Poking Pinkie Pie in the Pooper

by KingofSquirrelz

Mr. Frost

Saturday: Noon

You looked up in a slight daze, still enjoying your euphoric state. Your breathing was slightly erratic, sensual and almost mocking. You wanted to say something else, something to rip into Carrot Cake’s pride.

Nothing came to mind.

At your feet was Cup Cake, laying flat on her back. Her body was still quivering from sex; her fluids were still pouring out freely, then pooled onto the wooden floor. Her mane was disheveled, the pink, glossy strands jutting out in every direction.

Cup Cake looked at Carrot next to the stairs, her eyes wide and her mouth clamped shut.

Carrot stood at the top of the stairs, all four legs rigid and locked into place. His left eye was twitching, mouth slightly agape and several pulsating veins beating on his forehead.  His mane was scraggly and matted with sweat.

You reach for your boxers, never breaking eye contact with Carrot. Your privates were hung out for all to see, and you didn’t want him comparing sizes. You would lose, as he was still a horse, didn't want to give him ammo to use against you.

“Well…” you say as you try your best to slip on your stained briefs, “it seems you and I now share a very special bond. That bond would be your wife. So, now we should be calm and rational since now we're like brothers or something—“

He moved faster than lightning as his back hooves made contact with your face. You were pushed back, the back of your skull firmly planted into the plaster of the wall.  The now crumbling plaster covered your hair, shoulders, and bits of your bare chest.

“You think you can come into my home,”you assumed he was glaring at you, “and have sex with my wife while you were under my good graces? Is this the way you treat others who…”

You tried to listen, but the blood, trickling down your face from a fresh cut that was right above your left eye, prevented you from doing so.  Your teeth were clenched shut as your vision slowly came back, and as your brain stopped shaking inside your skull.  There was a very slight ringing in your left ear and you could clearly hear your heart beating inside of your head.

A good minute had passed before your senses finally came back to you. Placing your left hand on the wall, you pushed forward, prying your head out of the drywall. Taking a heavy breath you clamor to a standing position. You smirk to yourself as you think, “It did hurt like hell.”

It was nothing compared to what you got from your father, however.

Now, with a steady river of blood pouring down your chin and dripping onto your torso, you looked at Carrot with an expression that visibly frightened him to his core; a smile. An electrifying tingle spread across your body, your adrenaline rushing as you neared the terrified stallion.

“Sit back down! I’m talking to you!” He shouts in a vain attempt to regain control of the situation.

“You know,” you say with a smile. “I will give you one thing. That really hurt. Maybe if you put a little bit more effort into it, you could have knocked me out cold.” You put your hand on your chin and with a quick jerk, you crack your neck.

“How long has this been going on?!” Carrot Cake demanded.

Cup Cake’s eyes went wide, “T-this was just a—“

“Two weeks,” you said with a sadistic smirk. You wanted to get him mad, to get a rise out of him. “Every day since your separation we’ve been doing it. On the counter, on your bed, hell, even in the kitchen.”

Carrot looked down at Cup, “I could've had any mare of my choosing, and this is the way you treat my generosity? By trying to replace me with some… human?”

“Replace? Pfft, bitch please. She is moving up in the world. Now though, it’s just you and me.” The adrenaline rush you were getting was unfathomable. It felt like something out of high school, where two guys fought over a girl. You were never in a fight like that, but hell, better late than never.

“Carrot.. please,” Cup begged. “Don’t tell anypony.”

“Tell? Tell what?” Carrot retorted, enraged. “That my wife was sleeping around while we were separated?”

“Hey,” you shout, “Eyes on me.” You had no martial training, but had watched enough movies to know how to throw a solid punch. Thanks to your father, you knew how to dodge, assuming you could see the attack coming.

“She felt like fucking me, so she did.” you taunt.Trying to goad the stallion into a fight.

Carrot stepped back nervously. “Y-you want me to fight you… for her? I’m not going to fight you. You will leave this house right now, and I'll forget this all happened. She is my proper—“

Your hand was already at his throat, all five fingers closed around his neck. With one hand, you lifted him to eye level. For you, this was an amazing feat of strength, as ;he was about fifty five pounds.

“You weren’t about to say property, right?”  You said through gritted teeth, each word it.carrying a deadly trace of venom within.

Carrot Cake shook his head, gasping for breath.

“I thought so. That would be really rude and insensitive.” You said, finishing with a smile. Right now, you felt like the greatest badass in the entire world. You set him back on his hooves, even though it was only for a few seconds your forearms were already straining from carrying his weight.

He nearly crumpled and he took several steps back, rubbing his throat. He was slightly wheezing. He stood there for only a moment,  before he turned and made a beeline back down the stairs.

You blink a few times at the empty space, slightly confused. Still holding your stance, you inch to the doorway, taking great care to not let your guard down. You didn’t want to get ambushed again. You look down the stairs; there is no stallion in sight.

“Did… did he run away!? What the hell! Where is the manly battle?” Now you stood there more disappointed than anything. You wanted a hero’s battle, a fight to end all fights. One, that at the end of the day you could drink too with friends and regale the tale too.  

Slowly your adrenaline rush faded, now the only thing you had to show for your bravado was a cut and a body covered in plaster bits. You were kind of disappointed.

“I can’t believe he ran away.”

“Sweetie, don’t be mad. You looked very handsome trying to defend me.” Cup Cake said with a smile, “Could you be a dear and help me up?”

You turn around and now attend to the mare. Although, in the back of your mind, it felt like a hollow victory.  You always wanted to play the hero, save the damsel in distress. You can’t remember how many times you had saved Princess Zelda and Princess Peach.

This was not the same, you just felt empty, disappointed.

You grab Cup Cake under her forelegs; you took note of the weight difference immediately. You would guess she clocked in at around one hundred or so pounds. Well within your weight limit to cradle her with one arm. Although, her soft pudgy bottom just needed two firm hands to hold it.

It was for safety purposes. You always did believe in safety first.

“You don’t have to carry me,” she said weakly, “I’m pretty sure I can walk if I stand.” Although, her hooves were already wrapped tightly around your neck, her head resting against yours.  Her eyes closed she was almost completely calm.

“Thank you.”

You blink, not out of confusion, but bewilderment, “For what?”

“Making me feel special, I know I’m not much to look at. Even if it was just for a tiny bit, I really enjoyed our time today.”

You didn’t answer right away. You sit down on the couch that you used before. (On a dry spot.) Looking at the wall you can only wonder what would be the right thing to say now. Something comforting, loving, caring. Deep down you really wanted to make her happy.

“Tell me,” you said without thinking, “how long has Carrot Cake been treating you like that. I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t hear it with my own ears.”

Cup Cake tightened her grip, her eyes opened for but a moment and then closed again. “He wasn’t always like that. I hate to say it, but he was like you are with Pinkie when I first met him. Although, that was all a lie.”

You can feel her body tremble, it wasn’t sporadic or out of fear. You didn’t know what emotion brought on the shudder. You decided to step forward curiously.

“You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to.”

You kind of wanted her to say yes and get off, you just noticed you were still bleeding and it was dripping onto her coat. On the other hand, you were curious as to why she would compare you to that possessive douchebag.

“It’s alright, it’s not like it’s a secret or anything. Well maybe to some it is I guess. When I first met Carrot, I was on a swing set in Canterlot. I was just a little filly,but soon I would have been a mare with the right to marry and get my own stallion.”

She sighed.

“Then I saw him, he was with his own herd of mares. Each one bidding for his attention—“

“Stop.” You say taking in a breath. “Carrot Cake… had a herd of mares after him?” No matter how hard you tried you just couldn’t fit that image into your head. You couldn’t picture him sleeping with Celestia either, but damn, this was making no sense to you.

“Why is it that so hard to believe?”

“It’s Carrot Cake…  I have seen what you mares’ consider pretty boys.” Because Pinkie Pie always made it a habit to point them out. It irritated you a tiny bit, but you weren’t the jealous type. “Carrot doesn’t fall into that category.”

“Well… yes, I guess you’re right. He was sleeping with all of them though, that’s just normal around here. He was choosing his mates, the mares he was going to bed with for life.”

Your mouth drops a little, “Say what? He had choices?” You were almost sure she was lying to you. You were more willing to believe in vampires and Slender Man than this. Carrot had… choices? “What do you mean ‘mates for life’?”

“It’s when a stallion chooses who he will allow to court him. Normally eight or so mares to a stallion; sometimes more, sometimes less depending on his preference.” Cup Cake stated, this started to feel more like a lesson than a story. “I bet you had a few humans for your bed back home.” She said with a sheepish smirk.

You didn’t. The closest thing you had was a stalker ex-girlfriend.

“Wow.” You say mildly stunned, “You guys have a really open culture. It’s a little shocking.” Although you do recall a few instances where five or so mares would follow a stallion, almost religiously.

“Yes, mares do most of the work when it comes to courting. Since less than ten percent of Equestria is male, we had to make do with what we had. Most stallions take it in stride, who wouldn’t want options?” Cup squeezed you hard. “Well Carrot wasn’t popular, but still he had choices. He was a stallion and I was just smitten filly. I always had a thing for older males.”

It was a weird feeling, still didn’t feel right thinking Carrot had suitors. Let alone more than one. Maybe he was rich or something.

“Then I met him and we talked on the swings. Every day we would meet on the swings and he would push me and call me pretty…” she squeezed your neck hard. She let out a muffled cry and a cough.

Instantly you rub her back, this was a memory she didn’t want to recall.

“You don’t have to tell me,” you whispered into her ear with the delicate tone. It was soft and soothing, one you mastered long ago when you soothed Pumpkin and Pound to sleep.

“It’s ok, I-I want to tell you.” She took in a deep breath and exhaled through her mouth. “Well he was still sleeping around. I didn’t hate or care for that matter. It was normal, but he told me I was special. Out of all the mares he liked me the most… then he told me he loved me.”

You felt a tear hit you back, and you held her tightly.

“One night, he snuck over to my house. I was still a filly, I wasn’t allowed to date stallions for a few more years. I-I really liked him and he said he loved me… so I gave him my everything…”

A minute passed and several more tears hit the center of your back.

“My father came in and caught us… Carrot was labeled a pedofillyer. So I pleaded with my father and he gave me and Carrot two choices. Either break up or never see each other again. Or get married. It was an obvious choice, or so I thought. Carrot wanted to break up and I wanted marriage. Well, a week later Carrot proposed to me.”

“Well at least he changed his mind.”

Cup sighed, “He didn’t, my dad changed his mind for him. Two years later I was able to marry and we did. I was the happiest mare in Equestria. A year later though, one night he got too drunk, he told me that he was forced into it and if he didn’t my dad would have gelded him.”

You mouth dropped as you felt a sharp pinch in your nether-region.

You rubbed her back, taking great care as you hand caressed the soft tissue beneath her warm fur coat. You didn’t sympathize with Carrot at all, for lack of a better term. All he wanted was to have his cake and eat it too.

“So what do we do now?” You say as you nestle against her warm fur. “I am sure he is going to go tell all his bar buddies, and they’ll come here with pitchforks and hammers to attempt to save you from the vile human.”

She snorted, turned slightly and gave you a peck on the cheek. “That is never going to happen.  Marriage is sacred in these parts, I’m sure his bar buddies have a mare or four waiting for them at home.  If they tried to come back on you, they would be getting the worst of it.”

Your heart sank and your head fell back against the wall. It was itching away in the back of your mind. No matter how you could have talked your way out of it. Maybe, you could have gotten away with the milking. The fact still remained though, you had sex with Cup Cake.

You were no better than Carrot Cake.

“Maybe I deserve it.” You said honestly. “I am sure if I told things to Pinkie she wouldn’t be mad at you. She may be very open when it comes to sex,” Except anal, you grumbled on the inside. In which she is like Fort Knox. “But I know she won’t be so forgiving with me when she finds out what we did.”

You both let out a long ‘hmm’.  Neither of you could disagree with that statement. Pinkie Pie may have been opened minded, if she was consulted first, she may have been into it. But you did not consult her first, you cheated. Both good and bad reasons backed you in the act.

Cup Cake smiled and held you tighter. “Well, maybe. She did say I could. She left me a note, at the very bottom it ask me to take care of all your needs.” She brushed her pink curly tail against your loins. “I think if we swing it just right maybe she would believe that.”

“I highly doubt that would work. Oh, yes Pinkie, I couldn’t last a week without you so Cup generously offered herself to sooth my loins.” You wish she could see your face right now; you couldn’t roll your eyes any harder.

“Maybe say it was an accident?”

You shot back immediacy, “Sorry Pinkie, my penis accidentally fell into her vagina. Yeah, that might work.” You laced every word with sarcasm.

Cup chuckled, “Well, I don’t know if it would work, you’re not a stallion, but you could tell her you were trying to expand your herd.” Her face went crestfallen. “She might not believe that though, since it’s me and all…”

You twist her in place and let her pudgy rump plop right down on your groin. You still cradled her back with both arms interlocking right above her tail.

“What are you talking about? Why wouldn’t she believe it?”

“Well… you know… two foals that need a father. That and going with my physical wants… not all stallions really care if one of the herd is… satisfied. Then there is the fact that… I’m not the prettiest mare in the world... And I’m f—“

You lightly press your lips to hers, cutting her off. She wiggles around on your lap for a bit, her tail started twitching backing for rapidly like an excited filly. It was a nice feeling—soft and sweet— pulling away with a loud pop.

“Stop downgrading yourself.” You look at her straight in the eye, “You’re very beautiful.” You said honestly. You wanted to comfort her more, this may have been the first time she really had a guy care for her. Your relationship wasn’t platonic anymore, it was… different.

You didn’t speak out of lust, even though her ass felt amazing resting on your groin. Thankfully you could control the lustful beast. He had shown his skill and got a gold metal. Part of him wanted to do it again though.

She felt it, not the member she was riding only a few minutes before. In her chest, it was tiny, almost surreal. It felt like a dream, false and hollow at first. She had heard it before, but this felt different as the words connected.

Accepted, no, that was not the word for it. It was more blissful, whimsical, jolly even. She could feel it inside her, burning, in the center of her chest. It was a very familiar feeling. She just couldn’t put her hoof on it. She liked it though, a lot.

She took a deep breath and focused, “Thank you,” she whispered. “I’m glad that somepony still thinks of me as beautiful, even if you’re not a pony.” She lightly tapped your shoulder, “How about we continue this conversation in the bedroom.”

She wanted to see something, to feel it again.

You swallowed and smiled, although, this felt different from before. You give her a quick peck and lift her into the air. Either she didn’t notice or didn’t care that you picked her up. She was smiling, not sheepishly or seductively.

It was a smile that reminded you of Pinkie.

“You know,” you say looking back. “That does sound like a fun idea. I would love to, in fact, but not now.” Although you still continued to her bedroom.

“Why not,” she said questioningly.

“Well…” you couldn’t place it. Why not, you just got done doing it. It would take very little to awaken the beast and show her what for. Something inside you though, said no, to wait. It wasn’t the right time. “I know it sounds weird but… let’s wait a few hours before we go again.”

You’re not going to lie to yourself; you already knew you were up shit creek without a paddle. Least you could do is wait a little while. Not only that though, you felt a little light headed.

“I also want to put a band-aid or something on this cut.” You point to the small gash above your forehead. The wound had sealed shut and the blood on your cheek had dried. Passing the threshold of the room you place her down on the bed.

“How did you know I was tired?” she questioned, seriously perplexed.

You shrug. Although, you knew how many times Pinkie fell asleep right away after intercourse, it was something to go on at least.

“Just a hunch,” you stand near the doorway. “So how about this, after you get rested up, I’ll take you and the twins out to eat.” You send her a playful smile. “After we get back, we will see what happens.”

Cup Cake felt it again; it was harder, more pronounced. It felt like a sharp pinch in the center of her chest.. “That… sounds lovely.” She said half heartedly. She hadn’t gone out to eat in years. No matter how great it sounds though.

More than anything she didn’t want you to leave her side.

“Great,” you say, “I’ll go take a quick shower and go get the twins some lunch. You enjoy your nap.” You close the door letting her bask in the evening sun.

There she lay, staring back at the door. Waiting, hoping for you to come back, all faded when the sound of the cascading water drifted to her ears. She sighs, her hoof pressed over her rapidly beating heart.

She had a fear, a terrifying fear that was building inside of her now. It was that warm fuzzy feeling that was spreading like wildfire throughout her body. Although, the thought of what it was made the veins in her forelegs turn to ice.

She turned to her side, grappling onto a body pillow. It was a small comfort; she wanted to hold something or rather someone. Closing her eyes she tried her best to drift off to sleep.

“I can’t be,” she murmured, “there is no way… it’s probably just gas.” With that she fell asleep.

Saturday Evening: Golden Oaks Library

Pissed off, enraged, spiteful and yellow. All these words described the stallion to the letter as he bounded straight for the library door. Carrot Cake was fuming; as he trotted down the street other ponies only looked on and avoided him.

He had gotten a bad reputation; once it had gotten around that he cheated on his spouse. A holy and sacred event in Equestria, where one stallion completely dedicates themselves to one single mare.  Now, no mare would so much as even look at him.

He enjoyed it at first; being chosen to service a princess got him a chance to join her Royal Harem.  A top elite sect of stallions whose only job in the world is to bed with the princesses. Although, he did not perform to her standards and was taken out of the candidacy.

Not to mention it was the fourth highest paying job in the entire Kingdom. To be chosen for a princess’s harem meant a life of leisure, wealth and status. Although there was one thing Carrot never mentioned which would have booted him from bedding Celestia in the first place.

You can’t be married. A tiny detail Carrot forgot to mention.

Now though, he was out for blood, metaphorically speaking. After being picked up by his throat like a rag doll and tossed aside in his own home, catching his wife, fucking some… thing that wasn’t even a pony. No, he wouldn’t let this stand.

He knew that, given time, Cup Cake would come to her senses. All mares have a fire that needs to be put out given enough time. All he had to do is wait for her to go into heat. He would refuse her advances and make her wait and suffer. Given enough time, a mare would do anything to squelch her flame. Even forgive a cheating husband.

This was Carrot Cake’s foolproof plan.

Although now there was a hitch, a wrinkle, a spot of black ink on the pages of the book that Carrot so masterfully devised.  Cup Cake was having sex, in his house, with a human.

Carrot Cake, though, knew a few things. He knew the ways of the world and he knew what strings to pull to get this thorn out of his side. He would then go back to his old plan and wait for Cup to come crawling back to him.

Carrot Cake thumped on the doors to the library several times. Impatient, he had places to be.

The door creaked  open and slammed shut as Ponyville’s residential dragon pressed himself against the frame of the door. He was breathing hard and his body was covered in scratches and on his tail was Gummy, gumming away on his scales.

“Oh, hey Mr. Cake,” Spike said breathing far harder than he should. “What brings you hear today. Please don’t say a book.”

Carrot set down a purple envelope. “I was wondering if you could send this letter to Twilight for me. It’s a matter of grave importance.”

Spike raised a brow, “Well I can send it to Celestia and she can send it to Twilight.”

Carrot rolled his eyes, “Sure just hurry up about it. I need to talk to my lawyer.” Spike nodded as he sent a small blast of green flame igniting the purple envelope.

Saturday: Late Evening

You were breathing hard as you finally finished cleaning the back kitchen.  It took far too long to do this by yourself. The pots and pans were covered in gunk and sugar, the floor had been a complete disaster, now though you could eat off of it.

The front kitchen however was a complete mystery to you. It was almost spotless when you walked in ready to finish the wedding cake that Carrot started. However, it was already done. The entire area was almost immaculate, like no one even baked anything there. There it stood, at the end of the counter, a completed wedding cake with all the trimmings.

Not to mention how many times you ran back upstairs to check on the twins. Pumpkin wanted attention and Pound kept pooping himself.  Not to mention neither of them would eat until they had their milk. Thankfully, there was a large vat of it that was fresh squeezed.

What was worse was the dizzy spells that you have been getting almost the entire time. Brief moments where you almost fell over, or your legs almost gave out on you. Finally though, you were almost done. The last bit was the front of the house, the register, counters, tables, and floor; and by far the simplest job of the entire bakery.

You were looking forward to eating out; you wanted to get done fast and go wake Cup up so you could leave. Everything that had happened today was providing quite a good distraction to everything that was weighing on your mind.

You sigh, “Que, Sera, Sera. What will be, will be.” You sing to yourself as you work. “The future's not ours to see. Que Sera, Sera. What will be, will be.” You hum along to the chorus in your head.

Work went considerably faster to an old tune. It wasn’t your favorite. It just was an old song that gotten stuck in your head from some old movie you’d seen long ago.  Your voice echoed around the store, the thin walls letting almost all the sound bounce around freely.

“You sing to yourself a lot don’t you? Is that a song from your world?”

You were in the middle of mopping; the evening sun was peeking through the store windows. You look up with the light shining in your face.

You turn to face the voice, “Yeah, just some nameless song- HOLY JESUS FUCK!” Your jaw nearly unhinges itself from your face. The mop you were using fell to the floor, bouncing twice before becoming still.

Cup was standing on the far left side of the stairs. Her eyes were half lidded and the smirk on her face meant this was no accident.  Her mane was straightened and combed off to the side covering her left eye. On each hoof stretching up to her calves were dark velvet socks. Attached to those were velvet laced straps, pressed against her fur connecting to a pair of pink lace panties.

It was almost a little childish, but you were not complaining, her tail was tied back and a bright pink bow.

“Don’t you like it?” she said, her voice was soft. She didn’t sound like herself she sound like… Sweetie Bell, but a little deeper. Was she trying to sound like a filly?

You tried to elicit a response, but you couldn’t form words at that moment. All blood flow was being redirected. By some miracle though, you were able to nod.

Cup walks towards you, it was an even pace. In your mind however it was in slow motion, her coat sparkled in the evening sun. Her panties were tight against her fur, but were covering her plump rump. The sway in her hips looked deliberate. She was shaking that fine piece of ass on purpose.

She knew what you liked.

What caught you off guard wasn’t that though, even though you were looking. It was her eyes, they looked like large pools of pure pink, innocent to the ways of the world. The way she was looking up at you sparked a very dirty pleasure in the back of your mind.

You wanted to ask ‘why’ but something in the back of your mind told you to not be stupid. Just roll with it.

“You have very beautiful eyes.” You were able to muster out. You breath shuddered out unable to look away from her pink pupils. You wanted to look at that ass. But no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t look away from her gorgeous eyes.

“You really think so?” she said excitedly. If you were not looking at a full grown mare you would have sworn she was a little filly. “I think you’re pretty cute yourself…” she looked away slightly.

“What about the twins,” you say weakly, desperately trying to hold onto control of your basic motor functions.

“Asleep, I gave them some goat milk. They will be out for hours.”

Well you did say in a few hours, you didn’t want to be a liar.

“So…” she said bashfully, “I have been a bad filly. I should be punished so I can be a good little filly again. You like it when I’m a good little filly right?” She twisted around and now gave you view of her ass. The pink bow blocked part of her flank as it swayed back and forth.

You followed her without question, although, you did have plenty of questions. The first one was where she’d gotten that outfit. You had done her laundry tons of times. You knew she had frilly sensual things, but nothing compared to the number she was wearing right now.  

You always did like when Pinkie wore outfits.  Sometimes she would want you to role-play. Rarely would you two mimic animals, well other animals. You always gave into her requests. Once in awhile she would even want you to call her by different names.

Once though you accidently called her Fluttershy. You always did have a soft spot for the innocent pegasus. All she did was turn and smile at you and called you Big Mac.

You took it as a compliment.

Cup Cake stopped behind the counter; placing her front set of hooves she lifted herself onto the counter. The only thing you could look at was the lines in her fur where the lace panties wrapped around her rump.

She looks at you in the face, standing on top on the counter still not being able to reach your height. She can feel it, the warm pinching in her chest. She could feel her heart racing inside her chest. Although the burning in her loins was much more prevalent.

“K-kiss me.” She said weakly, her voice betraying the way she felt. She put a single hoof on your chest and leaned up as far as she could. Her eyes were pleading for attention.

You take your hand and brush away the pink bangs. Her eyes never leave yours and you index finger tilts her head ever so slightly. Cup Cake’s heart sped up as she felt the tip of your tongue brushing against her lips.  She opened them, meeting the tip of your tongue with her own, sliding them lightly over one another. Her tongue was flatter and wider than yours was.

Your kiss breaks early as a familiar rush overcomes you. You staggered back for a moment as your vision begins to blur. Shaking your head you regain your composure.

Cup Cake chuckles, “I didn’t know I was that good of a kisser or are you just trying to flatter me?” she send you a playful wink.

You send her a reassuring smile. That one was the worst all day. Taking a deep breath you try sending as much oxygen throughout your body as possible. Even giving your hands a few shakes.

“After this is all through…” Cup Cake said with a smile. “I don’t know the formalities on how to ask or even if I have to ask I never was in one before…” she looked away. “Since it probably won’t work, but you been so nice…” she looked back at you. “If I could join your herd…”

Frankly you were stumped. This was a loaded gun you were looking down. A hot, sexy loaded gun with a fine ass and very good taste in panties.  You knew a herd was just a loosely based harem. Something you would like to have but in reality knew you never could get. Why would you want one? You had Pinkie, which was a harem in itself for all the tricks she had.

You didn’t give it much thought, you knew full well no matter how long or convincing you had to be with yourself. You knew you would say yes. This was the hair slim chance to still be with Pinkie and give Cup Cake the tender care she had been forced to miss out on.

If it did succeed you were a hero, sort of, maybe a lucky pervert would be a better description.  You just had two things on your mind, keep both Pinkie and Cup Cake happy. All else didn’t matter.

“Cup I would be honored if you joined my harem of one.” You try not to laugh for how cheesy that sounded.

She smiled, “It’s a herd, not a harem.” Cup corrected.

You roll your eyes, “Same diff—“you cut yourself off as Cup turns around and raises her hind quarters into the air. Your eyes follow it like a cat hunting down the red light of a laser pointer. You could see the wet spot where her soft mound was being covered up. A small trickle of precum was sliding down her left hind leg.

Then it hit you, she want to have sex right there, on top of the front counter. Even now there were ponies passing by the front windows. If one would look in, nothing would stop them from watching. The front door was locked at least.  Cup had gotten very bold in a very short amount of time.

You liked that.

“Please,” she says. But she keeps bobbing her butt up and down, smooshing her big, soft ass onto your dick over and over again.

Fuck it; this was far too hot to pass on.

You unbutton your jeans as you let gravity take over letting them fall to the floor.  Now all that was stopping you from penetrating her pulsating pussy was two thin layers of cloth. Well your black briefs didn’t last long; you almost just ripped them off. Next to go was you shirt; you didn’t need it for anything.

Your cock was enjoying the smooth feeling of her lace silk rubbing down your shaft. Almost subconsciously, you move your hands to her butt and take a handful in each palm. It was almost painful as she slowly glided up and down your cock. There was a small straight line of your precum that went from the base of her tail to the growing wet mound.

“Hey,” she says over her shoulder, looking at you but not ceasing her movement. “When I’m a good filly again you will rub my tummy right? Pweeze?”

“I will rub your tummy all damn night.” You said getting caught in the moment, you were losing yourself in the euphoric bliss.

“Remember you promised, “ she was using her innocent filly voice. She clenched her cheeks and grabs onto your dick.  You let out a moan as she hot dogged your cock.  

You loved the feeling of her rubbing her big soft buns on your cock. On a counter where if anyone decide just to turn their head would catch you in the act. It gave you a dirty thrill. The heat emanating from her pussy was nearly scorching your boys as they were slathered in her juices.

However, neither of you were going to get off this way. Those panties had to go, they did their job.

You use both of your hands to slide down the delicate wet pair of pristine panties. They fall off easily enough; there was the soft swollen marehood. Now free from its captivity, it was eagerly dripping onto the counter.

Her front legs crumpled as she tried to elevate her backside higher into the air. “Make me a good little filly again.”

You didn’t know what she did to make her think she was a bad filly, but if it got her this wet, you hoped she would be bad more often.

You aim for the target, almost completely locked on to the wanting puffy pussy. Her little button was waiting eagerly for your shaft. Easing in, you press against the soft mound.

“No!” she said, leaning forward. Your cock falls out of place, your raise a brow as she looks back at you. “I’m a bad filly, that spot is for good fillies only.” She leaned back and taking careful aim she pressed she tiny rosebud against the head of your dick.

You were pretty sure your heart stopped.  There was now no blood flow to anything but the main show. You open your mouth to speak but you didn’t want to question it. She wanted it in the ass. You felt like singing happy birthday.

“Figuratively speaking if I did parley your plump posterior profusely. Would I be able to void my verocious vender into your vixen?”

She turned back to you, “What?”

You shake your head, “Never mind I’ll just roll with it, do you have any lube?”

“You need lube to put it into my butt?” She questioned.

“Yes…” you answer back slowly. “I could go without but I wouldn’t recommend that.”

You could see her blushing, “Carrot never liked my butt. He wouldn’t touch it no matter how many times I tried. He said it was dirty. I’ve never done it before. “

Yup, you made it official, today was now your birthday. Virgin ass, an untapped mine that desperately needed some digging. One thing came to mind though. If she had never had anal sex before, why did she follow along yesterday when you were trying to convince her Carrot missed her.

You pondered on the possibility for the moment and just shook your head. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, or ass.  You didn’t have any anal lube. Pinkie always refused anal and never told you why. You however were in a kitchen, filled with substitutes.

“I’m going to find some lube.” She nodded eagerly following your direction.

Reluctantly you pulled away from the mounting position leaving the mare hooves down flank up on the front counter. You open up the first counter, where you know you would find some kind of lubrication.

There was a small treasure trove of things that would qualify, vegetable oil, olive oil, pecan oil, Crisco, butter nut oil, butter, margarine and many more to choose from. None however were right for the moment. This was a first timer, if the grease was to slick you cock would just slide in and not get any arousal. If it was too hard, it would cause her discomfort. You didn’t want either of those.

Your face cracked a smile as you scanned the bottom shelf. It was the perfect item, just the right amount of slick and grip. There even was an applicator.

You grabbed the cake frosting.

“You ready my bad little filly?” you asked as you make you way back to your original position.

“I’ve been waiting; make me a good filly, please.”  She was nearly begging. You didn’t want to waste any valuable time with which you could peruse her insides with you member.

“This may feel a little weird but I need you to trust me ok?” You said reassuring her. The ass was your holy ground. You could get her off better there and even mounting that sweet peach of hers.

“I-I trust you,” she said. She wanted to give you something special. It wasn’t her flower, which was gone long ago. This was the next best thing. Her delicate rose bud.

You pop the cap on the icing bag; the room temperature frosting was already working its way out of the plastic nozzle. You put a large dollop onto you throbbing member. You smile as the coarse material coats your cock.

Next was her tiny bud, it was your first piece of ass since you came to this world. Using your expertise as a baker’s apprentice, you take the bag in both hands and ease it into the small cavity.

“Mmmhhh, please…” Cup Cake abruptly moaned, “don’t tease me like that… it’s too sensitive, I can’t bear it…”

You fulfill her wish as you squeeze down on the bag.

She lets out a small moan. “Mmhhh, perfect, Sweetie” she sighed, and turned her head just enough to wink at you.  “Sorry to make you wait, love…I’m all yours now…”

“Oh man, this has got to be a dream…” You fill her ass with around 3/4 of the bag. Pulling out the nozzle you decide to coat the entire ring in frosting, just like you would a real cup cake.

You wanted to make a frosted cake pun, but even you were too good for that.

You examine your work; you were tempted to lick the frosting off if she asked for it. Rim jobs were not high on your list of things you liked to do. Given the right one though, like say a baker’s ex-wife. You would glad make an exception if she asked, she didn’t ask.

In hindsight though this was a perfect moment as you aimed your chocolate frosting coated cock right above her wanting hole. You just wished it wasn’t chocolate frosting; it looked a little too realistic. You steel yourself and grit your teeth as you push forward, slowly, and carefully.

She squirmed and moaned softly at every stroke, at every slow brush of your member as it pushed inside. The pressure became too much for her body to resist any longer. The tight hole opened wide and allowed you entrance.

To say there wasn’t pain or that she immediately liked the feeling of something probing up the wrong hole would have been a lie; it was uncomfortable and it hurt. Being filled with a warm throbbing dick that she could handle, yet now, she felt oddly complete.

The sensations only seemed to grow stronger as you pushed forward and sunk further into her inch by agonizing inch, and by the time their hips met and you were inside her all the way down to where your shaft ended, she was moaning desperately for more even as tears of pain stung at her eyes.

“Are you ok?” you ask, you knew you had to be gentle. The coarse texture of the frosting may have been too much for her to handle.

Cup Cake flushed and nodded.  “Y-yeah… I’m great… it hurts, but… I’m getting used to it… I want to be your good little filly.”

You grit your teeth as you slow down, it was more for your sake than hers. You wanted to make her feel comfortable, but with your speed and the coarse texture covering you cock, you were going to cum. You want this to last and for her to love it.

You pull yourself almost all the way out, and then bury yourself again, slowly. Each thrust earning you a deep moan from your lover.

“It… feels… like you're… in my stomach. Please, take me, all of me.” Her voice cracks as her breathing becomes more erratic. Now she was starting to push back, you were losing control of the situation.

You loved every fucking second.

Globs of frosting started to ball up around your member, her ass was now trying to absorb your cock. You try your hardest to hold on. You want to show her more, you want her to cum. She was nearing but that this rate you would go before her.

You finally give in; you were going to use your trump card.

It wasn’t magic or some super sex move handed down to you by god. You were just going to start putting your REAL weight into each thrust, simple but very effective.

Each stroke was calculated, each hard thrust pushing deeper against her velvet walls. You could see the momentum reverberate throughout her body. The tender shock wave of pleasure rippled through her like a stick striking a bell.

Cup Cake’s eyes turned to pins as the anal penetrator slammed against her walls. Every muscle in her body started to burn, ache, but in a good way. What she could feel though, was the wave. Every sinew, joint, bone and foremost her pussy cried for release.

Her hips were already twitching, her front hooves were unsteadily clutching the sides of the countertop, and her cries were climbing in pitch in a way that made it obvious how close she was.

Your eyes shut as the final thrust sent you both over the edge. Her ass clenched around your cock as it ate your load. Cup Cake lets out a squeal as you shoot off inside her, firing the first spray of your cum deep in her ass while it twitches and spasms around your shaft.

Her back legs finally give out as they fall to the counter with a loud plop. Every fiber of her being was strained. All she could do was smile; she could feel your cum burning away inside her ass. It felt good, it felt so good.  Too good.  Every shot was a flaming dagger, every fresh burst pushed the line between pleasure and pain in a way even her ex-husband could have never done.

There was so much, so much of it, filling every spare corner of her channel that wasn’t occupied by your cock.


You were both pulled down from your orgasmic bliss. It was a sound that was ingrained in both your and Cup Cakes memory. You didn’t want to look; there was no possible way that anyone could be there.  The front door was locked; you locked it yourself that morning.

You could see it in the corner of your eye though, it was a familiar purple coat. There was no possible way she should have been there though. She didn’t have a key either.

Slowly you turn your head, hoping it was a trick of the light. No, there was a pony there, a mare in fact. She was the twins babysitter, which made no sense since no one called her.

Then it hit you like a train, Carrot Cake. He ran away out the front door.


That though was a mere passing thought. You were now looking Down at Mrs. Cheerilee while you were balls deep inside Cup Cake ass. The counter covered in frosting and Cup’s cum.

It kind of felt like a Mexican standoff with you being the only one with a gun.

“Mrs. Cheerilee, “ Cup said nervously, “ You here early, I thought I told you seven.”

Whether she ignored it or didn’t care she was looking right at you. Inside one of her best friends. You knew you had to do something or say something.

“Ok… this” You gestured to Cup Cake. “Is precisely how it looks.”

Slowly you ease out of Cup, earning you one long moan from the mare. It oddly made a loud sucking-slurping sound that rang throughout the entire room. Being that only thing that was holding her up now missing, her ass fell to the countertop.

Her ass now could do it job, the foreign object was now removed and so its work began. Like a cool stream your cum slid out of her anal cavity and onto the counter. Although some missed and fell to the floor with a loud thump.

Cup Cake didn’t know how to keep the foreign material inside her.

Mrs. Cheerilee didn’t notice that, nope, she was looking dead straight on your cock the moment she heard the pop sound of you exiting Cup. She couldn’t look away.

You look at her and back to you cock. Several times this happened like your was nodding in agreement with something.

“I swear to god,” You say with dead seriousness in your voice. “that is chocolate frosting.”

She finally said something, you saw her mouth open. You just couldn’t hear it. Everything in your vision started to mesh together like a child playing with paint. Next was your breathing, it felt like it had gotten caught in your throat.

Your legs crumpled under the strain of you weight. Your knees both hit the ground hard, the wooden floor board nearly snapped under the stain as you fell. The very last thing you saw before your vision completely faded was a lone golden bit under the counter.

Saturday: Ponyville Hospital: Midnight


It was the first sound that had pierced the still body.  


Next was the warm feeling, the ever flowing feeling of blood coursing throughout the body.  A twitch, a tiny twitch in the lower left haunch, muscles started to spark as feelings came back throughout the body.


A new feeling, it was connected to the shoulder blade as the tendons  and retracted throughout the body.  The nerves were next; it was a lot quicker than the rest, as the body almost finished its self-diagnostic.


Finally a mixture of blood, and nerves activated the final part of the body, the brain. A final check, as  the message shot to the body, and then back to the brain, finally waking the mind, as the consciousness worked its way to the surface.


Your eyes flutter open, only to fall shut again.  Breathing came next, almost a forgotten act that was supposed to come naturally, the first few were magical.  As the oxygen worked its way into the blood, sending small bits of energy throughout your body.


Again, your eyes open, your mind connects to the visions before you as you piece together the information in your mind. Lumpy white space, the noxious odor of sterilizer filled the room.


You eased his head to the side, there was a window, stainless steel and the sun was long gone into the night sky.


You took a breath as he pushed yourself up on the bed, yup this is a hospital.


Your eye twitched as you finally grew tired of the monograph machine telling you that you weren’t  dead. You braced your foreleg a little as you gently pulled the IV out of the tissue. This was not a smart move, as the machine dead lined sending an alarm that sounded throughout the hall.


In ten seconds flat, a mare nurse with a light blue coat burst into the room, as her eyes met yours.

“Hey.” Was all you said before the mare trotted to his side, turning off the machine.  She looked like she was staring at an alien.

“Welcome to the land of the living.” She cooed in a rehearsed nurse voice. She smelled of wild lilies, mixed with pomegranate.

“Thank you, what time is it?” You said as you tried to pry yourself on the side of the bed, only for the nurse to try to push you back down.

“Don’t move yet, the medicine is still working.” She said. You wave a hand dismissively, you felt great, tired, but great. “Sir, may I ask, do you have any allergies to any metals?”

You raise a brow, very curious to that statement, “Yes, I’m allergic to silver.”

“Ah, a werewolf” she said chuckling at her own joke, one she had doubtlessly heard thousands of times before.  “When you were brought here you were given a physical. We found a shard of metal inside that gash on your forehead. As your blood started to coagulate, it was mixed with the metal, releasing a very weak neurotoxin into your system. I bet you were having moments of weakness or dizziness before you fainted.”

You nodded. It sounded legit.

“Well don’t worry, the medicine in you system will have you up in running no time, Frost.”

You raise a brow “Frost?”

She blushed as she covered her mouth with her hoof. “I err, never mind. If you would like I can send Cup in. She is in the waiting room right now.”

You really did feel great you twisted to the side of the bed. Oddly enough you were wearing your favorite green cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. You thought a hospital gown would be what you wear wearing. Even your favorite— worn out— Nike sneakers were sitting next to the bed.

“I'll meet her myself. “ you say as you easily slip on your shoes. She protested that you remain in bed. You don’t listen. You liked hospitals, felt really comfortable in them too. What you didn’t like were the bills, spending the night meant green.

Err gold… gold you didn’t have.

You follow the mare down the hall, every mare you passed gave you a passing glance. Some pleasant, some confused, and some that confused you. You could hear the whispers though, the word ‘frost’ kept coming up.

“Hey Rosethorn,” a booming stallions voice called from down the hall. “You check what situation in Frost’s room yet?”

The mare froze in place; you were stand just inches behind her. A stallion popped his head out from the side of the desk, “Did you hear me Rosethorn… oh.” He looked at you dead in the face. “Evening,..” he said nervously, “Would you be checking out for the evening?”

“Yes.” You said bluntly. You’re not dumb even you could tell they were call you Frost. “My name is not Frost, by the way.” You add.

The stallion nearly crumpled under your gaze. “Sorry, I didn’t start it I swear. I heard one of the EMT’s call you Frost.”

“EMT?” you question.

“It’s the unicorn team they sent to get you. Your oddly heavy, it took four unicorns just to lift you in the air. When you got here… you were covered in frosting…” the stallion petered off.

“Ahh I see,” you said mildly annoyed. “Where are my release papers?”

The stallion slips a single white document your way. On it were all the details of your arrival along with a promised note signed by Cup Cake and Mrs. Cheerilee. Right at the bottom, right where your name was supposed to go, you sign, Frost.

You make your way to the waiting room, there was only one soul in the entire room. Cup Cake was resting on a blue lounge chair.  You could only smile, she was drooling. You didn’t have the heart to wake her up. After what you put her through today.

Carefully you pick her up; one arm hold her back, the other her bum. She was sleeping soundly like a child in your arms. As you made your way out you got a few odd stares.

One mare even asked if you were really herding. Cup Cake was a part of your herd now.

So you nodded.

You hoped that is what she meant by it. The courting and social norms of pony culture still eluded you for the most part.

The night air was not a welcomed feeling with you only wearing a white shirt. It was lucky that from the top of the hill where the hospital was, it was a clear shot to the bakery.

“You don’t have to carry me you know, I can walk.” Cup said.

“I want to.” You really did, she deserved to be papered. Also, on the selfish side, she was keeping your arms warm.

You walked in silence, both of you enjoying each other’s warmth.

“I was scared,” she said after a few minutes. “I thought I hurt you.”

You couldn’t help but chuckle, “Right, you and what army? “

She didn’t laugh, she only squeezed you harder. “Don’t leave me again.”

“I won’t.” You say, “You're a part of my harem now or herd or whatever you call it.”

“Harems are for royalty, unless you’re a prince and didn’t tell anyone.” She lightly sighed.

The thought intrigued you; you very well could lie and say you were. No one would know or prove otherwise. But, you didn’t like lying for pointless reasons.

“So why was Mrs. Cheerilee there?” you said as you continued on.

Cup Cake sign, “I called her, I wanted just you and me to go out for dinner. I know it was selfish. I just wanted to be alone with you is all. I didn’t think she would show up two hours early."

You had questions, far more important ones than that. You could feel her heartbeat beating fast against your chest. Your was thumping just as hard. You had known Cup for as long as you known Pinkie. Everything that happened today was more or less just fun, erotic and confusing.

Those could wait for tomorrow though. The world will still turn still turn; it won’t stop just because you want it too.

You push open the door to the bakery, still carrying Cup in your arms. She was holding on to you tightly, she was also lost in her own thoughts.  You climb the stairs quietly, slowly each step as you make it to the top.

Both you and Cup let out a small chuckle as you looked on the couch where you serviced Cup. There was Mrs. Cheerilee, sleeping when she was supposed to be watching the twins. Neither of you cared though, she was an excellent babysitter, if she was sleeping that meant the twins were sleeping.

You were about to head to Cup's room to lay her down.

“Stop,” Cup said. You followed suit, she sounded serious.

“What is it?” you ask.

She shivered slightly, pulling herself against closer against you.  “C-can I sleep with you tonight?”  She leaned back a bit, enough to look you in the eyes.  She was smiling, but her eyes were a bit misty.

You knew your relationship would change. Right from the very start, you passed the threshold for that long ago however.

“You don’t snore do you?” you said with a smirk.

She blushed, “No…” her eyes shifted back and forth nervously.

You snort as you turn towards her room “Sure, just don’t kick me out of the bed in the middle of the night.” You nuzzle her mane a little as she got the answer she wanted.

“Wait,” she shifted nervously in your arms, “C-can you put me down… I need to pee.”

“Ahh,” is all you say as you set her down on the floor. “I’ll be in your room.” You said as you shuffled into her bedchamber.

Cup went off to the upstairs bathroom, taking great care not to wake the sleeping schoolmare. Seeing Cheerilee passed out wasn’t anything new. She was an even heavier drinker than Cup on card night. Lyra and Bon-Bon were the light weights.

She pushed past the door and passed the facilities all together.  She looked at herself in the mirror, a ritual her cousin taught when she was under stress.

She look into her own eyes, no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t lie to herself any longer.

“He is Pinkie’s special human. Not yours, you shouldn’t be feeling this way. It’s not fair to Pinkie.”

However, unlike the hundreds of times she had done this before, Whether it was from Carrot Cake or some other forces or internal during ‘that time’. This time, her reflection talked back.

“So what if it is?” her reflection spoke.

Cup fell back against the wall in wide eyed terror. Her heart nearly exploded as a copy of her pressed through the mirror. It made no sound as her doppelganger sat down on the sink basin.

“Don’t be scared, I didn’t come here for any mischief.” She rolled her eyes. “Well maybe a little.”

“W-what are you?” Cup Cake stammered as she tried to merge herself with the wall behind her.

The doppelganger raised a brow, and then she looked at herself and clicked her tongue in irritation. “Damn mirrors, you know next time I’ll just go through the shower head or something.”

There was a small flash that encompassed the entire room. Cup Cake stood there staring down the beady red eyes of the local draconequus, Discord. Although, he was smaller, much smaller. Not standing seven inches tall on the basin of the sink.

“Better?” he questioned.

Cup Cake nodded obediently. “How did you get here?”

Discord deadpanned, “Well if you must know. When a male draconequus and a female draconequus love each other—“

“What are you doing in my house, here? I thought you were in Canterlot being reformed.” Cup Cake forced out.

Discord mulled over the thought for a bit.

“Boredom, I guess would be the primary reason. Canterlot was fun for a while but then I heard a rumor of a human of all things. So I decided to check it out, I must say I’m kind of disappointed” He said with a frown.

”There is nothing wrong with him!” Cup Cake said in your defense, “He is a very nice guy.”

Discord snapped his claw and point right at Cup Cake. “That is precisely why I am disappointed. He is a nice guy. I have seen hundreds upon thousands of those in my time. Do you know what happens to nice guys? Everything good, everything falls in their favor no matter the situation.”

Discord sighed as he sat on the sink’s edge, “Just this once I was hoping for something new, I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw you two on the kitchen counter.”

Cup Cakes whole body went scarlet, “Y-you saw that?”

“Saw that? I recorded it!” Discord said with a smirk, he could see the blood draining from her face. “Just kidding, I’m a reformed Draconequus now. No more naughty fun for me.”

“What are you going to do, I know you’re not sitting here talking to me just for the fun of it.” Cup Said making the best attempt to steel her nerves.

“Well I was interested in that human, at first. Now that I know he is a nice guy I lost interest. Why I am talking to you now is because I have taken interest in you.”

Cup Cake blushed, “I’m not interested.”

Discord rolled his eyes, “Not like that. Watching your life play out is like watching one of those cheesy soap operas on television.  You entertained me so I’m going to give you a warning I learned the hard way.”

Cup Cake swallowed, “What is it?”

“That human will never truly love you or Pinkie or anypony that crosses it’s path. My recommendation is that both you and Pinkie purge that thing from your lives. Cross species love can never truly exist.” Cup Cake could feel the chill in the air as he spoke.

Cup Cake knew he was wrong, love conquered all. It was one of founding building blocks of her nation even.

“That’s a load of crap, I'll prove you wrong. I know he loves me and Pinkie” Cup Cake said reassuring her beliefs.

“Ah, so you admit you love him? Well at least you can admit it to yourself now,” Discord said with a smirk. Discord snapped his fingers and vanished from sight. “You interest me, I'll be watching you from now on. I won’t interfere; I want my point to be proven. Love between species can never happen.”

With that the echo of his voice faded to nothingness. Cup Cake stood there for a time, she couldn’t see him but she felt his ever pressing glare. Even now she was being watched.

Now her day was officially far too long for her. Soon after preparing herself for bed she went back to her room.  There you were, waiting patiently. You were lying down on the far side of the bed covered up. The blankets were drawn back as you motioned for her to lay next to you

Cup failed to suppress a smile as she nearly galloped to your side. The warm feeling that filled her chest now flowed like a soothing river inside her. She cuddled against your bare chest, enjoying the feeling of your smooth skin against her fur.

You let her rest he head against your left arm and pull her closer with your right. You looked like a really weird conjoined puzzle piece. No words were spoken between you two. None were needed.

It only took moments for her to fall asleep in your arms. She looked just like Pinkie when she was sleeping. Her soft breath tickled your ear as she blew softly into your hair.

Soon you would follow her into the land of dreams. As you finally relaxed and the pains and the worries of the day slipped away.

And then she snored in your ear.