//------------------------------// // Prolouge // Story: World Dreamer // by TheDerpyChynna //------------------------------// Prologue Somewhere in Canterlot Castle Evening Cloud "Please, please, please, send me somewhere I can have some, fun for a week, please, Princess, I love the castle and all but I am so bored!" "Evening, the outside world is dangerous. Ponies don't exactly know what people are." "If I was out there they'd know all about me! When I came here I was told I'd have fun." "You've told me how much fun you've had with the guards everyday and, they love you." "Guards aren't regular ponies!!" Evening Clouds sighed,"I'm sorry Princess Celestia, I haven't met anypony new since I've been here and I don't have many friends. I don't even see Shining Armor anymore since he had to go to the Crystal Empire" "Evening Cloud, I know you are lonely," "Am not!" "But," Princess Celestia continued, "I have made a decision. Pack up your clothes-" "Ahh! You're kicking me out!" Evening screams, "I knew this would happen soon but not now, not today! YOU DON'T LOVE ME! IT'S BECAUSE I'M DIFFERENT! I-" "EVENING! I am not kicking you out and I love you very much. I have decided to move you to Ponyville to learn with one of my favorite students. She will welcome you with open arms." "Huh? I get to go… out… well, I will be… right back!" she squeaked. "I never could say no to you, Evening, no matter what I try." Princess Celestia sighed, dealing with Evening was quite different from dealing with Twilight Sparkle. They were almost polar-opposites. While Twilight was organized and composed, Evening was messy and well, just a little bit all over the place. In fact, she would probably have to help Evening clean up her room. The Princess summoned a paper and quill. "My Most Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle, I have a mission of the utmost importance for you. You and Spike must come to Canterlot tomorrow evening. Yours truly, Princess Celestia" ~ "PRINCESS LUNA!!" I scream as I ran though the corridors,"PRINCESS LUNA I HAVE SOMETHING SUPER IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU!" "Psst," Obsidian Sword, one of the Palace Guards whispered,"Evening, she's in the kitchen but, she's hiding from some visiting Dignitary or something so," "Yeah, yeah, I didn't hear it from you!" I 'whisper' as I sprint by,"I'll bring you a muffin!" After about twenty minutes I finally reach the kitchen where Princess Luna sits gorging herself on my muffins. "There goes Obsidian's muffins." Luna stares at me for a second then bursts out laughing. "Oh Evee, I will miss you with all my heart when you're gone." she sighs, "Sorry," she says with a smile,"It seems I have eaten all of your muffins, poor Obsidian, muffinless." "I don't think you'd have to worry though, it seems like I would probably be packing for the next week even with the help of everybody around here." I wince as I think of all the stuff in my room that I would miss so dearly in a new home with probably less space when come to a revelation,"Wait, how did you already know I was leaving?" Princess Luna sighed, "Evening, Celestia and I are some of the elder beings in Equestria and Celly, she plans ahead. I have known that you would be leaving for a few months now. Trust me, you will have much fun with this pony." "Could you maybe tell me who this pony is at least?" "No, if I did you could look her up and that would be detrimental to really getting to know her. Now go get to your room, Evening, it's almost twilight and I must soon raise the moon." "G'night," I say. As I leave I grab a muffin. ~ The floor is strewn with stuffed animals, everything from turtles to little bunnies. I touch an enchanted flower and everything floats back to their spaces, the lion cleverly placed with the lambs and the teacher pony on the apple beanbag, all of my clothes in the correct drawers. The smooth air slowing by the curtains and the sounds of the laughing ponies. My eyes suddenly filled with tears. Soon I would have friends I could do things outside but, why was I so sad? This was probably one of the best days ever. "I know! I'll come back every Sunday!" I whispered as I hugged Quil the Fox, "Then you guys won't miss me at all! I will even get to see Princess Celestia and Luna!" I clapped my hands together. I grabbed my scooter and scooted out of my apartment. When I passed Captain Strong Hoof he knew exactly where I was going and the Princesses knew by the time I had shown up in Donut Joe's. "Hi Joe, chocolate with extra rainbow sprinkles, please!" "Hello Evenin' how're you today?" he said as he put a giant mound of sprinkles on my donut. "Well I'm soon gonna leave Cantelot!" "I know." "Wha- How's that even fair? Everybody knows except for me!" "Now, stop, the reason I know is because I know the pony you'll be stayin' with and the Princesses don' want me ta tell ya. An' I gotta say she's a nice pony indeed, Evee." "Still, not cool!" "Oh my gosh," came from outside, "Look, its the freak and her only friend, and there's nothing she can do to make stop, unwess shwe wants to awsk the Pwincess. But you're not a tattletale Evening Cloud are you?" I could scream those brats had no idea who I was and what I could do to them! They were nothing but the scum on my shoes! "Oh Girls," I said looking like a madpony, "At least I know the Princesses personally nothing you could claim to! Maybe it's because I don't stoop down to your bucking level! If only you knew what I could do to you. You would regret what you've done. PLUS, I AM LEAVING TOMORROW!" "Hah," Ruby Crystal scoffed as she strut through the door,"Good, finally you've realized how much ponies hate you around here and are happy you're leaving! Go cry to Princess Luna see if I care about you or what you want! They're probably sending you to an insane asylum!" "You," I taunted,"I won't have to see you anytime soon so yes, the princess will know about what you said!" I looked towards the sky and grabbed my donut. The Moon was out so yell, "Princess Luna, I am ready to come home! Thank you Joe for your support!" I feel the brief sensation of folding and appear in front of the Princess' Night Court. "Thank you, Princess." I say as I leave the throne room.