes, that this stallion did indeed love her. The Phantom was not the monster he once was. "You must go to him," her father murmured. Fluttershy's eyes widened with shock at her father's words. "W-w-what?" He took her hooves in his and helped her rise to her feet. "If you truly love him, Fluttershy, then you must go to him at once and tell him of your love," he pushed a stray wave away from her cheek. "I do not know the full details, and I understand if they are too painful to share…but I have the impression that the two of you did not part well. But I believe you when you say that you love him still…and that you believe he loves you just as fiercely. In fact…I have often felt a mysterious presence overseeing rehearsals," he murmured. Fluttershy couldn't believe what her father was saying. Was he actually…giving her his blessing? "No doubt he saw you with the Prince the night before," Time Turner whispered. One look at his daughter's crestfallen face, and he knew it was true. "You must go to him at once and explain everything. Tell him that your father is an old fool, and that the Prince's mask was the one that fooled me, not his." Fluttershy swallowed the nervous lump in her throat. She didn't dare pinch herself, for fear of awaking and learning that this was all some sort of dream. "But Papa–" "I trust you Fluttershy," he smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "And oddly enough, I trust him. I…I do not think he will take you away from me…but I can not bear to know that I am keeping you from him." Fluttershy didn't know what to say. She was crying once more, only this time it was out of pure happiness. "THANK YOU, PAPA!" she practically shouted, throwing her arms around her father's neck and hugging him fiercely. Time Turner laughed and hugged his daughter back just as tightly. "Hurry," he whispered. "Night is falling. Take Derpy back to the opera house, but do not leave until you talk to him." "Oh Papa," Fluttershy sniffled, wiping her eyes and grinning at her father. "I…I don't know what to say…" Her father smiled. "Oh Fluttershy, seeing your happiness right now…that tells me more than all the words in the world ever could." He kissed her cheek once more, before giving her hooves a gentle squeeze. "Now go." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord stood on the roof of the opera house, watching the last of the sun's rays set over Maris. Night was closing in once more, and as soon as the shadows covered the streets, his search for Derpy would continue beyond the opera house's walls. He and the others had spent the entire day, searching every crevice, every crack, every corner, leaving no stone unturned, looking in all the usual, and unusual places, that Derpy could have hidden. Discord even searched the depths of the catacombs, thinking that perhaps Derpy had somehow wandered into the twisting tunnels that stretched throughout the city. None of them had had any luck. "Where on earth can she be?" Discord muttered as the last of the sun's rays disappeared over the horizon. If anything had happened to Derpy, Discord would never be able to forgive himself. He had a responsibility to these ponies, he had promised with his own life to look after them, to care for them, to never let any danger ever come to them– "Master?" Discord turned to see Shortround's head poking through the trap door that led onto the roof. "Have you found her?" Discord asked somewhat anxiously. "Where was she? Where is she now?" Shortround sadly shook his head. "No Master, we have not found her yet…but...we have just learned that earlier today, a hunchback was discovered at…at Notre Mane Cathedral." Discord blinked several times until finally the news Shortround had delivered sunk in. "Notre Mane?" he practically shouted. He turned away and gripped the edge of roof, rage boiling in him at the horrors Derpy must have endured. "Of all the stupid…" he bit his lip, knowing that placing his rage on Derpy would do no good. "Where is she now?" he demanded, turning to face Shortround once more. "How did you learn this news?" "Because I told them." Discord stared at the face of Madame Luna, who was now emerging through the trap door. His eyes narrowed at the sight of the dance mistress who had recently become a thorn in his side. "What are you doing here?" he coldly hissed, the question coming out more like a demand. Madame Luna sighed and climbed through the trap door and out onto the roof. "I know I am no longer welcome, but I thought you might make allowances for information on Derpy's welfare." Discord's jaw tightened. "Speak then and be on your way," he growled. Madame Luna nodded her head. "The news is true. The hunchback that was discovered at Notre Mane was Derpy; I do not know how or why she went to the cathedral, but she was discovered, and the police arrested her." Discord grunted a curse. "Where is she?" he demanded. "She is safe now," Madame Luna calmly explained. Discord stared at the mare with dismay and surprise. "W-w-what? How? Who?" "Fluttershy," Madame Luna murmured. "She paid for Derpy's release and she is with her. She sent a letter to me earlier this afternoon and wished for me to tell you, in case you were worrying." Discord couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Fluttershy…Fluttershy rescued her?" he asked, his tone filled with both bewilderment and amazement. Madame Luna couldn't help but smile. "Yes, I suppose you could call it that. She is quite safe and will be returning later tonight." Discord stiffened at this news. "Alone?" he asked. Madame Luna cocked her head to one side. "Why would you care to know?" Discord rolled his eyes out of irritation, something Madame Luna couldn't help but notice, and couldn't help but grin at. "Do not toy with me, madam," Discord growled. "Just answer my question." "She didn't say," Madame Luna responded truthfully. "But there are a few things I wish to discuss with you, if I may…" she glanced at Shortround who had been watching their conversation this whole time. "Alone." Shortround didn't even wait for Discord to dismiss him; he quickly shut the door and left the two of them alone on the roof. "I have nothing to say to you," Discord grumbled, turning his back to the dance mistress and looking back at the city. "Nor do I wish to hear anything you have to say. Your words and actions have long since haunted my lair that I've come to believe that this place truly is haunted." "I come seeking your forgiveness." The words took Discord entirely by surprise. He turned to face the mare, his brow furrowed with confusion. "What?" "I wish to apologize," she stated once more. "For my accusations, that I now realize, were quite wrong." Discord glared at her. "You mean your accusations about me raping Fluttershy and using her for whatever sick fantasies I craved at the moment?" Madame Luna simply nodded her head. "Yes, and for calling you heartless, as well as denouncing your feelings for her. I realize I was in the wrong." Discord muttered something under his breath and turned to look at the city once more. "If I accept your 'apology', will you leave me in peace?" he muttered. Madame Luna sighed and softly approached Discord's side. "I can not make promises on that," she whispered. "But I am truly sorry for misjudging you Discord. I see now that your feelings for Fluttershy were genuine and pure." "Nothing has changed," Discord murmured to the night air. "My feelings remain what they are." Madame Luna smiled softly at this. "I am glad to hear it, for I know that Fluttershy's feelings remain unchanged as well." Discord snorted at her words. "I think she has taken somepony else into her heart, somepony tall, blonde, hoofsome, and filthy rich." Madame Luna shook her head. "Oh Discord, you are a master of illusion. I would have thought that you of all people would have learned to look at things twice before judging them." She turned and began heading back towards the trap door. Discord turned to watch her go, questions now forming in his mind. "What caused you to finally see that my feelings were true? Divine revelation?" he mockingly joked. Madame Luna turned and locked her eyes with his before opening the door. "You could call it that," she answered. "After all, everything I told you I learned from an 'angel of music'." Discord's eyes widened at her words, and he flew to the trap door, stopping Madame Luna from disappearing. "What did you say?" The dance mistress smiled. "Discord, do you truly believe that Fluttershy, who has shared so much of her heart with you, would turn away from you now, after weeks of pining for you?" She reached out and touched her hoof against his chest. "What does your heart tell you Discord? Trust your heart…sometimes it sees things so much more clearly than our eyes." Discord stood in stunned silence as Madame Luna began her descent through the trap door. "Oh, and one more thing," she added, before going. "This is very important, and something you need to know." Discord woke from his trance and looked at the mare with expectation. "Yes? What is it?" Madame Luna took his hoof in hers and gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "I think Fluttershy is pregnant."