//------------------------------// // Chapter IV: Settling In // Story: Midnight Dreamer's Friendship Lesson // by KingBronislaw //------------------------------// Spike picked up Midnight Dreamer's luggage - her saddlebags, a steamer trunk and several suitcases - and schlepped them up to the loft. The baby dragon inched his way up the stairs and laid his burden down at the foot of the just-made bed. "Thanks so much for picking up the place," Twilight Sparkle called out to Spike. "It looks great. We appreciate it so much." "No problem, Twilight," Spike responded."I also started boiling water in case you want tea, like you do every afternoon. Now, about that 14 carat ruby..." "Oh, here you go,,,sorry about that..." Twilight sheepishly replied while she opened her saddlebags and handed Spike the gem. "Thanks, Twilight! Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I've got a ruby I need to sink my fangs into." Spike said mischievously as he wolfed down the gem. From the loft came the pitter-patter of kitten feet...It was Inky. The kitten had crawled out of Midnight Dreamer's saddlebags and was coming downstairs to explore Twilight's home. Inky tiptoed up to Spike. "Aww, a kitty! Who's a cute kitty? Come to Spikey!" Spike called out to the kitten while she mewed and rubbed up against Spike's legs. "I see you've met my kitty, Spike," Midnight Dreamer said. "She likes you." Spike found a ball of yarn and tossed it to Inky. The kitten chased it, caught it and kicked it back to Spike. The baby dragon and kitten played with the yarn while the unicorns sat in Twilight's study. So, Midnight Dreamer, would you like some tea?" Twilight asked her new protege. "I'd love some," Midnight Dreamer said. "Wow, you have a really big library. Have you read all of those books yet? "Most, but not all," Twilight answered as she fired up her horn to prepare the tea. "How do you like your tea?" "I take two sugar cubes." Midnight answered. Twilight Sparkle's horn reached full glow as she dropped two sugar cubes in each cup and poured in tea. She put the kettle, sugar bowl, cups, saucers, and spoons on a serving tray and floated it onto the study table. The unicorns sat down and, horns aglow, raised the tea cups to their muzzles and took a sip. Just then, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" Spike called out as he made a beeline for the front door, with Inky completely absorbed with her ball of yarn. It was Pinkie Pie, hitched to a cart full of party favors. "Heeeeeeeeeeee're's PINKIE!" the pink party pony shouted. "I was out shopping for party hats, and streamers, and Gator Chow for Gummy, and I saw that the library is closing, and I remembered I need a book on magic tricks, because I want to do magic shows at my parties, and it's absotively, posilutely impossible to get hold of Trixie, and I know you're busy with the library, so I have to do my own magic shows, but I don't know how, so I need a book to help me learn..." Pinkie stopped to catch her breath. "So do you have a book on magic tricks, Twilight?" "Well, Pinkie," Twilight answered. "I have lots of books on magic tricks. But you kinda caught me at a bad time. I've got company right now. Midnight Dreamer, meet Pinkie Pie. She's quite the party pony." "Pleased to meet you, Pinkie Pie," Midnight Dreamer responded. "I hope you find what you're looking for and your magic show is lots of fun." "Hi Midnight Dreamer," Pinkie Pie said. "Welcome to Ponyville...you'll love it here! Sorry if I'm being a pest, Twilight." "Not at all, Pinkie," Twilight answered. "Midnight Dreamer lives in Canterlot, but she's studying with me here in Ponyville for a while," said Twilight. "I would really appreciate it if you and all the other ponies made her feel welcome." "A new pony in Ponyville, huh? You know what that means...PARTY!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she jumped up and down, shaking her cart. "Hey everybody! Party at Sugarcube Corner Friday night! You're all invited! Don't forget to wear your pretty dresses!" "A party just for me?" the dreamy blue unicorn wondered."You all really shouldn't have. I would like to meet more of your friends though, Pinkie and Twilight. I bet your friend Pinkie Pie has lots of friends. I'll be there...thanks!" "See you there, fillies!" Pinkie said gleefully. "Oh, do you have that magic book I was looking for?" "You're in luck, Pinkie," Twilight answered. "I happened to be reading Star Swirl the Bearded's 1,001 Tricks, Gags and Practical Jokes for Parties, and I just finished it. Let me get it for you." The purple unicorn's horn lit up as she picked up a heavy book from the study table, along with a rubber stamp. Twilight opened the book to the back cover and stamped the inside card. "It's due in two weeks," Twilight said as she placed the book in Pinkie's cart. "Well, gotta run now...ta ta for now!" Pinkie called out as she galloped off. "See you Friday night, Pinkie!" Twilight called back. Midnight Dreamer turned to Twilight, somewhat surprised, "Wow, I wasn't expecting a welcome like this. I'd love to go to your friend's party...but there's one small problem...I can't remember the last party I went to, and I don't have a nice dress to wear." "I know just the pony who can help." Twilight said. "Let me introduce you to Rarity. Fashion is her passion. If she can't make you a dress that'll turn heads, no one can!" The unicorns headed off to the Carousel Boutique. When they arrived, Twilight Sparkle rang the doorbell with a glimmer from her horn. The door opened as Rarity greeted the unicorns calling on her. "Hi Rarity, I have a huge favor...actually, it's a favor for my newest student and guest. "Rarity, meet Midnight Dreamer. She's studying with me, and Pinkie Pie is having a party to welcome her to Ponyville. She needs a dress, though...can you help on such short notice?" "Hi, Rarity," the blue unicorn said. "I hear you're really good at making dresses." "Of course I can, ladies," Rarity responded. "Anything for one of my best friends and her students. Yes, Pinkie just stopped by to tell me...also, she dropped off her dress for alterations...I'm not one to 'horn in' so to speak, on a pony's personal life, but this is the third time this year she's come in to resize her dress...too many cupcakes, methinks." "Thanks, Rarity," Midnight Dreamer answered dreamily. "Can you make me a really nice dress?" I'll make you a dress that'll be the toast of the party. Now, I'll just need to take a few quick measurements, if you don't mind. The fashionista's horn powered up to full glow as she deftly glided her measuring tape across Midnight Dreamer's withers, flank, barrel, and fetlocks while writing down the measurements in a small red notebook. After taking measurements, Rarity produced a large book of patterns and fabric samples. "Now, let me show you some color swatches and some patterns that complement your coat and mane. I must say, you have the most beautiful blue coat I've ever seen!" Midnight Dreamer paged through Rarity's samples and chose a simple A-line pattern and several shades of blue and violet brocade and silk. "I think I like these best." "I will have your dress ready for your approval and final fitting on Friday morning, so I can make adjustments to make it fit perfectly,"said Rarity. "So be here at 9 AM sharp!" "Thanks so much, Rarity," Midnight said. "I can't wait to see it." "You have no idea how much this means to us, Rarity," Twilight Sparkle said as she made her way to the door. "See you Friday at 9." "Toodle-oo, Twilight, and nice to meet you, Midnight!" Rarity called after her customers. The unicorns trotted off to the library. When they got home, it was getting late. The unicorns walked in the door to see Spike and Inky on the study rug fast asleep and entangled in yarn. "Looks like those two had a lot of fun," Twilight said. "Speaking of which, I'm getting tired...how about you?" "Yeah, I've had a really long day, and I'm ready for bed." "Your bed is up in the loft. Spike put your bags next to your bed." I'll be in the study if you need anything." "Thanks so much...I'm glad you let me stay with you, Twilight," Midnight Dreamer said. "Me too...Good night." Twilight called out to her guest. Midnight Dreamer walked up the stairs to the loft. When she got to her bed, she opened one of her suitcases and took out a curry comb, a paddle brush, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and ran the curry comb over her coat while brushing her mane and tail. The blue unicorn went back to her bed, put her grooming items back in the suitcase, closed it, and opened another suitcase, She took out a nightgown and cap, put them on, and tucked herself into bed. With her horn glowing, she drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile at her desk, Twilight Sparkle began to write one last letter before bedtime. "Dear Princesses Celestia and Luna: So far, everything seems to be going swimmingly, and Midnight Dreamer is settling in OK. Plus, Spike and her kitten Inky really get along great too. Pinkie Pie is having a party this Friday night to welcome Midnight Dreamer to Ponyville, and Rarity is making her a new party dress. I hope everything goes well and Midnight Dreamer makes new friends. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle