Coming Soon to a Computer Screen Near You... "Pony Version"

by TimeTravelinc

The Ultimate Sci-Fi Adventure

Coming Soon to a Computer Screen Near You…

Do you remember the past? The screen is dark, suddenly a familiar voice is heard. "Are we back?" "To be honest Marty, I have no idea." a young voice said. Suddenly, it shows a mall parking lot. BOOM! BOOM! BA-WHOOSH! Screech!
Sitting in the lot, is a smoking 1960 VW Beetle with Time Machine parts sitting in front of a boy.
Screen turns black again.

Do you remember the future? "You know I'm surprised to see you again." another familiar but older voice said. Ring! Ring! "Hello?" "Doc, is that you?" The man is confused at what he just heard. "Who are you? How did you get this number? The telephone doesn't even work." he says, then scans it with his penlight. Wirrrr…
Screen turns black again.

Do you remember…
That silence will fall? "Ha, ha! Time Travel is Impossible. Next you'll be telling me that the crazy brown pony isn't a pony." a unicorn colt with purple hair said.* VWOORP! VWOORP!* Soon, a blue box starts to fade from behind him. He turns around, seeing that in shock, while his sister gives him a smug smile. Soon, it turns to black again, with a thud. "Actually, yes. He isn't a pony… He's a Time Lord."

(Cue "Rock Version of "BTTF Theme")
"Doc!" Marty yells, as he falls to his doom. Alt. Doc drives his Beetle away from the explosion.

"What if the alien invasion wasn't a hoax?" Tennessee said. The Doctor claps his hands and rubs them. "Well then, we better get to work." Eleven said. "I agree." Ten said.

Marty stands over his own grave in shock. "No, no please god no!" "I'm afraid this isn't your 1985 Martin." James says, then activates the timer. The portal activates surprising Marty. Quinn soon jumps in, followed by James showing him.

"We have to re-create the event so we can avoid a Time Paradox." The Entertainment Critic said. He then opens the door to his TARDIS, and climbs out of it. He ties the kite string to the light, then tosses the kite into the air. It reveals the TARDIS about 900 ft. off the ground in a lightning storm.

Buckaroo floors it as he gets chased by a Dalek Ship. "Hang on kid, this is gonna get intense." "Like it hasn't" Marty said. Buckaroo then turns on the thruster, boosting the car to its optimal speed. It shoots at the car, but misses. He turns on the laser, which aims for a wall, then the car disappears. The ship gets blown up, and soon it ends with it showing a title.

The Ultimate Sci-Fi Adventure!

Coming Soon.