A sequel to My Little Dashie

by Lonepone

I'm a... Pegasus?

I’m awakened by loud laughter, with a hint of hysteria behind it.

“It... It worked! I wasn’t sure that I’d even get you here, but it did so much more than that!” The voice says.

I try to stand up, but my muscles seem to be in the wrong place, or not even there. I can still move my neck, and my head (which feels very strange, almost in the wrong shape) and what I see astounds me. I’m a pegasus.

I manage to get my feet, er, my hooves under me, but I’m still unsteady. It's hard on a person or a pony, just having your body changed.

“I can’t believe it! You’re just like me now! Amazing!” Doctor Whooves shouts. "I thought I was destined to be the only one of my kind, but now there's you!"

“Ya, real fucking amazing, Whooves. Maybe a little warning would have been nice, though.” I say angrily to Doctor Whooves.

He frowns momentarily, obviously thinking. “Ah, but I did. In the letter I sent you, I did warn you. I said this was possible.” I’m still angry, but as he says this, I remember that he did tell me. And as I see the look on his face, I ease up a little on him.

“Alright, you’re right. I’m here, so now what? Where do we go? Where do you live?" I ask him.

"We're going there now, hang on" the small stallion tells me.

We walk along to where he lives. “I think shes home right now. I’m not sure. Come on in" Whooves says. He opens the door (I have to find out how they do that, with the whole no hands thing) and lets me in. He shuts the door behind me.

“Vinyl, I’m back!” He shouts up the stairs to the second floor.

“Down in a sec, bro. Finishing up a drop. OH! Did you get him!? Has he come back?!” the other voice shouts excitedly.

“Yes, and don’t call me bro, speak properly. And yes, come and meet him for yourself.”

“Whatever, dude.” the voice shoots back sarcastically. I hear hooves excitedly walking down the steps, and then I see her. The white coat, the alternatingly light blue and dark blue mane, the purple glasses, I’d know her anywhere, being a dubstep lover myself. I can't believe I'm about to meet the one and only, Vinyl Scratch.

“Shit, man, you’re pretty big” Vinyl Scratch says.

“Yeah, I haven't gotten used to myself yet. Can’t even fly yet” for some reason, she makes me nervous. It’s then that she notices my wings. We both stand there for some time, looking at myself. I have a dark blue coat, with a spiked mane of red, blue, and green. And I'm huge. Almost one and a half times bigger then Vinyl, both wider and taller.

“Vinyl, what color are my eyes?” I ask the mare standing in front of me.

“I dunno. Lemme get a good look at them.” She replies.
Doctor Whooves makes an exasperated sound. “Don’t know, and let me. You have horrible grammar, Vinyl.”

“Up yours, Doc.” She playfully snaps at him. “Kinda hard havin two ‘fancy’ people in the house. you’re not one of them are you? Anyways, let me see your eyes then.”

I look straight into her eyes as I say “Nope. Hate grammar freaks.”

“Good...” she replies. She stares into my eyes even more intensely, taking off her glasses, revealing here startlingly red ones. A few more seconds go by, with me getting more and more uncomfortable, when she winks at me. Just a slow, lazy wink, almost like she’s trying to flirt with me. After that I break eye contact, and she breaks out in laughter.

“They’re an interesting mix of gold and green. Rather nice looking.” she says

“Great...” I reply without thinking. I'm still caught in her rosy eyes. I blink, and and look away before she notices.

“So, are you like hoovesy here, not from ‘around here’?” she asks knowingly.

“Oh really, you are going to call me ‘hoovesy’ now? How childish of you” Dr. whooves replies.

I can see Vinyl just about to snap back some sarcastic reply, so I answer her original question before this gets out of hand.

“Children, quiet” I say to both of them.

“Oh really, now you call me a child too?” Vinyl replies, mock offended.

“No, I was just saying that because you two were acting like children” I say. “Yes, I’m from the same general area as your, erhm, friend, Doctor Whooves. Now quiet, and let me think, alright?” I can see she's bursting with questions, so I give here a look that plainly says to shut up. She gets it, and sits down.

What I need to do is find out where Dash is, and get to her. Thats my primary, and only goal. But there is three things holding me back.

One: I have no clue where she is.

Two: even if I did know where she is, I wouldn’t know how to get there, I would need someone to guide me.

Three: I’m hungry and tired. It must be starting to get later in the evening, but I can’t tell. I stand up, not realizing I had sat down, and start walking around the house, looking for a window while I’m thinking.

First, I have to rest. Tomorrow, I can get started, but not tonight, for it is night. I have finally found a window, and the last bits of the sunset are fading out.
“What's up... I have absolutely no clue what your name is. What is it?” Vinyl says while giving me a weird look.

“Just call me Mr. Dash. And I’m fine, why do you ask?”

“Wellll, You’ve been looking out that window for about fifteen minutes. Mr. Dash? Are you related to Rainbow Dash? You do look like her. Are you here dad or something? That would kinda make sense of why you’re here. You know, no one has seen here for the last two years. we’ve all been wondering where she went. She was an awesome pony to DJ with. Über cool” Vinyl blurts out. There's part of the solution for problem one. No one has seen her for two years. It's not a lot, but its a lead.

“Well, Vinyl, for one thing you should slow down and think a little. You’re giving me a headache.” I say.

“Vinyl, It would not make sense for Mr. Dash to be our Dash’s father" Whooves is covering for me. "Until about an hour ago, he used to be human. But that is part of the reason why he is here.”

“Actually, you’re wrong Whooves. I might not be here genetic father, but I did raise here. I’m the most father like figure in her life. So, yes, I am her father.” I stop and think for a second. “Vinyl, you said she hasn’t been seen for two years, can you or Hooves explain?”

“I CAN!” Vinyl practically shouts. “Well, Two years ago, she returned from your world/dimension/thing, and so she came back here for a few months. But she was having a hard time here, with flashbacks, depression, and, well, her memories didn't really fit with some stuff, because of all that happened. So Celestia came and took her back to the castle, I think.”

And that's where te lead leads. To Celestia's castle “Anything you can add, Whooves?” I say, looking at the doctor.

“Nothing I can think of at the moment, although if I remember anything, be assured I will tell you.” He says.

“A simple ‘no’ would’ve been just fine, you know.” I reply. “Whatever. I’m hungry, got anything to eat?”

“Yep, leftovers are in the fridge. Help yourself. Come upstairs when you’re done.” Vinyl says. I mumble back a thanks while walking into the kitchen.