A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

15 - Winter Wrap Up!

A Bad Day to Fish
By - FlashKenshin77 & Captain Binoculars

Chapter 15 - Winter Wrap Up!

The sun rose brightly that morning, the pegasi hard at work clearing the sky. The birds chirped as they enjoyed the warm rays and flew around the cottage. Mike slept peacefully on the couch, until somepony started to poke him. "Mike… Mike, it's time to get up…"
"Five more minutes…" He muttered, trying to get comfy again.
Fluttershy sighed and poked him again. "Mike… I hate to wake you but we have to get going… Winter Wrap Up is waiting."
He waved a hoof. "It can wait for a few more minutes…"
She poked him again. "No it can't…" She said quietly.
He groaned and opened an eye to look at her; she was looking at him with a small smile. He instantly leaned forward, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. "Sorry…" He blushed.
"Don’t worry but we have to get going now." She turned around and grabbed a brown vest before hoofing it to him.
He looked at it briefly before struggling to put it on. "What's this?"
"It shows what group you're helping." She was already wearing her own.
"Oh…" He hopped off the couch. "Sorry for making you wait."
She shook her head. "It's ok, it wasn’t that long…"
He coughed. "Are you ready?" He asked, trotting over to the door and opened it for her. She smiled and walked after him, waiting for him as he shut the door and they made their way into town. Twilight was already addressing the collected ponies as he looked for his friend's distinctive blob, which was nowhere to be found.
"So everypony, you all know what to do. We all want to make room for spring, so do your best!" Twilight shouted as the crowd cheered as they dispersed.
He looked at Fluttershy. "So what do we do; go up and get animals?"
She grabbed his hoof and led him towards the park. "Yes… it's our job to wake them for spring."
He followed her. "So what do you want me to do?"
She pointed her hoof behind him. "You can go wake the mice and moles."
He mock saluted. "Will do ma'am."
She giggled. "If you need me, I'll be over here waking the squirrels." She said, hugging him before hovering away.
He waved at her departing form before sighing. "This can't be too bad." He muttered, wandering towards where she had pointed and gently stuck his head in a hole in the ground. A family of mice was cuddled together, sleeping peacefully.
He gently prodded one with his snout. "Rise and shine sleepy mice." He whispered, pulling his head out of their home. They all yawned and slowly climbed out of the hole, looking at him with big eyes. He smiled. "Good morning sleepy heads…" He pulled a little wedge of cheese out of one of the vest pockets. "Here you go." He hoofed it to them.
They stared at the piece before they all grabbed it and started nibbling on it. He smiled at them before waving goodbye and moving onto the next hole and repeating the process.
As he continued to work, he could faintly hear the ponies singing something, but he wasn’t paying close enough attention to hear the lyrics. He continued to wake the mice and hoof them a small breakfast of cheese. He heard Fluttershy singing as he looked over, her bright yellow coat stood out against the green blur of the forest. She sounded so beautiful, he almost sat there and watched but a squeak of a mouse looking for breakfast interrupted his thoughts.


Martin was helping AJ dig holes to plant the seeds, his pants covered in dirt from the knee down. He sighed as the ponies were singing. He looked over as AJ sung and smiled at him, her emerald eyes sparkling in the sunlight. He blushed and faintly sang with her, not knowing the lyrics. She nodded after giving him a brief hug before she wandered away to help somepony remove some snow.


Hours later, the town had successfully wrapped up winter. Martin and Mike stood next to each other, seeing Ponyville in a new light.
Mike's fur and mane were covered in feathers, twigs, and leaves. "Well, that wasn’t too hard."
Martin chuckled. "That be true, I enjoyed it."
Mike stretched and squinted at his human friend. "Looks like your arm finally healed."
Martin raised his eyebrow. "All thanks to Twilight."
"When did she learn that?"
"To be honest, she tried to ease the pain. At first she made all the bones in my arm vanish, and then she made them come back, along with a whole other bunch of weird stuff." He said.
Mike chuckled. "Harry Potter style?"
"Oh yeah, just must worse."
"Oh dear, that must've been fun."
He finally looked at Mike. "Did you hit your head when I wasn’t looking? You were there you dum dum."
Mike paused and blushed, embarrassed. "I was… hehe, I mustn't been paying attention."
Martin stared blankly at his blind friend. "You were laughing at me you vegetable."
Something clicked before Mike started laughing. "Oh yeah, now I remember! That was pretty funny." He snickered.
"I think I'll have to punch ya in the face."
Mike raised an eyebrow. "By all means, go for it."
Martin chuckled. "You know I wouldn’t… or would I?"
Mike chuckled and looked at the town as its ponies gathered around the Sugarcube Corner entrance. "With you, who knows…"
Martin sighed. "Come on mate, let's get to the Sugarcube Corner and get this party out of the way." He said, walking towards the towering cupcake.
Mike trotted after him. "Huh… with all the snow gone, I can kinda see again."
"It's grand aye?"
Mike nodded as they walked silently towards the gathering ponies. "Don’t you have work today at the smithy?"
"Nah, he's at Sugarcube Corner as well."
"That’s good; don’t wanna miss your first day of work."
"But I'll have to be there tomorrow morning."
"Ah… what time do you work till?" Mike paused. "I wonder if I can get a job too…" He muttered.
"Seven till four I think, I should ask him when I see him."
Mike laughed. "Yeah, that’s a good idear." They walked inside and the entire place was overrun with ponies. His eyes grew wide and his chest tightened. "That’s… that’s a lot of ponies." He said in a small voice.
Martin took a deep breath. "I'm no fan either…" He began making his way through the crowd, feeling more and more uncomfortable. He faintly saw AJ's Stetson hat buried in the sea of ponies.
Mike stared at the ponies from the door, watching as they seem to stretch and the noise overloaded him, his ears lying flat against his head.
Martin quickly made his way to AJ. "Hey AJ." He said, his eyes shifting wildly around the room.
She smiled as she saw him. "How was yer first Winter Wrap Up?" She asked, noticing he was panicking.
He slowly started to shake. "Um… good I guess."
She grabbed his hand. "Remember, just the two of us. Take a few deep breaths." He nodded, taking several breaths as she passed him a cup of water. "Drink and imagine us on the farm, bucking apples. The wide open spaces."
He took a sip of the water, trying to gather his wits again; he quickly drained the glass.
"Ya feeling better?"
He slowly nodded, not breaking eye contact, the calm emerald pools keeping him from having a panic attack.
"Good, Ah'm glad yer doing a little better. Just take a seat and breathe, Ah'll be right here."
He looked around and sat down on the nearest chair, closing his eyes as he tried to relax.
She rubbed his back a little. "Open fields were Winona can run 'round and the birds can chirp away." She took his empty glass. "Ah'll go get ya another glass." She said, walking away.
He opened his eyes and watched her walk away before he turned to the crowd. He could feel the walls closing in again as his breathing increased.
She came back a moment later, holding another glassed and hoofed it to him. "Isn't that Mike standin' in the doorway?" She asked.
He chugged the glass and looked at the door, seeing Mike slowly backing out of the sugary store.
Mike stood there, backing away slowly as it felt someone had put his chest in a vice and was slowly tightening it. The world was a mix of pretty pastel colors, ponies a lot longer than they should have been. "Must… get… away…" He muttered, leaving the door way.
Martin quickly got and tumbled on the spot, the world spinning. He staggered up right and began to tumble through the crowd.
"Martin, where are ya going?" AJ asked, following him.
He tumbled across the room, accidently knocking into ponies and tables. "The hay's wrong with ya Martin?" Forge asked, grabbing his arm after Martin tumbled into him.
Martin's head spun. "I… I-uh…" He stuttered.
"He needs some air." AJ said, grabbing his other hand pulled him away from Forge as she led him outside again. Once they were outside, she led him to the bench they sat at last time and he took big gulps of air as AJ gently patted his back.
"What would I do without you?" He asked, smiling at her.
She smiled. "Probably pass out in front of all those ponies."
"Yeah… thanks."
She nodded. "So you wanna stay out here?"
He sighed. "I'm really no fan of big parties…"
"Yeah but the party was for another successful Winter Wrap Up."
He frowned. "Sorry."
"It's ok, no harm done." She reassured him.
He pulled her into a hug, knocking her hat off. "Thanks AJ."
She chuckled and patted him on the back. "It's what friends do fer each other right?" He let her go and picked up the Stetson and put it back where it belongs. She smiled. "Thank ya kindly." He smiled back, tilting his own Stetson hat. "We're matching hat buddies." She giggled, pushing his to match hers.
He blushed. "You know what… I wanna go back inside." He said, getting up. She smiled and followed him. Once inside, he looked around, AJ right next to him.
"See, it's not that bad?" She asked, looking at him.
"Not as long as you're by my side."
She blushed. "That’s mighty kind of ya ta say." She nervously kicked the floor.
"Come on AJ, ya wanna grab a drink?" He asked.
"S-sure…" She said, walking over to the counter with him.
They walked to the counter and he grabbed two glasses before filling them up. He gave one to AJ. "To us hat buddies." He said, raising his glass towards her.
She clanked her glass against his before taking a big gulp. He emptied his glass enjoying the cool drink. "It's a good drink, aye?"
She nodded. "One of the best." She smiled. "It's always better when ya drink with someone."
He nodded, refilling his glass. "Want some more?"
"Sure, don’t mind if Ah do." She said, motioning with her glass.
As he went to fill hers up, a quiet voice interrupted. "Um… Martin… I hate to be rude and interrupt…" Fluttershy whispered.
He turned his head to face the pegasus after refilling AJ's glass. "Yes?"
She shuffled her hooves. "Oh I hate to be rude… but um… have you seen Michael lately? I haven't seen him since we split up this morning…"
He thought for a moment before smacking his forehead. "Course, he left didn’t he?" He looked at AJ.
She nodded. "Yeah, Ah saw him stagger away… not that long ago…" She raised a hoof to her chin.
He glanced back at Fluttershy. "He might be outside taking a walk or something."
"I looked outside and didn’t see him…" She looked at the floor. "I'm sorry to disturb you." She said, slowly walking away.
He gently grabbed her shoulder. "Did you check at the library or your cottage?"
She flinched and sunk low when he grabbed her before slowly nodding her head. "I couldn't find him but I probably missed him." She squeaked.
He let go of her and she walked away. "Hmm… I wonder where he is…"
"Ah got no idea." AJ paused. "He wouldn’t be stupid enough ta go back into the Everfree Forest would he?" She asked, staring at him.
"Nah… he wouldn’t do that again."
She seemed relieved. "That’s good or Ah'd have ta hit him upside the head if he did."
He swished the liquid in his glass. "Same here." He took a big sip before looking back at AJ.
"Should we go help her find him?" She asked.
He looked at the door. "Guess it wouldn't hurt, aye?"
She nodded and got up as they quickly left. "Ah'll take the left side of town and you take the right and we'll meet back in a few hours?"
He nodded. "Sounds good, see ya later!" He quickly made his way through the mostly empty streets. Looking through the town was extremely easy when everypony was at Sugarcube Corner.
He asked everypony he ran into in town and they shook their head, haven't seen him. An hour later, he sighed as he made his way back to Sugarcube Corner, hoping AJ had better luck when he saw a light gray tail sticking out of a shaking bush. He paused and quietly made his way towards it.
The bush suddenly stopped shaking and the tail slipped inside.
He stared at the spot where the tail was. "You really think I didn’t see that?"
"If I said yes…" Mike whispered from inside the bush.
Martin rolled his eyes and stuck his arm into the bush, grabbing Mike's tail. "Got you, ya little bugger."
Mike grabbed the root of the bush and pulled himself back inside. "But it's not safe out there!" He yelled.
Martin pulled again. "What are you talking about?"
"Too many ponies! Too much!" Mike yelled, holding the root tighter.
Martin looked around, not a pony in sight. "There ain't anypony here!"
"Inside…" Mike whispered.
"…You mean the party?"
Martin sighed. "You don’t have to go back if you don’t wanna… but hiding in a BUSH won't make it any better!!"
AJ and Fluttershy trotted towards them as they heard the shouting. They saw the tug of war and AJ tried not to laugh.
"Yes it will! If I can't see them, they can't see me! And if I hide in a bush, I don’t exist." Mike whispered.
"Bloody hell… I've had enough of this bull crap." Martin grabbed the back of Mike's neck and pulled him out of the bush.
Mike's wings flapped, hitting him in the face as he struggled against the human. He gagged as Martin accidently started to close his windpipe. "Put me down god damn it!"
Martin chuckled. "You know, you being a pony makes you so much weaker than me…"
Mike continued to struggle. "Why are you doing this, I thought we were friends?"
Martin laughed. "We are, but hiding won't make it any better… and Fluttershy has been looking for you."
Mike paused in mid-struggle. "She has?" He let his wings lay at his sides and his hooves dangle.
After a moment, Martin put him on the ground. "Sorry mate but yeah, she has."
Mike took one last glance at the bush before he sighed. "Where is she?"
Martin glanced over his shoulder and Fluttershy looking on with a terrified expression. "Over there." He said, moving out of the way.
Mike saw her and blushed. "I'm an idiot, aren't I?"
Mike sighed again and walked over to her, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry for making you worry…" He muttered, kicking at the ground.
She gently wrapped her hooves around his neck. "It's ok, I'm just glad you weren't hurt again."
He nuzzled her neck. "I'm still sorry…"
She kissed his cheek, her face red. "We don’t have to go back to the party." She said quietly.
He smiled. "Thanks… but if you wanna go, I'll go to the party."
AJ stealthily made her way over to Martin's side and motioned him to follow her and they left the pegasi alone.
"I-I don’t like parties… I'd rather go somewhere quiet…" Fluttershy said, grabbing his hoof and he grabbed it tightly.
"Then lead the way." She smiled as she led them towards the park.


AJ sighed. "What was his problem?"
"The same as me, he really doesn’t like big crowds in small rooms."
"Oh but ta hide in a bush?" She stifled a laugh. "That’s a new one."
"You always have to assume something like that from him." He chuckled as they walked through town. "Where are we going anyways?"
She smiled. "To the farm; it’s the best place to watch the sun set, besides the park."
He nearly tripped, surprised. "Oh… th-that sounds nice."
She laughed. "It's one of the best things to watch at the farm and it makes it better when ya have some company."
He blushed as the farm came into view on the horizon.


The sun was just giving way to the night; Luna's moon slowly gaining ethereal ground against Celestia's sun. The sky itself showed the battle, the muted hues of orange entangled in midnight blue. The stars could faintly be seen, twinkling against the sunset.
Fluttershy rested her head on Mike's shoulder. "It's so peaceful here, isn't it?" She asked, watching the view.
He nodded, gently resting his head on hers. "It's wonderful here..." He could feel her heartbeat increase. "I'm glad I could share this with you Flutters…" He muttered, his face turning red.
She looked up at him; her face also had a pink tint. "I-I'm just happy as you are…" She whispered, snuggling up closer to him.
He bent down and nuzzled her cheek. "I have something to admit…" He whispered.
They parted and Fluttershy looked at him, her aqua eyes taking over his world. "Y-yes?" She asked.
His face turned redder. "You're going to laugh at me… but y-you’re the first girl that I've w-watched the sunset with…" He whispered, looking away.
She kissed him on the cheek. "I-I'm happy th-that you chose to share this mo-moment with me." She whispered, wrapping her hooves around his neck.
He smiled, returning the hug and pulling her closer. He focused on moving a wing and it hesitantly covered her back. "I'm glad I could."
She leaned back and smiled, slowly moving her face closer. He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips as the sun finally gave way to the moon, completely disappearing.


AJ sighed, leaning against Martin's shoulder. "Ah've always admired how Princess Celestia can control the sun." She said, glancing at her human companion.
His face was bright red as they watched the sun. "Um… yeah…"
"What's wrong?" She asked as she leaned forward and put a hoof against his cheek. "Yer face is bright red."
He blushed even more. "Um…"
"I-it's just that…" He stuttered.
She leaned closer, her eyes sparkling in the little light. "Yes?"
He looked at her, the Stetson throwing his face into shadow as he gulped. "It's just that… I really like you AJ."
She blinked. "Well ya, yer a really good friend…"
"That’s not what I meant. I mean, I like you… a lot." He said, his face brighter than before.
She looked at him, her eyes squinting. "Like… a lot, a lot?"
He looked at her. "I… I think of you more than just a friend."
She blushed, her freckles standing out. "Well… thank ya kindly…" She leaned up and nuzzled his cheek. "Ah'm lookin' forward ta tomorra…"
"M-me too." He said, looking into her eyes.
"AJ!" Somepony yelled as they looked over to see a small yellow filly with a long red mane and a pink bow that he recognized as Applebloom come closer. Applebloom jumped and down excitedly. "Happy Winter Wrap Up! Did ya see us helpin' with the animals?" She asked AJ.
He faintly frowned as the filly interrupted their moment.
AJ laughed. "Ah did… Ah saw you three causing mischief for Fluttershy." She said as Applebloom blushed. "Now why don’t cha run inside and we'll talk more 'bout it over dinner."
Applebloom nodded. "Ok! See ya later AJ! Bye Martin!" She said, hopping away.
Martin looked at the moon.
"It's pretty, ain't it?" AJ asked, looking at the moon as she took her Stetson hat off and shook her mane. He glanced at her as her mane went everywhere. "What?" She asked.
He quickly looked back at the moon. "N-nothing…"
She laughed. "Whatever ya say cowboy." She sighed and rested her back on the grass. "Ah could just fall asleep here…" She yawned.
He looked at the cloudless sky. "Doesn’t look like it's gonna rain."
"Nope, Dash said it'll be clear skies till next week."
He looked at the moon again. "I wonder what Fluttershy and Mike are up to…"
"No idear but Ah'm glad they're together. She deserves ta be happy…" She said, watching the stars twinkle.
He nodded. "Everyone does."
She looked over at him. "Are you?"
He looked back, smiling. "I couldn’t be happier."
She blushed. "Why ain't Ah surprised?"
He chuckled as he looked back at the moon. "Have any ponies been to the moon before?"
"Eeyup but not by choice; Princess Celestia had ta banish her sister to the moon when she was corrupted by Nightmare Night."
"Oh… that is sad."
"Yeah, she was stuck there for a thousand years all by herself."
He looked at the cowpony in shock. "A thousand years… what did she do to deserve that?"
"She tried take over Equestria and make it eternal night."
He looked at the moon, trying to imagine being stuck there for a thousand years all by himself. "Wow…"
"Yeah." She smiled sadly. "If it wasn’t fer her returning a few months ago, Ah would've never met Twilight."
"At least something good happened." There was silence as they stared at the night sky. "Do you know what time it is?"
She was silent as she stared at the moon. "Ah'd say getting close ta nine or so. Why?"
"I have to go to work tomorrow morning." He replied.
She yawned and stretched, getting off the ground. "Same here; Ah got chores ta do before the date." She looked at him. "Well it's been a nice day, g'night Martin." She said, walking up to him and nuzzled his arm.
He smiled and got up. "See you tomorrow, aye?"
She smiled and nodded as she made her way towards the main house. "Eeyup!"
He watched her disappear into the main house before he sighed and headed back to the library.