My Little Pony: Blackened Hearts and Polished Boots

by Alphony Omaregon

Chapter 6: The Star Stone

Chapter 6: The Star Stone

Twilight kept her promise.

For fourteen days, she helped her friends through their routines and gave them the love and encouragement they needed.

For fourteen long, terror filled nights, she dreamt of Snakes, lost history, and lost friends.

The Royal Guard had not yet found Zecora, not that they had searched long, Twilight thought bitterly. The Everfree was considered too dangerous to search, and the word around Ponyville was that Manehattan was slowly turning into a battleground of both ideals and weapons. Twilight put those thoughts out of mind. Her friend’s well-being was more important right now.

They were making good progress. Rarity stood before her, saddlebags resting on her flanks. They stood in the gardens behind the hospital. There were cobbled walkways, a quiet pond and flower beds of all shapes and sizes. Other patients sat on benches or fed the ducks by the waterside, enjoying the quiet, sunny day. It was almost lunch time, and Twilight was eager to get started, her tummy rumbling like an Ursa Minor.

“Okay.” She began, as Spike and Rarity turned from the vista of flowers over yonder. “Spike and I have spent all morning hiding some gemstones in the garden.” Twilight said, as her number one assistant took out a notepad identical to those of the medical staff. “You’ll need to search the park with your gem finding spell, and gather all four of the hidden gems. Bring them back here, and Spike will check them off. You’ve made great progress these past two weeks, and I think this might be one of our last sessions. Are you ready?” She asked with an encouraging smile.

Rarity nodded, returning her smile. “Of course, just say the word.”

“Consider it said. We’ll wait for you here.” Twilight said.

As Rarity trotted off, Spike waved. “Good luck!”

Rarity smiled, waving “Ta Ta!” she followed the cobbled path towards the pond as she focused her magic. It took much less effort than their previous sessions; it seemed every day Twilight had her practicing a new spell while her horn’s strength returned. She would finish this session in record time, and they’d be done. Leaving the hospital would be wonderful. She could finally go home to the boutique and – Rarity gave a strangled yelp as memory hit her: She had so much work she would have to do when she got home!

Twilight had cancelled most of her orders for her, but one had been too important. Fancy Pants’ mistress, Fleur-De-Lis had commissioned a special piece two weeks prior: By memory, Rarity recalled that the Grand Galloping Gala would be coming up once again. Rarity would certainly need the business now that her other commissions were gone. With whatever eagerness she had before gone, she reached the edge of the pond.

She closed her eyes and pursed her lip As she cast her spell, she could feel something from beneath the waters of the pond, and as her horn began to glow, the water splashed. A muddy stone floated into the air, and Rarity brushed it clean with her magic, revealing a piece of blood red garnet. She deposited it in her saddlebag. Stopping only long enough to check her hair in the reflective waters, Rarity continued on down the path.

A little bit ahead, she noticed a single shrub jutting awkwardly from an otherwise perfect hedge row that bordered the path. Stopping, she used her magic to confirm what she could already guessed: Spike’s dirty claws earlier, and the gouged dirt pile beneath the bush left little doubt as to the next gemstone’s hide away. Still, this was a test of her magic, not her perception (which was near flawless.) and so she closed her eyes as her magic seeped through the dirt to grab the stone that lay beneath. With some effort, she plucked it from the ground, harvesting the fruits of her labour in a way not unlike her farmer friend. Taking a look at the gemstone she had plucked, she rolled her eyes. It was a common Topaz, blue like the sky above. Of course, she hadn’t expected Twilight to stash away any rubies or diamonds, and yet, the brief thrill of discovering a new jewel was non-existent knowing that this was merely training.

Oh well. thought Rarity, as she looked past the bushes. A small brown mound blemished the grassy hill on the other side of the hedge. She hopped the bushes nimbly. Fixing the crooked bush, she trotted up the hill. The gemstone popped free of the dirt pile as she reached the top. Even covered in dirt, she could tell what it was. “Amethyst.” She confirmed as she tossed it in her bag. Looking around the park, she pursed her lip. Only one more left to find.

At the end of the stream that fed the pond, she spotted a stone fountain in the shape of a unicorn jutting from the bottom of the hill she stood on now. The water curved around the base of the hill and into the pond. As she got closer to the fountain, she noticed that the water that came from the pony’s mouth was spraying wildly.

How odd. She thought as she leaned in to investigate. Seeing a glint in the statue’s mouth, she scowled. Honestly, why would Spike hide it here of all places? With a sigh, she reached in and plucked the next mundane gem from the – She looked at the golden stone that hovered before her.

It was beautiful. It was shaped like a star, and yet, Rarity saw not a single chisel stroke, or scratch on it’s now glowing surface. She stared on in awe as the stone began to cast off a golden light. It seemed to weigh nothing at all in her aura. Reaching out to grab it, she was quite surprised when it thudded heavily into her hooves. That’s remarkable! She thought. I suppose Twilight saved the best for last. I’ve never seen anything like this.

She placed it carefully into her saddlebag. Looking back she heard a faint click. The flow from the unicorn’s mouth trickled to nothing, and a new stream began from it’s horn. Thinking nothing of it, Rarity started to trot back to Twilight and Spike.

Bouncing over the hill like her party loving friend, Rarity came into view. Spike and Twilight waited eagerly, ready to see how their friend had done.

“That was quick!” greeted Spike as Rarity came to a stop. She smiled. “Twilight, dear, I found all of the hidden gemstones. What shall I do with them now?”

Twilight beamed as she took the notepad from Spike and flipped through the pages with her magic. “Pull them out and I’ll mark each, just to make sure.” Rarity nodded, and popped her saddlebags open.

“Let’s see… Garnet, check. Topaz, check… Amethyst, check. Onyx… Woah!” Twilight stared at the star-like jewel as it shimmered in the air before her. The other gems fell to the ground in a clatter as she spun the specimen around slowly. “It’s simply beautiful, darling. Where in the wide world of Ever did you find such a gem?” Rarity asked, basking in the stone’s glow.

Twilight turned, bringing the stone with her as she held it close to her nose. “It’s not mine…” she said, oddly. Rarity leaned over her friend’s shoulder to get a better look again. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Twilight said, sharing a confused look with Rarity.

“I want to put it in my mouth.”

Both unicorns turned to look at the dragon that trembled at their hooves, his eyes wide as saucers and his mouth frothing with drool.

“Ew.” Rarity said with a grimace. “You said you’ve never seen anything like it, Twilight?” she asked. Twilight shook her head. “I think maybe I should keep it for now, Rarity. Something seems… off, about it.”

“I found it. It’s mine.”

Twilight looked at her friend in surprise. Rarity continued.

“You didn’t hide it, so I don’t have to give it to you. I want to keep it.”

“But, Rarity, it just seems-“ Twilight stammered, before Rarity gave a defeated moan.

“Twilight, I need this stone for a dress I need to make once I’m released from the hospital. It’s the centerpiece! I simply –must- have! Please, Twilight, let me keep it. I’d be ever so grateful.”

Twilight thought it over for a minute. Rarity waited anxiously. “Well, alright, I don’t see the harm-“

Twilight began, and Rarity galloped off squealing in delight, stashing the stone in her saddlebags.

Spike and Twilight watched as she disappeared into the hospital. “What happened to lunch?” asked Twilight. “Nevermind. Let’s just get something at Sugarcube corner. I could eat a horse!” Spike said as they made their way down the path.

“That’s… That’s not funny, Spike.” Twilight said with an awkward smile at her friend. She checked the notepad. Tomorrow would be Rainbow Dash’s last flying session. That’ll be over quick. She thought hopefully.

“That was over quick!”

Spike cheered as Rainbow Dash came to a stand still beside them.

“Thanks, Squirt.” She smiled.

“You’re doing great, Dash.” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash stretched her wings and legs with a cocky smile. Twilight smiled back, Spike at her side like always. “Your time is..” Twilight checked the pocket watch Spike held for her. “fifteen minutes.”

“Pffft.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I’ll halve that this time.”

Twilight laughed. “That’s the spirit, Dash. You know the drill: Fly all the way around Ponyville and back here as quick as you can. This is your last flight of the day, so make it count!” Rainbow Dash nodded, floating up into the air with a pump of her wings. Spike held his pocket watch eagerly.

“Ready… Go!”

Rainbow Dash blitzed off, leaving Twilight and Spike on the steps of the hospital.

Today felt different to Rainbow Dash as she whizzed through the air. On a whim, she ascended in a wild and spinning pattern, a move she had been dying to practice ever since the dinner at Sweet Apple Acres. Closing her eyes, feeling the wind against her face and body as she climbed higher and higher and higher…

Then opening them as she turned and dived towards the ground with reckless abandon, her wings tucked tightly to her sides. The candy coloured spots below turning into ponies with each passing second. The colours were amazing. Greens, reds, blues, yellows. Rainbow Dash blinked, craning her neck. She saw a blur of white and dark yellow, like mustard, speeding along between the narrow gap between the end of Ponyville, and the beginning of the Everfree Forest.

Her Curiosity piqued, she altered her course, pulling up from her dive and giving chase. As she swooped in behind him, she got a better look. He wore a leather flight cap, the chin straps spazzing in the wind as he flew. On his back, were two sets of saddlebags, his Cutie mark was covered by one of them. It was a colt, she knew by his eyes. Eyes that stared back at her with a mixture of surprise, anger, and fear.

As Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to greet him, he stopped. His wings folding back, he simply dropped from Rainbow Dash’s view. She turned and steered back towards him, slower than she would have liked. He stood on the ground just below her.

“What do you want?! Stop following me!” He said.

Rainbow Dash came to a landing beside him, and he took a step back. Chicken. Thought Rainbow Dash. “I was just wondering why you were in such a rush. She said, resenting his tone.

“None of your beeswax, Thunder butt!” He said with a sneer, looking at her cutie mark.

“Why I oughtta--!” she said, rearing before him angrily.

He squeaked, stumbling back. “Whoa, wait up a second, Toots!” He said. “Look, I’m just a little snappy cause I lost something that I really shouldn’t have, and now my boss is gonna tear me a new one. Sorry!”

Rainbow Dash lowered back to the ground. “That’s more like it. Now, what did you lose and what did it look like?”

“Well… I’m a Courier for some Pony who doesn’t want to be identified. And they got me picking up stuff from special sites ‘round town. And somepony must’ve found the last stache because when I got to it, it was empty! I don’t know how somepony could’ve noticed it, though. It was hidden real well.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “If you gave me an actual description, I might be able to help you look, or something, if you wanted…”

The courier shook his head. “No way, I don’t need you telling everypony my secrets, or my boss’s secrets.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Alright, if you don’t want my help, have fun searching for your missing junk.” As she started to fly into the air.

“Ugh.” The Courier said, rubbing his forehead. “Alright! Alright! I need your help. Please, don’t go!” he begged suddenly.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she floated back down.

“It was a special stone, ya see? Jewel… really, really, really rare. And uh. It’s golden, shaped like a star. It was supposed to be in a statue over in the park behind the Hospital, for me to pick up, but it was gone when I got there today!”

Rainbow Dash waved it off dismissively. “Pfft, is that all? No worries, My friend Rarity found it yesterday when she was practicing her magic in the park. I’m sure she’ll understand. I’ll tell her it was yours when I get back there.”

The courier gave a relieved sigh, that turned into a fit of giggles. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Rainbow Dash in a powerful hug. “Oh, I love you right now! What’s your name, lady?”

Rainbow Dash dusted herself off as he broke away still smiling. “Rainbow Dash. What about you?” The Courier beamed. “Yellow Belly. I mean, uh… That’s a code name. Cause I’m a courier for some one important. Look, just forget I said anything!
Rainbow dash arched an eyebrow. “Right…”

Yellow Belly fidgeted on the spot. “Shouldn’t you be doing something?”

Rainbow Dash shot up into the air. “Oh, Horsefeathers! I forgot I’m being timed!”

Yellow Belly waved goodbye, as he straightened his saddlebags.

“I’ll tell my friend about the Jewel, she’ll understand, she –Is- the Element of Generosity, after all!” Yellow Belly laughed and waved to Rainbow Dash as she flew off.

He floated up into the air as well, relief giving him a wide grin. Altering his course from before, he made his way towards the Everfree.

He had so much to do.

Twilight trotted down the road that led to the hospital. Spike rode on her back, a large wicker basket filled with food and a checkered blanket sitting in his lap. He and Twilight had spent most of the early morning preparing this picnic, and were excited to get to the hospital. Today would be the day their friends returned to their homes. Each had shown incredible progress since they had began: Applejack had nearly uprooted one of the trees in the park in the back!

As the Hospital came into view, They saw several unicorns wearing Hospital staff vests loading a marked Ambulance Carriage. Trotting past them and into the lobby, they saw their friends Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie crowding around a unicorn doctor.

“Whatddya mean she ain’t ready to be released?” Applejack shouted at the Doctor.

“I mean she ‘Ain’t’ Ready to be released yet, pardner.” He scowled.

“But She’s fine! Just as well as any one of us!” Pinkie added.

“She’s been doing the training sessions with Twilight like she was supposed to…”

“Then blame Twilight, whoever that is.” He said, pushing his glasses up his nose with his magic.

“That’d be me.” Twilight said, planting her hooves on the floor in front of him. Her friends stepped to the sides between them, and Spike dismounted her back, standing awkwardly to the side with the basket in his claws.

The Doctor eyed her up and down, his scowl giving away to a little smile. “Oh, you meant Twilight Sparkle? The famous magician and protégé of Princess Celestia?”

“That’d be me. and who are you? Where is my friends’ doctor?”

The unicorn doctor’s smile faded. “The Pegasus injured his wing yesterday, and so I was transferred from the EC wing.” He glanced over at Applejack. “Feeding statues all day got boring.” Twilight cast her levitation spell on her farmer friend just before her hoof connected with the doctor’s jaw. She spun in the air cursing too fast to be sensical.
The Doctor looked over, his contempt was almost enough that Twilight considered letting Applejack loose on him.

“Now then. I’ll repeat what I said to your three friends, Miss Sparkle: Rarity’s condition is not yet stable enough for her to be discharged from the hospital. She’s developed a sudden case of the trots, and we need to monitor her for the rest of the day. Come back tomorrow, and she’ll be ready to go.” He turned, brushing past the mares as they glared at him.

“Oh, since Rarity won’t be joining you, and you brought that cute little basket all the way here, I don’t suppose you could give me her share? I’m starving like Celestia in a Salad bar…” Twilight’s glared daggers at the doctor. Suddenly, Applejack was free. The farm pony smiled “Sure, help yerself, doctor.” She said, opening the basket and plucking a jam sandwich from within. The doctor stepped back.

“Open Wide.” Applejack sneered as she sent the Sandwich through the air at his face.
The doctor reeled back as the sandwich split apart on his snout, stumbling through the double doors that lead into the next wing of the hospital. The mares laughed, and hurried out into the sun before the doctor could recover.

“Sweet Celestia That was funny!” Laughed Rainbow Dash.

“He was so rude...” Fluttershy said.

“Pow! Right in the kisser!” Pinkie commented, before being overcome in a fit of giggles.

“We still have a picnic lunch to eat, girls.” Twilight said as they all trotted towards Ponyville Park, and they put out all thought of the doctor and whatever consequences that might follow.

Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie Pie were the last ones to arrive at the hospital the next morning. Applejack had spent the night at Fluttershy’s cottage, rather than her big, empty house, and Rainbow Dash had flown from her house minutes ago. They all looked up as the others arrived. “

‘bout time y’all showed up.” Applejack said. Spike crossed his arms. “Nice to see you too, AJ…” he said.

“Let’s go get Rarity, now.” Rainbow Dash said, eager to get started.

Fluttershy nodded. “That’d be nice…” She added.

Twilight pushed open the doors and stepped into the hospital. They all trotted over to the desk clerk, and smiled at the mare behind it.

“Yes? She politely inquired. Twilight cleared her throat. “Yes, Hello, we’re friends of Rarity Belle? We were told she would be discharged today and wanted to meet her. Is she free to go?”

The Clerk smiled. “I’ll check for you right now.” She flipped through a large check-out list on her desk.

“Hm… No “Rarity” on this list. She checked the next page. “None scheduled for tomorrow, either…”

Twilight shared a worried look with the others.

“Nope. Sorry, no “Rarity” in my schedule from now till the next year!”

The others gasped. “That must be a mistake! She was here yesterday, and every day for the last two weeks!” Twilight exclaimed. The desk clerk rubbed her chin.

“Hold up.” The others turned to look at Applejack. She held out her hoof, and the clerk hesitantly gave it to her. Applejack flipped the page over,and read. “Here.” She said, planting the list on the desktop. The others all leaned in. “This is yesterday’s checkout list.” Twilight said.

“Ah know it. read it.” Applejack said.

SHY, FLUTTER | 10:59 am
DASH, RAINBOW | 11:00 am
PIE, PINKIE | 11:00 am
JACK, APPLE | 11:01 am
BELLE, RARITY | 11:01 am

“That jerk doctor lied to us!” Pinkie Pie gasped.

“He sent Rarity home without us?” Spike asked.

“Maybe. Any of you seen her since we left?” asked Rainbow Dash.

They all shook their heads.

“Excuse me… but which doctor are you referring to?” they all looked towards the desk clerk who had spoken.
“He was a unicorn, glasses, white coat. He said he was transferred from EC to work with Rarity, something about the pegasus doctor injuring his wing.” Twilight informed her.

The Desk clerk popped open a cabinet behind her desk, and plucked a folder from it.

“Nope?” Echoed the mares.

“Doctor Medivac is fine and well, and it says he was Rarity’s designated doctor at the time of her discharge.” The desk clerk said, putting the file away.

There was a moment of silence, before all five ponies (and their Dragon companion) stormed through the double doors that led to the stabilized patients wing. Bursting through the doors and into the room the mares had shared during their recovery, they glanced around from bed to bed. Each of them peeling away curtains or searching under beds. Fluttershy stayed by the door, watching for trouble. Twilight galloped over to Rarity’s bed, which was concealed by a thin blue curtain of plastic. Peeling it away, she gasped.

The Bed was made.

The Nightstand was cleared.

Their friend was gone.

The others gathered around the bedside, staring at the clean sheets. “She… She’s gone…” Whispered Fluttershy, her eyes going large.

“Jus- Just like Z-Zecora…” Spluttered Spike, who grabbed the edge of the bed and wept.

“No, no, she can’t be. We’ll find her.” Twilight said, she too, was on the verge of tears. Her mind reeled, as her friends began to talk or cry all around her.

The Apples… Zecora… Rarity… So many lost, and for what? What could Partridge want with us? Why was he doing this? Why?


She shook her head, blinking away tears. “What, What is it, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash stared at the foot of the bed, her expression like stone beneath her vibrant hair. the others looked, and they saw it too.

At the foot of the bed, was a single, dark yellow feather, the color of mustard.
