A sequel to My Little Dashie

by Lonepone

(before there is more (Pain) no more)

Vinyl Scratch, me, Octavia, and Doctor Whooves are all sitting together cramped on a single coach, and so I am pleasantly yet painfully aware of both Vinyl's and Octy's shoulders rubbing against mine. I might be imagining it, but it almost seems like Octavia is trying to get as close as possible to me.

Before Luna started talking, I had to explain to Octy how I came from earth, and I wasn't truly a pony. Other then some questions at first, she seemed to accept the fact. And so now, here we are, crammed into a coach while Luna explains what is happening with her, my little Dashie. I feel guilty, but aperantly Luna has the ability to speak directly into a persons mind, for I hear her thought: 'do not be guilty. There's no way this is you fault. It's ok that you got distracted for one night.'

"Okay everypony. Now that we're all on the same page, lets get started. Rainbow Dash, when she teleported back here, she accidentally stole an amount of magic from all the magic wielding ponies, storing it in herself" good pony gods, I am starting to love that voice. I think for a moment, then tell myself. Four ponies? Four ponies I'm intrested in all at once? Wow.

She continues talking "That magic gives her power over time and space. However, that magic is stored in her with no horn to release and control it, so it has slowly consumed her, giving her no control over it. The magic has started to become its own individual, giving rainbow dash split personalities and bipolar, along with massive depression and mental instabilities.

Celestia, in order to save all of equestria, is going to murder her using a Pegasus device. These devices were made millennia ago, for extracting spectra from a ponies body. They were used in a factory that was responsible for rainbows.She has retrofitted the device, so instead of harvesting spectra, it instead will harvest magic.

I believe using magic and therapy, we can get Rainbow Dash to atleast gain control over her magic, instead of ripping the space time fabric apart" at this, Whooves ears perk up "however, Celestia is holding Dash in a cell. She gets harvested tomarrow at noon. We have to get to her cell. I can bullshit most of the way there, but at the end there will be bloodshed. We will fight, and I may have..." At this her voice cracks " I may have to fight my... Fight my sister. Again." She breaks down. "I can't have that. If I fight her, I'll have to draw on my anger for power, and I hate that feeling, yet it's intoxicating. If she is there, I will fight everyone but her" she manages to choke out this last part, before collapsing.

I jump up, and catch her before she falls to far. I catch her and hold hernsteady. She twists around in my grip, and hugs me. She's shorter then me, so she burrows her head inbetween my shoulder and my chest. I can feel her individual tears fall onto my coat, then slide down it. She stands there almost for a full ten seconds before she breaks away, and collapses into the other sofa, head in her hooves. I gingerly sit next to her, and put an arm around her while she cries. She leans against me and sobs harder. We sit like this for about five minutes, the other three looking at me wierd.

She's recovered enough so she can talk again, albeit while hiccuping and the occasional sob. "Long story short, we have to get your little dashie out before she is killed." Luna says sadly "before any more pain is done"

"I'll get my bass cannon" Vinyl says. I manage a weak smile.

As the five of us walk out the front door, Octavia comes up behind me, nudges me, and whispers in my ear " First Vinyl, then me, then Whooves, and now Princess Luna, co-ruled of Equestria. You have some nerve.