Aj's new life

by LyraHeartstrings1115

The Beginning of a New Life

AJ lives a normal life And was on her way to Miami for spring break, that is until her plane crashes. When she awakens she finds herself at a cabin campgrounds and sees a big banner that says 'Heartstrings Family Reunion' on it, wondering what she is doing at someone elses family reunion and then she hears someone
"Lyra! come inside its late"
"Who is Lyra?"
"You you silly filly!"
"Oh Okay"
"Now come inside before you get in trouble with Grandpappy"
"Okay I'll be right in"
Wonders what happened and when her name became Lyra Heartstrings. Goes inside to see a room full of ponies then looks in a mirror to see she is one as well and screams
"AAAHHH!! What happened to me?!?!?!?"
"Lyra! What's wrong?"
"Well I would hope so You are my little granddaughter"
She calms herself down and looks up on her forehead and sees a bone
"?!?!Whats on my forehead?!?!?!"
"that's your horn silly filly haha"
"Oh well what does it do?"
"Well nothing for yet after all you are only 5 years old but when you get older you can use it for magic"
"Now get on up to bed we have a big day tomorrow the rest of the Heartstrings family will arrive for the reunion"
"Okie dokie grandpappy"
She heads upstairs and gets ready for bed realizing its not so bad and she could really get used to it.