//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: What To Do? // Story: My Little Pony: Blackened Hearts and Polished Boots // by Alphony Omaregon //------------------------------// Chapter 3: What To Do? When Spike awoke, he was startled to find his bed laying in the middle of the spare room. “What the-?” he asked aloud, as he stumbled to his feet. Spike’s foot hit something, and he looked down to see a book behind him. “Must have been up all night reading… why did she bring me in here though?” Spike guessed. He bent over and picked up the book, and the notes Twilight obviously had written about it that lay around the floor. Spike had work to do, and so he hurried out of the spare room. His first stop every morning was to clean Twilight’s study, then open the study window for Owlowiscious. Leaning over the desk, he pushed the window open, thinking nothing of it as he slid off the side of the desk. He turned and picked up the changeling book off the desk, smiling as he carried it away. “Only 30 chapters? Must’ve been a long day.” He chuckled, heading down the stairs. He put the books back exactly as they had been the night before; He wasn’t Twilight’s number one assistant for nothing, after all! Next on his early morning schedule would be to clean the dishes and set the table. “Piece of cake.” he said to himself, waddling into the kitchen. He was surprised to find the table set, and Twilight slumped over in a chair on the opposite side. Indigo magic surrounded a wet cloth at the sink, a frying pan with two eggs on the stove, and the fork that poked idly at the food on her plate. “Uh, Twilight?” She looked up at the baby dragon. “Oh. Hey Spike. I made breakfast. Couldn’t sleep…” Her eyes fluttered, as her head dangled just over her plate. “Well, uhm, thanks, but you can go back to bed now. I can finish my chores and handle the library for you.” Twilight smiled. “Thanks Spike, but I don’t think it’d do me much good. I need to go see somepony, about…” She trailed off. Spike climbed up into a chair across from Twilight. “About what?” he asked. Twilight grimaced. She didn’t want to lie to Spike, obviously, but wondered if the baby dragon would ever sleep again knowing somepony had snuck into the same room as him while he was asleep. “I need to go see the girls about a new book I got.” She said. The idea had come to her in the moment, and it formed as she spoke. “I’m going to go to Sugarcube Corner, and speak to Pinkie.” Popping up in impossible places was just one of the pink mare’s specialties, and maybe she could help. Spike gave her a scrutinizing look, then shrugged. “Oh. Okay then.” He said, digging into the bowl of cereal and gemstones Twilight had set out for him beforehand. They ate in relative silence. Minutes later, Twilight was out in the main foyer, packing the new book and several others into her satchels. As she walked out into the morning, she called over her shoulder. “I’ll be back in a little bit, Spike, take care of things for now, alright?” “Sure thing, Twilight!” he waved from the kitchen. As the door slammed shut, he hurried back up the stairs excitedly. How often did he get to sleep in on weekdays?! Out in the sunshine, Twilight trotted along, stifling a yawn, as she passed by the early morning mail mare, Red Letter. A part of her wanted to go back to bed. A much bigger part of her wanted to discover who was behind the book, who had snuck into her home without a trace. Adding to her plans during breakfast, She decided to visit each of her friends, remembering something Applejack had said about having guests tonight. She decided that she would stop by there around lunchtime, hopefully catching them during their break. Sugarcube Corner was on the way, after all. As she planned her course through Ponyville and the surrounding roads to Rainbow’s, Fluttershy’s, and Rarity’s homes, she looked up to find herself standing in front of the aforementioned bakery. She pushed inside and walked towards the counter. “Hello, Mrs. Cake.” She said with a smile to the mare behind the counter. “Oh, hello dear.” Mrs. Cake replied. “Can I get you anything?” Twilight shook her head. “No thank you. I’m just looking for Pinkie Pie. Is she home?” Mrs. Cake looked over her shoulder at the stairs. “Oh jah, she’s still asleep though, I think-“ A loud crash came from upstairs, followed by a dozen smaller ones, as a pink pile of hair and hooves came to rest at the bottom of the stairs. “Pinkie!” Twilight cried, hurrying over to her friend. “Oh, hi Twilight!” Pinkie said with a smile, a purple aura of magic lifting her to her hooves. “I was just tweaking my party cannon…” “O…kay?” asked Twilight. As if to emphasize the point, another crash echoed from upstairs, followed by a cat’s frightened shriek. “Since when did you own a cat?” asked Twilight, looking up the stairs. “I don’t!” Pinkie smiled. Twilight and Mrs. Cake shared an awkward glance. “Say, Pinkie, I wanted to talk to you about something that happened last night.” Pinkie Pie looked over, then nodded. “Okie Dokie Lokie! Come on up!” The two of them climbed back up the stairs, and into Pinkie’s Loft. To Twilight’s surprise, nothing appeared to be broken. The Party cannon sat in the center of the room. Gummy sat lazily on the barrel, motionless. “So, whatcha wanted to talk about?” Asked Pinkie, bouncing over to the cannon. Twilight popped open her saddle bag and pulled out the book and the notes with it. “I found this when I got home.” She began, holding it out for Pinkie to see. Pinkie squinted. “Disharmony and Discord?” She read the cover outloud. Twilight nodded. “Well, this isn’t surprising at all.” Pinkie said, giving Twilight a strange look. “What?” “You live in a Library, silly! Of course you’re going to find books in a library.” Pinkie giggled, turning her attention to Gummy, who snapped stupidly at her poking hoof. Twilight groaned. “No, that’s not what I meant!” Pinkie turned back, hearing the edge of fear in her friend’s frustrated voice. “Alright… what’s wrong, Twilight?” she asked, walking over to her. Twilight told her about the previous night. The unlocked window, the unknown trespasser, the book itself and the notes. Pinkie Pie listened to Twilight’s dilemma. When Twilight finished, Pinkie pie put her arm on her friend’s shoulder. “I don’t know what to tell ya, Twilight. Tonight, you can stay here with Spike. Maybe you should write a letter to the Princess about it?” Pinkie perked up slightly. “Unless you and I find the culprit!” Twilight blinked. Where had Pinkie gotten that hat and bubble pipe from? “Come, my dear Sparkle! Trouble is afoot in Ponyville!” Twilight shook her head, while trying not to giggle. “It’s fine, Pinkie. I appreciate the offer. Both of them. But Spike and I will stay at the library.” Pinkie’s smile faded. No sleepover parties for the foreseeable future was a sure way to dampen her mood. “I will write a letter to Celestia, though. Thanks.” Pinkie smiled. “Glad to be of help, Twilight. Don’t suppose you want to stay a bit longer, do you? You could help me bake some cupcakes for AJ’s dinner party!” Pinkie’s smiled widened. Twilight smiled too. “Uhm, No thanks, Pinkie, I’m good. I’ll just head over to Rarity’s, see what she’s bringing to Applejack’s place tonight.” “Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie beamed. “Well, I should get started on my baking, then.” She told Twilight as they headed back downstairs. “Alright, Pinkie, I’m looking forward to the dinner party. Your cupcakes are always to die for.” Twilight smiled, imagining the sugary sweets already. Pinkie was still laughing as Twilight closed the door and headed off towards Carousel Boutique. “You think somepony invaded your home?” gasped Rarity, as she ushered Twilight inside. Twilight nodded. “They left me this book. I think it’s supposed to be a historical documentation, or something.” She slipped the book out of her bag once again and floated it over to Rarity. “But it’s all wrong. They’re so many errors and mistakes from Equestrian Records, it’s like some sort of fairy tale.” Twilight flipped the pages past Rarity’s nose, before turning the book around and skimming through it herself. “And yet… I feel that whoever wrote this was serious, if not misinformed…” Rarity closed the door with her magic, then slipped onto her couch. “I’m sorry, darling, but History, Arithmetic, Astronomy: Those are your expertise. Perhaps you should cross-reference this book of yours with some Canterlot records? But in the meantime, Twilight, if you fear this invader might strike your home again, I have a spare room here. Please, stay here until the matter is dealt with.” Twilight shook her head. “I’m sorry, Rarity, but I’m staying in the Library.” She lifted her head up, sniffing the air. “By the way, do you smell something burning?” Rarity leapt from the couch, galloping down the hall. “My croissants!” She exclaimed. Twilight took the opportunity to see herself out. As she turned onto the road towards Fluttershy’s Cabin, she heard a familiar voice shake the birds from the trees. “SWEETIE BELLE!!!!!!” Twilight left Fluttershy’s cabin with skip in her trot: after Twilight explained her problem, the timid pegasus had at first offered her a place to stay, which Twilight declined. Not to be dissuaded, Fluttershy had helpfully spoken to her animal friends. She had told Twilight that a dozen birds had agreed to nest around the library to keep an eye out for intruders. Twilight had been overjoyed, and after a quick sample of the tea Fluttershy was bringing to Applejack’s, left quite satisfied. Now she headed for Ponyville Square; Judging by the high sun, Rainbow Dash would just be getting off for her lunch break. Taking a turn towards the park, she trotted along. Ponies were finally braving the day, leaving their homes and moving into the streets. She saw Lyra and Bon Bon on a morning walk, Lyra’s head buried in a book about hairless apes. “I’m telling you, Bonbon, they are real, and I know a guy who knows a guy who says he met one In the Everfree!” Twilight trotted past, not listening to Bonbon’s tired reply. Maybe Lyra had left the book in her room? She definitely seemed crazy enough, but the motive… Twilight shook her head, and kept walking. Rose was just opening her shop and Cranky Doodle was in the market, doing some early morning shopping. What caught Twilight’s attention, was that odd colt, the brown one with the hourglass cutie mark, was waiting patiently beside the Sweet Apple Acres stall, which was still closed. That’s odd… thought Twilight as she stopped behind him. “Uhm, Excuse me?” she asked. He turned, eyeing her in a scatterbrained manner. “Oh? Yes, yes, hello Miss Sparkle. Getting your early morning shopping done too I see? But your bags look full, couldn’t be shopping, unless- OH! That’s right, you’re a unicorn! Yes you are, a purple unicorn, with magic!” He giggled fitfully. “Ah, I almost forgot, so, are you just going to carry it all whoosh-y in some magic and run along home, then?” The strange colt continued. Twilight blinked. She hadn’t talked to this colt before, for longer than a brief “hello” or “excuse me.” She had been a firm believer that nopony in Ponyville could out-talk Pinkie Pie, until now. “No, I was just-“ She stopped. What if this crazy stallion was the one who gave her the book? “-going to talk to Applejack. We’re having a dinner party.” The brown colt smirked. “Well, sorry miss, but it’s Big Mac’s day to run the stall though, innit?” Twilight nodded, looking at the empty stall again. “Why isn’t he here?” “Now that you mention it, that -IS- a bit weird innit? That big ol’ stallion is always on time, always working, never mucking about, Respect that, yes indeed. But eh, he isn’t here. Yeah. That is odd.” The brown colt began rubbing his chin. “Well, this calls for an investigation, a thorough investigation to the best of my exceptional abilities- Why are you looking at me like that?” Twilight cleared her throat. She noticed the flash of colours in the clouds over yonder that could only mean one thing. “Nothing. I’ll be going then. Goodbye.” The brown colt nodded. “Yeah, yeah, see you, Miss Sparkle. Watch your head, though, would you?” “Alright. Goodbye now.” She said, trotting off towards her friend, whom she now saw was sleeping soundly in a cloud. She was almost in its shadow when a thought struck her. “Watch my head..?” She looked up, acutely aware of the birds passing overhead. That was the -last- thing she needed right now… she looked back over her shoulder, pursing her lips in thought. That stallion is trouble, I think… She was going to make an effort to steer clear of that colt next time they crossed paths. But for now, she just wanted to talk to Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow?” She called. The pegasus didn’t respond. “Rainbow?” she called again, louder. The sleeping mare still did not move an inch. Twilight sighed, impatiently, her mood already soured by the scatterbrained stallion. She picked up a rock from the ground, no bigger than an apple, and sent it shooting for the under belly of the cloud. “YEEEOW!!!” Rainbow Dash shouted, sailing off the cloud and into the air. It took her a second to remember her wings, and she floated down beside Twilight. “Twilight! Who threw that?! Did you see?” Twilight smiled innocently. “Why I oughtta-“ Rainbow Dash mumbled, before the book was in her face. “This was left for me on my bed by somepony last night. It’s an old record of Equestrian history, but I’ve never read it before, and it was full of instructions on little notes, and I know history isn’t your thing, but this book is all … wrong. It even mentions a third Princess for Celestia’s sake!” Rainbow Dash looked at her skeptically, her anger fading at the desperate tone in Twilight’s voice. “… Princess Cadence?” she guessed. “No, no. Right here. His power brought many ponies to insanity, and caused great strife and chaos amongst the fledgling nation’s borders. He was entombed in stone for all eternity by the power of the Alicorn sisters of Sun, Earth, and Moon. With his banishment, true everlasting peace came to Equestria.” Twilight read aloud, holding the book in front of her as she did. Rainbow Dash screwed up her face in thought for a moment. “Twilight, I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you. They’re talking about Discord, right?” Twilight nodded. “And look right there? With his banishment, true everlasting peace came to Equestria. Well, we all know that’s a load, right? Sounds to me like somepony left you a tacky ‘alternate history’ story.” Twilight sighed. “Yeah, I thought so too…” Rainbow harrumphed. “Don’t sound like it.” Twilight sighed, and Rainbow fluttered to the ground beside her. “Listen, Twilight, you okay?” Twilight nodded. “I’m fine.” “Tell you what: I’d invite you to spend the night at my place, but you’d just fall through the floor. SO, How’s about I spend the night at the library? Anypony tries to break in, they’re greeted at the door by these!” Rainbow gave a wicked smile as she bucked the air. Twilight’s mood seemed to lighten. “Thanks, Rainbow. That’d be great. We have a spare room and everything.” Twilight gave her loyal friend a brief hug. “Oh! I almost forgot. What are you bringing to AJ’s place tonight?” Rainbow Dash gave Twilight a shocked look. “What? You mean the company of a celebrity isn’t enough?” Twilight almost rebuked her friend, when she saw the mischief in the pegasus’ eyes. “I was thinking maybe I’d stop by Cloud 9.” “Cloud 9?” asked Twilight. Rainbow Dash grinned. “Oh yeah, it’s the greatest pop shop in Cloudsdale! They have have these awesome drinks, they call them Floats. Its sort of like Discord’s Cotton Candy Cloud fiasco, but with say, Root Beer, instead.” “Pinkie Pie will love one of those, I bet.” Twilight smiled. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Anyways, I need to get back to my nap, if you’re done throwing rocks at me.” Twilight gave Rainbow a mischievous smirk as the pegasus floated off the ground. “Unless you want your own personal rainstorm, Twilight…” laughed Rainbow Dash. Twilight turned and trotted off with a final goodbye to Rainbow Dash. It was then, that realization struck her. What am –I- going to do for Applejack’s dinner party?” End.