A Warrior’s Peace
Chapter 2: Out of Place
By Ricardo Nixon
“ Aw shucks Applejack, I didn’t mean it that way.” Shouted the big red draft pony as he chased his sister through Sweet Apple Acres.
“ Why you, thinkn’ I cant buck worth a nuthin’, I’ll show you what fer’.” Yelled
Applejack as she ran deeper and deeper into the sprawling orchard before her. “ I’ll show you I’m the best Applebucker in Ponyville, nah, in all of Equestria!”
She ran, for what seemed and hour before she reached the tallest tree in Sweet Apple Acres, “ Imma show ya what real Applebuckin’ is about!” Before Big Macintosh had a chance to apologize Applejack drove her hooves into the trunk of the behemoth tree in front of her.
“ Sweet Celestia.” Muttered Big Mac as he diverted his attention away from his now smirking sister onto the torrent of apples looming overhead.
“Uh…. oh.” Sputtered Applejack before her brother jumped over her to shield her from the rapidly descending tsunami of fruit. CRAAASH
Big Mac emerged from the pile of red fruit with nothing worse than a bruise or two and found his sister shooting him and apologetically nervous smile. “ Mah bad.”
“ Sorry bout’ jokin’ round wichya’ like that sis, it was darn right mean o’ me ta act like that.”
“Don’t ya worry bout it, I was actin’ as silly as a filly runnin, away like thaaaaaa.!!!”
The ground shook as the pair spun in place to find the massive tree in front of them shaking, the bark chipping off to reveal an ancient wooden door.
“ Whadya’ reckon we should do Big Mac?”, whimpered A.J. trying to keep her composure.
“I figure we best leave it be Applejack.”
“ Nosense, I am not gon’ let a tree scare me outta mah boots!” quipped Applejack, trying to hide her shaking hooves. “ I’ts Probably nothiiiiiiinn!” A.J. stammered as the tree’s massive door collapsed, nearly crushing her, to reveal a nearly desiccated figure sitting inside the trunk of the behemoth tree.
Brown robes hung loosely around the strange figure’s legs making his upper body visible to the two equines. The pair took a step closer only to be shocked to find, under the wooden beads hanging around it’s neck a multitude of vines tapping directly into its chest, apparently pumping some fluid into it.
“ Big Mac, we should go get Fluttershy, she’ll know how ta treat this… thing.”
“ Uh Applejack, we got bigger things to worry about.” Said the red Draft pony, backing up into his sister.
“ Waddaya goin’ on about naw, Big Mac.” Said Applejack, turning around to find a pack of timberwolves closing in on the two.
“ When in the hay did they..” stammered A.J.
“ They prolly, heard someone buck this big ol’ tree.” Quipped Big Mac looking as Applejack with disappointment while taking a defensive stance in front of her. “ I’ll holdem’ back, y’all get yourself outta here.”
“ Big Mac! I can help ya..”
“ Nnnnope. Not this time.” He said, shooting her an ominous glance.
The pack leader took position in the center a few feet from Big mac… he was within pouncing distance. Four other wolves surrounded the pair, two on each side of their leader, forcing them to back up into the tree. The leader dropped it weight onto its hind legs, preparing to sink his fangs into the red draft pony’s meaty neck. Big Mac too fortified his stance, preparing to take the brunt of the assault and hoping that he could buck and escape route for his sister. The timberwolf had waited long enough, his dinner was within reach and it was time to dig in. He vaulted through the air as Big Mac raised his muscled shoulder to avoid a fatal injury.
The chief timberwolf squealed as Green blood began to drip from his throat. He gagged and flailed his legs in the air as an unfamiliar appendage crushed the life out of his windpipe. Big Mac, hearing the unexpected cries he relaxed and took in the figure in front of him. The dried out, bony figure he had felt pity for not a moment ago now stood before him, a tower of muscle and sinew, gray waist-legnth hair hanging wildy. It took a moment for the otherwise attentive pony to take in the sight before him. This… creature, was holding a full-grown alpha-timberwolf a good two feet off of the floor.
“ Appleja..” Big Mac turned to find his sister staring at the empty tree where this being previously sat, the vines torn and spewing a strange fluid onto the ground.
Big Mac took another look at the figure who now had his left eye locked onto the work horse.
“ Get back…” Jack whispered, yet his voice hit Big Mac with the percussion of a Sonic Rainboom.
Jack put his right leg behind his left and in one motion tossed the clawing beast into the leftmost timberwolf, resulting in a rolling cloud of squeals followed by limped paw-steps back into the brush.
The three remaining timberwolves checked themselves. They formed up and took position around the human, one at his face and the other two at his 4 o’ clock and 8 o’ clock.
Jack let out a familiar sullen sigh and prepared himself. At once every muscled in his body flexed, giving him the form of a man in a suit of sinuous armor before relaxing into a loose yet still explosive form. In a burst of movement he took a step forward with his left causing the timberwolf ahead of him to brace himself before he spun his body around and blindsided the wolf on his left with the heel of his right foot, sending him reeling.
“ Duck…” said Jack
Big Mac drew a puzzeled look, still trying to process the events before him.
The two remaining wolves assaulted Jack, taking this opportunity to launch a surprise attack. The first wolve’s jowls met air, barely missing the end of the warrior’s grey “mane”. The second however was in for something much worse. His lunge was meth with a soft brown cloth; Jack enveloped him in his robe like a burlap sack before tossing him at the tree, narrowly missing the pair of on looking equines.
The beast dropped as the figure in front of the remaining Timberwolf shook out his his cloak and placed it back on, feeding his arms through the loose-hanging sleeves.
The final Timberwolf mustered up all its courage, it was a proud creature but had just made a grave miscalculation. It backed up, making some distance between him and the creature that had just dispatched the rest of his pack. Jack stood motionless awaiting the creature’s final decision. It accelerated as the human and in 2 seconds had taken to the air, putting all of its energy into its hind legs to propel it at its prey.
“ Watch out!!!” yelled Applejack before her jaw dropped at what she had just witnessed. The airborne predator made contact with the unknown creature before them, and then passed through him.
Both combatants stood in place, the wind whistling through Jack’s now silvery hair before. The proud timberwolf released its breath and collapsed.
Applejack stood motionless, grateful yet horrified at the scene that lay before her, tears welling up in her eyes. “ How couldya just kill em’!”
Jack didn’t aacknowledge her.
“ How couldya even..” cried the orange pony before being interrupted by her brother.
“ Look..” he pointed with his hoof.
All the three of the remaining timberwolves lay on the floor, battered, beaten, and, to Applejack’s surprise still breathing.
“H-h-how… did… ya..” Applejack stammered seeing this creature’s handiwork before turning to face him and dropping dead silent. He had turned to face her and she saw him face to face. He looked what she thought was young, but his hair was as silvery as Granny Smith’s. His chest was adorned with a few large scars, most of which seemed to be of a single sweep with some sharp object. His face was serene, a beard as gray as his hair framed his jawline and upper lip, albeit much much shorter. But what struck Applejack the most were his eyes, they were calm, as if he had everything figured out, yet at the same time sad. Coming from his eyes were two streams of what appeared dried salt, tracing a path from his eyes onto his beard, almost as if he was… crying.
“ Who-o-o, W-what are you.” Stammered Big Macintosh, retaking his stand in front of Applejack.
The orange pony pushed him aside and approached the figure in front of her. “ Y’all right?”
Jack didn’t respond
“Well we’re mighty grateful for whatya’ diiiiid!!” Applejack was interrupted by the loud thud of Jack’s face making acquaintances with the ground below.
“ What is it?” said a stern feminine voice
“I don’t know”
“Where did it come from?”
“I Don’t know”
“What do you know?!”
“ I Don’t’ Know… eeep.”
“Calm down Twahlight, Fluttershy doesn’t know anymore that what I told y’all” spurted a familiar mare
“ I’m sorry” said a tender little voice
Jack was awake and aware but thought it would be best to take in some information as to his whereabouts.
“How fast did you say he took out those timberwolves!?” shouted a brash voice
“Not now! Rainbow Dash, I have to make sense of this before Celestia catches wind of it. “ said the stern, yet friendly voice with a hint of anxiety.
“ Applejack, darling, you said it was wearing the beads around its neck?” Said a voice much more refined than the others, putting emphasis on her vowels.
“ Sure was, but ah don’t see how that has anything to do with this here situation.”
“ It has everything to do with the situation! Accessories Au Naturale! How did I not think of this before!”
“ Gosh darn it Rarity now y’alls just being silly.”
“ Speaking of silly, where’s Pinkie Pie?” questioned the one Jack guessed was Twilight
“ That would be my fault dear.” Sighed Rarity, “I told her Applejack found ‘somepony’ in Sweet Apple Acres instead of ‘something’ and she darted off to Sugarcube Corner.”
“ We’d best go calm her down, we wouldn’t want this gettin’ around before we know what we’re handling. Fluttershy, will you be alright with this guy?” inquired Applejack
“I’m sure he won’t be any trouble, you guys go find Pinkie, you can leave him to me.”
“ Alright then, see ya later Fluttershy!”
Jack heard the sound of hooves trotting out the door to what he deduced was this Fluttershy’s home. As the sound of trotting hooves faded from earshot, the gentle clip-clop of a single pony became ever so slightly louder.
“Poor thing. You were all banged up weren’t you. But now you’re aaaaall better” sang Fluttershy in delicate, musical voice.
“Thank you.”
Jack thought this would be as good a time as any to reveal himself.
“ Whuuuaaa!!” Fluttershy yelped as she swooped behind a table, utilizing Angel as a makeshift shield, trusting much more in his strength then her own.
“ It’s alright.” He stood up causing Fluttershy to cower further, draping her pink mane over her face in a subconscious attempt to feel safe. Feeling a sharp pain shoot through his midsection Jack sat back down, clutching his stomach with his right hand.
“ Oh.. you shouldn’t stand… not yet at least, you’re still in pretty bead shape Mr… what is your name?” said Fluttershy, her caring instinct taking over, forcing her out of her fortress.
Jack looked up taking in the entire situation. As far as he could tell he was in a strange world where, apparently the dominant species are… candy… colored… ponies, and he was engaging one in conversation. “Jack, my name is Jack, and who might I ask you are.” Jack already knew her name from his eavesdropping, but felt it would be best to be friendly with the kind pony that had possibly saved his life.
“ Oh, I’m fluttersh…..” Fluttershy backed up, her shyness getting the best of her again.
“I’m sorry miss, I didn’t quite catch that.” Jack wondered why he had just called a pony “miss” but quickly wrote it off.
“I’m Flutter…” Said Fluttershy, once again hiding behind her soft, pink mane.
Jack chuckled and decided to defuse the situation. “ Don’t worry miss Fluttershy, I’d be pretty scared too if something like me showed up out of nowhere.”
“ It’s quite alright… what… are you.” Fluttershy lost confidence when she realized how one might take offense.
Jack found it cute how the little yellow Pegasus was so timid. “ I… I’m a human. And, if you don’t mind, may I ask where I am?” Jack spoke, remembering that he knew very little about his current situation.
“ Oh, this is Ponyville, all the ponies here are really nice. There’s Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, oh and who could forget Pinkie Pie.”
“ Thank you very much miss Fluttershy..”
“ Oh.. Fluttershy is just fine.” Said the crème colored pony, blushing slightly.
“ My apologies, so, Fluttershy, I don’t mean to be sound ungrateful, but I think I should be leaving, I don’t want to cause any complications.” Said Jack, standing up and putting on his brown cloak.
“No!... I mean, you should stay.. here in ponyville I mean. I’m sure the other ponies would love to meet you..EEEP!” Fluttershy was interrupted once more by Angel Bunny thumped on her hoof holding his silver pocket watch. “ Oh… we should get going Mr.Jack, I’m sure everything will be fine once you explain to Twilight what’s happened.”
“ Are you sure, I wouldn’t want to..um.. frighten anybody. I doubt most ponies have seen a human. And that Twilight sounded pretty concerned.” Jack said with a tone of shock, scratching his head, having just noticed that his short black hair had become a long grey “Mane”.
“Oh don’t you worry about that..” Said Fluttershy, becoming progressively more comfortable with the human before her. “All kinds of critters live here and get along fine, Earth ponies, Pegasi like me, unicorns, and even a dragon!” Fluttershy found herself thinking, “ How could such a nice….Human.. have done what Applejack told me?”
Jack placed his wooden meditation beads back around his neck as he stood up and straightened his robes, fashioning a tunic to accommodate the warm weather. He still wasn’t sure of where, or more specifically, when he was, but he decided it’s best to just go with the flow. “In that case, let us go.” Jack took his first step forward and found his knees buckling under him. He was about to collapse before a certain yellow Pegasus flew under his arm, keeping him up. Jack shot Fluttershy a grateful look as he hobbled out the door with the graceful, pink-maned Pegasus flapping her wings, keeping his right side up. The pair made their way towards town, Jack thinking, “ I’m still not sure what’s going on here… but.” As he looked over his right shoulder to the smiling, singing, cream colored Pegasus flapping her wings under his arm. “ At least I made a friend.”