My Little Apocalypse

by FlutteryPie

The Beginning

2:46 a.m.

The full moon glowed brightly down on, illuminating Ponyville with it's soft light. A hard rain fell and pounded against the ground. The raindrops landed into the rainbow mane of a young pegasus. They dripped from her snout as she searched the streets below her carefully. It was silent, nothing moved.
"Twilight. Twi." She hissed into a small speaker clipped to her ear, "Come in Twilight Sparkle."
"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?" A static voice responded frantically. Rainbow Dash whispered back softly, relieved to hear the voice of her friend, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's clear out here. Come out... CAREFULLY."

"Good. Thanks, Dash. Get back to HQ, we'll be out momentarily. Over and out."
"Roger that."

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings powerfully, throwing back the raindrops that tried to sneak into her feathers. She looked around, her eyes wide as she searched the scene closely. After months after the disease had begun, even striking fear into the strongest ponies wasn't a difficulty. She feared that the beating of her heart would be detected... detected by something, anything.
Her hooves hit the cobblestone delicately as she pulled her wings back to her sides. They deserved a break. Rainbow Dash landed nearby a dark alley. Quickly she retreated into the shadows, running from the soft moonlight where she could easily be spotted. A deep sigh escaped her lips although she knew it was still not safe; she was quiet as she made her way to the back of the alley.

After a few moments, the pegasus walked up to a large dumpster, using boxes to step up to the top. The dumpster opened with a tired groan, choking Rainbow Dash on her own breath. Still nothing stirred. Fear filled her lungs as she jumped into the garbage, breaking through the large black bags of garbage and into a long tube. She slid down at a great speed, winding from side to side as she descended towards an unknown target. It took only a few seconds before Rainbow Dash was thrown onto a soft mattress. The springs flinging her into the air. She landed expertly and looked around.
A long, dark alley stood before her, but the fear had disappeared back in the garbage. It was protected here. There was no way anything could get in here, unless they were to become smart enough and find the dumpster. No way was that possible. Rainbow Dash grinned to herself, amused by the thought. She made her way down the alley and came to a metal door. A solf light flickered as the light bulb threatened to give out. Before that could happen, she pushed open the door and stepped inside a large, shack-like room. Monitors littered the walls and brightened the room with it's electronic glow. It was empty.
The others had already departed on their mission.

She sighed. Sometimes she never saw the others for over a day at a time. Loneliness was part of the job... the job of survival. Rainbow Dash nodded and pulled on her headset, looking into a monitor. No way would she give up. There was a world out there worth fighting for.
Still, in the pit of her stomach she wished that she wasn't boarded up in the room by herself.


3:24 a.m.

"Oh dear. I shouldn't be out here. I really, REALLY shouldn't be. I-I-I stay inside! I-"
"Shhh! Do you want to get us caught, Fluttershy?!" A soft, southern accent groaned.
"N-N-N-No, that's the last thing I want to do."

Five ponies huddled together in a dark alley. Twilight sighed to herself and peeked around the corner, "Please just stay back unless you're needed." The petite little pegasus named Fluttershy nodded quickly, stepping back a bit.
Rarity was setting up camp farther back, using magic to pull weapons out of her bag and placing them into a few chests. She smiled and looked back, her elegant blue mane flowing around her. Rarity spoke to the group sweetly, "Come now, darlings, you really don't expect to go out there and fight the living dead without good protection... do you?"

Twilight chuckled and walked back, "Of course not. Thank you, Rarity. You and Fluttershy stay back here while Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and I will go out and get some ingredients. Got it?"
All of the ponies nodded and gave the purple unicorn a salute with bright grins. She smiled weakly at them and grabbed a sword, working with Rarity to tie it carefully to her front hoof. "Now you know how this works. When you fight, stay on your back hooves." The generous unicorn advised Twilight.

After each pony was suited with armor and swords they set out into the night, waving back to Rarity and Fluttershy. They watched them disappear, worry painted across their faces.


Six Months Earlier...

A young school professor named Prof. Maple was known for his interest in immortality. He had always desired to create a potion to protect everypony from death and disease. Although his potions had been known After announcing his work on the potion, many were questioning him.
It took many months for Prof. Maple to successfully create a potion. The following morning he told the world about his success. Many were shocked and amazed, but as he asked for a test subject, not many were ready to step up to the task. Still, it only took one and a mute pegasus was ready. She drank just a sip of the potion and was sent home with a horrible stomachache.

That night she awoke, gray. Her color had been completely drained and the cutie mark on her flank had faded away to nothing. SHE was nothing. No, she was death. Brain-dead, the pegasus wandered around, spreading the disease with a simple bite. The following morning half of the pony population had already been taken over by the disease. Prof. Maple, back in his study, was quickly told of his mistake. He worked immediately on an antidote, knowing that it would be unlikely for him to survive this apocalypse that he had created.
His study was overcome with the undead ponies later that day. He had worked hard on the antidote, but as the creatures closed in, he knew that the small vial would never be enough. Not then. Prof. Maple quickly locked the vial away in his safe, hoping that somepony would one day find it and save the world. He allowed the zombies to bite him, praying that the antidote would one day be found.

The mane six learned about the apocalypse almost immediately and set to work on making a sheltered headquarters. They today are the only six ponies still alive, sill working to find someway to fix the problem. Twilight Sparkle has begun her work on her own antidote, unknowing of the already created potion locked away in Prof. Maple's study.