Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A true friend

A/N the character Dali's name is pronounced, (D la) Just say D then la. Its a weird name, I know.

Chapter 47

Four months after Omnius visited.

"Do you really have to go to Manehattan?" Twilight asked while pouting.

I closed the flap on my saddlebag and put it on, "Yes, its kinda important."

She continued to pout, "How long will you be gone?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, a while I guess."

She stood on her hind legs and pointed to her stomach, "You better now be gone to long, its only three more months till the foal is born."

I chuckled and rubbed her stomach, "Don't worry Twi, I'll be back way before its born."

She came down to all fours and wrapped her hooves around my neck in a tight hug, "I'm going to miss you."

I returned her hug, "I'll miss you to Twi, be good and keep up your studies."

She stepped back and chuckled, "Of course."

I walked over to the mirror and made sure I hadn't forgot anything. I was not wearing my usual black clothes, I was stripped down to just my goggles.

I then made my way to the door, "See ya Twi, love you."

"Love you too." She said from behind me.

I smiled and walked out the door and into the streets of Canterlot. I then smirked to myself, I didn't HAVE to go to Manehattan, I just really wanted to see it. After all, it did look pretty nice in the show. I began walking down the street to my first destination.

Twilight may not be coming with me, but I'm not going alone. You see, over the past two months, I've made a new friend. I was walking through Canterlot alone one afternoon and came upon a mare being made fun of by a few high class ponies. I became instantly mad at them and defended the poor pony. They soon walked off after they saw they wasn't getting any where with me, and that their words of insult fell on deaf ears.

After that, I talked to the pony. I found out that she wasn't even from Equestria, but a land outside of it. Her name was Dali, a strange name at first, till I found out that it was part of her culture. We talked for a few hours. In those few hours, I learned a lot about her and her culture. I also found out why she was in Canterlot. Apparently, she couldn't pay the driver of a chariot enough bits for the full trip and he just dumped her here. She didn't know any of the ponies, and was made fun of the way she looked. That's when I came in.

She was a nice pony, a little strange at times, but nice all the same.

As for looks, she was a light brown earth pony. Her mane and tail was light greenish blue with light orange highlights. Her mane was long and went down the left side of her head, coming down to her knee. Her tail was slightly puffy and sorta long. Her eye was different from other ponies, it looked like Rarity's in a way. Her eye was also a deep violet. Her cutie mark was a blue microphone with two music notes on either side. She also sometimes wore two thin bracelets on her left hoof.

After I found out that she didn't have a place to live, I talked to Frederic, who was kind enough to get her a house of her own.

As time went on, me and Dali became great friends. Strangely, I was better friends with her than most of the bronies. Only two ranked above her and that was Frederic and Twilight. To say the least, we spent a lot of time together. We was close, but not in the way a couple is. Sure, we talk about... things, but we would never do anything like that. I am married after all.

Anyway, back on subject. I'm not going alone to Manehattan, I'm taking my best friend along, Dali. Why not, she's doesn't know that much about Equestria and I'm the only pony she will even talk to. Its complicated, part of her culture.

In her culture, nopony will talk to one another, unless they fully trusted that pony and felt a connection to them. For us, it was the connection of friendship. If you became friends with said pony, it means that you have formed a bond that can not be broken, a bond that you would do anything to keep whole.

Got to admit, that's a tough commitment. I wouldn't be able to do that, to hard.

I walked up to her house and knocked on the door. Seconds later, it flew open and there stood Dali, her saddlebag already on. She smiled happily at me, "Hi Lance, you ready to get going?"

Yes, I told her everything about me and the other bronies. I trust her with the secret.

I smiled back, "You know I'm ready. I've been wanting to go there ever since I arrived in Equestria."

She continued to smile as she walked out of her house and closed the door, "I can't wait to see the big city. Everypony from where I lived said it was a city to see."

I chuckled, you just got to love the way she talks. She may not make full complete sentences all the time, but you just got to love it. "Oh, it is, believe me. I've talked to plenty of ponies about it."

She waved a hoof at my back, "May I mount your back now?" (That does not mean what you think it means! Pervs...)

I chuckled, "Hope on, I'll take ya for a ride." I laughed at my words, she may not get it, but I do.

Dali gently climbed onto my back and positioned herself so that she wouldn't effect my flying.

One last thing about her culture and I'll shut up. In her culture, touching another pony, or being touched, is like a sacred thing. They will not touch another pony, or let another pony touch them, unless they trusted that pony and accepted them. You know, I'm not that good at explaining this part of her culture, I'll sum it up. Touching equals bad, but Touching plus friend equals good. Yeah, that sums it up.

I shifted around a bit till I was comfortable and could fly easily. The plan was for me to fly us there, as it would be faster than walking. Once there, we would explore the city, have a good time, meet some new ponies, then come back with in a few days, or weeks. We've been planning this trip for the past month.

I turned slightly to her, "Ready Dali?"

"Ready." She said as she held on tight.

I lifted up slightly, careful not to let her slid off. Once I was high enough, above the buildings, I began flying forward. Time to start the two hour flight to Manehattan.

Skip ahead two hours and thirty minutes. What? I'm not strong enough to go far or fast with Dali on my back, okay!

I landed in the middle of the city, sweat coated my body, my lungs on fire.

Dali slide off and looked around, "Wow, this city is big!"

I looked at her with an exhausted expression and smiled, "It sure is."

She began walking forward, but stopped when she saw the large crowd of ponies moving about. She back tracked to me, "There are a lot of ponies in this city."

I chuckled and stood up straight, ignoring the pain in my back, "Well, it is a city after all, of course there will be a lot of ponies."

She looked around, "I know, its just, their so close. What if somepony touches me, or what if I touch somepony."

I put a hoof on her shoulder, "Don't worry, I got this." I smirked and pulled off my goggles. Come on eyes, do your thing.

We began walking towards the crowd of ponies, all heading in different directions. As soon as I stepped in the crowd, the began going around me, like I was diseased. I laughed to my self silently, I love my body! (Back I say you pervs!)

I led Dali through the crowd, making sure nopony touched her. If that happened, she would be devastated. She'll take it as if somepony had rapped her. I will never understand her culture.

As we walked down the busy sidewalk, I came to a stop. I smiled and looked back at Dali, "You hungry?"

She rubbed her stomach and grinned, "I am very hungry."

I chuckled to myself, man I love the way she talks! "How does this place look then?" I held out a hoof to the club in front of us, 'The Trotting Pony'. Techno music could be heard inside, not my kind of music, but come on! Its a club, in Equestria! I have to see this.

She looked at it with uncertain eyes, "Are you sure? It seems... strange."

I smiled, "I'm pretty sure its safe, just stay next to me and nothing will happen." I held up my hoof, "I promise."

Dali smiled happily, "Okay Lance, I trust you." She then moved up close to me, "Led the way."

I held back a laugh and led her to the door. Upon entering the club, I could see that they had a DJ up in the corner, playing the music. There was a stage up front, and all the tables in the room faced it. Over to the left was a dance floor, and to the right was a bar of some sort.

I walked in faster, excited.

"Lance! Please wait up!" Said Dali as she tried to keep up.

One last thing, I promise. Dali isn't what you would call, athletic. She can't run a quarter of a mile without needing to take a break. Where she's from, all the mare's do is stay home and help the family. In her case, she did chores for her family.

I stopped and let her catch up, "I'm so sorry Dali, I didn't mean to leave you behind."

She waved me off with her hoof, "All is forgive Lance, I know you did not mean to leave me. Nothing happened, so there is nothing to be sorry about."

I let out a sigh of relief, "Shall we get a table, they may be doing a show or something."

We looked around till we found a empty spot, near the front, but off to the side.

After a few minutes of sitting there, I noticed a sign up on the stage. I squinted my eyes, trying to read it. I then zoomed in with my goggles and read the sign. When I did, my mouth dropped. It read, 'Tonight's performance stars, The Great and Powerful Trixie!'

I facehoofed, out of all the clubs, I chose the one with her! Well, at least I know where she went after the episode, 'Boast busters'.

I looked at the bar and rubbed my chin, I then looked at Dali, "Do you want me to get you something to eat?"

She nodded, "Yes please."

I chuckled and stood, "I'll be right back then."

Her eyes widened with shock, "Please don't leave me here alone!"

I patted her hoof, "Dali, I'll be right over there, see?" I pointed to the bar, "I'll keep my eye on you, I promise."

She took a deep breath and nodded.

I walked over to the bar and took a seat. The stallion behind the bar walked up, "What would you like today..." He looked at me, a look of surprise and confusion.

I sighed, "I'm a Pegasus, a zebra Pegasus if you prefer. I would like a daisy sandwich and a hayburger. Also, two large ciders."

He nodded as he looked at me, "Okay then. Wait for us to bring it out."

I opened my saddlebag, "Price?"

"Forty bits." He said as he turned from me.

My mouth hung open in surprise, forty bits! This food better taste like fucking rainbow's! I wonder what a rainbow taste like. I'll ask Dash when I get back.

After a few minutes of waiting, he brought out the food and drinks, "Here you go, also, did you hear about the large storm coming in? Its suppose to be huge."

I chuckled, "I've seen big storms in my life." I then placed the forty bits on the table and picked up the tray in my mouth. Which I don't know how, but I was able to keep it balanced all the way back to our table.

I sat it down and handed her the daisy sandwich, "There ya go, and here's your cider." I said as I placed the cider in front of her.

I then sat down and licked my lips, this was going to be good. I picked up the hayburger and took a bit. I nodded and took another bit. "I have come to a conclusion: That taste so much better than a rainbow!"

Dali looked at me in confusion, "What?"

I laughed, "Oh sorry, just something I was thinking."

She shrugged and finished up her food and drink. Wait, she's already done? Damn she eats fast when she's hungry.

I then pushed all of my hayburger into my mouth and washed it down with my cider. Oh yeah, so worth forty bits.

Suddenly, behind me, I heard a very familiar beat begin to play, "Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" A poof was heard, as a smoke screen appeared for a second before disappearing, and there stood Trixie, "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!"

A tear rolled down my face, "Why? Why does the universe hate me!"

Dali looked at me in concern, "Lance, are you alright?"

I nodded, "I'm okay, I just hate this... 'magician'."

She looked up at Trixie, who was still boasting, "I can see why."

I chuckled, "Yeah... I have the worst luck ever, huh?"

She shook her head, "Not at all, you are very lucky."

I raised an eyebrow, "How am I, the pony that lost the ability to have kid... foals, lucky?"

She gestured to my wedding bracelet, "You are married to a wonderful mare. You are very lucky."

I looked at the wedding bracelet and smiled, I guess I do have some good luck, "Thanks Dali, your a true..."

"Hey! The Great and Powerful Trixie is talking! You must listen to her!" Said Trixie with annoyance in her voice.

I turned to see that she was looking straight at me. Okay, that's it, "The Great and Powerful Trixie? Really? Your not that great or powerful, you was beaten in a foals game of magic against Twilight Sparkle, the student of Princess Celestia!"

Trixie's eye twitched and she jumped off the stage and marched right up to me, "It was a cheat! Trixie could have easily beaten that weak and nerdy Twilight Sparkle, but chose not to."

I stood and glared her, "Yeah, says the bitch with the loud mouth. Face it Trixie, your nothing more than a poser. Twilight is the real deal!" Am I rapping? That's strange, even for me.

Trixie looked me up and down, "Trixie thinks you are lying. Trixie bets that you haven't even met Twilight Sparkle."

I held up my hoof with the wedding bracelet, "Well well, Trixie is wrong, you know why? Because I'm married to Twilight, I know that she can kick you flank in a magic duel any day." What is wrong with me?

Trixie was taken back at my words, "Your married to that failure Twilight Sparkle? This is to rich for Trixie to handle."

I slammed my hoof down, "Cut that fucking third person crap! Its annoying as hell!"

She twisted, hitting me in the face with her cape, "Trixie doesn't have time for you, she has a show to perform."

"I'm going to kick her ass!" I said as I took a step forward.

Dali jumped over the table and pulled me back, "Lance, no. Don't fall for her games, she wants you to fight her in public."

I took a deep breath and sighed, "I guess your right. Can we please leave?"

She nodded, "I would think it best."

As she stood, the sound of thunder could be heard in the distance.

That bar tender was right, there is a storm coming. Sounds big too.

An hour and fourteen minutes later, the 'Sleeping Stallion' hotel

I looked out the window at the storm, the rain coming down heavily. The loud booming of the thunder and the loud cracks of the lighting made me flinch every time. This by far, was the worst storm I've ever been in.

I turned to the two beds, mine and Dali's. I could see the large lump in her bed where she was hiding under the covers.

Where she's from, they rarely have a thunder storm, and when they do, its never like this.

I began walking towards my bed when the power suddenly cut off, "Well shit."

I stumbled over to the bed, with little damage. Okay, I hit my head on the wall and fell face first on the floor before I made it to the bed. I climbed in, the thunder and lighting only getting worst.

When a loud and sharp crack of lighting was heard, I heard Dali give a yelp of surprise, "You okay Dali?"

"I-I am okay, just a l-little scared is all." She said in a strained voice. I instantly felt bad, because I could tell she was crying.

"Dali, are you sure your okay."

"No, I am not okay. This storm is... frightening."

I rubbed my hooves together, trying to think of a plan. Then I remembered something. Last time there was a thunderstorm in Canterlot, she came running to my house. Twilight and I had let her stay in our room and sleep with us. I know that may sound strange, but when you have a friend in need, you help them.

"Dali, would you like to sleep in my bed tonight?"

I heard her bed squeak and felt her jump in bed. She gave me a quick hug, "Thank you Lance, your a good friend."

I chuckled, "No problem, I know Twilight wouldn't mind."

She put her hoof over my waist, "Do you mind?"

I laughed, "Not at all, what ever takes your mind off the storm."

She hugged my body tightly, which I would hate if this was another pony. I only let Twilight do this, but seeing as Dali needs somepony to hold, I'll let it be.

I lay there in the dark, feeling her flinch every time lighting struck. Eventually, she fell asleep, snoring slightly.

I smiled and started to focus on Twilight. What am I doing you ask? Well, Twilight cast a spell on me so that I could talk to her anytime I wanted. I love this spell.

'Twilight, you awake?' I thought.

A few second delay, 'Yes, I'm awake. How's Manehattan?' Came her voice in my head.

'Pretty good, we're in a storm right now.'

'You are? How's Dali doing?'

'She's doing fine. But I hope you don't mind that I let her sleep in my bed with me. The lighting was scaring her.'

A few second pause, 'Oh, its okay Lance. I remember the last time it stormed, how she kept crying while she lay between us in bed. She wouldn't let me touch her, so I was no help. Lance, your a good friend you know that?'


'Well, you let her hold you the whole night, just to make her feel better. That's true friendship Lance.'

I smiled, 'Thank you Twi. I miss you.'

'I miss you too Lance, its no fun here without you.'

'What about David or Greg? Or Spike?'

'David and Spike are already asleep. As for Greg, I'm not going in his room.'

I chuckled and put a hoof to my face, 'Well, play with Churchill. He could use the attention while I'm gone.'

'I may, he seems to like me.'

'He does, hes a good dog. Just don't let him trick you into over feeding him, he's a smart dog.'

'Don't worry, he can't out smart me.'

'I know, because your so adorkable.'

'I'll never know where you got that name for me.'

'I'll never tell.'

'Well, I have to go Lance, I'm in the middle of a book.'

I shook my head with a smile, 'Is it the book the Princess sent you?"

A pause, 'Shut up.'

I held back a laugh, 'Goodnight Twi, love you.'

'Goodnight Lance, I love you too.'

I relaxed into the pillow and let the sounds of the storm sooth me. Within seconds, I was out.