Better Angels of our Nature

by lordvad3r95

Chapter Four: Words Unspoken

        Dear Rainbow Dash,

        It’s so good to hear from you! I haven’t received a letter from you in so long, I was starting to think the air force had already deployed you. I never realized basic training was so demanding for new recruits, or I may have had second thoughts. That was just a joke by the way, I wasn’t being serious about not enlisting due to physical activity.

        So how are you adjusting to life in the military? I just arrived to my assigned barracks at Fort McColt, where the Ponyville army recruits are being trained. We were all assigned a “battle buddy,” because they apparently don’t want us wandering around by ourselves, and I was paired with an earth pony by the name of Cherry Blossom. You probably don’t know her, but she worked in the east park attending the garden. I always thought she was a pretty quiet mare, but today she was telling me all about her cherry blossom tree, such as how to water it, feed it, prune it, and keep it safe from the elements. I’ve learned more about cherry blossoms through ten minutes of listening to her talk than a whole library on the subject could have taught me in five years.

        Anyways, before receiving our training uniforms, we were all lined up in a single-file line while the camp commandant, Brigadier General Straightback, gave us his “welcoming speech.” It was pretty much just him telling us all the rules and regulations we’ll have to obey while here in training camp. There were a ton, but they basically boil down to this: don’t talk back to the drill sergeants, go nowhere without your battle buddy, always make sure your clothes and equipment are neat and well-organized, and never, EVER miss roll-call. We’re also supposed to wake up at 4:30 every morning to start our training bright and early. I don’t know about you, but I’m not too eager to wake up before 8am, let alone at 4:30. Oh, well, it’s too late to back out now, and if you can drag your lazy plot out of bed, then so can I!         

        By the way, I’m so glad you got our CARE package! I hope you enjoy the latest “Daring Do” novel I added in for you. In this one, Daring Do has to rescue her best friend from the clutches of a creepy cult out for the lost treasure of El Doradhoof. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, you’ll never guess the plot twist at the end!

        On another note, I really am glad you decided to write. Ponyville just hasn’t been the same since you left. I know I promised to tell them about us, but I just couldn’t do it. The thought of facing their judgement alone frightened me too much, and, being the coward that I am, I backed out at the last moment. I can only imagine what the Princess might say about it. Please don’t hate me.

-Forever yours,
Twilight Sparkle