Poking Pinkie Pie in the Pooper

by KingofSquirrelz

Diamonds & Pearls

Sunday Morning


Carrot Cake gave several loud thumps on the wooden door.
It was early morning, and the sky was still shifting from night to day. The crisp dew filled morning was welcomed by all the elderly mares and stallions doing their early routines.  
In the sky were the first shift weather patrols, all nine teams gathering and forming a massive storm system for the evening.  All were preparing for the great storm that was about to be unleashed upon the city.  It was not a regular occurrence when the entire water table below Ponyville dried up. Even Ponyville River had been effected.
Most of the blame was shifted on a resident dragon and his seven hour bubble baths.
However, impending storms could not dissuade the stallion on his mission. His mind was focused on only one thing; bittersweet revenge.
The bright yellow door opened slowly, the hinges creaking at every inch it pressed forward. A groggy, half-awake stallion slowly opened the door.  His eyes were bloodshot and he smelled of burnt leafs. The burgundy coat of the unicorn was covering in a beaten multi-colored t-shirt.
“Oh, it’s just you Carrot. I thought it was a cop. Guess I didn’t have to put on a shirt after all.” He said in a raspy voice.
“You knew I was coming, Nug.  I told you yesterday I would be coming over to discuss some business.” Carrot said, more than mildly irritated.
“Yah I know man, don’t worry about it. Look I can’t really help you man. See, you know when I passed my bar exam.”
“Trust me Nug, no one was more surprised then me that you passed law school.” Carrot dead panned.
“I know right! It was for like straight lace and I’m like a free bird. Ya’ dig?  When I passed though they made me swear to a moral guideline, the man is just trying to restrain me!” The burgundy stallion grabbed the door handle and shook it.
“Get to the point, Nug. I haven’t got all day.” Carrot said as he grew even more tired of this conversation.
“Look man, I can’t do what you asked. Besides today is Sunday. The paperwork would be out on Monday and the very earliest would be Wednesday. Even then by law they have thirty days to evacuate the property.” The stallion broke his normally calm demeanor. “Not to mention Mayor Mare needs to sign off on it.
“Don’t worry about the signatures. Can you get the paperwork to say they were notified thirty days ago from Wednesday?” Carrot questioned.
The stallion’s eyes shifted as he leaned in further almost nose to nose. “Look I know a guy who knows a guy who met a dude once. Look if you want this to go down the way you want it too, I need to grease a few palms.”
“I will drop off your payment in the usual spot. Just make sure it’s done by Wednesday.” Carrot Cake said.
The stallion nodded as she slowly shut the door, “Pleasure doing business with you Carrot.”

Sunday Mid-Evening


Your left hand was repeatedly drumming in rhythm against the wooden counter top. Your right was doing its best to prop your head up as you watched the door. Shaking yourself, you let out a loud yawn that echoes throughout the empty room.
The morning was filled with deliveries.  The huge wedding order was completed just in time to be dropped off at the town hall.  The young couple was excited to see your craftsmanship. Although it was mostly Carrots & Cups work.
Like predicted, Carrot did not show up for work. Both you can Cup figured that he had quit considering, which meant that you would have to hire on a new baker at some point. That was if Pinkie didn’t murder you for cheating.
What made the day slightly worse was the new name that you have been dubbed, Frost. From what you could gather from random encounters the EMT unit that went to get you, floated you all the way to the hospital without even coving your genitalia up. Those poor unfortunate souls that happened to be on the street all got a great view of your chocolate frosted package.
The worst of it was when a little filly named Dinky, asked you why other ponies called you, Frost. She and her mother were regular customers, always buying out your muffin stock. Needless to say, you didn’t tell her the truth. You just now have a monstrous craving for frosting.
She smiled at you and responded, “So that’s why you work in a bakery!” It was single handedly the cutest thing you have ever saw. Innocence is bliss.
Now though, you were bored. Even with the wedding order completed the store need just a little bit more business. After taxes, supplies, food, utilities and bills, there wasn’t much to go around. So you stupidly volunteer to run the shop.
Today was Sunday; a day the store wasn’t normally open. So no one in town knew you were open. Save for the light and the open sign. The sky was blackened and even now it threatened to pour down upon the residents of Ponyville. Yet there you sat looking at the door, waiting.
Cup was upstairs preparing for tonight's poker game with the girls. Since Mrs. Cheerilee was a regular on card night, she decided to spend the day and play catch up. You only could assume they were talking about you, at least the tiny paranoid part in your mind said so.  
Quickly you snap out of you daze. More surprised than anyone that a pony would be out in the calm before the storm.
Then you saw who it was, it was the residential school yard bully, Diamond Tiara. Your relationship with her was one of your favorites. It was a relationship built completely out of lies, although, it was a little bittersweet.
When you first started working at Sugar Cube Corner, before even learning the art of baking. Your first job was to get to know the local color or more precisely getting the residents to know you. Being an oddity had its perks and disadvantages.
An advantage was people came just to see you, on the other hand was some avoid the shop for the same reason. It took awhile for everyone to lighten up to you, mostly thanks to Pinkie.
While getting to know them though, you have gotten acquainted very well with the little filly, Diamond. Although you know her as the princess of teddy bears, stuffing and chocolate. The lost element of harmony Glitter, because obviously glitter was the missing element.
Now when you first started serving the little lady, you ate up every single word. Why not? Magical land of talking ponies, for all you knew she was a princess, although, in your defense she was wearing a tiara.
It wasn’t until after she left that you were informed that she wasn’t a princess or a missing element. She was just full of shit.  You were going to call her on it the next time you saw her. Casually you asked her more about herself, letting her dig herself into a bigger hole.
You started to notice though that she started coming around more. As her stories grew more elaborate and so were her excuses for coming to talk to you. At first you thought she had a crush, you thought it was cute.  Being popular with little kids always came natural to you.  Rarely would she bring her friend Silver Spoon. Although, when she came around she would clam up, order and leave. It wasn’t until a few months later you found out she was her only friend.  
Part of you figured she deserved it. Hell, she lied straight to your face on hundreds of occasions. You remember that day; it was the day you were going to call her all on all of her lies. Put her in her place and teach her a lesson in humility.  Alas, she came in that day, crying.
Well, not so much crying but more or less sniveling. She had gotten into a fight with her best friend Silver over some test at school. Silver wouldn’t let Diamond cheat off of her.  You could relate a tiny bit; you cheated your ass off in high school.
Alas, right before you were going to call her on all her bullshit. Literally not five seconds before. She asked you a question, “Would you be my friend?” The question itself put you at a loss for words and then you caved like a house of cards. So things continued on, the two terrible twosome made up and all things were right with the world.
She now had two friends, one she could confide in secretly. It was truly a relationship built completely out of lies. Now though it was a huge run on joke between you and the entire town. You know she is full of crap, everyone else knows you know she is. Yet still, no one says anything.
“Well, well, how is the great Princess Diamond.” You say with a smirk. “What brings you out in this weather?” a question that was actually at the forefront of your mind.
The filly was slightly glistening with the dew that clung to her coat. The first droplets of the storm now started to fall, barely registering as sprinkle. The door shut behind her with a loud clank, cutting off the wind that was building.
“I told you, when were alone you don’t have to call me princess.” She stated in her usually whiny voice. Perched on her face was a bright smile that nearly split her face. “Do you know what today is?”
You shrug.
“Sunday as far as I know, some holiday or something I don't know about?” You say tapping the front of the counter three times alerting her to get come closer.  The filly was already at the counter by the time the third knock came down.
“It’s even better than any holiday, today is my birthday.” She rested both her front hooves on the counter. “My thirteenth birthday,” Her breath was slightly rampant like she had just got done running.
You clap your hands together, “Well happy birthday Diamond.” You tap the counter again, “Anything you want, on the house.” You would just take it out of your pay; the store didn’t need you giving away its product.
She shook her head, “No thanks, daddy already sent in an order from Prance. He is actually going to let me have wine tonight!” You give a nod, the legal age of consumption was sixteen, as well was marriage and chewing joke leafs.
“Well congratulations, Diamond. Taking your first steps to… adulthood… marehood?” You ponder for a moment trying to think of the right pretense. Meh, you gave up. “So what are you doing here? I figure you would be partying it up with Silver.”
She nodded, “Silver ate some bad cheese so she is in my bed resting. The rest of the party is nothing but old ponies that only come to kiss up to my dad.” She sighed as she leaned further on the countertop.
You reach over and tussle her mane for a few seconds; she closed her eyes and let out a purr. You saw Silver do it once, it was a shameful secret of hers. She liked getting her mane played with. “Well if you want,” you say while still playing with her mane, “you can stay here for a bit.”
Her face went crestfallen as you stopped the petting. “I can’t, daddy said I am not supposed to be gone long since there is a storm coming. I practically had to beg him just to come see you.” Her fur turned scarlet as she looked you in the face. “Because you’re my friend…” she said nervously.
You roll your eyes, “Well isn’t that sweet, I’m glad I’m high on your charts. So you came all the way here to see me.”
She only blinked a few times before she cleared her throat. “Well, since today is my birthday I wanted to invite you to my party.” She tried her best to sound like a mare, “There will be tea and punch and at five the cake will be served.”
You repress a laugh as she rattles off the events of her party. “Diamond, I’m sorry but I can’t go. Tonight is the girls card game and someone needs to take care of the twins.”
Even Diamond knew of the card games, it was almost religious event for them.
“But, but you have too…” her eyes said pleading, “It’s my birthday! I’m a princess you can’t refuse—“
You put your index finger over her lips. “A princess should know that the needs of her people outweigh the needs of her own.” Your recited a cheesy from Star Trek line that you always wanted to use. “Since it is your birthday however, how about I walk you back home, least I can do since you came all the way here.” You didn’t see any harm in it, the place was completely dead and you still had to get the cider.
Still though, the filly looked like you took her favorite flower and crushed it. “Fine…” she reluctantly agreed.
You serve her a smoothie while you prep for closing. She talked about nothing really important. How the Crusaders bugged her to no living end. Silver Spoon got a love letter from a colt at school. Even as she went on you could tell there was going to be no end in sight of the things that irritated her.
Then she started lying, how she saved a kitten from a tree to her donating all of her old clothes to some country that you never heard of. You nodded and praised her for her benevolence. At least today's lies were somewhat believable.
You couldn’t help but chuckle on the inside, she was so full of crap her eyes were turning brown.
“Let’s head out,” you say. Slipping on your favorite black hoodie—custom made by the element of generosity herself— and turn down the light for the front of the house.  
“Your smoothie was sub-par, there wasn't enough strawberries and the blackberries overpowered the vanilla ice-cream.” Diamond said as she was trying to scrape the bottom of the dish to get the last bite.  You could only take pride in your work; you knew she loved your smoothies.
Glancing through the door you noticed the rain had begun to pick up while you were playing catch-up with Diamond. Her house wasn’t a long ways away; you have walked her home before.
Diamond Tiara grimaced as she looked out the window, this wasn’t even the start of the storm and it was looking pretty bad. What she was looking at though was the clouds. The giant nimbus clouds were almost pure black. Her tail went firmly between her legs as she saw the lightning bolts off dance in the distance.
You look down at the little filly. This wasn’t the first time you were in this same situation. She was completely terrified of lightning and thunder. It was a common fear, one that didn’t need rationalization, its ten billion joules of electricity bolting down at random.
You lean down and open the front of your hoodie, “C’mon Diamond, just like last time.” She looked back up to you as she used your hands as a makeshift staircase. She clung to your neck; she waited for you hand to support her back.
Last time this had happened you told her a tiny white lie. Humans can’t be harmed by electricity, or anything touching them. For a filly that was deathly afraid of thunder and lighting, you were a godsend.
You zip up the hoodie carefully making sure her tail doesn’t get caught. She nearly buries her head deep into your hood and closes her eyes, keeping your left arm inside the hood to support her from falling.
If she wasn’t the world’s biggest pathological liar, you would have thought this was adorable.
It took a moment for you to step out into the rain. The wind was pressing hard against your back as the rain started to sink into your clothes.  Your vision was part covered by the filly’s mane.
“Can you sing to me again, the one from last time?” Diamond requested; her breathing was hot against your neck.
It took you a moment to remember the lyrics, slightly surprised she even remembered it from so long ago. What made it slightly awkward is that it didn’t fit the mood at all. One would think a soft lullaby or some comforting ballad to sooth her. Anything to calm her nerves so she couldn’t hear the thunder.
You start to hum the beginning chorus of the tune, trying your best to hum loud enough to block out the thunder but not loud enough to hurt her ears.
“To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day,” You start tapping your fingers against her back to help keep you in place with the lyrics. “Hardly spoke to folks around him didn't have too much to say. No one dared to ask his business no one dared to make a slip; for the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip.”
“Big iron on his hip,” Diamond whispered into your ear.
You hum out a few more verses before continuing, “It was early in the morning when he rode into the town. He came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around; He's an outlaw loose and running came the whisper from each lip and he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip.”
“Big iron on his hip,” The filly’s voice rose just a tiny bit.
Diamond start to drum against neck, she started to hum out the rhythm while you sang. “In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red; many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead. He was vicious and a killer though a youth of twenty four, and the notches on his pistol numbered one and nineteen more.”

“One and nineteen more,” she repeated, now she was bobbing her head slightly.
You and the little filly both sang out the rest of the song. She followed your words by a half a second. She didn’t know the song well enough to sing it by herself. Although, it was single handedly one of your favorites.
You two make it to the front gate by the time you sing the melody the second time. All the lights were all on in the large mansion and even a few ponies were drinking under a canopy. You stood at the entrance for a few seconds waiting for the security detail to come and take Diamond.
The security detail never came. For the first time ever, a maid came bounding down the pavement to greet you.
“Come in, come in!” the mare shouted through the rain as she pushed open the large metal gate.
You didn’t pass up that chance, never have you been allowed on the grounds before. Maybe it was because it was raining or it was indeed Diamond’s birthday.
The maid opened the giant mahogany door, magic being a useful tool. Eager to get out of the rain you follow inside before the mare has a chance to open the second door. The room was a medium sized entrance, connected to a long wooden hall with a highly polished floor.
Your back was completely soaked; thankfully your front was moderately dry.  You let down you hood and unzip the front halfway to let your passenger get off.
“Time to get off princess, your carriage has arrived at the ball.” You said jokingly.
“Thanks,” she whispers lightly weakening her grip, “it’s been fun.”
“Mr. Frost,” she got your attention right away, “Mr. Rich asked me to retrieve you. He wishes to speak with you about some important matters.”
Annoyed but slightly curious, you figured that she heard from rumors about your little nickname. Why Mr. Rich wanted to talk to you though was beyond comprehension.
“What does he want to talk about?” she shrugged; there was no point in asking a maid. “Well I guess I have to talk to your dad for a minute, Diamond.” You tried to let her down but her grip tightened.
 “Really, Diamond?”
Your only response was a really loud, fake snore. You make an attempt to pull her off and she vised herself around your neck, but not too hard. You didn’t want to injure her.
You turn to the maid, “It seems she fell asleep sometime within the five seconds of me walking in the door.”
The maid turned to suppress a laugh. “Please follow me, I shall show you to the master’s study.”
You follow suit, more curious than anything. The paintings on the wall were of some of the finest that you have ever seen. The ceiling was high and you didn’t have to slouch. You couldn’t quite place the scent that was in the air, it was exotic and soothing, like burning hops and rose petals.
At the end of the hall was a large living space; to the left was a staircase that was walled off. The room was completely packed with ponies that looked like they had been dressed to attend the gala. All were hobnobbing with each about something or other, nothing that pertained to you.
You would think being the greatest oddity in the room would garish you a little attention. Nope, you were outright ignored as you followed the maid mare up the walled staircase. Diamond was still ‘sleeping’ around your neck.
The maid opened the door for you before you even hit the top step.
“Mr. Rich,” she called out stepping into the office. “I have Mr. Frost and the young mistress here to see you.”
You were expecting the stallion to turn around in a big egg shaped chair petting a white cat and cackling at the top of his lungs. All Rich was doing was sitting behind a large brown desk, reading a book. Besides him was another stallion, a unicorn with a black mane and a black coat and an open book for a cutie mark.
The whole left side of the room was covered in a giant bookcase that expanded the length of the wall. On the opposite side was a window that looked over the living area where the party was still being held.
“You may go,” Rich waved a dismissing hoof to the maid. He turned his gaze to you and then to the new necklace you were sporting. “Should I ask?”
“Well I just wanted to show you this new diamond necklace I got at the store.” You only got a cold glance in return. Perfectly executed joke and he didn’t even crack a smile.  “No, she just fell ‘asleep’,” You make an air quotes with your free hand.
He nodded and gestured for you to sit in the chair opposite the desk. “Sit, don’t worry since she is asleep, she won’t remember this conversation.”
Immediate the sleeping filly’s ears shot up, and let out another really loud, unconvincing snore.
“Well let’s make this brief then,” he gestured to the filly. “Mr. Frost, it seems my daughter is quite smitten with you.”
Within the matter of half a second, Diamond’s entire coat turned bright red. You were not surprised in the least, you had known for awhile. Alas, it was the affections of a little filly with a schoolyard crush. These things came and went like the wind.
“Ahh,” you say tapping your figures in rhythm against the armchair. “I would never would have guessed,” you say in a melodramatic voice. “I’m glad you told me that.”
“Yes, well it seems its true. I do not like that; however, I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse.”
You raise a brow, you’re interest slightly peaked. “Oh and what is this offer?”
“One million bits to never see my daughter again,” Rich said with a dangerously serious tone.
You tried to suppress an all-out laughter. This was by far the cheesiest, corniest, most cliché spectacle you had ever been in. It felt completely fake and rehearsed.  Deep inside you wanted to troll, agree with his outrageous terms and see where this went from there.
You cover your face and raise your index finger; you just couldn’t hold it in. Even for you this was just too much. After you composed yourself, you figured, Why not?  There has to be some reason for this outlandish performance. Now it’s your turn to return the grotesque amount of corny lines.
“Sir, I am offended." You said smiling. "How dare you think that I would ever sell my friendship with your daughter? Why I have half the mind to…” you pause for dramatic effect. “jump across that desk and show you what for!”
The stallion was silent for a moment, thinking. He pointed at you and then to a whiskey bottle on the far corner of the desk and then to one of four shot glasses. It looked like a very expensive bottle, you nod and he starts to pour two glasses.
“Oh come now,” he says in a staged voice, “there must be something, and I refuse to have my daughter being smitten with you.”  He pushed your shot forward, your mouth slightly watering at the pure caramel color. You point to the pink filly around your neck and then point to the shot glass and shrug.
He nods and spins his hoof in the air slightly.
“No I shall not have you insult her honor, I shall fight you now!”
“Then we shall fight, but first we must get rid of Diamond. I do not wish her to be harmed while we do battle.” Rich looked over to the pure black unicorn and nodded back to Diamond.
Diamond didn’t have a chance to resist or see it coming as the unicorn teleported her away in a dark green flash.
You rub the back of your neck where the fillies front hooves were chaffing your neck. “So Mr. Rich, now that she is gone would you mind telling me why we had to go through that little song and dance?”
“I’ll tell you in a moment, now let me introduce you to my personal body guard, Nightshade.” He gestured over to the stallion next to him, He nodded at you, and you nod back. “Before we begin I must inform you he is mute.”
“Ok, well he didn’t look like much of a conversationalist anyway.” You say, “Nightshade… not a name you hear often.”
Mr. Rich nodded, “Well his name was Fluffy, but I had him legally change it. I just didn’t feel safe being protected by a stallion named Fluffy. Although, it seems you go through many names as well, Mr. Frost.”
You shot him an irritated glance, “So what is it, I’m sure you didn’t go through all that just for the fun of it. I can list four movies off the top of my head right now that had that same scene in it. I would be surprised if Diamond bought that display.”
“I’m sorry I had to put you through that. There is a reason I assure you. First though have a drink, this is some of the best whiskey in Equestria.” The stallion nodded to your shot.
You believed him; the color of the liquor was perfect. “Well I never did trust a stallion who offers a drink before talking.” You grabbed the drink anyway.
“I don’t trust a man who doesn’t drink.” He shot back before taking his own shot.
“Touché,” you say as you drank yours. It went down smooth and the burning of the alcohol didn’t hit your system until it descended to the base of your stomach. “Not bad. So where did you hear the little nickname I was so graciously dubbed.”
“Hmm, oh, that, yes, well you see I was in town when you were being transported to the hospital. Most of the town saw your,” he paused for a moment trying to choose the right word, “frosting. Don’t worry though most of the colts and fillies didn’t see it, most.  As for how I came across your little nickname, it was written as an alias in the background check I had done on you.”
You raised a brow, “It must be quite up-to-date if it had that in it. Although, I’m more curious as to why you would do a background check on me.”
“I do a check on every single pony, or human in your case, that gets within ten feet of my daughter.” Rich said. “Do you have any foals of your own, Mr. Frost?”
You knew he meant children, “No, although, I always wanted to have a few of them myself. Being the only one of my species kind of puts a damper on the whole reproductive act.”
“Do you have any family?” he questioned.
“I rather not talk about my family if it’s all the same to you.” You say mildly annoyed.
“Sorry, I was just trying to work the conversation into my favor.” He said honestly. “Mr. Frost I would like to talk to you about Diamond.  I know she sees you as a friend and I was not lying before when I said she was smitten with you.”
You lean back in your chair; it felt like this was going to be a long conversation. “Yes, I had my suspicions. Although, I don’t see why you would get worried over a school yard crushes, her little affection will fade in time.”
“Mr. Frost do you want to know what Diamond asks for every year for her birthday since she was nine years old? Since her mother passed on she had been asking to see her mother again.” The stallion said, his voice was growing slightly shallow.
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you, but pity is not the reason why I’m telling you all of this.  Since her mother died I have been doing everything in my power to hide her away from the evils of this world. I spoil her with toys and I let her have her way most of the time.”
“And she became a lying, manipulative, bully.” You said honestly.
Rich sighed, “Yes, she did. I take full responsibility for it. However, you still remained her friend even after you found out what she truly was like. I’m getting off track here. Do you know what she asked for her birthday this year?”
You shrug, “I’m guessing to see her mother again?”
The stallion closed his eyes and shook his head. “No, the day I feared for so long had finally come, when she finally discovered colts, when she discovered you. She asked me if she could have permission to date.”
Immediately the back of your neck started to sweat, this conversation was going in the whole wrong direction.  “I see…” you say slightly nervous, “well I do think Diamond is a very pretty filly.  Since you know so much about me that must mean you know I’m herding. Although, I am flattered I don’t think I will be adding Diamond to those ranks.”
Rich nodded, “Quite, I would never allow her to join any herd.”
You breathe a sigh of relief, “Oh thank god, you know for a minute there I thought you were going to ask me to let her join. I know I may have a sketchy reputation, but I am no pedofillyer.”
Rich smiled, “Right, from my reports you are kind, generous, caring, have a level head, and basically the most stereotypical nice guy. I like that; it’s a nice change of pace to what I am used to seeing here, lies, deceit, everypony wearing masks to hide their true intentions.”
You slightly blush, you were not used to people rattling off your good traits, “Thanks, it’s nice to hear someone say it.” You were really glad he didn’t bring up your sexual history.
“Yes, but you were right. I did bring you hear to ask you something.”
“Ask, away.”
“I was wondering if you would join Diamond’s herd.”
You open your mouth slightly to respond but the words failed you. It felt like you had just stepped on a verbal landmine. “I’m sorry, I must have misunderstood. What?”
“I was wondering if you would join Diamond’s herd.” He repeated like this was something normal.
“Oh right, that’s what I thought you said. No way, I like my mares’ legal.” You were going to leave right then but there was an immeasurable amount of pressure now weighing your body down.
“Please listen,” Rich raised a hoof in the air. “I know it sounds crazy but you’re the only one I can trust with this matter. Diamond’s future is quite literally at stake here. “
Now for what you knew of Filthy Rich, he was a proud stallion. He owned the largest diamond refinery in the entire world. Not even mentioning the massive amount of chain stores he owns. There were even rumors of him starting to expand into the medical field.  Out of all of that though, never had you heard him beg for anything. Now he was begging for your help. There was more to this, now he had your attention.
“Cut the melodramatics Rich, I highly doubt her future is in my hands. Now you’re seriously sounding crazy.”
“Please hear me out, I know it sounds far-fetched, but please listen.” You nod to him alerting him to listen to his absurd request. He was almost frantic, panicked even.  “Thank you; please understand it pains me more than anything to be asking.”
He took a deep breath trying to compose himself. “My daughter means the world to me. I know better than anyone that when she applies herself she will be great. She has a keen business since, something I’m proud to say I raised her with. Although, I am a realist, I know soon she will be trying to find a special somepony for her very own.”
You raise a brow, “I’m guessing joining a normal herd is out of the question.”
He nodded, “I never really got to telling Diamond about the bird and the bees. I always wanted Diamond’s mother to teach her the sensual and the effecting of what a real relationship is. You see, I named Diamond to be the successor to my small empire that my family had built from nothing.”
You let out a small groan, but still you were giving him your attention.
“When Diamond turns sixteen in three years she will be given the right to marry. When that happens she is going to be pelted with hundreds upon hundreds of stallions all trying to get her attention. I-I never taught her the ways of a stallion, I guarantee you almost all of them will be trying to use her to try to steal our business.”
You had to admit, you didn’t see this coming. “You can’t think every single stallion or colt is out there just trying to get at your riches can you? Some may fall in love with Diamond for who she is.” Although even you had a hard time believing that one.
Mr. Rich stood from his chair and walked over to the large window that overlooked the party room. “Mr. Frost, I tested you and you passed with flying colors. Do you know why I sent my only daughter outside without any protection from her bodyguards in a storm no less? Because I knew inside that you would bring her home safely. My daughter, Diamond adores you.”
You swivel in your chair to face the window, “That’s nice and all but it doesn’t answer my question.”
“I’m getting to that. Do you know when she left not a single of the guest here tonight even noticed she was gone. Even now they don’t know. I bet half don’t even realize it’s her birthday. When I retired for the evening up here, it almost caused an uproar. Even now I know that everyone down there is trying to scheme their way in to try to get my empire.”
“Well if you don’t pardon my French but you’re making yourself out to be an asshole right now. It sounds to me that you care more about your business than you actually do Diamond.”
He didn’t turn to you he just continued speaking, “My Empire can burn for all I care. Since I lost my wife Diamond has been my only reason for living. I would give my life to see her smile. I want her to fall in love with a stallion that cares for her and not her wealth that she will be gaining.”
You nod, “Well I’m honored that you think of me like that but I think in three years she will move on from me. It’s only a simple crush, a small infatuation. Hell, even tomorrow she might fall for one of the colts at her school.”
Now he turned to you, “I am not talking about you. I like you; if you were a stallion I would love for you to court my daughter. It is like you say though; she will move on eventually, this is only a filly infatuation. When she does I want her to find a stallion just like you, nice, kind, caring and generous. Your kind is few and far between in the upper crust. Most stallions will try and trick her into thinking they love her. This is why I need you now more than ever.”
You smirk, “You know I have to give you credit. I’m sorry I said you love your wealth more than your daughter. You’re not a bad guy. Although, I would love to help, hell, it sounds like fun teaching her the perks of dating a nice guy and telling the difference between a nice guy and a fake. But we would be treading on very thin ice here that could easily blow up in our faces.”
He raises a brow, “how so?”
“Well first off there is my reputation, no matter how you would look at it I would look like a pedofillyer. I know how ponies look at them, stallions who target fillies are damn nearly ostracized from society or worse. Then there is Diamond’s feelings, I do care for her, like a friend. If she found out I was faking romantic interest she would hate both you and me.”
Rich nodded, “Yes I know, but dating is allowed at that age if given permission from a parent, although, you would be getting strange looks. As for the romantic interest, Diamond doesn’t know anything of courting. I just want you to teach her to fall for a right guy.”
You mull it over for a moment, Diamond was a friend. One of the biggest liars you have ever met, a narcissistic and a bully. However, if you didn’t she would undoubtedly be target by lesser stallion using her to try to get to her wealth.
Fuck it, you knew you were going to once you heard the whole story. If anything it would be fun teasing Diamond.
“Sure I’ll help, but make sure you spread it around that it was your idea and that I have been given your blessings. Last thing I need is more weird stares.”
Mr. Rich nodded and gave you a smile that nearly broke his face. “Thank you, a million times thank you.”
You two spent the next twenty minutes or so hammering out the details. You both agreed on that you would not be paid for helping. Although, he did give you three bottles of whiskey as a thank you, you weren’t going to say no to good whiskey.  It felt a little weird still that you agreed to help, but considering her circumstances you were a little more willing to help.
 He trusted you with the limitation of the relationship. Diamond knew nothing of the sensual parts of a romance so you knew you didn’t have to worry about her wanting to experience it. Everything else was left up to your discretion.
Finally you were about to leave but Rich gave you one last warning. That if Diamond’s purity is ever compromised, you would be hunted down and killed. He literally meant it, he would kill you.  

You wouldn’t have it any other way. You knew if you had a daughter you would hunt down any who tried to hurt her.
As you were being escorted out of the complex being led by the maid mare. You didn’t mind walking behind her; she had a very nice ass. You tried to take notice of your surroundings; there was not a single family photo anywhere to be found.
“Miss… I really don’t know your name. Do you mind if I talk to Diamond before I leave. I want to wish her a happy birthday.” You say.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Mr. Frost. Under orders from the mistress herself she does not want to see you.” The mare said casually as she continued forward. As she turned down the hall she abruptly stopped. For the first time in a long time you really accidentally bumped into her nice, firm cheeks.
“Mr. Frost.” she said quickly, “When we turn down the next hall pay attention to the mirror at the far end.”
You wanted to question her but she was already walking again. As you turned down into the next hall you focused on the mirror as per your instruction. It took a moment before you focused in and then you saw it when you were halfway down the hall. Two heads popped around the corner, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were following you.
You pretend not to notice, although, you may have had more fun being tailed if the front entryway wasn’t right around the next corner. When you finally turn around the next bend all you could do was look at the front door. The storm had only gotten worse.
You turn over your hood and prepare for the greatest mad dash back home. Although, right before you press through the door you feel a tug on your arm. Looking down it was the maid, in her mouth was a letter with your real name on it.
You grab the letter and raise a brow questioningly, “I assume it’s not from you.”
She shook her head. “No, I was told to give it to you when you were at the front door. I do know the contents, if I may sir. Please answer her question; I am sure it will make her day.”
You open the letter, it was just a note. On it was six simple words. You knew she was watching, waiting, her eyes were focused on the paper more than you now.  This felt like something from third grade. The note simply read.

Do you like me?
Yes. No.  

You assumed you were supposed to circle one.
She can be cute when she wanted to be.
“If I may offer you a pen?” The mare said as she tried to hoof over a pen.
Part of you wanted to troll her a little. Make some joke; maybe even write back some charming quip she wouldn’t understand. You just couldn’t, today was her birthday, a special day just for her. It was kind of touching she even thought about you in such a way.
Then it hit you, it was small, tiny even. It was a moment of clarity at the opportunity that had been given to you. What if you didn’t stop there, make Diamond fall for only nice guys was sure to be a task but… What if you tried to make her a nice, respectable member of society?  She would have tons of friends.
Nah, someone else can deal with that train wreck of a personality of hers. You were her friend you accepted her the way she was, lies and all.
You gave a check mark and handed the paper back to the mare. She gave a low bow and dismissed herself. You both bid each other farewell before you press forward into the storm. Not ten feet out the door and you were drenched by the time you made it to the front gate.
The sound came in clear as day, even through the thunder and rain. ‘He said yes!’ The poor maid was most likely ambushed the second you were out the door. Now though you were heading home, rain was your favorite weather but even for you this was a little much.

Sunday Late Evening


“Pearl it’s your turn to deal.” Lyra said almost completely melodramatically. It was the twelfth hand of the evening.  
Five mares each sitting around a large wooden table aimless dealing out cards. Like every Sunday, the sacred event continued, card night. Alas, cards were never the real reason why anyone of them came around the table.
It was booze, cider, spirits, beer, rum the great equalizer. No matter the name, the meaning was the same. They came there to get wasted. Sunday was the day that they all could let loose and have a little fun.
“I don’t want to, you deal Bon-bon.”  The pink unicorn said as she pushed the deck over to her immediate left where Bon-bon was sitting.
Bon-bon continued to push the deck over, “Let Cup deal, I did it two games ago.” She looked over to Cup. “Hey where is he anyway, I thought you said he was getting the cider for tonight.”
Cup was knocked out of her stupor, her mind was elsewhere at that moment. A thought had been weighing on her mind the entire day. Even though she talked big and she knew she was right, she had no way to prove her claim to Discord.
He was watching her; she could feel it, judging her every move, even now.
Cup had her doubts, if she could truly build a relationship with you. She knew how deeply Pinkie loved you and you her. Now her concerns lay within if what she feels is love or lust and if you felt the same about her. The words of her mother, Big Mama Lily, that kept coming back to her, it was an old saying, If you love something set it free, and if it returns to you it’s yours forever.
Cheerilee placed a comforting hoof on Cup’s back. “Don’t worry Cup; I’m sure he is alright.”
Cup Cake looked over to Cheerilee, “What?”
The school mare nodded to the window, “I’m sure your frosting covered sugar lump is safe.”
Cup’s whole coat turned scarlet as the mares—her best friends— giggled at her expense. She didn’t even think about the thunder storm, now a whole new set of worries started to plague her.
“I think I may go out and look for him. The storm is getting really bad.”
Bon-bon chuckled, “Maybe we would be lucky and lightning struck that pervert.”  

Lyra didn’t take any time before her hoof swatted the back of her special somepony’s skull.  

“What the hay Lyra, what gives?”
Lyra pointed to the now horror stricken mare. Cup’s eyes were wide as she now watched the lighting dance in the clouds of the far window.
“What’s up with you Bon-bon? I thought you liked ol’ Frosty.” Pearl said.
“Well I don’t like him now.” Bon-bon said going on the defensive.
“Bon-bon please don’t start with this again. You promised you wouldn’t bring it up—“The mare cut herself off as she heard a strange noise ascending the stairs.

You made your way up the stairs; every fiber of your being was now part water. You abandoned your hoodie and your shoes at the front door downstairs. Your green cargo shorts were barely hanging onto your waist and your white t-shirt clung to your chest.
The rain made it nearly impossible to navigate your way back. It was a mere eight blocks home but what would have normally taken a ten minute trip spanned well over an hour.
You pressed through the door at the top of the stairs, almost the very second you hit the top floor. A blue coated mare was at your waist. This was just the kind of greeting you wanted, except this was different.
She was crying, you could feel the warm trickle soak into your clothes where the rain once was. Kneeling down you set the whiskey aside, “What’s wrong Cup?” you said honestly confused.  Her only reply was even more tears, whatever set her off really scared her.
You look over to the group of mares as you try to comfort Cup. Pearl was the only one who gestured to the window. All you could see was the torrential downpour. Then it finally hit you after several seconds. She was worried about you and from the way she was crying, really frightened as well.
You rub her back, cooing sweet nothings into her ear. It touched you down deep that she was so worried about you.  It took a few minutes before her cries turned to sniffles and from those sniffles to a soft nestle.
“You better, Hun?”  She finally pulled away a few steps.  
“D’awwwwww.” Pearl said, “I wish Magnum still did that. Nowadays its hard just to get him out of in front of the television.”
You and Cup get up from your small hug fest. No more words were spoken between you two. It was clear to both of you that her worries were for naught.
“What took you so long to get the drinks?” Cheerilee questioned. “For a moment there I thought we would actually be playing cards all night sober.”
“I will tell you in a moment, you wouldn’t believe what I just went though. Oh, I didn’t get any cider. There is something better next to the door. I hope you girls like getting hammered.” That was all the invitation they needed before the entire table went to grab the bottles of whiskey.
You went off to your room to change. Card night was a holy and sacred tradition; sadly, one of those traditions was that males were not allowed. Your job now was to watch the twins. When the girls got too shit-faced, you give them a blanket and point them in the right direction to the nearest bed.
You had just finally stripped down to your bare necessities, eagerly trying to dry yourself off with your favorite black fluffy towel. It felt like you had just gotten out of the longest shower of your life. You nearly jumped a foot in the air went a cold hoof pressed against your bare butt cheek.
You whipped around quickly, your heart racing in your chest as you look down.
“Oh it’s just you, Cup. You scared the living end out of me.” You say as you quickly wrapped a towel around your waist, cold water was not your friend.
“I want to ask you something… “her voice betrayed her intent, it wasn’t sensual like you were hoping in the back of your mind. It was serious.
You sat down on your bed and offered the spot next to you; she ignored it and approached you closer. Now she was standing between your legs, eyes wide with intent.
“Ask away.” You say with a caring tone.
“I know this may sound strange, but will you always come back to me?” Cup questioned. She was looking up at you with those huge, globe-like eyes that seemed to beg for an answer.
“I need you to elaborate a little, Cup.” You said honestly, there were far too many ways to take that question, although, you had a suspicion or two.
She sat there for a moment trying to choose her words wisely. She didn’t want to come off sounding like a needy mare. She just wanted an answer to a question before she really asked.
“If… you left me… or Pinkie, you would always come back to us right?” she asked nervously.
“Ah,” you say. It was at that very moment you had to think on her question. You didn’t want to think of a life without Pinkie, but you knew when Friday came that would most likely be the end result. Betrayal never has a happy ending.
With Cup though, you had to think about it. You closed your eyes and imagined a life without her. You knew your relationship and the special ties that you two now shared.  Being without either felt… hollow. Like an empty void in a plain of nothingness.
Opening your eyes you look at your lover whom is still waiting for her answer. “Honestly I can’t answer that question. I don’t want to leave you or Pinkie. I’m not going anywhere, so I guess in a way, yes I will always come back since really I never left.” You give her a stupid shit-eating grin. “I hope that makes sense.”
At that moment she wanted to say. The three simple words, it was tempting. Now was not the time for those words. It was too soon. The moment had to be right. She still wanted to know if this was truly love or lust she was feeling.
“Thank you,” Cup says nearly in tears. She was now one hundred percent certain that you will always be with her. She gave you a nod as she came to her decision.
 If you love something set it free, and if it returns to you it’s yours forever. These words rang inside her ears. She stepped back from you with a smile on her face. It wasn’t letting go, no, that wouldn’t work here. She knew what she had to do though.
In the end for this to work, to prove her way to Discord, that the purest form of love truly did exist between species.
She had to feed you to the wolves and when it was all said and done. You would return to her and Pinkie. Cup smiled as she return to the table. It was a blissful smile now that she had a plan in place.
She sat down next to her best friends, but now she did not see them as such. At that moment she saw them as wolves and she knew all of them were very, very hungry.
… Except Bon-bon who was a hardcore lesbian.

Sunday Night


You ran back and forth between the back rooms for most of the night.
Pound Cake earned his namesake ten times over for how many diapers he went through. The smell alone was enough to make you gag. When you saw it, it almost pushed you over the edge. Playing the father role for the little guy was fun though. Sometimes when you were taking care of him you would ignore him briefly just for him to call out to you.
Pumpkin Cake wasn’t nearly as needy as she usually was. Something that was kind of disheartening to you. You burped her when she was done feeding earning you a well-deserved smile and giggle fit. Tummy kisses were still her favorite.
No matter how much you loved both of them though, they were driving you up the wall. Thankfully, during their second feeding some goat milk ‘accidentally’ found its way into their bottles. Putting them both to sleep thirty minutes before their regular bedtime.
It was a thought the occurred to you while you were taking care of them though. Cup was a part of your herd. She did say before that meant having to take care of her charges, the twins. In a twisted kind of way, wouldn’t that make you their adopted father?
It was a very pleasing thought, almost euphoric in a way. You always wanted a large family of your own, tons of children, lots of family reunions. Now though, that was a far off fantasy.  
You didn’t know how Carrot was as a father figure. Deep down inside you wished it was the same as his skills as a husband, extremely lax. You can recall times before the Cakes split up where he was attentive to the foals, but you can recall times where he outright ignored them as well.
In the end, you just decided that as long as you were there. They would have a father figure.
Now though the children were asleep it was time to check on the mares who had decided to drink down almost all three bottles of the whiskey. Whiskey, you found out later, was almost four hundred bits a bottle, roughly a month and a half worth of work.
As per usual Cup, Pearl and Cheerilee were barely tipsy. All still in their right frame of mind. Bon-bon and Lyra however were completely toasted. Thankfully, none of them went on a puking spree like last Sunday.
Oddly though Mary (Mayor Mare) did not show up for the weekly game, apparently she told Lyra that she had a very important business transaction to get too today.
All of that though was a mere passing thought that kept your mind busy. In the back of your thoughts, you were scheming, it really did touch you how deeply worried, Cup was while you were gone in the storm. With her asking if you would always be with her only affirmed your actions. You wanted to show her how you felt.
Tonight you were not going to use any of the smutty, lust-filled orgasmic techniques that you have learned. No way, tonight you were going to make special just for Cup. After tonight, she would never question your feelings or resolve.
Tonight was a night of the pure, blissful, ‘vanilla’, light hearted, romance ensued love making. It was going to be just for her. You figured that she hadn’t gotten any special attention in years. The sex you had before was good, but you enjoyed yourself far too much. You wanted to give her everything tonight. Whether you got off or not didn’t matter.
Seeing her enjoy herself would make the entire effort worth it.
Your vision was lost to you, as was it for everyone else’s in the entire house. You sigh as you turn from your bed, you set the book down that you had not been reading but merely staring at the pages lost in thought.
“Damn power-outage.” You grumble to yourself. You made your way to the hall walking forward slowly. Using the layout of the house that you have imprinted in your mind’s eye as you proceed forward.
“Everyone alright?” you call out.
“Just fine dear, perfect even.” Cheerilee calls out, it felt a little off for her to call you ‘dear’ but it wasn’t the first time she had did it.
“Hey Pearl, where did you say Sweetie Belle was earlier?” you didn’t know why you thought of that just now.
“Oh, Sweetie is sleeping over at Apple Bloom’s place. My dear little filly always jumps at the chance to spend the night there.”
“I see, Cup do you have any candles?”
“No, we used them all on Pinkie’s search party-party when Snips got lost in the Everfree.”
“Fuck the police!” Lyra shouted in her drunken stupor.
“I see somepony is having fun.” You say.
“You should have been in here about ten minutes ago, she was making out with Bon-bon. Hot and heavy,” Cheerilee said, her voice was mellower. You figured she was pretty drunk.
“Damn I missed that! Wait I thought Bon-bon passed out like an hour ago.”
“She did.” Pearl said giggling.
“H-hey is that you F-frosty?” Lyra called out.
You sigh, even amongst your close friends that name has spread. “Yes, Lyra, it’s me, Frosty.”
“I didn't know you liked the ass that much.”
“Well Cup has a very nice ass, can you blame me?” You just rolled with it she was completely hammered.
“Pearl's is bigger! What do you think of her ass?!” Lyra shouted.
“Are you girls listening to this?” You question.
“This is the seventh time tonight.” Cup stated
“H-Hey, answersss my question!” Lyra slurred.
“Lyra I never really looked, she is always wearing those shorts.”
“So… if she wasn’t, you would look?”
“I am not going to answer that question on the grounds that… fuck it, yeah I would.” You admit. “Sorry Cup, I have to be honest here.”
She snickered, “Don’t be, just so you know, hers is bigger and mine is softer.”
If others could see you, they would see your curious face. Cup hated her ass, you loved it. Now not only did she praise it, she if comparing it to others. You didn’t know if it was you that did that, you were hoping it was.
You liked this new side of Cup.
“Oh god.”
“Don’t mind her too much sweetie, she drank a little too much.” Cup said.
“I would never have guessed.” you stated.
“Hey, HEY! Pppppst. C’mon with those sexy hands of yours.”
You try to look down at your hands, now if only you could see them. “Sexy?”
“Don’t get her started—“Cheerilee tried to warn.
“I want you to fuck me with your hands!”
“Ok, I think someone needs to go to bed.” You say.
“Oh yes! I won’t tell Bon-bon. I want you to stick your whole fist in my ass and play me like a puppet.”
You followed the sound of her voice the best you can. “Sure, where is Bon-bon. We can all have one giant anal fisting party.”
“Yeah, I told you girls he would say yes!”
“Is this what you talk about when I’m in the back?”
“You would be surprised how often it comes up. Those hands of yours are pretty famous with her.” Cheerilee said honestly
“I’m ready; I want you to fist me while I’m on Bon-bon.”
Thankfully you are awarded with a small ‘oomph’ from a passed out Bon-bon as you lightly press your foot forward. Reaching down you feel the familiar coat of the slender blue mare.
“Oh Sweet Celestia, those hands feel so good.”
“Are you really going to?” Cheerilee squeaked.
You navigate her coat until you reach her undercarriage; thankfully her ass was high in the air. You tried to ignore her whines of pleasure as she tried to dry hump your elbow. Bon-bon was next, you just pick her up like a potato sac.
Passed out drunks are easiest to deal with.
“Hey, put me down.”
“Sorry Lyra, tomorrow morning we can have you anal fisting party.” You say every word laced with sarcasm. “Tomorrow you can be my personal puppet and I’ll call you Lyra on a stick.”
“Really, you promise?”
“Yup, right now though you’re really drunk and as a gentleman I could never forgive myself for taking advantage of drunken mare.”
“You are such a softy.” Lyra slurred. “Cup you heard him! Tomorrow morning!”
“I heard.” Cup said. “Just remember what I said Lyra.”
Now came the hard part, getting them to bed. The mare balancing act was not as fun as one would imagine. No matter how light Lyra was she still kept trying to air hump your arm. Thankfully she stopped when you entered your room. This wasn’t the first time you have to put Lyra and Bon-bon to bed.
You knew this wouldn’t be the last time either, there was always next Sunday.
Lyra balled up on the bed and now her affection was turned onto one of Pinkie’s favorite stuff animals. Well you knew you had to buy new sheets at some point. Bon-bon was an angel when she was passed out.  She lay down and snuggled next to her marefriend whom was raping a teddy bear.
If only you had a camera and better lighting.
Now though was not the time to be oogling two drunks. No, now was time to get ready, Tonight you were going to give Cup a night of pure passion.
You left to go whisper a few innocent hints to what would be waiting in her bedroom.  Be a little playful in the dark in front of her friends. You shake your head at the thought, tonight was just for her. No gimmicks, tricks, or lustful banter.
Well, maybe a little banter.
Alas, when you called out in the living area where the card players were only moments before. You got no response. First you thought they were just not responding, but when you shuffled over to the table. All the seats were vacant, the wood still warm from their body heat.
Now your paranoia was starting to get to you.  Your eyes were failing at adjusting to the darkness. Normally you would be able to make out the silhouettes of the objects in the room. Thankfully a lighting off in the distance was enough to confirm your suspicion.
There was no one in the room.
The couch wasn’t pulled out, so at least you knew they had not gone to bed. Pearl never liked being alone in the dark so there was the possibility they went to the bathroom in a group. That was your best bet, because like hell you were going to go down stairs and check.
Those stairs were scary in the dark.
Now you left towards Cup’s room to retire or more precisely play the waiting game. Part of you was hoping that all of them would be in there all three trying to take up the bed. Alas, the bed was completely empty. You took your place on the black silken sheets; enjoying the feel of it against your bare skin.
Now you let your mind wander while you waited for Cup. You were laying face up with Cup’s favorite pillow slightly covering your face.
Herding, the process of gathering mares (or stallions given certain mares’ popularity) for forming a relationship status. No matter how you juggled it around it just meant being able to fuck a lot and get away with it.
It put a bittersweet taste in your mouth.
The act of sex was very basic; it served the needs of both parties.  Now though, the idea now felt otherworldly. Like it was an act given for enjoyment and not for the basic needs. No, that wasn’t it. There was something missing, something that was there that isn’t now. You just couldn’t put your hand on what it was.
You ponder for several moments before it fades away into the back of your mind. You thoughts now rested on Cup and Pinkie. You knew full well your feelings, now though you wanted to express them.
In a way that didn’t involve your penis.
You wanted a way to show both of them that you did care for them even when (and if) you were away. A idea… no, you needed something physical. Yes, something physical. A ring? No, that was a universal sign of marriage.
You did care for both of them, but marriage was a far off idea. That and it was a holy pairing between only two.
No you needed a symbol, an item, a necklace maybe? That was an idea, a symbol on a necklace that shows them how you feel.  It didn’t feel right, it was too cliché. It needed to be something grand, yet simple.
Your eyes open as you feel the shift in weight on the mattress.  Everything in your mind faded to memory as the mare snuggled against your sides.  You tried to talk but a pair lips pressed themselves against yours.
You could taste the whiskey on her tongue and smell it on her breathe. She was surprisingly more forward than before, you now just realized how long her tongue was as she nearly navigated it to the back of your throat.

It turned you on more than it should have.
Then you felt it as she repositioned herself on your bare chest. Her pussy was far ahead of the game than your whole body was at that moment. It took only seconds for your bellybutton to be completely submerged in her juices.
You swallow the generous amount of saliva that was being given to you. You nearly cough as you feel something foreign being forced down your throat.
She drew back from her more than generous French kiss slightly worried. “Are you ok?”
“Did you just puke in my mouth or something?” you said with watery eyes.
Cup smirked, “No… just a little something I bought for Carrot. He never used it so I thought I would give it to you.”
It took you a moment to process the words and clues. You can still taste the bitterness on the back of your tongue.
“Did you just drug me?”
“Oh no, they’re perfectly safe. Half the stallions in town swear by them and Zecora’s products are all natural.” Cup said hastily.
Your eyes widen a little, you knew what this was. It was crushed joke. Supposed to make orgasms more blissful, romantic even.  Except at a cost, lowers your resistance to that of a virgin. It heightened the nerve endings so you could feel everything. Pinkie Pie had drugged you a few times herself, although, it was consensual. Well… most of the time.
“You’re not mad are you?” Cup questioned in her filly voice. “I took a few myself.”
“No… just give a guy a little warning next time.” You just hoped she knew what given those pills meant. She really might not be able to walk in the morning.
You felt your body being coaxed by her gentle but firm hooves into lying down on your back again, and as you did so Cup lay fully on top of you, your underbellies pressed rather intimately together as you continued to kiss again.
Your hands magically found their way to her cutie mark. She let out a small gasp in your mouth as you started to rub the sensitive area. You were going to make tonight slow enjoyable for her. Make her feel every single tantalizing second.
You cock however was now trying to find its way to the wet pristine mound that was now soaking your belly. Going commando for once was well worth it. The medicine was now starting to work into your system. It was easy to tell since your heart beat was now sounding through your chest.
It was starting to become painful, even now you could feel it throbbing, crying out. No, you denied it its pleasure, it would come in time but now it was just Cup.
Cup broke the kiss as she sat on your chest, her small almost non-existent thrusts served to keep her at bay.
“You want a tweat?” she questioned.
Normally you would never get into a high squeaky voice that Cup spoke in. Hell, if she wanted to role-play a filly sure, you did that with Pinkie a few times. Even one time you pretended to be a colt and Pinkie a very helpful schoolmare. The way she was talking though sent a dirty chill down your spine.
You put your left hand on her tummy, full palm, all five digits playing with her fur.
“My little filly wants to give me a treat, is it something sweet and good to eat?”
Cup thought on it for a moment, “One is sweet and one is tart. What one do you want first?”
You had your suspicions, and if this was going where you thought. Hell, you were game. “Tart to start.”
 Cup eased off of you and you eagerly waited for the treat to come down. You were right, as slick oil was being drip onto your member.  You knew you were way better with anal, if you were going to give her the best night ever, might as well start with the best and work your way down.
God you loved anal.
The bed creaked as she mounted back on you.  You grit your teeth a little as she stepped on one of your boys.
“Watch out Hun, I need those.”
“Oh, sorry, I’m just trying to get the lay of the land.”
You didn’t move, it must have been a trick or something. Maybe you still had water in your ear.
“Cup, can you tell me what time it is?” There was a long silence, far too long of a silence. You tried your best to advert the blood back to the primary organs.
Cup caved, “Its eleven thirty Hun.” That confirmed your suspicions, her voice cave from the immediate left. Not straight on in front of you.
“Ok… so can I ask why Pearl is trying to wax my wiener?”
Pearl chuckled, “Cup I think we should tell him, he might be into it then.”  You felt Pearl step down on the end of the bed. The room lit up in a dark blue light as her horn lit up.
Now something hit you, although it was a mere passing thought. If she could have done that from the start, why didn’t she light the kitchen when you were trying to get the drunk lesbians to bed?
Cup took a seat right next to you, her body was trembling like a filly that got caught with her hoof in the cookie jar. Pearl took the place on the end of the bed.
“Well… you promised you would never leave me…” Cup started.
You nod keeping an eye brow raised, “Yes and I meant that, although, I am still thoroughly confused why Pearl is here. I am pretty sure her husband would be just as confused as I am.”
“Well let me clear that up,” Pearl said. “Magnum wouldn’t be mad, if anything he would try to get you to join in. See, me and my dear honey bear would be what you call swingers. Right now I would lay down fifty bits that he and Mr. Sparkle are see-sawing Dazzle right now.”
Now the image of Twilight Sparkle’s mom getting double teamed was now forever burned into your mind. Yet, you didn’t find it at all strange that you were just about to go balls deep into Rarity’s and Sweetie Belle’s mom.
Today is just full of fun events.
“Once you had been married for twenty years, you kind of need to liven up the bedroom life. So we opened up at marriage just a little bit.”
“I thought marriage was supposed to be a boundless act of loyalty and trust and a sacred and holy event here.”
“Well it is, we don’t go blabbing our personal lives. Normally when we meet up we just tell people were going on vacation for a week or something and just meet up at a hotel and swap partners. Well maybe not in Orion’s case, he likes to watch most of the time.”
“Ah, well ok then.” You had met Orion on several occasions. Even knew the Sparkle family well enough to be on a first name basis. This just was a little much to handle. You turn to Cup, “So… why were you trying to get me to have sex with Pearl?”

Not that you were complaining.
Cup look at you, her eyes were pleading. “I thought you would be against a four-way otherwise…”
“Oh… I mean three-way now I guess. Cheerilee was going to join in too much she passed out walking back up the stairs.” You give an inward sigh; those damn stairs are just stacked cock blocks.
You take in a huge breath and exhale, calming your nerves. Except the huge nerve between your legs that was starting to literally pulsate. “So why do all of this? You could have simply came to me and asked if you wanted a three-way. I’m still a guy, the chances of me saying no are quite literally next to zero.”
Cup Cake leaned on you, “because if I let you go have fun, you will always be by me and Pinkie’s side.”
Yup that officially made no sense to you.  Quite literally just completely off the charts just went over your head. You did know one thing, Cup Cake needed reaffirmation. She needed a constant reminder that you would be there by her side. You were a man of your word and she needed a man who kept it.
Still though it made no goddamn sense, why go through all of this rigmarole? There was no real reason this should be happening. Then you (more precisely the small version of you had enough) there was far too much thinking going around.
You mind went almost completely blank as the massive gentleman override system cleared your mind of everything but the facts.
1: Cup Cake wanted a three-way.
2: Pearl wanted a three-way.
3: One + one + one = three
4: Three is higher than two.
Even your dick could do simple math.
“Well,” you say with a smirk leaning in giving Cup a quick kiss. “if we’re going to do this you’re going to be on me as well.”
“Oh, it’s alright dear,” Cup murmured back, her eyes drifting longingly over your body now.  “I can wait my turn…”
You frowned slightly, almost insulted.  “Who said you have to wait?  I know a few tricks that will set my good little filly’s loins aflame.”
That got Cup Cake’s attention.  Her gaze snapped back up to your face, her smile picking back up. “Weelly?”
That single word was more than effective enough. Cup shivered all over, and moved closer to you in a heartbeat.  “W-well,” she paused “but how—“
“Sit on my face.”
Her body quivered at the thought, alas, the bug that was planted inside her mind oh so long ago started to worm its way out.
“But I’m too f—“You cut her off as you put your index finger over her lips.
“Sit. On. My. Face.” You instructed with a caring voice. You really wanted her too.
Cup Cake obeyed your directions, climbing up the bed and resting her front hooves atop the headboard as she settled her hind legs on either side of your head.
“Did you two forget about me or something?” Pearl questioned.
“Oh I didn’t forget about you.” You called out. “Sit down—“ you didn’t even get a warning as the experience mare slid down on the wanting member. You were expecting the warm tight grip of the brown rose. There was no resistance as your hot member slid easily into Pearl’s pussy.
“Oh Celestia, it feels like a molten rod!” You figured she was just being nice and if she was you didn’t care. You could feel her pussy grip onto the ridge of your cock. You try your best to resist, but whatever lubricant she used on your cock was now working against you in the greatest of ways.

It seems she forgot what hole you wanted it in.
Now though was not the time to give in like an inexperienced virgin. You had a mare waiting for you.
You looked up with a breathy moan, heart pounding with eager anticipation, and was rewarded as you finally got your first really clear, unobstructed view of Cup’s slit, a pale pink divide setting off her pure blue coat. If the clear fluid gently dripping on your upper lip was any indication she wanted you to lick her.
You couldn’t help flicking your tongue out and licking your upper lip clean for just a hint of her flavor, a sneak preview of what was coming, and —to your delight— your tongue found her juices to be quite a pleasant taste, in equal parts salty and sweet.
You immediately wanted more, and Cup seemed all too happy to provide; her hind legs slowly knelt down, bringing her crotch slowly closer to your face, and the moment Cup was within reach you gripped her hips and pulled her swiftly down the rest of the way, burying your lips and tongue between Cup’s thighs.
“Mmmhhh… oh my…” Pearl said. “It’s so small but it feels so damn good. I really should recommend you to Dazzle.”
You want to argue, but Cup’s pussy was just too damn good to miss for a moment. It was the same pleasant warmth, the same gently-parted lips, the same sensual musk flooding your senses.
You gave as much as you could, your lips kissing and massaging the pale pink outer lips and your tongue stabbing deeper to stroke the darker pink further inside.  You knew just where to touch, where to kiss, where to lick, as only you could, and soon you could hear Cup’s squealing in delight somewhere far above you.
No matter how much you resisted it, Pearl was doing one hell of a job.  You clench your teeth to keep your mouth from falling open more than needed, but you definitely feel it. You can feel it on your dick when she goes all the way down your shaft; a wetness that’s trickling from between Pearl’s legs was getting all over you.
It wouldn’t be long before you delivered your load. Pearl’s moans were groaning more rampant, she was now thrusting on her own accord.
“F-fuck me…” she managed to work out.
Her hips were already twitching, her front hooves were unsteadily clutching the headboard of the bed, and her cries were climbing in pitch in a way that made it obvious how close she was.  And then she was there, right as you flicked your tongue toward the top of Cup’s slit and over her clitoris for just the first time.
Her thighs clenched tighter around your head, her moans turned into a shrill squeak, and she came, warm sticky juices flowing past your lips.  You were slightly taken back by the sheer amount as the little filly Cup Cake squirted into the back of your throat.
Much to your disappointment, her cum didn’t taste like cupcakes.
It was an unhealthy amount of cum, almost as if you turned on a faucet. Cup’s front hooves that was propping her up shook a little. The iron tight grip of her thighs now was now non–existent as gravity set in. Her eyes fell into the back of her skull as she slumped over on her side.
Instantly you shoot up almost knocking Pearl off your lap. Your fears faded in an instant when you heard the familiar sound of her light snoring.
Cup Cake blacked out from an orgasm. This was a first for you.
“It seems our—oh my— Cup Cake took a little too much of Zecora’s medicine.” You never had gotten that result before.  You wanted to take her dosage next time.
You feel two hoofs press against your chest; the light glow of Pearls horn was the only light. Her deep blue eye looked into yours.  Pleasure exploded throughout Pearl’s body, more than she knew she was even capable of feeling. “Oh…. Hmmm…  mmm.” She whined.
“Aaaughh…!” you groaned.
That was all the warning she got.  Your groans grew heavy and labored, hips jerking forward, and then it was your turn to come, and Pearl really did have to hold back a scream and came only moments after, she’d thought your actual shaft was hot before, it was nothing next to your seed.  She still wasn’t sure how much of it was her vagina currently being overworked and insanely sensitive, but sweet Goddess above it felt like you were firing molten lava into her womb.  
“Mmmhh… my goodness, that’s certainly one way to spend an afternoon…” Pearl murmured between breaths, looking over at you. “Oh Cup was right it feels like molten lead.  It’s been forever since I got to feel hot cum inside my womb. Damn condoms kill that experience.”
She didn’t want to move or couldn't, the mare hadn’t gotten to feel that kind of warmth inside her since she conceived Sweetie Belle.  It was a small feeling she missed dearly.
“You know I never told this to anyone, but I want to have another foal.”
“I’m pretty sure that I can’t get you pregnant.” You say kiddingly. Your breathing was erratic and your body felt far too heavy.
“Do you mind if I sleep like this, I don’t want this feeling to go away just yet?”
Pearl was moments from passing out, if she wanted to fall asleep with you did inside her, who were you to judge. Not like you could move yourself anyway. Your cock on the other hand was starting to deflate and rest up for the next go around.
When you cock finally did fall out of the mare not a single drop of your seed followed. She wanted that feeling of life inside her again. She missed it more than anything.

It took all your strength to do so as you pull Cup into your left arm. You wanted her to wake up and you were by her side, just like you promised.
“I’m going to sleep all day tomorrow, screw work.”
Pearl snorted and hugged your midriff using your chest as a pillow.
“Good luck with that.”
“Why do you think I need luck, me and Cup are beat. And besides we can open the bakery in the afternoon.”
“Tomorrow morning is Lyra’s turn. Don’t think she forgot your promise.”
“Wait... she was serious? You’re kidding me right… Pearl?”