New Ponies on the Block

by Aquarius

Que Sera

============== When we last left off Tim my brother decided to quit his job as the narrator thus leaving me to take his job, heh i mean your probably better off reader cause that guy was just bad at his job i mean just look at his past work, it was just hor... oh right the story ok umm were we last left the trio Scales had saved the day and the trio had taking refuge in Whitetail woods===========

Its a new day as Fishcored, Aquarius, and Scales were surrounded by trees in Whitetail woods Sitting next to a fireplace by a large tent holding large mugs full of cider in there hooves.

"You can't be serious yo..... you just cant be serious" Scales disbileavinly said to Aquarius as he sat on his back hooves with a mug in his left hoof "how could you possibly claim that Alcohol was what started World War Two?"

Aquarius also sat on his back hooves in front of the fireplace that was burned down to ash's also holding a mug "because my one track minded friend, the sins of the son also lay with the sins of the father, and if i may point out Hitler's father was a very abusive violent drunk" Aquarius said with a chilling calmness as he looked down at his mug and then took a sip of it "if hitler never goting into german politics to spite his father, or if his father supported hitler's dream of being a artist then it would be very clear that there would be no Nazi Regime as we see it"

"why are you two um..... talking about this anyway?" Fishcored ask Both Scales and Aquarius.

"Apart from feeding my love for conversation?" Aquarius asked with his left hoof half raised "i guess cause i like to point out how smarter i am then Scales"

"im just bored" Scales answerd plainly.

"and i really um.... shouldnt ask were you two got all this um.... should i?" Fishcord watched as both Aquarius and Scales looked at each other briefly before nonchalantly taking a drink out of their mugs "why am i not surprised?" he asked himself before taking a drink out of his own mug.

Aquarius stopped drinking and then looked in his mug before turning it upside down to show that it was empty "well that's it for this batch" he then tossed the mug behind him which landed near a group of unopened barrels.

"*haha* i still cant beleave those two just left all that cider for folk like us to take" Scales said with a smile when he then chuged down his mug and then tossed it to the barrels aswell "tho i coulda gone without all that singing"

"I know, i mean, we only been here for three days now and it seems like theres always somepony singing like there a pro at it" Aquarius stated as he stood on all four's curiously looking around "dose anypony else hear that?" he ask the others who are also now looking around.

"*huh* sounds like a piano and violin" Scales exclaimed scratching his forhead with the tip of his left hoof "but i cant figure out were its coming from"

"oh like your ever usefull" Aquarius remarked.

"i think it um.... sounds like its in our heads" Fishcored said with wonder .

"you know i think your right Fishcored, and i think its getting louder" Aquarius pointed out shacking his head a little "and you know what?" he suddenly hopped ontop of the barrels "i suddanly have a unshackable urge to sing"

"*oh* please dont" Scales begged Aquarius.


{Aquarius} When I was just a little colt, (to late)
I asked my mother "what will I be?
will I be perfect? Will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me:
Que Sera Sera
Whatever we make will be
The future's the blankest flank.
Que Sera Sera

(you really need to stop)
(oh but were just getting started)

{Aquarius} We've now gone and changed your form
We've added some magic, too
but you'll be the prettiest,
and outclass us all
and outlive us all

(That umm... looks like fun)
(yeah i bet i could sing like that)
(oh well in that case why dont you both take the next verse?)

{Scales and Fishcored} when we was young and saw the crown,
we asked dear Luna,
"what lies ahead?"
will we have good hay
day after day?
Here's what her Grace said to us:
"Que Sera Sera
whatever i say will be
the future's the blankest flank.
Que Sera Sera
{Scales} These are what we build
these shining monuments, indeed
{Fishcored} magic does our work for us
I'll think for us from now
And build for me from now"

(wow you both were horrible)
(Pfft like you could do better)
(oh will im glad you asked)

{Aquarius} When I was old the night did come
day after day, the moon, did stay
the great spells did come day after day
ever so flashingly
{all three} Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's the blankest flank.
Que Sera Sera
{Fishcored} We joined this world
{Scales} And created a storm,
{Aquarius} took the image of a god
{all three} ever so perfictly

(now for the last verse)

{Aquarius} Now i have Subjects of my own they ask Aquarius
"what will we do?"
{Scales} "will we survive?"
{Fishcored} "how will we eat?"
{Aquarius} i tell them tenderly
Que Sera Sera
Whatever WE SAY will be
the future is OURS to forge.
do not question ME.

the Trio was laying on the ground next to each other joyfully laughing.

"*haha* ok, ok even i can admit that was fun" Scales said as he slowly got up "by the way werent you two going to visit the town today?" he then pointed out.

Aquarius and Fishcored both got to there hooves "he's right for once" Aquarius said with a look of shock on his face "we gotta go and fetch your jacket Fishcored"

"I um... i think i know the place were its at" Fishcored said with hesitation.

"then lets get going while the sun is still bright" Aquarius said with a grin as he trotted off followed by Fishcored.

Scales watched them both leave before turning around "now then.... what the flank am i gonna do while there gone"

"so um... Aquarius, do you think will ever return home" Fishcored Asked Aquarius queitly as the walked down the streets of ponyvile.

"to be honest my good friend? im not even sure were to start" Aquarius said with a stright face "there are over a thousand possibility's and every one of them are past the understanding of even the greatest minds" as they walked Aquarius couldnt help but notice the way Fishcored hung his head low "but that doesnt mean we arnt gonna try"

"oh .... ok" was all Fishcored said before seeing the way Aquarius was looking at him "i..... im just a little nervous is all" Fishcored looked around him and Aquarius before continuing "were not exactly fashionable"

"what?" Aquarius nearly shouted with a shocked look on his face "oh please everypony know's that im the perfect symbol for fashion"

"you wear Hawaiian shirts with camouflage pants" Fishcored stated while giving Aquarius a blank look.

Aquarius stared back at fishcored with a stright face before troting ahead "i wonder what Scales is doing now" he asked himself not noticing Fishcored trying to keep up.


"boredboredboredboredbored" Scales kepet reapeating to himself while laying on his back next to the firepit "something intresting needs to happen soon or i.ll go nuts" Scales slowly closed his eyes breathing slowly ,well at least its nice and quiet here, he thought to himself.

"hey jerk!" yelled out a familiar voice that Scales couldnt see cause his eyes were closed.

,so much for that, he thought as he slowly opend his eyes to see that it was Rainbow Dash flying above him "oh.... its just you" he said while he got up on all hooves

"yeah its me, what you thought i wouldnt catch you hiding here?" Rainbow Dash asked Scales in a demanding tone.
"but we wasnt trying t-"

"i want answers" Rainbow Dash demanded as she got close to Scales almost poking him with her right hoof.

,man this guys almost as annoying as Aquarius, Scales thought as he looked Raindbow Dash stright in the eyes "i dont have to answer a flanking thing" Scales replied "now shut up so that i can go back to taking a nap"

"*oh* you wanna go tough guy" Rainbow Dash said with a angry expression on her face as she butted heads with Scales.
"any time any place chump" Scales replied.


Aquarius and Fishcored were standing infront of a large store and as the two stood there looking at it Aquarius couldent help but look at it with one hoof raised above his eyes.

"*whistle* would you like at this place?" Aquarius said with a smirk on his face "look, its even got a merry-go-round for a roof"
"lets just get this over with" Fishcored mumbled to himself as he and Aquarius made there way to the door.

Aquarius examined the door carefully before nocking on it with his right hoof "come in" said a voice from inside, both Aquarius and and Fishcored looked at eatch other before Aquarius opend the door and made his way in with Fishcored behind them.

As they walked in they were amazed by how the inside of the building looked "beautiful would you look at the architecture in here" Aquarius said as they passed a pony shaped mannequin with a dress covered with gems "not to mention the fancy decor of these outfits"

as they walked down the main room they spotted a white unicorn mare with a purple mane and tail infront of a pony mannequin with ribbons floating infront of her aswell "*hmm* nope, no *oh* no thats so last season, ah here we go" she said to herself as three of the ribbons floated away leaving only one that she soon placed on the dress that was on the mannequin.

"um... hello im here for my um... jacket" Fishcored said with his voice so quiet its almost a whisper.

Aquarius watched as Fishcored was having trouble speeking while the white unicorn was more focused on her work to notice Fishcored, Aquarius then raised his right hoof to his snout "*cough* excuse dear madam" Aquarius called out.

"*oh* pardon me for not noticing you erlyer" she called out as she slowly turned around to face them "now how may i help you t-" she stoped as she saw both Aquarius and Fishcored an then let out a loud gasp "by Celestia's name what on earth happend to you two?"

Aquarius and fishcored both looked at eachother breifly before looking back at the unicorn to find that she was infront of them.

the unicorn looked over the two before troting to fishcored and pointing at his hair "lime green does not match with the color of your coat that shade of blue is just to dark not to mention the style is somthing only a barbarian would wear" she explained as she then gasped agian when she saw Aquarius and troted over to him "and i can only imaging what horrible, horrible accident left you like this"

"whats wrong with my look?" Aquarius asked while taking a step back.

"not to worry tho for you both came to the right place" the unicorn said as her horn glowed light blue "now lets see what i could do for you first" suddenly Aquarius hat glowed light blue and floated off of his head while wigs were floating next to his head "*hmmm* no , no, clashes with the coat"

"listen umm.... im sorry i didnt catch your name" Aquarius said while keeping still.

"Rarity darling"

"right, right miss Rarity as much as we would like to stay our time is pressed and we really just came here for my friends jacket who a pony by the name of Applejack said she gave to you to fix?" Aquarius pointed out as his horn glowed and used magic to place his hat back on his head.

"*oh* my well you really should of said something but i do apologise i do tend to get carryed away as it were" Rarity then put the wigs away with magic as she walked away from the two "let me just get your jacket then and you can be on your way"

as she walked away Aquarius eye started to twitch violently "no one messes with my hat" he took a few steps foward but stoped when he felt something tugging on his tail, he then looked behind him to see that Fishcored was holding on his tail with his mouth as if in slow motion turned around and threw Aquarius threw the front doors and out of the building.

as Rarity came back with a brown jacket floating in the air she saw that only fishcored was around "well now were did that other pony go?" she asked as she made her way to Fishcored.

"*oh* well um... he had to um... go somewere really quickly" Fishcored replied with a small smile on his face.

"what a shame, and he seemed like such a intresting stallion" Rarity said, her horn then glowed brightly as the jacket disappered while Fishcored then suddenly glowed with a flashing light revealing that the jacket was now on him when the flash ended.

"thank you um... Rarity what do i um... owe you?" Fishcored asked.

"nothing at all my dear, any friend of Applejacks is a friend of mine" Rarity said with a smile on her face "and do comeback with your friend when you can i do say i make you both look like royalty"

"will do and um.... thanks agian" Fishcored then quickly turned around and nearly galloped out of the building ,i cant belive i just spoken more then two words without the others help, he thought to himself as he soon found Aquarius laying on his stomach infront of the building Fishcored then Quickly made his way to him "*oh* im sorry Aquarius i ju-"

Aquarius raised his right hoof to stop Fishcored from talking "dont know why, dont care, lets just call this something i deserved" Aquarius then placed his right hoof on the ground and then got up "so then you got your jacket back it seems and were done here"

"where are we going now?" Fishcored asked with a curious look on his face.

"the libary of course" Aquarius stated as he troted tords the street "not just to learn more about magic but maby to find a book that could explain all th-" Aquarius suddenly stopped as a red flash passed him at great speed "well now.... that happend" he was about to take another step when he suddenly stopped agian as a rainbow passet him this time at great speeds.

"what was that?" Fishcored asked with shock on his face.

"my guess is Scales and his female counterpart are at it agian" Aquarius said as he looked down the path they were flying threw "if only i could tell which on was Romeo and wich one was Juliet"

"should we um... help Scales" Fishcored asked with a worryed tone of voice.

Aquarius then paused for a moment before giving out a loud cheerful laughter "*haha* thats a good one fishcored" he then troted off agian with Fishcored soon following as Aquarius started to sing.


Que Sera Sera
What ever will be will be
Zee future is OURS to forge
Que Sera Sera